Chapter 117

"They were from you? I thought they were flyers," Sophia admitted. "What are you doing out here anyway?"

Aiden half smiled, and replied, "It's amazing how the stars are visible from here. The sky at my previous apartment was always cloudy due to the pollution, so I thought it would be nice to do some star gazing," he replied.

"Yeah, it is pretty out here. I would sit outside for hours after work," she said.

"What else do you do except work?" Aiden asked. He could see that her balcony was decorated with outdoor furniture that had colorful cushions, plants that were either on pedestals or hanging, and even a painted quote from Atticus, "Chase your stars you fool, life is short." 

With all these lush, healthy plants on the balcony together with the plants inside the house, she must love to garden. And taking care of them would not be an easy task. 

"Work consumes so much of my time I have no time to do anything else," she replied.