Ambrosia Cartel: Part 8

The white death was its name. The F-15 was her plane. Death was the thing that you would get at the moment that you met her. This person would be the one that sent you to God. The jet was armed with many close-range missiles with the abbreviation code of QAAM aka AIM-9 Sidewinder. Those missiles were very agile and were designed for dogfighting.

The F-15 shot the Su-47 one by one using its missiles. It was truly a spectacular view that only could be orchestrated by the white death itself, Lynn. The mysterious squadron that kept chasing Patrick from behind was shot down one by one. Patrick caught that chance and turned the tables against them.

As the focus of the other aircraft was focused on Lynn, Patrick pulled a pugachev maneuver and he shot down two of the other fighter jets with his autocannon. The autocannon managed to shoot two Sukhoi fighter jets at once. Patrick himself couldn't believe it. The pilot didn't even eject. Only God knew what they were thinking.