Chapter 34

Aurora had been standing behind the sofa, watching the interactions between his son and his newfound grandmother.

Daisy noticed Aurora hovering, "Come and take a seat, Aurora, don't just stand there," she said, trying to get her relaxed now that the men had left. 

"Mama, sit… here, here," he patted the seat beside him as his grandma did. He leaned his head into Aurora as soon as she sat down.

"Such a sweet baby,' said Daisy, 'How was the trip? Was it long?' she asked Aurora, trying to make small conversation, she noticed Aurora had looked very nervous and hoped that she would feel at ease now that they were home.

"It was a bit longer than I thought it would be," volunteered Aurora. Daisy nodded.

She was curious about the woman that caught her son's attention. She had been trying to get him married for a while, but he didn't seem to care about dating, there were women she tried to introduce to him, she even scheduled blind dates for him, but he stood them all up. When she tried to send women to his office, they all called her back crying, saying that her son was rude and that he was the most repulsive man they have ever met in their lives.

He was 31, and she was worried that he would stay that way forever, all she wanted was for him to experience having his own family and be happy. She did not really care who he chose as long as he was happy. 

He would always tell her that he had no plans of getting married, and that made her sad.

She was jealous when her friends' sons started getting married off one by one, and they chose very pretty daughters-in-law too, but now she was happy she finally had one as well and had an added bonus. She heard that Aurora was very smart, and so was her grandson.

"I heard you were going back to work after you get settled, so what is it that you do?" Daisy asked her daughter-in-law. She had been staring at Aurora when they came down the stairs and noticed right away that she looked very beautiful, she also liked that she had that air about her that showed maturity beyond her age.

"I'm a doctor, and in the future, when I'm done with my residency, I would like to specialize in surgery," Aurora replied. She was still a little nervous in front of her mother-in-law, but she was not as ominous as her father-in-law, so she began to relax a little. She knew that Daisy was just being friendly.

"That sounds very exciting. Do you like working at the hospital?" Daisy asked. She heard Aurora was smart but did not expect her to be a doctor, so she had beauty and brains, this was looking better and better.

"What about your parents, you live in B city right, do they live there with you too?" Daisy pried.

Aurora looked at her and for a moment, hesitated, "I'm an orphan. I have no idea who my parents are," she said, a little guarded. She did not know how her mother-in-law was going to react to this bit of information.

Daisy looked at her in sympathy for the briefest of seconds, then smiled and said, "Well that is unfortunate… but don't worry, from now on we will be your family," as she patted Aurora's hand sincerely, trying to convey that everything will be alright. Beside them, Enzo had been silently listening to their conversation, he felt when his mom stiffened up and felt concerned, so he patted her cheeks as well, "Mama, dada and Enzo, family," he said telling her that she had them too. She almost teared up at the amount of compassion her son had in him to understand all of that. 

Aurora felt relieved that her mother-in-law had been accepting, there was no hint of disgust or disdain in her reaction when she revealed her secret. She was glad that that went well.

She did not notice that she would miss being with Dimitri but did anyway. She kept on looking at the stairs he disappeared to every few minutes to see if he had come down. Probably because she was nervous about what he was talking to his father about in his study. What would happen if his father rejects her and Enzo? What was she going to tell her son? This made her nervous again.

"Don't worry too much, dear," Daisy said to get her attention, 'Dimitri has been gone for a few weeks, and they have a lot to discuss regarding the business, it will take a while for them to finish. In the meanwhile, let me ask them to bring us some tea, would you like some tea cakes or pastries? I forgot to ask if you were hungry," she said shaking her head, "I got so excited about your arrival, I forgot about being a good hostess."

"Don't worry too much. It's okay. Tea would be fine, and maybe some water as well," Aurora said, "but I would pass on the pastries, we ate a couple of hours ago, and I still feel full, and Enzo cannot have too many sweets."

  "Enzo ate lots of yummy sweets," he patted his stomach, "tummy full," he giggled.

Daisy laughed, "So you like sweets, huh. Tell me, what are your favorites?"

Enzo enumerated all the things he would eat as his favorite, donuts, cookies, cakes, and then he started veering off talking about the other food he liked, noodles, fried chicken…

And that's how Dimitri found them as he descended the stairs. He was glad that his mom was able to bring out Enzo's talkative nature, and it seems that Aurora did not seem as nervous as before. But when she noticed him, she stood up and looked at him with anticipation.

"Mother, I'm tired from the journey, let me show Aurora and Enzo where we're staying so we can rest for a bit before dinner," there was some strain in his voice which worried Aurora. She wondered what happened to his conversation with his dad. Daisy nodded.

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