2 Dudes fighting a Cyclop

Gus and his friend Cesar, are facing a Cyclop who is going to be a tough mission, cause we have less HP than him, Attack Damage, but those they have a better attack speed and mobility. And they also have something he does not have at him, Health Regeneration, and a guy who plays Sabaton. Cesar takes out a Bluetooth box from his backpack, connects the phone on it, enters Youtube, and plays a Sabaton song which is "To Hell and Back". After the song was played, they are taking weapons from the inventory and prepare to attack the Cyclop who is looking ferociously at them.

Gus has taken his 6 Shoot revolver and Elodia Dagger, and his friend Cesar, who has taken new weapons, equipped MP-5 Electro, a submachine gun who sots electric bolts, and Stick of Healing, a stick which can heal them if the Cyclops it is way too strong to beat him.

"What is the plan?" Gus asked Cesar, but he just quickly starts shooting at the Cyclop while he is feeling the adrenaline of the music playing into his veins. "So we attack... Good plan."

Gus stabbed himself with his dagger, which can turn the one stabbed invisible and it helps him walking behind the monster and attacking him from behind, with his 6 Shoot Revolver. He shot the first two bullets into the monster butt, which did critical damage. The monster was turning around and ready to strike the ground with his mace, but I quickly run to the left, right when he blindly hit the ground with his mace, and shoot at him, the four bullets at the same time, which has hitten his legs. This did not do enough damage to the monster, but at least he did not saw Gus running cause the effects of this dagger have not ended yet.

"Ball of Electricity!" yelled Cesar before he was about to shoot a big ball that contains enough electricity to stun the monster for a few seconds and let them do their thing.

The ball has hitten the monster, and stunned him, right at the moment where the epic solo from the melody is playing. Gus shoots eight bullets at the same time, then the next sixteen ones. Those twenty-four bullets have done some damage, but not enough to kill the monster. Cesar is continuing shooting the Cyclops who is about to leave the stun phase, but his shots are not even doing enough damage, even if he is launching his passive, which is "Critical Electro", a passive move that allows the user to launch at random bullet who can do critical damage.

The monster, after he left the stun phase, he hit with his mace the player named Cesar pretty bad. That hit was so strong that he sent him twenty feet into the north. Gus looks at the HP bar of the monster and observes that he got 75% health, and that shows them the attacks we have launched weren't that powerful, so they have to change the strategy. He was thinking to run at Cesar and try helping him, but his invisibility ability has run out. Also, the monster has seen them.

The monster yelled and he was about to hit Gus with his mace. So, he took the dagger as fast as he could and stabbed himself, again. He disappeared again and the monster stops the mace, who was about to hit his head, at a few centimeters. The monster looked confused down there, and in other directions, thinking, where the did the man has gone, but he doesn't know that Gus was in front of him and now he aims with his Revolver at one of the most disgusting and painful location ever known to man, ball zone. This one is a male by the way, and the shot there means a critical hit if Gus's theory would be right.

He shots thirty-two bullets at the same time into the balls of the monster. Those bullets have hitten the monster, but it did not make him yell in agony or anger, that shot has barely done any damage to him.

"What?!" yelled Gus in his invisibility form. "Those guys who have created the Cyclops better give me some explications why he doesn't die or get wounded after he is not hit in the balls!"

The monster looks in the direction where does yelling comes from, at his legs, but when looks down and he did not see anything there. Monster thought this was probably his imagination, then he remembers that there was a second guy there, so he is looking everywhere and he is preparing for the next surprise attack.

Cesar is getting on his feet, and he saw the cyclops health bar and he decides to wait for the clip bar to refill so he could throw the big gun. He then runs to the monster while he is yelling "Primo victoria!", with his MP-5 equipped.

The monster was about to hit him with the mace, so Gus, is quickly running at the monster's back and he shoots those 64 bullets at the monster's head which has done some good damage. He made his health bar gone from 73% to 66%. Those 64 shots were critical, which means that if there were much more bullets, that shot would've killed him.

They are fighting so hard for almost three minutes, they dodged his mace, head, and kicks. These two have hit him, but not that painful. And, at the moment, when the clip size of the MP-5 got refilled, Cesar has taken it from the gun as fast as he could and he throws it to the monster, who has done... nothing. He realizes after that the ability only works on vehicles or a region where does electricity exists, but this is a place where there is not much electricity. So, Cesar did a big oopsie, but at least, Gus it is going to take the spotlight, so he shots the next 1000 bullets at the monster at the same time and those one have been completely hit him in the heart region, and there was a crit.

The Cyclop health bar was 50%, and now it is 1%. The Cyclop was yelling and he falls to his knees, which means that the one who is going to do the shot will take the reward.

Cesar was about to launch an energy orb into the Cyclop, but Gus was also shooting at the monster. Those two bullets were about to hit him, but a spear, who was coming from nowhere has stabbed his eyes and killed him.

Cesar and Gus turned around to see the person who has thrown the spear and the one who did it is a Hispanic guy, who is carrying Soul spears. The guy looks at those two guys who are looking angry at him because he took the biggest amount of money, cause he did the last shoot.

Right before Cesar and Gus were about to go at him and invite him into an Apocalyptic server to beat up his ass, he quickly disconnected from the game.

"What a chicken." says Cesar who is looking pissed that they got a little amount of money and exp, but that guy a much bigger amount of money, experience points, and even one card to vacation wherever in the real world at a good price. And you know what is the worst part, the guy was level 2, and now he is level 8 after he killed the monster.