Why I Became A Contractor: Part 17

Saturday, 17th Of March 2018. 1800 Hours. An Abattoir.

Where I was standing, dead bodies were around me. They were full of bullet holes left by the bullets that I shot from my rifle. if I counted it, there were six dead bodies waiting to be ground inside of that abattoir.

I flipped the lever on the wall and the machine started running and grinding those pile of dead bodies. I simply walked away from those piles. The machine produced ground meat which should be automatically packaged in the morning.

I opened the door of that abattoir. More dead bodies in that room. One of them had a chainsaw attached to its head. The body was located right beside the machine that cut the meat into smaller pieces.

I stabbed the head of that person with the chainsaw since he attacked me with that thing. I also shot him with my SCAR-H. What did I do in the abattoir if one might ask? I was doing a favor for Charlie in removing one of the mafias in the city.