Choosing new weapons

Two days later, after that day, Gus has done a lot of things for Brandon, by using the money he got from the game transferred into his bank account. He has bought a cheap apartment for him, get him into a session where he can fully recover from his drug addiction, and he even got a job as a dishwasher at a restaurant. It is not the best job, but he tried to add him into the program Gus is working at, but the developers did not accept him because he didn't have much history about video games. But they could accept him in the future when the game will be fully released.

Brandon was not even sad that he cannot work in the company his helpful friend is working for, in fact, he told him that he already did enough for him, and he also told, that he cannot repay him enough for the gesture he did to him. But he does tell him to just accept this and to live his life.

Now, on this night, Gus has decided to join the game, but not to work, just to play it like a child who is playing his first video game on a beautiful night while their parents are going out in the city. When he entered the game, the news tab from the game announced that eight new weapons have been added to the game, and one of those weapons is something that Gus is looking forward to it. It is a guitar that can create tornados and throw wind at the enemies to slow them or damage them.

When he entered the game, he got spawned on the Carrabien Islands. This was his last checkpoint when he left the game to recharge the capsule, and to find a job for Brandon. After he decided to teleport to the closest weapon store, he got a message from his mother, who was written: "Hello, Gus! Would like to come to our house to repair our roofs. Your father really needs some help.". Gus opened the tab message and replied to her that "Hello, Mom. I can do it. I will come tomorrow". After all, their house is at one hour distance, enough time to recharge his capsule and to also help his father repair the roof of the house Gus used to live with his family before he finished high school and got this job as a tester of this game.

At the time Gus arrived there, he saw a bunch of players from anywhere in the world, leaving the store with a weapon. Some have taken those new ones, and others are buying the old ones, but those who are broken because of the latest patch notes allow them to be much more broken than they used to be.

But Gus has come to take the "Wind Guitar", and surprisingly, not many people have taken it since this one can be only used by those who can use a guitar in real life and know how to sing with it. And Gus was a former guitarist from his high school band. So, this weapon might be perfect for him. But when Gus was about to use an exchange card to do an exchange, he was thinking about the weapon he could replace.

Sure. The revolver is broken, but after he shots the maximum it cannot be useful the next time. "Thanks for the patch note." he thought Gus to himself since he analyzed the nerf and he saw that the revolver got a nerf (it is the one mentioned in the same paragraph, but there is one thing unmentioned, the limit who is now 480). "So. I could replace the revolver, but guitar combined with a dagger it is not a good combo. Better exchange my dagger with this guitar. But what if my teammate needs to be invisible. Damm these choices are going to kill me."

After a few minutes, he decides to exchange his dagger for the guitar. After he did that, he leaves the store and he goes to a random location where he will fight a random monster, just to test out his guitar, to see how good it actually is and if it worth the exchange.


Gus, the guy who recently bought a guitar, got teleported close to the Faya-Largeau, a location from Chad ( Latitude: 17.26298, Longitude: 18.67782, Distortion: 1.10), and at three kilometers from that location, there are three rock type monsters at level nine. This seems to be a good mannequin for our main character to test out his new weapon. He walks to those monsters in fast peace while he looking at them. When he got some distance between them, he turns the guitar and he did a small solo that sounds fine. After he did that solo, a small tornado is going to those monsters and he flies two of them in the air, and when they landed on their backs back to the desert, they screamed and run into the Gus with their mace made out by pure rocks from this desert.

The monsters were close to hitting him, but he did the same ability and he made them fly again, but while they were on the air, Gus has decided to nuke them by singing some fine notes in a good sound and rhythm. and that first ability has destroyed the first monster, only letting the two ones left. Those could've run if they had common sense, but they are programmed to attack the one who hit them until he will die or leaves the area, but this will not be the case because Gus, is about to launch his ultimate, and this one it is the most complicated one because Gus hasn't done a solo that good since that day when he resigned for being the guitarist of the school band.