Chapter 11

Aurora still had a few hours left before she could go home, and she had no choice but to leave Enzo in her office while she did her rounds.

It was usually late by the time her shift ended, and she did not want Enzo to be too hungry and cranky, so she prepared some snacks for him, which consisted of crackers, cheese, and fruits.

"Baby, I have your snacks ready, come and get them," she said as she arranged his snacks on a plate. He was not hard to feed, so it was easy for her to prepare his meals.

He was only four, yet he had enough discipline to eat like an adult, he didn't fuss around too much like other kids that got distracted easily.

"Enzo, mama will start doing her rounds now, eat everything on your plate and try not to make too much mess in my office, okay?" she said as she kissed his forehead.

"Do you remember how to get to the washroom?" she asked before she walked out the door.

"Yes mama, left and then right," he said, recalling where they were located so easily, "I remember, I remember!"

"Yes, you did. Good job, baby. I'll see you later," She always felt bad leaving him alone like this, but without a babysitter, she had no choice. Until she can find one, they'd have to make do with the situation.

After Aurora left, Enzo finished everything on his plate just like he promised his mother. But as he was playing with his toys, he suddenly had the urge to go to the washroom.

So down the hall, he went, turning left one corridor and then right another hallway, where the washrooms were located. On his way back, he saw a group of men wearing black colored clothes standing outside a door. He's never seen men that looked like them before, all he saw were the men in the hospital who wore the same thing as her mom, the lab coats.

He was intrigued as he stopped and stared at them with his big watchful eyes. They looked a bit scary, just standing there, not saying anything. And then someone came out of the room, and he was surprised, this tall man looked like his hero, Superman.

This man stood outside the door and talked to the people at the door, which gave Enzo a look at his face, and then started walking away. Enzo wanted to observe him more, but he had walked away too fast, the two guys trailing behind him.

Dimitri did not notice Lorenzo standing outside his brother's hospital room. He had too much stuff on his mind and a lot of things to take care of. But Enzo walked to the room he came out from. He thought if his hero came to the hospital, then there was something in that room, so he went to investigate.

He peeked inside the room, and as the subordinate saw the door open, he called out, "Who's there?" He needed to be vigilant because their enemies might come back any time, and with Gabriel still recovering, he would not be able to defend himself. He would not risk another ambush, because next time, Dimitri won't be as forgiving, it will be their heads on the platter.

Enzo did not say anything, so the subordinate went to check it out. It was just a kid, he thought as he released the breath he was holding. He laughed and said, "Hey kid, go back to your parents."

When the man appeared from inside the room, Enzo was surprised, he had the same black clothes the scary people outside were wearing, which made him want to stay.

"You're not supposed to be here. Are you lost? Do you need me to help you find your parents?" the subordinate asked.

Lorenzo said in a confident tone, "Uncle, don't worry, I remember the way."

"Hmm… brave little kid," he thought, "He's not even scared of me." His big bulky frame usually scared kids, so he was surprised this one did not cower or cry when he started sending him away. The kid just kept on staring at him, which made him uncomfortable. Nobody stared him in the eye, not even adults, which piqued his interest.

Gabriel heard his subordinate talking to someone, so he asked what was happening.

"Nothing, it's just someone passing by," it was time to scare this kid out of here, he thought, before Gabriel got annoyed, but when he turned around, the kid was gone.

Lorenzo had moved towards Gabriel's bed and was staring at him. Gabriel was surprised that he had a visitor, a tiny kid that looked at him very intently, which was odd, he thought, for such a tiny thing to give him such an intense stare.

"I'm sorry, Gabriel. I will send him away right now. I did not know he had snuck in," the subordinate apologized. Nobody was supposed to bother Gabriel after his surgery.

When Enzo heard that the man would take him away, he ran to the other side of the bed, but the subordinate caught him and started to drag him out.

Gabriel waved his hand and stopped him, "Let him be, he's just a kid. What is he going to do?" He was getting bored laying on his back and sleeping, he's been here a day, and he already wanted to get out, plus it was just a harmless kid, maybe he could entertain him.

There was a small smile on Lorenzo's face when he heard the uncle on the bed said he could stay.

Gabriel wondered how old this kid was, he looked very sharp for a tiny thing. This kid was rather adorable, with his huge dark eyes and his cute round face. And the kid was examining him the same way he did.

"Hey kid, what is your name?" Gabriel asked.

"Lorenzo, but my mama calls me Enzo," Lorenzo replied politely.

"Okay, Enzo, tell me, why are you in my room?" Gabriel inquired.

"Uncle, only my mama calls me Enzo," Lorenzo complained.

"Okay," Gabriel chuckled when he saw the kid's crossed expression, "No need to be mad. Lorenzo, why are you roaming the hospital alone?"

Lorenzo did not like anybody else calling him by the nickname his mother gave him. Only she had the right to call him Enzo because she said he was her precious little baby.

Hi everyone sorry for the irregular updates , from Feb 1 regular and mass updates will be there.