Why I Became A Contractor: Part 19

Wednesday, 1st of April 2020. 1400 Hours.

April fool. I hope that I don't get fooled today, well, I didn't even think anyone would bother to fool me. I didn't have any friends after all. All I had was money in my pocket and claymore in my bag.

Well, one person had tried to fool me to go to the bathroom, but I had known that they would probably put a bucket on top of the bathroom door so I didn't even go there.

Well, Farl hadn't pulled another mischievous action on me, yet. Well, Sissy was still silent after the assassination I had done. I would say that nobody would mess around with me anymore.

I packed my bag and went back home. I put the books inside of my bag. I got out of school with my bag on my shoulder. The government agents were still there. Sissy must be very paranoid after what had happened to her. Well, I would let her be, I wouldn't stop until I caught and killed them all.