Why I Became A Contractor: Part 16

Charlie kept thinking. She looked at the building with full might. She wanted to know whether she knew the target or not since there were many bearded guys around the perimeter and not every one of them could be considered as hostile.

"Lima, look for anyone who is using their hand to text something. I will look at it." Charlie grabbed her phone and pressed the Numpad. I looked at the people at that banquet. Six of the bearded men were holding a phone and only three of them were accepting a call at the same time.

"Well, Charlie. We have a situation here." The target was hard to be found since none of them were actually had any meaningful special characteristics according to your guidance.

"Left-handed caller. Do you see it?" Charlie asked.

I moved my scope multiple times. I saw a person that was using his left hand to hold his phone. It could be the target. I put a bullet inside the chamber of the anti-material rifle.