Summoned as Bow Hero

"Oh! Wow!"

I recover my awareness after hearing the sound of people marveling at something. After raising my body from the floor, I point my eyes straight ahead. There, I see men in the cliche wizard's robe, looking at me in awe, and apparently speechless.

"What's this?"

I turn in the direction of the voice and find three other people there.

The person who has spoken is an Asian teenager with black hair, blue eyes, an effeminate face, and a fancy sword in his hand.

I realize that he is Ren Amaki, the Hero of the Sword. Then, I shift my attention to the other two.

The next one is a young man with an attractive Asian face, a tall height, and a spear in his hand. He has long blond hair, tied in a ponytail style. He is Motoyasu Kitamura, the Hero of Spear.

(Wait for a second! His spear!)

I become speechless after getting a clear view of his spear. It isn't the familiar white-and-gold colored Legendary Spear. It looks like the minute hand of an analog clock. I realize what it means.

(Don't tell me I am in the Reprise timeline? What a twist!?)

Well, I never asked God to send me in the canon timeline of web-novel or light novel. I cannot blame God for this. It's my fault for not being clear with the specifics.

After finding my whereabouts, I pretend to be confused like Ren and the last guy with a shield, Naofumi.

[Learned: Acting - Lv.1]

A sudden notification takes my attention away. Then, a bunch of notification pops up.

[Skill: Acting has leveled up!]

[Skill: Acting has leveled up!]

[Skill: Acting has leveled up!]


[Skill: Acting has leveled up!]

In the end, I have ten skill level up notifications. I suppose it's due to my Instant Mastery.

Although I want to open my status screen to inspect my new skill. However, I put it on hold for the time being. I can inspect my status screen later. For now, I need to think...

(I wonder in which timeline of Reprise I am...)

I stop my musings when Motoyasu shifts his attention to me. When I look back, I see the confusion in his red eyes. Then, he opens his mouth, apparently about to question me. Alas, Ren opens his mouth first, loudly saying, "Where are we?"

"Oh, heroes! Please save our world!" The mages appeal loudly in unison.

"What?!" Ren and Naofumi react strongly.

Meanwhile, Motoyasu and I keep our silence.

"What's that? Answer clearly!" Ren demands strongly.

One of the mages, probably the leader, raises his body and says, "There are many complications in this situation. Anyway, to offer a simple answer to your question, we have just completed an ancient ceremony and summoned you four, O Cardinal Heroes!"

"Summoned?" Naofumi asks loudly, confused.

Speaking of Naofumi, He has the appearance of a Japanese young man with unruly black hair, green eyes, and a face that oozes optimism and naivety. He has the Legendary Shield attached to his arm.

"Our world is on the brink of destruction. O Cardinal Heroes, please lend us your strength to save our world!" The leader pleads while bowing deeply once again.

"I don't think so!" Ren replies strongly.

Motoyasu, Naofumi, and I choose to watch in silence. When we keep our silence, Ren gives us a side glance. He then dismisses us, uncaring that we don't help him coercing the mages.

Ren continues on, saying, "Don't you feel any shame and guilt for calling people into your world without their permission?"

The mages flinch from Ren's accusation.

"Even if we save your world, you will just send us back home, right? That sounds like a chore to me." Ren glares, making the mages recoil in their spots.

However, Ren has yet to finish.

"I wonder how much you've considered our opinion on this. I wonder how it could be worth our while? Depending on how the conversation goes, keep in mind that I might end up enemies of your world!"

(He seems to enjoy this far too much!) I comment silently as I watch everything.

Ren continues lambasting the mages, and it seems strange to me. I recall that Ren isn't a talkative guy!

"Yes, well, we would very much appreciate it if you speak with His Majesty the King. He will discuss future compensation with you in the throne room."

Not waiting for Ren's reply, the leader walks away before leaning on a heavy-looking stone door. He opens it before pointing out politely, silently telling us to leave the room.

"Whatever," Ren scoffs and walks off in the direction the leader of the mages hs indicated.

We follow Ren's lead and walk out of the room. Then, the leader of the mages leads us to the throne room. As we move to our destination, we inspect our surroundings in awe and wonderment, except for Motoyasu.

