Ambrosia Cartel: Part 6

Thursday, 27th of June 2021. The lower deck of SDC Main Base. 0800 Hours.

Clara was walking around the military base. She wondered whether she would be deployed on not. Patrick and Lynn were still asleep, only God knew what they did last night since Clara was sleeping when they did this and that. 

The lower deck was still hollow. There wasn't any room inside of that lower deck. Clara wasn't doing anything either. She was training on his bomb disarming skills. To be exact, she was training so she became more mobile inside of the juggernaut suit that she always wore when she defused a bomb. 

Clara was jobless at that time. She spent most of her time either researching the type of mines or training to be more agile in her bomb suit. Clara was the main explosive ordinance disposal unit of the whole contractor's private military contractor that only had less than one hundred members at that point.