Ambrosia Cartel: Part 2

Wednesday, 26th of June 2021. Mexican International Airport. 0730 Hours.

The Mexican international airport. The smells of the air were rather pungent from the amount of pollution in the area surrounding the airport. The airport was located next to the jungle in Mexico. The reason why the SDC chose that airport was that that airport was usually used as a staging point for the Ambrosia cartel to deliver drugs to the surrounding area.

Both of them were waiting for a taxi in the international airfield. They actually could spawn the luxurious car that they had, but it would be a bad idea since the surrounding area had a bad road quality and it was full of cartels that might want to check on their car for merchandise.

"Hola, Do you know where this place is?" Lynn approached one of the taxis. They had a conversation, but it looked like neither of them understood each other. The taxi driver kept asking Lynn, "Espanyola?" and Lynn kept asking, "English?"