Speaking of the Spear Hero, he seems thoughtful and keeps giving me a confused stare. I ignore him and inspect the amazing sight around me. It seems surreal.

We enter the throne room and stop a bit away from Trash.

Speaking of Trash, he is reclining in his throne and is looking down on us. He is also hiding his hatred for Naofumi well. Kudos for him, I suppose.

"So, these kids are the Legendary Heroes?"

I ignore Trash's condescending tone and keep my neutral expression.

"My name is Aultcray Melromarc XXXII! I am the ruler of these lands! Heroes, show me your faces!"

I resist the urge to tell him off and to point out that the real ruler of Melromarc 'Queendom' is his wife.

"Now then, I shall begin the explanation." Trash continues after getting a good look at our faces. "This country, no, this whole world is on the brink of destruction!"

And so, Trash's explanation about the Wave of Destruction begins.

There is a prophecy about the end of this world. Many phenomenons called 'Waves of Destruction' will happen. These phenomenons will wash over the world repeatedly until nothing remains.

Unless the waves are repelled and the following calamities avoided, the world is doomed. This prophecy is from a long time ago, though the time it speaks of is now.

According to legend, the waves will come in one-month intervals.

In the beginning, the citizens didn't believe in the legends. However, when the last sand in the hourglass that predicts the Waves fell, a great calamity occurred.

A couple of weeks ago, cracks appeared in the sky, and endless terrifying monsters fell from those cracks. Knights and adventurers defended this country desperately, and they only achieved a pyrrhic victory!

The most horrifying fact is that the next wave is prophesied to be more brutal than the previous one. At this rate, this country is doomed.

Having no way to ward off the impending disaster, the kingdom decided to summon Legendary Heroes from another world to save their world!

Thus, here we are, as the Four Cardinal Heroes.

So far, it is similar to what I remember from the source materials. I know that Trash has hidden many truths from us, like how other places are also hit by waves of destruction and how Melromarc shouldn't have summoned all Heroes.

"Basically, you are just commanding us to help you, right?" Ren accuses heatedly.

"How selfish and inconsiderate of you," I add. To be honest, I just want to pay back for Trash's previous condescension.

Surprisingly, Naofumi also joins in the fun, saying, "They are right! We don't have any responsibility to help you! If we save your world, are you going to give us a 'thanks and see you later' just like that? Don't get me wrong! I want to know if we can return home. So, can we return home?"

Naofumi's words interrupt Motoyasu's silent contemplation.

Speaking of Motoyasu, he has been busy with his little world once the explanation about the wave has begun.

"Hmm..." Trash groans and shoots the short and shifty-looking officer a sidelong glance.

The officer, this kingdom minister if I am not wrong, is the same person who appears in the first episode of the first season of the anime.

"Don't worry, O Heroes. We are planning on compensating you all for your efforts," the minister promises to us.

"Naturally. I've made some arrangements to financially support you and to provide you with whatever you may require for your efforts on our behalf." Trash adds.

"Don't ever think that you've bought us off! As long as we aren't enemies, I'll help you out," Ren says.

"Me too!" I add casually.

"What they said!" Naofumi also agrees.

Motoyasu is the only hero who keeps silent. Granted, he has returned to his little world after losing interest in our talk.

"Very well, then. Heroes, tell us your names," Trash says, still condescending as ever.

Ren steps forward and introduces himself, saying, "My name is Ren Amaki. I am 16 years old and a high school student."

After Ren stepped backward, I step forward and start my introduction, saying, "Randy Quartz. 18 years old. A college freshman."

Now, it is Naofumi's turn. He steps forward and introduces himself, saying, "My name is Naofumi Iwatani. I am 20 years old and a college student."

After Naofumi's turn, everyone waits for Motoyasu's turn. However, the Spear Hero seems unresponsive. When we realize that Motoyasu is still trapped in his daydream, Naofumi jabs Motoyasu with his elbow.

"Huh?! What is it?" Motoyasu asks, looking at Naofumi in confusion.

"Your introduction! It's your turn now!" Naofumi says to the retarded Spear Hero.