Why I Became A Contractor: Part 20

Charlie was dropped at a hill near the mansion that Sissy owned. She acted as the whole team lookout. She held a Barrett M82A3 in her hands as she walked to the hill overlooking the whole mansion. Besides the rifle, she also brought a big laser designator.

"If you see anything dangerous. Mark is using the designator!" Echo said.

"Okie Dokie." Charlie walked into the greenery with the rifle on her back. He also carried the huge laser designator in his left hand.

There was a loud noise coming from the sky. It was the MQ-9 drone that was lent to us to give Sissy a scary treatment, courtesy of the contractors. Echo parked the car two blocks away from the mansion.

The main reason why he parked the car that far from the mansion was that he was waiting for Charlie to reach the top of the hill and start marking the high-value target with the laser designator.