Banned Forever

On Manchester, three newbies are fighting a giant anaconda, which is making them already feel terrified, and regret the decision they have come here to defeat a creature which is much bigger than a tower with twelve floors and much more powerful than their weapons. Those three have decided to run away from that creature, which now has eighty-seven health percentage, and those guys have combined 50 % hp (22 % hp, 10 % hp and 18% hp).

"We are going to die, WANKER!" screamed the one with the lowest hp in the group, while all three of them are running from that snake.

"It is your fault, Cunt!" says the one who has 22 % hp. "If it wasn't you who wanted to obtain exp so bad, we would've been to Moscow and continued hunting slime monsters!"

"Well, we are in this together, so we better run, mate!" says the other British who running much faster than his teammates because he got as a secondary slot, boots of speed, which is making him much faster.

These three dudes have dodged every attack of that giant anaconda, splits of his venom, and also dodged a few NPC which were driving the cars an almost hit them (Yeah, this game has also NPC walking around to give the player the feeling of a real-world), and then, something has happened, the venom launched a tail attack to a teammate and that attack has completely obliterated him into a building and break his entire bones and also killing him in the game.

"Soap!" says one of his British mate who has stopped just to scream his fallen friend name.

"Leave him! We gotta focus on the objective!" says his teammates which are making the guy who screamed continued to run from there.

These two have decided to enter a building and hide there until their regeneration will start to kick it. Instead of just open the doors of that Cafeteria, one of him has just slammed there and broke the glass door. When the first one has entered, the second one has just opened the door and close it as fast as he can because the anaconda was close to biting him.

"Thank GOD!" says the one British teammate who is patting because of that running he had to do to survive and not be disconnected from the game. "We have escaped."

"What about Carl?" asks the other one who is sitting on a table.

"Don't worry. He will be fine." says the other one who is sitting on the chair and checks his status of healing. " 1% hp per. 12 seconds. I hate this low level." thought to himself the guy.

"I hope."

"Mate, have ya forgotten? If we die in the game, it doesnt mean you die in real life."

"Whatever you say, man. But I think it was a really good idea. Stolen the game from someone and playing it. Man… I really like what opportunity we've got."

"Yeah, man. This thing was probably one of the best ideas I ever had."

"But are we going to get caught?"

"And what if we got caught? What are they gonna do? Ban us?"

"That might be true, but aren't they a powerful company? They can easily just denounce us to the Police and…"

"Tim. Relax! They will not be caught us. You realize, this guy is not even there, we have taken care of him. Now, shut up! And let the regeneration do their thing. we gotta focus on that Anaconda and gets the reward! We cannot let anyone take-"

Then, a big explosion from outside was heard. The British guy, who seems to be the leader, goes to the window, he is looking outside and he saw the Anaconda snake at 65% hp, and being on fire. And he also the one who are attacking the Anaconda, there three people, one who is using a spear to hear the beast stomach, another dude who is shooting arrows to the beast with fire, and a fat dude which is aiming at the snakehead.

The British guy, whose name is Ethan, got triggered about the fact that three guys are taking his snake, so, he retrieved his weapon from the table and runs to the Anaconda, with his scythe ready, but right when he got close to the Anaconda, he couldn't attack it, because Gus has taken the last hit which has reduced the snake to the dust, he shoots 3 136 bullets from that giant revolver, and all of those revolvers has made the snakehead become a big lump of meat, and reduced his 55% hp to 0%. With this shot, the revolver of Gus has come to normal and his teammates, Fred and Carlos, have stopped attacking the beast, which has fallen on the street and in a few mere minutes it has to disappear.

"Good job, Gus." says Fred who is putting his spear back and shakes the hand with Gus. "They really need to add a limit to that gun."

"Your shot was the best." says Gary who is coming closer to them, and then he looks at Fred. "Sorry for earlier."

"Don't be. It was my fault." responds Fred. "I was the one who was reckless and scared that you started the attack, but now look, we got a bigger reward."

"Yeah. And that is thanks to you and Gus." replied Fred who ignore the player with a low level who is trying to use his scythe against him, but when he tried to launch an attack, the scythe got through him and did nothing.

"What?!" says the British player who got confused at his own attack, and made those three players turned around at taking a good look at him.

"Hey! Aren't you dead?" asks Gus.

"No!" yelled the British player. "You stole my monster!"

"You monster?" asks Fred laughing. "Sorry kid, but if you try to fight against that thing you need to have a bigger level and better stats."

"But I have. I am level 6!" says the annoying British player who is acting like a kid, even though he is because he is 14 years old.

"Well. We are now level 27." says Carlos. "And fighting a giant thing without a team by a low level you would've been destroyed."

"But I had a team, one was gone and the other is regenerating in that cafeteria." he points to a local where his teammate, Tim, is regenerating his health. "And why I cannot kill you?"

"No offence, but are you really new in this game?"

"O-Of course not."

"And also, why you are a kid?" asks Gus. "This game was not made for people below 18 years old?… Are you really a selected player or a thief?"

Ethan has started to feel he will most likely be caught by these three people, but he decided to play a dirty trick and lie.

"The guy who has been killed has forced me to enter this game!"

"Oh really? Then who is his name?" asks Fred while he is looking closer to the kid, and the other two are doubting his motive.

"I-I-It is Cesar." says Ethan who is starting to sweat a little. "Cesar Turbo."

"Carlos. Can you find a person named Cesar Turbo?"

Carlos has taken his tablet out of his backpack and start searching for a person named Cesar Turbo. After a few seconds, he found a person, but having a man face, and his teammate is a teenager. So, before Carlos was about to show the result, he asks the little kid.

"How old is your friend?"

"He is 14 years old." responds the guy named Ethan, and right before he was about to know hat was happening, he instantly got kicked out from the server, together and his teammate because of some reasons.

To join this server you have to accomplish these marks: Be over 18 years old; Have am space which you can deposit the capsule; Sign the contract of an electricity company; Do not tell anybody to join unless they had a license to play this game (which you can acquire when you buy the capsule from the company of gaming itself); And you will get banned if you try to attack someone on a Pacifist server. And this guy has broken three rules, together with his two other fellas, and they got kicked from this server forever, without the possibility to join again.

"We should really be careful more often." says Gus after that guy got obliterated from the game.

"Yes." responds Carlos. "The game is not fully released and everybody wanted to join already."

"Yeah. Kids these days cannot wait for a game to be released, and even if they will join, they will be instantly kicked." says Gus. "But we have to be careful if we have to talk to the developers about changing looks system."

"We really do need to do something. What if a kid will change his look into a man?"

"It is possible, so we'd better report it to the Developers." says Gus.

"Okay. And…" says Fred with a frightening voice and shaking up. "Who will do it?"