Chapter 22

The next morning.

Aurora had just completed her rounds for the morning, and it was almost time for lunch. She had another busy day, and she was glad that she could finally take a break.

She paused outside the door to her office, thinking if she remembered to give… when she was pulled inside. "Ahh…," she screamed and found a hand covering her mouth. 

"Shh…," said the figure behind her, "I'm letting you go, don't scream." It was Dimitri, and he was up to his antics again. 

He had her trapped behind her door, but she wasn't taking any of this nonsense. "What are you doing?" she seemed to ask him that a lot lately, "You can't just appear any time you want to," she said as she scolded him. But knowing Dimitri, even for a few days, he will probably just do whatever he wants.

"I wanted to see you," he said touching her cheek. 

"Aren't we supposed to meet tonight?" she asked.

"Were you looking forward to seeing me this evening?" Dimitri grinned, raising his eyebrow.

"Ugh!" she sighed. He was impossible. "Wasn't he the one who told me he wanted to see Enzo later tonight? But now he's acting like I'm desperate to see him."

"I have work to do, can you please leave me alone?" She tried to push him away, he was crowding her, trapping her between his arms at the door made her too aware of him.

"I'm so tired," he murmured softly. 

"Didn't you go to bed after you left me last night?" she asked, her voice tinged with concern.

"No I came home late, I had several meetings last night after I saw you," he stated. It was all drama, he just wanted to see if Aurora would worry about him and then take care of him. 

He was the least bit tired. Being the mob boss, he was used to staying up late and waking up early. He had to, because a lot of people depended on him, not only underground but on the legal businesses as well. And since they had businesses all over the country and all over the world, he needed to be available at all hours of the day.

As Aurora looked into his face she saw his gaunt appearance, he did look like he didn't sleep well, the bags under his eyes seemed to look darker under the hospital lights.

She almost touched his face to wipe away the weariness reflected on it, but she stopped herself at the last second, "Why don't you go back to your hotel and rest?" she said, her voice turning soft.

He smiled, her concern for him was very touching, "I can't go back yet. I'm hungry, and I want to eat food that you cooked. I really liked what you made last night. I was craving for more."

"I can't do that now," she said, mildly annoyed, yes, she was flattered he liked the food last night, but to come back at lunch and demand her to cook him some more was preposterous. "You're coming home for dinner later, right? I'll see you then," she said, retracting her catty tone.

"Hmm.. or we can just go home right now so you can cook for me. I'll talk to your boss," he suggested.

"No!" she screamed. He had already asked them to give her a day off yesterday, and they didn't hesitate to agree to him, nothing is stopping him from doing that today as well.

"I don't want you to meddle with my work. Every time you ask for a favor on my behalf it will ruin my reputation. I don't want them to think I got this job because of you. Please, tell me you won't try to step in again?" she reasoned.

Dimitri did not respond and coolly went to sit on the sofa. He skipped work just to see her and have lunch with her. He was not going to let anything stop him from making that happen. 

He was dialing the director's phone and Aurora knew there was no use convincing him to do anything else, but she had something up her sleeve, "Stop! I packed lunch, you can have it!" she said hurriedly.

A smile formed on his lips, he felt satisfied with the outcome. But he did not want her to be hungry, so they went to the cafeteria so she could have lunch with him. 

He was getting used to the way she cooked, and the meal in her lunch box was as good as the food yesterday. He could get used to this.

She was looking longingly at her food. She was looking forward to having her lunch today, yet here she was eating cafeteria food. 

"Why are you making that face? Is the food not good?" he asked as he took a bite from her fork.

She ignored him, pretending nothing happened. "Oh no, this food doesn't taste as good as my lunch," he said. She was seething deep inside, "If you know that food here was awful, then why did you take mine? Ugh!" she said in her mind.

"Aww.. don't look at me like that. Don't worry I won't take your food next time," he said as he touched her chin. Not looking the least bit guilty.

Aurora just rolled her eyes, she knew he didn't mean what he said, "How shameless," she thought. No time for that now. She needed to get back to work. Sitting and having lunch with Dimitri had been entertaining. He finished all her food, showing her that once again he enjoyed whatever she had cooked. 

But as she stood up, he took her hand. "Stop it, I'm going to be late," she hissed. He started kissing her knuckles, one by one.

At the same time Gabriel had just come back from his walk, he went to the garden to get some air. He was passing by the cafeteria when he noticed a woman trying to pull her hands from a man sitting on one of the tables. 

He didn't really think anything of it, maybe they were lovers and were flirting with each other. But then something made him give them a second look. It was Aurora, his doctor, and he would recognize that man's back anywhere, it was his big brother Dimitri.

Aurora kept on pulling her hand away, and when she finally got free, she tried to run away from Dimitri, who had followed her with his big steps.

Gabriel pinched himself to check if he was dreaming. "Ouch!" The pain told him he was awake.

His brother, who had always been ice cold with women, was clearly flirting with his doctor, he even had a smile on his face. Something Gabriel has not seen in a long while. He was pursuing the doctor who seemed intent on running away from him.

This was the first time he saw his brother interested in a woman, and it was very unfortunate that she was married. It was only a matter of time before Dimitri got rid of her husband because if his brother really wanted Aurora, he would have her no matter what. His brother never shares, her husband will have to go.

When he saw her pulling away from him, he deduced that Dimitri was trying to force her to be with him. There were a lot of women, and he could have anyone he wanted, why is he wasting his time on a married woman anyway?

Aurora was beautiful, but there were other beautiful women around him. He was getting agitated thinking about his brother trying to coerce her to agree to his demands.

Gabriel vowed to help sway his brother not to pursue Aurora because he had gotten close to Enzo, and was fond of the cute, adorable child that had wormed his way into his heart. He knew that the child will never be the same if anything happens to his father.

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