
"Ugh! Another day, Gus. Another day of working." says a big guy with orange hair after he washed his face in the bathroom in the apartment he is living for two years after he moved here because he got a job as a game tester for InTeCu company at their newest MMO video game, World of Weapons and Fighters.

 Gus leaves the bathroom with a smiley face, and he walks straight to the living room, and there he is sitting on the couch in the middle of the room, he is turning on the TV, and the first channel he saw there, was pornography. Gus switches the channel who showed a lady right when she was about to have her entire holes filled with ice cream sticks. It is not a thing to watch in the morning, and I can say that from my experience.

 The next channel showed a gaming interview, and this interview was really interesting in Gus opinions, those three people were talking about the biggest mystery of all time, a game who is having the entire Earth as a map in a game, and also who got create a parallel dimension, a game which can be fun to be played by anyone and also, a great one who will make introverts feeling like extroverts. Those three guys were talking about that game, but when someone has brought on the discussion that it could be just a mobile game that will just be a complete Match 3 type of game, Gus has laughed because he knew the truth about the game is talking about. And also, that Match 3 type is a mini-game in the big one is working, and that minigame would let the players gain a buff when they have to defeat dragons who are coming from Pinatubo ( a Filipino volcano), Ijen (somewhere in Indonesia), or other volcanos from the real-life and the virtual reality one.

 Gus watched that interview while he was still laughing because of their theories about the thing he is working on together with his colleagues from the entire world.

 A few seconds later, he checks the phone, and he finds that he got three minutes ago a message from his colleague, who told him this: "Join the game, bro. Today we are going to Brazil to hunt some ghosts. Type these coordinates on the GPS: 8°37'41.5"S 42°47'30.2"W. And we will see you there, buddy.". After that, Gus stops the Tv and walks to the other room, which is the one locked and needs a code to deactivate. After he entered the code he walks into the room, which is small and he just has a gaming capsule in the middle of the room, which doesn't present windows because it is for security measures. He turns on the light with the help of a switch and he is going closer to the capsule, he opens by just pushing the button open, and after the glass door of the capsule got opened, Gus has hopped into the capsule, and the door closed automatic.

 When Gus has entered the capsules before he will be about to join in the game, a helmet started to attach to Gus's head, and right before Gus he was about to turn on the helmet, he had to connect his account, take his character who has level 12, and who is having just gunfire, which is a 6 Shoot Revolver ( a revolver who can multiply his bullets after every six reloads, kinda broken mechanism and one who gave some big glitches who took days to be resolved) and a dagger, Elodia Dagger (a dagger who make the user invisible if he stabs himself or his teammate, but don't worry, this weapon cannot kill, just hurt them a little). After he finished preparing, he turns on the game, and Gus has started to fall asleep immediately… And that means one thing, Gus has successfully joined the game without any login problems.

 In the game world, Gus is landed in the middle of a bush forest, equipped on the left hand with a Revolver, and on the right, he has a dagger. He looks around and after a few seconds, he hears some screaming noises and he decides to run in that direction. Gus runs into the forest while he is preparing for every surprise attack he could encounter at any time.

 When he arrived at the source where the screaming was coming from, he saw there three men and one woman, who were fighting an Anaconda, but a big one who is much bigger than the one in the movies.

 "What is going on here?" asks Gus one of those mates who is sitting down and wait for his health bar to regen.

 "Hey, Gus!" says the man who is having an Irish accent. "Have ya forgot about the event today, would ya?"

 "Event? What event?"

 "Anaconda one, man."

 "What? I thought this event was supposed to appear when the game will be completely launched."

 "We are testing now!" says another man who is coming to Gus and this one, have attached at his back a spear, he shakes Gus's hand and he says to him. "Can you stab my back, please?"

 "Oh. For sure." says Gus so casually like this is nothing, and it really is, he takes his dagger out, and he backstabs his teammate, who is instantly becoming invisible.

 "Thank you." says his teammate who is now running into the beast with his beloved spear while he is invisible.

Gus, he is ready to prepare his revolver, 6 Shot Revolver, a revolver which can multiply the bullets after a single shot. He is getting closer to the anaconda and while he is walking to that snake, he observed the health bar of the anaconda is starting to become lower and lower thanks to Fred, the guy with a spear who is invisible, which is stabbing the giant reptile as fast and hard as he can. When he got closer to the beast, he aimed at her and start to pull the trigger.

The first shot launches six bullets to the beast which has hit her, but those haven't done much damage. So, Gus is reloading the Revolver as fast as he can, and before he was about to shot that beast again he said: "Multiplying!" and then, the revolver got bigger, and stored much more capacity. When he pulled the trigger, 12 bullets, instead of 6, were launched to the beast and those did impressive damage.

