A Serious Discussion

"WHO ARE YOU?!" Erhard shouts after recovering from his shock fast. He has taken the closest weapon, a short sword, and is threateningly pointing it at us.

"HIIIIIKKKKK!" Raphtalia screams in fear and latches on me in reflex.

I raise my hand and show my Legendary Bow that has transformed back to its Small Bow form. "It's me, Erhard," I say in a placating manner.


"Yeah," I reply shortly and lower my Legendary Bow before taking off my hood. Erhard displays a surprised expression after seeing my different appearance.

"Kiddo, what's with that appearance?! Who is that cloaked kid?! What have you gotten yourself into?!" He becomes hysterical as he bombards me with many questions in one breath.

"Wait for a minute!" I ask for a time out and shift my attention to Raphtalia. "Don't be afraid," I say in a soothing tone, "This uncle is just surprised. He isn't a bad person despite his rough appearance. His name is Erhard, and he is a blacksmith. By the way, a blacksmith is someone who creates weapons and tools for daily activity. We are in his shop. So, you can take down your hood. Sorry for frightening you."

Raphtalia's hood moves as she looks up at me. When our eyes meet, I see her doubt and hesitation. I caress her head carefully and slowly, trying to her to calm her.

Fortunately, Erhard is content with watching us in silence. Unfortunately, I can feel his questioning gaze focusing on me with laser precision.

After a couple of minutes, Raphtalia gives a hesitant nod and takes her hood off. Yet, she still hides behind me and glances at Erhard suspiciously.

I turn in Erhard's direction and see his gaze that conveys, 'explain or else...'

I sigh tiredly and say, "Could you get a cloth or a lightweight armor for this little lady? Preferably, something usable as she grows up fast due to her demi-human nature. Also, would you mind if I borrow your bathroom to clean her?"


"I will explain everything, Erhard. Later! I Promise! But, please! I need this girl to be decent first!"

Erhard looks into my eyes deeply and nods shortly. Then, he puts away his weapon in its proper place and walks off to get my order.

We are lucky that Erhard's shop is empty. It would've complicated things if there were customers here.

Anyway, I clear my mind from unnecessary thoughts and shift my attention to Raphtalia. She has been watching me like a hawk after Erhard's left.

I pat her tiny hand that clutches my cloak, and she becomes aware that she has been holding me. She immediately releases her hand and displays a fearful expression.

"I'm sorry, master! Please, don't hurt me!" She pleads with a scared expression and a desperate tone.

I crouch down and say, "Okay. No need to be afraid. I'm not angry."

"Really?" She asks timidly.

"Yes. I'm not angry."

Although I have promised her, she still holds her doubt. I realize that Raphtalia won't easily open up to me.

Understandably, I have a harder time with Raphtalia compared to Naofumi. Granted, that man could charm all animals and demi-humans without any problem. His luck with those people with animalistic nature is due to his unique charisma. Thus, I entertain the idea of creating that type of charisma using my Omnipotence and go with it.

[Learned: Animalistic Charisma - Lv: N/A]

After that, I caress Raphtalia's hair and wait for the difference. In no time, Raphtalia melts in my hand. Her tight expression is relaxing. The effect of my new skill is potent.

(No wonder that Naofumi could control many demi-humans and make them turn obedient quickly. His charisma is a cheat in and of itself.) I silently think.

When I stop my ministration and move my hand away, Raphtalia whines and then opens her eyes wide with a snap. She looks mortified as she realizes what she has done.

I just smile at her amusedly and pat her head comfortingly again. This time, the head-pat lasts shortly. I say, "After Erhard came back, can you clean up yourself? In the meantime, I need to have a serious talk with Erhard."

Raphtalia nods her head wordlessly. I take it as 'Yes.' Then, I find that Raphtalia is struggling with something. Her conflicted expression speaks for her internal struggle. I say, "Do you need anything? You can speak freely. I never forbade you to speak what's in your mind, did I?"

"Umm, mister, I don't know your name, and I don't know how to call you. Also, how do you know my name?" Emboldened by my words, Raphtalia asks.

I watch the timid Raphtalia for a few seconds before giving my reply, saying, "We haven't introduced ourselves properly, have we? Well, I'll introduce myself first. My name is Randy Quartz, but you can call me Randy, Ran, or anything you want as long as it's not insulting. I'm 18 years old. How do I know your name? Well, when you were registered as my slave, you joined my party. As my party member, I can look into your status screen. I know your name from reading your status."

Raphtalia nods in acceptance. "Then, can I call you Mister Ran?"

"Do as you please," I respond easily.

Right after that, Erhard comes back with new armor for Raphtalia. I recognize it because it's the same one Raphtalia in the canon worn when she was little.

"You'll pay for these items, will you? I'll go bankrupt if I keep giving you a discount," Erhard says bluntly.

