Ambrosia Cartel: Part 7

The sky was bright as usual. Patrick was flying inside of his Su-35S that had been fixed by the instant repair feature. Currently, he was flying in the sky of Cuba. The objective of his flying was to scout the forest that he and the others hit during the operation. He was joyflying in the sky without any escort.

Lynn wasn't flying due to the fact that her co-pilot wasn't there since she was busy disarming the mine. The targeting pods of his fighter jet was aimed at the forest that was located right below of him. There was no obstacle as far as he could see since the sky was clear and there wasn't any incoming bad weather at his direction.

Patrick moved his flight stick several time to make sure that his camera was pointing directly at the forest. The pictures that were taken were displayed on his HUD. The pictures were separated into two pictures, the infrared picture and the original picture.