The beast was trying to counter-attack, he launches his head to one fighter, which is a guy who is just having a "Bear Cub Launcher", and that guy launched the robotic bear cub to that monster, but he aimed at the wrong direction and the giant snake has eaten the guy and swallowed him in a few mere seconds.

"CESAR!" says the woman who is getting angry and she is running to that snake, but she also got eaten before she realized it was too late to dodge that attack.

"That must've hurt." says Gus after he shot those 24 bullets at the same time which has hit the Anaconda eye. "Thank God, the laws of the game doesn't apply to reality."

The snake looks angry at him, and he launches an attack, but Gus he is rolling into the left, he dodges the attack, and when he got fast on his feet, he quickly takes the dagger out from his sheath, and he stabbed himself to become invisible. After he did that, he saw the snake was looking around confused and trying to see where Gus was hiding, while his teammates were trying to destroy him, but the cooldown on their weapons ability it is much higher than on his one.

Gus is running towards the Anaconda, again, and when he arrives at a short distance to him, he jumped on the giant snake and start running to his head, while he is preparing his revolver, which it gets bigger and sustain 48 bullets, enough to destroy this giant snake which has 200 health points right now.

The snake has not observed him running because he was concentrating on other things, trying to catch the spear warrior who is trying to cut his tail. The spear warrior doges the snake tail attack by using his own spear as a shield, and then he throws at the giant snake a bottle which contains Gasoline. The spear was throwing the bottle at the anaconda head, but he misses, and he has hit her belly.

Gus saw what spear teammate has done, and he decides to use this in his favour, he aimed at the spot where the gasoline it located, he pulled the trigger and all of those 48 bullets are flying from his Revolver to the gasoline spot. While they were flying there, Gus jumped from the Anaconda snake because if he stays there, he will most likely burn.

He landed on the land safely, and when he landed the ability of the invisibility has started to waste out, and the snake has seen Gus, for the last time. The bullets have hit the gasoline spot and the giant reptile has started to burn in a few seconds. He was fighting, he was trying to use her tail to hit them, but the spear warrior has decided to use his second weapon, Gabriel Sword, which has cut the tail of that beast with one single swing. The beast was screaming, and screaming until he was about to die.

Those three reaming fighters are looking at the beast burning and her hp bar going down. The death of this beast was quick, thanks to Gus ability and also to the spear warrior. If he wasn't there, Gus would've been killed and left the server and wait a few hours to get back in the action.

When the giant beast has died, a bar has appeared at those three fighters, and that bar represents the Exp they have gotten. Gus has taken 250 points for fighting. Spear warrior, Fred, has taken 550 points. And Carlos, the guy who hasn't done anything when Gus arrived, has taken 200 points. Now, Gus has taken that small amount of points because he arrived late, Fred and other three teammates have started this attack twelve minutes ago because Carlos has just thrown a fire arrow to the beast, which has made her come here and attack them.

"Good job, guys!" says Carlos who is raising his hand.

"Shut up," says Fred who is leaving this area.

"Fred! I told you I am sorry," says Carlos to his teammate but Fred doesnt listen t him and continues to walk to the street, where he will spawn his car (This game offer a feature where players can purchase their own car and drive around the world, and they can even use a car convertor, which will let them drive their car from real life into the game, but designed better).

"What have you done?" asks Gus.

"Nothing… small."

"Ugh!" says Gus who is putting his palm on the forehead. "Have you started another attack because of your lag?"


"Carlos. Why aren't you changing your router and internet company? And also repair your capsule."

"My capsule is fine."

"Says the one who got the window of the capsule broken because you sleep there and forgot it was a capsule."

"Okay. This has happened only one time."

"Whatever. So, where are we going?" says Gus who is taking his tablet out and he is searching for a location on the entire world map.

"How about Las Vegas?"

"No. There is Angelo, and he is probably trying to find another bug."

"Right," says Carlos who remembers last time when he got close to Angelo, his arms got cut out because he was trying to see if the wall of a casino can reflect the damage, and it reflects it, kinda somewhere else instead of the person who launched the attack. "Dubai?"

"Nah. Robbers everywhere. The Philippines?"

"No… Britain? There is an anaconda on the loose."

"And who is there?"

Carlos checks the details of the event there, and he found out, there are just three newbie players there, who all three of them have level six.

"Three newbies."

"Alright," says Gus. "We will go there." he then presses the coordinates, and then teleport it with a friend, selects Carlos and he teleports with him into that location.