Chapter 116

This will be the first time he would enter her house, her personal space. He wanted to know more about her, so he looked around quickly before she came back. He tried to drink in every detail of her apartment. 

All her walls had been painted white, she had paintings all around the apartment from famous painters that could only be seen in art exhibitions, which meant she had the means to buy all these expensive items. The furniture, accessories, and plants had given off a warm and cozy vibe. Each item complemented each other, which showed the careful consideration Sophia had applied in purchasing each piece.

He wanted to see what her bedroom would look like, but he knew it was not possible, with the time he had. The one thing he noticed was that there were no pictures of her family anywhere.

The whole house was very tidy, a laptop in the living room sat on top of a few files, something she must have been working on before he knocked.