Chapter 12

"Uncle, who was that cool man that came from your room," Lorenzo asked his most burning question.

"Who… the one who wanted to send you away?" Gabriel frowned, cool man? If there was somebody cool in here, it would be him, he smiled.

"No, not him," Enzo shook his head.

"Who are you referring to?" Gabriel wondered. There was nobody else here when the kid came in.

"The tall uncle in grey," Enzo explained.

Suddenly it dawned on him, "Oh, that's my older brother, his name's Dimitri," He came with his bodyguards to visit him. It was not unusual for a kid to notice him because everywhere he went, Dimitri got people's attention, and it was not only the women too. He had a very commanding presence that enticed one to pay attention and look at him.

Lorenzo nodded. His hero's name was Dimitri, he will make sure to remember that. He was thinking to himself when Gabriel asked, "Why did you think he was cool? Did you talk to him? Did he do anything for you?"

"I saw him outside. He looked tall and strong, like Superman. He fights all the bad guys and the monsters," he explained in a serious tone like he knew who Dimitri was and what he was capable of, just by looking at him.

Gabriel was amused, this kid saw all that just by looking at Dimitri, and he didn't even get to interact with him. Interesting, he thought, for a kid to call his devil of a brother a superhero.

This kid guessed half of the truth, his brother did fight bad guys, but unfortunately, he was a bad guy himself.

"Oh, so he's your hero huh, do you want to meet him?" Gabriel joked.

"Really? Can I? " Lorenzo asked enthusiastically. He was excited to meet his hero.

Lorenzo did not easily open up to people, it took a while for him to warm up to the babysitter and his teacher. All he wanted to do was stick to his mom's side and have all her attention on him. This was the first time he had been curious about somebody else. Usually, he just passed people by and ignored them.

Gabriel had no intention to have this kid meet his brother, he knew Dimitri would never have time to waste on unnecessary things, especially this nosy little boy.

Dimitri never liked kids, he would tolerate them as long as they were far away from him. His cousins had lots of them, and whenever they would try to talk to him at the family gatherings, he'd usually glare at them until they cried.

Gabriel on the other hand would interact with the kids, saying hi to them and making them giggle, once in a while. Lorenzo looked like he was a good kid, and he did not want him to face his brother's wrath.

"Yeah, but he is very busy right now. You can probably meet him later," Gabriel lied. He thought kids usually forget what they want to do most of the time anyway, a small lie won't make a difference.

"Remember your promise okay," Lorenzo said in a childish tone.

"Of course young man, you have my word," Gabriel chuckled, kids are easy to amuse.

"Uncle…," Lorenzo was about to ask something but a voice came from behind.

"Enzo, oh my gosh, I've been looking all over for you," Aurora said as she grabbed and hugged him.

Aurora had come right back to her office after she finished her rounds, only to find out Lorenzo was missing. She had checked the washroom first because he probably needed to use it, but he wasn't there either.

She started checking the rooms, thinking that he probably found someone to talk to, but then started to panic when he was nowhere near her office. Something was telling her to check the VIP ward when she couldn't find him anywhere else. She did not expect he would go that far, but there he was.

Lorenzo lowered his head, he knew that he shouldn't have walked out of his mommy's office, and now she was probably angry. "I'm sorry mama," he said meekly.

"Enzo, why are you here? I told you to stay in my office," she said, annoyed. Her heart almost stopped when she couldn't find him. He was her life, and losing him would definitely kill her.

"I was talking with my friend," Lorenzo said matter of factly.

"What? Who are you talking about? You have no friends in the hospital," she was confused as she looked around for another kid. There was nobody else in the room aside from the two grown men.

"Mama, this is my friend," Lorenzo said as he pointed to Gabriel. But then he remembered to ask the most important thing you should know when you have a friend, "Uncle what is your name?" Lorenzo asked.

"My name is Gabriel," he said as he watched Lorenzo, the kid looked like he was cooking something up in that little head of his as he stared back at Gabriel.

"Uncle, your name is too long, can I call you Gabe?" he asked.

"Sure," Gabriel replied with a half-smile.

"Mama, meet my new friend, Uncle Gabe," Lorenzo introduced.

Gabriel chuckled, this kid just bravely declared him as a friend and didn't even ask if that was okay. If he only knew that Gabriel's friends were gangsters. He wondered what the kid would think if he revealed that he was not really as nice as he looked.

Aurora was baffled by her kid. He's never shown an interest in anybody before, yet he picked up a grown-up as his friend. She knew that this person was probably somebody important the minute they wheeled him into the operating room. They asked her to do everything to save him, and they said the money was not an issue.

Then after she was done with the operation they had requested that he be transferred to the VIP ward, which meant she was right. The watch he was wearing right now looked like the most expensive watch she saw in the magazine one of her patients was reading earlier.

His aura exuded class and breeding, one that could be found only in the upper crust of society. They were usually the arrogant sort, but what was he doing talking to her four-year-old kid.

"I am sorry for the inconvenience, I hope my son did not bother you too much. I will take him from you now, so you could rest," Aurora said apologetically while trying to drag Lorenzo out of the room. But he would not budge.

"But mama, I don't want to go, I still need to talk to my friend," Enzo pouted.

"Enzo, you've bothered this gentleman enough. He needs to rest, that's why he's in the hospital," she tried to explain, but when he still wouldn't go she raised her voice, "That's enough! Let's go!"

Gabriel was staring at Aurora, he noticed that she was wearing a lab coat, which meant she was a doctor, which was why Lorenzo was able to roam around the hospital. It was funny that this little kid was not ready to leave and was fighting his mother for it. He was very headstrong.