Chapter 23

Gabriel went back to his room to think deeply about his brother's situation. He was lying on the bed when Dimitri came in with a smile on his face. He would never get used to his brother having this very jovial demeanor, and it bothered him because he knew the reason why.

"Hmm… brother, you seem to be in a good mood today. Did something happen?" Gabriel asked.

"Gabe, don't worry about the business, we are here for your recovery. So, you should take this time to rest," Dimitri said, misunderstanding Gabriel's concern.

"Well… that's not what I meant. How are you doing?" He said, fishing for more information.

Dimitri gave him a shrug, "meh," he seemed to say.

Gabriel was gritting his teeth, his brother was being difficult. How is he going to approach this without looking too nosy? "So… do you have anybody in your life right now?" he asked. Dimitri ignored him.

"You know… like a girlfriend or a lover?" he continued. And that caught Dimitri's attention. Gabriel faltered. His brother was giving him one of his penetrating stares.

"I know a few interested women. They wanted to be introduced, would you like to meet them?" He volunteered. If he can steer his brother's attention away from Aurora, then everything will be good.

"Not interested," Dimitri replied as he went back to checking his phone.

"But these women are very hot, they have very nice long legs, juicy lips, and they have big…" Gabriel said, trying to entice his brother's interest.

"Enough Gabriel!" Dimitri said in a stern voice, "I did not come here for this." Nobody else can stir him except for Aurora.

"But brother…," Gabriel tried to argue, he had to be resilient. Lorenzo's father's life was on the line here.

"I think you've been in the hospital for too long. You're getting desperate thinking about women. Why are you trying to tempt me anyway? Shouldn't you be resting?" Dimitri asked.

"Brother, I'm fine. I've been resting too much these days. You have to get me out of here, fast. I can't stay here much longer," Gabriel thought that maybe if he whined enough, then they could leave faster, and the more distance they have from Aurora will save her family from whatever evil plans his brother has.

"I'm leaving. You're to stay here until you heal," Dimitri was here to see his beloved, Aurora, and not to waste too much time to visit with Gabriel, he was just a means to an end.

Gabriel was frustrated, his attempts have failed. He knew better than to interfere with his brother's plans. He knew that Dimitri was stubborn, once he has made up his mind, it would be impossible to change it.

But he really cared about Lorenzo, and he will not accept defeat so soon.

Aurora was anxious. She cooked more food than was necessary because Dimitri would be joining them. She had sent Enzo to the bedroom to play with his toys, so she could clean the house and prepare for his first visit from his father.

Aurora knew it was Dimitri the minute the doorbell rang. So she opened it, welcoming him inside, he was a sight to behold. 

Dimitri entered with a smile, touching and caressing her arm. He wanted to kiss and hug her right then but held himself in check. They were not alone, and it was not yet time to show his affection.

Enzo was in the hallway looking at their exchange when Aurora asked Dimitri if he wanted a drink. He had come out to investigate who rang the bell since they rarely had visitors.

Dimitri and Enzo stared at each other. 

"This boy was his son?" he thought as he scrutinized the child. He could not deny the fact that Lorenzo was his. His facial features, save the lips, looked like his when he was that age. From the dark grey eyes that were almost black, to that cute little nose, the shape of his face, and that expression he was wearing right now, one of concentration. There was no need to get a DNA test. 

He looked so cute standing there with his mickey mouse shirt and shorts. He looked so young and so innocent. He felt the overwhelming need to protect and nurture him.

Aurora had come back with a cold glass of water when she saw them staring each other down, so she tried to introduce Dimitri, "Enzo, come, I want you to meet…," but she got interrupted.

"Mama, I know him. He's Cool Uncle," he said shyly. Enzo was excited when he recognized Dimitri. He was the same uncle he saw at the hospital, the one that looked like his hero. 

"Cool Uncle?" she asked as she threw Dimitri a questioning look.

"Mama, Cool Uncle for me?" Enzo asked her innocently, "I like him" he said very softly.

Aurora stooped down and asked him, "Enzo, have you met this uncle before?"

Enzo nodded, "Uncle Gabe brother."

Dimitri smiled, he wanted to take his son in his arms and never let him go, but he did not want to overwhelm him. He wondered how it was that his son knew him, but he didn't remember seeing him before.

"Come here, champ," Dimitri said as he kneeled, so they could be on the same level. Enzo suddenly felt shy and hid behind his mom.

"It's okay," she said encouragingly, nodding at him, "Don't be shy. You can say hi."

Dimitri patiently waited for his son to get comfortable with him. He knew it was just a matter of time.

  When Enzo peeked out from behind his mom, he knew he was getting there, so he smiled and opened out his arms, beckoning him. And that was all the encouragement Enzo needed.

"So... you've seen me before? Why didn't you talk to me?" Dimitri asked.

"Uhm… Uhm… Walk fast. Zoom zoom," Enzo said, demonstrating with his fingers. 

Dimitri could not hold out much longer, he hugged Enzo and lifted him in his arms. "Wee…," Enzo squealed and wrapped his arms tightly around Dimitri's neck. He was excited his hero wanted to carry him.

"So tell me, how do you know Gabe?" Dimitri asked.

Aurora stepped in, "I bring him to the hospital after his classes. My babysitter left, and I haven't found a new one yet. Gabriel was kind enough to play with him," she said.

Dimitri got a little jealous that Gabriel met his son before he did, and that they played a lot since he was in the hospital. Well, he could always remedy that situation.

"So tell me, why do you call me Cool Uncle?" he asked.

Enzo smiled and looked at his face, "You Superman, Uncle."

"Really?" Dimitri grinned and pinched Enzo's cheeks. His son is so cute. 

"Hi.. hi... hi…," Enzo giggled and hugged Dimitri some more. 

He wanted to know more about his son. So he asked Aurora, "What grade is Lorenzo enrolled in?"

"Uncle, call me Enzo," he said, which surprised Aurora because she was the only person he had allowed to call him his nickname.

"He… Enzo, you're asking Uncle to call you by your nickname?" she asked, "He never lets anyone call him that, except for me," she explained.

"Yes, mama, superman, my hero," Enzo said as he hugged Dimitri again.

His heart was full and his happiness overflowing. His son was warming up to him, and Enzo didn't even know he was his father. 

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