Why I Became A Contractor: Part 27

Wednesday, 11th of April 2018. 18th Floor of an Apartment Building. 0900 Hours.

The soft carpet floor was stepped by my shoes. People were walking past me in the hallway of that apartment building. The hallway of that apartment building was large and was decorated with plants and red carpet.

There was pop music playing from the speakers of that hallway. The song was taken from a local radio station which played pop and jazz song 24/7. The room in which Julian was located was on the very edge of that apartment building. It would take some time to arrive at that location. The people that I was looking for was anyone that looked Mexican and those who might be his guard.

I didn't wear any face concealment. I only wore that tactical jacket and cargo pants. I didn't carry any weapon either since it could be dangerous if the security team of the entire building hunted me down. It was definitely not in my plans.