Why I Became A Contractor: Part 15

Wednesday, 14th Of March 2018. 2000 Hours.

On that evening, the air was blowing coldly. The streets of the town were empty. The wind blew the dust and the falling leaves from the ground. Here I was, standing with my rifle in my hands.

Several things considered, this was the first solo job. I wanted to make sure that I prepared everything properly. The detonator was in my hands and the mine has been placed inside a plastic bag in the middle of the street that would probably be mistaken for another trash.

The cars were approaching from the south direction. Three of them to be exact. All were painted black. They were the cars of government officials. They were my prey for tonight. I would do this efficiently.


The anti-tank mines exploded. The first car was thrown off the road and the other cars stopped. The bodyguards opened the window of their cars. Little did they knew, I was one step ahead.