Shopping in Erhard's

I stand in front of Erhard's shop. There is a large sign in the shape of a sword hanging over the wooden door.

I steal a glimpse of the interior through the open door. There are weapons of all sorts hanging on the stone walls. It looks like the shop also stocks armor and other goods necessary for adventuring.

By the way, the interior is similar to the one in the anime. However, I can't see the shop's owner from here.

I shake my head and silently remind myself that I'm here for business. After that, I enter the shop and immediately find Erhard standing in front of a weapon rack.

It is no wonder that I couldn't see him from outside. His position is in the blind spot of the open door.

Speaking of Erhard, he looks as expected. Basically, he has the appearance of African-Americans.

"Oh? A customer? Welcome." Erhard welcomes me amiably and makes his way to his wooden counter. All the way to his counter, he inspects my appearance in silence.

"Excuse me. I want to purchase some adventuring goods and a set of armor." I declare my intention bluntly.

"Then, you're in the correct place," Erhard says, still keeping his fixed business smile. "If I may ask, why are you dressed strangely?"

"This? Well, this is casual clothes in my original world. I'm not trying to toot my horn, but I am one of the summoned heroes. The Bow Hero, to be precise." I raise my Legendary Bow in its Small Bow form to make my point clear.

"You're one of the heroes?! Wow!" Erhard seems surprised before quickly recovering. He then says, "You don't look that strong."

Keeping my thin smile, I ignore him. I can't blame him for underestimating me. After all, I look unassuming.

Erhard puts a serious expression and says, "Listen up, Hero-Boy! If you don't get some decent equipment, other adventurers will wipe the floor with you."

"That is why I'm here, Sir. I want to get some decent equipment for adventuring."

"You can drop that 'sir' stuff. Just call me Erhard. So, what do you need?"

So, straight to the point, huh? Well, I like it! "Do you have lightweight equipment set for Archer Class? Also, I need some adventuring gears like tents, rope, and the likes."

"Well, then. How much is your capital?"

I think about my funds and choose to limit my spending for the armor to 500 pieces of silver and 100 pieces of silver for necessary gears.

When I tell Erhard my budget, he nods in acknowledgment and says, "Do you need anything else? Perhaps, secondary weapons such as a dagger?"

"Sorry. But, I'm forbidden to use other weapons. The Legendary Bow won't let me use 'em. If I go against this restriction, it will send a painful jolt as a punishment."

"Hmmm..." Erhard rubs his chin thoughtfully, "That's going to be a problem if your opponents get close to you."

"Well, I'm confident with my martial art."

"As long as you won't end up dead put there, all is well. How about a quiver full of arrows? I have some enchanted arrows if you want." Erhard advertises his other wares.

"I already have some normal and potent arrows in my possession."

"If I may, where are they?"

"I keep them inside the Inventory." When I see Erhard's confused expression, I elaborate, "Imagine a personal storehouse in another dimension that can only be accessed by heroes."

"Wow! That sounds amazing!" He says, but his eyes sharpen after that. He looks around his shop, checking for missing wares, after which he says, "I hope you don't use that for shoplifting, okay?"

I scoff at that and say, "Sorry, but I'm not a shoplifter."

"That's all and well, then." Erhard nods and seems pleased with my answer. He then declares, "So, it is a set of armor for Archer Class with a price below 500 pieces of silvers and another 100 pieces for two sets of adventuring gears. I'll take your order, Hero-Boy."

I nod in acceptance and watch Erhard walk off to get my order. In the meantime, I inspect his wares in the shop.

To be honest, I'm tempted to copy some good bows hanging on the wall, but I resist the temptation. I don't think that it's unfair for Erhard, and he has yet to give me a reason to rip him off. Besides, I can use my Omnipotence to create powerful bows to copy.

After some time, Erhard returns with my lightweight armor. "Here, try this! This is my best light armor set within 500 pieces of silver." Erhard boasts after putting the equipment on the wooden counter.

"Where can I change?" I ask Erhard as I eye the pile.

"That is the changing booth!" He points at the booth. With an expression as if realizing something, he quickly adds, "Do you need my help for putting them on?"

