Ambrosia Cartel: Part 1

Tuesday, 25th of June 2021. SDC Main Base 2100 Hours.

"AND WE ALL SING ALONG!" The flashback ended abruptly as Lynn stopped drinking and started speaking nonsense.

Patrick's reaction was appropriate. He frowned his eyes as the flashback ended. Lynn's eyes had reddened and her nose had reddened too. It seemed that she drank too much of that wine that the other contractors gave to them.

Aline walked past them, she saw both of them were dead drunk while sitting on the edge of the main base. Aline took Lynn away and made sure that she went for her bed since she was dead drunk.

However, Patrick was left alone on the edge of that floating platform. Aline didn't have to move him since he was not as drunk as Lynn. However, Patrick's drunkenness was not light either. He could start saying gibberish at any moment.