Chapter 35

"Come Enzo let's take a nap," Aurora held her hand out to Enzo, but Daisy said, "You can leave Lorenzo with me so you could both rest easier. I'll give him his nap."

Aurora looked at Enzo for confirmation, she was not sure if he was okay to be left behind just yet, he was new to his surroundings, and he might be uneasy like she was. 

"Me like grandma," he said as he held onto Daisy, 'Stay.' He had been with just his mother the last 4 years, and now that there were other people in his family, he wanted to spend time with them too.

She was looking forward to having time by themselves, but now without Enzo, she had no excuse to avoid Dimitri. After this morning's display, she was kind of apprehensive, maybe she should stay with her mother-in-law, but she wanted to know what happened with his father, so she followed Dimitri silently to the third floor. This floor, according to him, was all theirs to use, he had his own study and several bedrooms on this floor. Nobody had been allowed up here, so the maids came during the times he was away to clean this floor.

They will have Enzo's bedroom right next to theirs so she can get to him if he cries at night.

His room was very masculine, there was a lot of grey on the walls and black on the furniture, it looked very cold, and uninviting. 

Dimitri had been silent ever since they entered the bedroom, and she knew something was bothering him. He was sitting on the bed, removing his cufflinks and rolling up his shirt, when Aurora sat beside him and asked what was wrong. 

He just grunted.

She held his arm, "Did your father say anything? Was he mad? You know Enzo, and I can leave if he doesn't want us here."

Dimitri took both of her arms in his hands a little too roughly, "How many times do I need to tell you that you can never leave me. Don't you even think about it?" 

She was stunned, and she tried to move away, but he pulled her closer. He loosened his hold on her a little, rubbing her arms. "Father had agreed to us being together, that's not what bothers me. We had a discussion and a minor disagreement, that's why my mood is off."

He let her go, "My father has always had that stern look ever since I was a child, so don't let that bother you, he only shows affection towards my mother. 

Mom has been raised to be prim and proper by her parents, which is why she usually looks standoffish, but she has a very good heart. The only thing you need to remember is never to get on her bad side. She can get quite scary. She was trained in business and had worked in the industry for a while, so she can easily see through people," he explained.

Aurora listened to what Dimitri had to say and thought about it. They were going to be who they were, she can't change that. They were both polite, but in the time Dimitri spent with his father, she had warmed up to his mom and vice versa. Maybe in time, his father will come to like her too.

Enzo was their bridge, and it looked like he had already melted his grandmother's heart, so that was a good sign. She decided not to worry about it too much since Dimitri promised he would take care of them, and she was going to take his word for it.

As soon as the couple left, Daisy asked Enzo if he wanted to go around the house and look for his grandpa, so off they headed to Matthew's study.

He was reading a very important document, but as soon as he saw his wife come in through the door, he removed his glasses and set the document aside. 

Enzo was still a little scared of his grandpa. He looked very imposing with his height, and since he didn't bother to smile, he looked more frightening, so he hid behind his grandma's skirts.

"Lorenzo, come out of there, don't you want to meet your grandpa?" she said, trying to drag him from behind her.

He peeked out from behind her and grazed into his grandpa's eyes. "Come here," Matthew's face softened, he did not want to scare the little one.

Enzo followed his request and stood in front of his grandpa. 

"Doesn't he look like our Dimitri?" Daisy said in a cheerful tone. She was getting teary-eyed again, she was thinking about how Aurora had struggled on her own all these years. Being a single mom was probably not that easy, especially if she had to go to work and care for a baby at the same time.. 

Matthew nodded, "Yes he does… very much," he said, "So, you're Lorenzo huh, do you know who I am?"

Enzo nodded and answered in his sweet voice, "Grandpa… my grandpa." And that won Matthew over. 

"So what do you think about having grandparents? Do you like it? Do you like us?" he asked Enzo, curious about what he would say. There was no denying that he was Dimitri's son because he was that cute and inquisitive at this age.

"Baby love dada…. Baby love grandma," pointing to his grandma.

"How about me?" Matthew asks.

"Baby love grandpa," he touches his grandpa's cheeks. Matthew chuckled, he really knew how to make his heart melt.

"Ayii.. you are so cute, cute, cute…" Daisy planted kisses all over his face while Enzo giggled and squirmed. He liked his grandma, he reminded him a lot of how gentle and loving his mama was.

Aurora and Dimitri had relaxed a bit in their room by watching some tv and lounging on the couch. She couldn't do much because she did not want to ruin her dress, she treasured it because Dimitri had chosen it for her, and she had nothing else to wear. 

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