I alternate my view between the pile of items and Erhard, inwardly contemplating his offer. Begrudgingly, I realize that I need his help. I never put on something like them in my life. Thus, I accept his offer.

"Okay. However, I won't help you wearing your undershirt and leggings. You need no help wearing them. I'll help for the rest, however." Erhard says bluntly.

That is understandable. We are both dudes, and apparently not interested in the same sex romantically. Hence, he's told me to change on my own.

"Fine with me," I agree and go inside the changing booth.

While I am changing inside the booth, Erhard is collecting my other orders.

"Erhard, can you help me now? I have changed into the undershirt and the leggings." I call Erhard out.

"Wait for a minute, kiddo! I'll be there soon!"

A couple of minutes later, Erhard steps inside the changing booth and join me. The curtain is open, so no awkward event will happen because two dudes are inside a changing booth. Such a scenario can end up in a misunderstanding. Erhard then helps me putting on the pieces of my armor.

Except for the cuirass, which is lightweight and is made of steel wires, everything is made from the hides of monsters. They consist of a breastplate, a pair of shoulder guards, a pair of gloves that protect my elbows and cover my thumb, index, and middle fingers, a waist guard, a pair of kneepads, and a pair of boots.

Erhard also gives me a crash-course about maintaining my gears, and I am thankful for his helpful nature despite he has no obligation to do so.

After putting on my new equipment, I inspect my new appearance on the mirror on the booth's wall. With my Caucasian look, light brown hair, and dark brown eyes, I don't look out of place. I can be mistaken as this world's residents.

Speaking of my armor, the detail is as follows:


[Intermediate Archery Gear]

It is a set of lightweight armor forged for Archer-class adventurers around level 20-40.

Stat Bonus: +20 Defense, -2 Speed

Equip Bonus: Slice Resistance (Medium), Pierce Resistance (Medium), Self-Cleaning, Blood-Coating


After leaving the booth, I make my way to the counter. I find my purchases on the counter and start moving them into my Inventory.

"So, how much are they?" I ask Erhard after storing the last item.

Erhard, who has been watching my activity in bemusement, quickly recovers his composure and says, "Well, how about 550 pieces of silver? I give you 50 pieces off since you'll fight off the wave for this world's sake."

"Really, Erhard? Only 50 pieces off for a hero who puts his life on the line?" I intend that to be a joke, but Erhard shows troubled expression. It seems like he has taken my joke seriously.

"I was joking, Erhard. Sorry for being insensitive and inconsiderate." I apologize to Erhard, who sighs helplessly in return.

"No, you were correct, Hero-Boy. The heroes are putting their lives on the line for this world's sake. From what I have seen from you, heroes are also human and have never put their lives in danger." Erhard pauses and releases a heavy sigh. He shows a complicated expression.

"To be honest, I want to help you and show my support and gratitude for putting your life on the line for our sake, but I also need to earn my livings. I can't give them for free, but I can lower the total prices to 500 pieces. That's the limit I can afford."

I keep my silence. Truth be told, I am feeling guilty for unintentionally guilt-tripping him. However, my feeling isn't related to the discount Erhard graciously offered. Actually, I'm someone who never allows my personal emotions and bias to affect my action. At the very least, most of the time.

In the end, I accept his gracious discount.

"Thanks, Erhard. Don't worry! I understand what you meant. Everyone tries to survive. To be honest, I appreciate this. Really," I say sincerely.

"Just don't die and be careful out there, okay?"

"I promise!"

"You do that! And don't forget my shop if you need an upgrade, maintenance, or necessities for adventuring."

"I will!" I promise to Erhard before leaving his shop. Before leaving, I put on a hooded cloak that was included in my purchases and cover my head with the hood.

I head for the alleyway and my Compass of Desire to get to my next destination, which is Beloukas' tent in the back alley.

I want to buy Raphtalia. I don't know if she's already been resold to Beloukas. I am uncertain whether Raphtalia has become Idol Rabier's slave or her fate follows the web-novel version of her. Regardless of the outcome, I want to get her on my first visit.

With that in mind, I follow the direction pointed by the Compass of Desire and make my way to Slave Trader's tent. At the same time, I keep my senses on the stalkers following me.