Why I Became A Contractor: Part 26

Wednesday, 11th of April 2018. The Bunker. 0600 Hours.

The alarm clock on my phone rang, marking the end of my sleep and the end of the night. As I looked at my phone, the clock showed that the time was six in the morning. I stood from the bed. I yawned loudly.

I picked up my SCAR-H and walked outside of the room. The hallway was empty as usual and it looked like that someone had walked to the kitchen. There were traces of boots in that hallway. That person was most likely to be Aline since she was the only one in the bunker right now.

I walked to the cafeteria and I smelled the smell of food in the morning. In the kitchen, I saw her frying some rice inside of the pan. The table where she wanted to eat was set for her. One could see two napkins and two glasses on that table. I sat down at that table and I put my SCAR-H on my side.