"I will pay in full. I'll feel bad if I keep getting charities."

Erhard sighs and turns in Raphtalia's direction. The little Tanuki girl tenses and hides herself behind me. When Erhard sees Raphtalia's action, he shows a helpless expression. Then, he glares at me to vent his frustration. In return, I smile dryly at him.

"Like I said. Erhard isn't a bad person. You needn't hide behind me."

After listening to my words, Raphtalia gives Erhard a quick look and forms a thoughtful expression.

"I understand, Mister Ran," Raphtalia says hesitatingly and walks off with a slow movement.

"I promise I won't hurt you, little miss. Come on! I'll lead you to the bathroom!"

Raphtalia nods timidly before following after Erhard. She threw a glance in my direction. In return, I give her a small smile to encourage her. Then, she disappears behind the door, following the blacksmith.

To kill time, I inspect Erhard's wares. Fortunately, Erhard returns quickly.

"How is it? Did she give you troubles?" I ask him.

"No. Little miss is pretty smart."

"I see."

"So, can you tell me now, kiddo?" Erhard folds his hands and tells me to start talking with his serious look.

I spread my sense to make sure that Shadows are not around to eavesdropping. Then, I nod and begin telling Erhard what happened after I left his shop.

In short, I explained how I was stalked by the Shadows of the Queen and the Church of Three Heroes. It forced me to change my appearance to throw them off. I then told him about my intention to get Raphtalia from the Slave Trader in the back alley.

"Wait! The girl is a slave?"

"Yes. Is there a problem?"

"Kiddo, you're not a deviant, aren't you?" Erhard gave me a suspicious gaze.

"Why in the world did you ask that?! Isn't Melromarc allowing slavery, no?" I retort back.

"Well, yeah. But, not everyone agrees with it." Erhard's doubtful gaze is still on me. "You are not planning to do something bad for the little miss, are you?"

"Of course, not!" I heatedly talk back. Well, I did plan to groom her into the first member of my future harem, but I never intended to treat her unfairly or cruelly.

People might despise me and think me less because of my plan for Raphtalia, but I could care less of their opinion. In this Reprise timeline, Raphtalia's future is unclear. She may die or worse. Thus, my action has granted her the best outcome. It may not be the right thing, but it's better than the alternative.

Furthermore, I never intended to do something that considered crimes in my world when she's still so young. I'd make her my first lover after her body and mind matured. I may manipulate the outcome a bit, but in the end, I let her join my harem by her own will. Me rearing her is an investment. No more, no less.

"Are there reasons for you to buy her from that Slave Trader? You aren't someone who does something without rhyme or reason from my observation. Of course, I could be mistaken."

I contemplate my answer in silence, weighing my options: telling him the truth, or keeping it hidden. I know that Erhard can be trusted. Thus, I choose to tell Erhard.

After that, I tell Erhard about Raphtalia's origin; her father being a former Crown Prince of Q'Ten Lo who eloped with his commoner lover who gave birth to Raphtalia, her being a descendant of the Vassal Hero of Hammer, her potential to be a Vassal Hero, her losing her parents due to the waves, her trauma and my plan to help her move on, and me needing her in my party to fight off the waves.

Surprisingly, Erhard is silently listening to my explanation. After I concluded my explanation, he opens his mouth, saying, "So, that little miss is actually royalty and a descendant of a Vassal Hero. No wonder you've gotten into so much trouble to get her. I understand the gist of it." Erhard rubs his chin thoughtfully.

Speaking of Q'Ten Lo, I remember that Erhard's master hailed from there. What's more, that reclusive country is controlled by someone who is related to the Fake Goddess who's the prime antagonist in the Rising of the Shield Hero.

"Just treat the little miss kindly. You hear me, kiddo?" Erhard demands seriously, and I nod resolutely in return.

"However, you seem very knowledgeable about this world despite coming from another world. Is it another perk of being a hero?" Erhard asks, changing the topic.

I feel glad about the change of topic since I sense Raphtalia finishing her business in the bathroom. She is approaching us.

"Well, the Cardinal Heroes have some knowledge about this world from different media in our original worlds. Naofumi the Shield Hero has read a book about this world. Meanwhile, Motoyasu the Spear Hero, Ren the Sword Hero, and I know about this world from videogames. To be precise, MMO, VRMMO, and JRPG respectively." I explain to Erhard and lie about my source.

"Videogames? That's a word I am unfamiliar with."

I choose to explain the concept of videogames and the abovementioned types shortly. Erhard seems to have a hard time comprehending the concept, but he doesn't force me to give him a detailed explanation. This man is very understanding.

"Mister Ran, Uncle, I'm done..."

Erhard and I stop our discussion after Raphtalia joined us. I turn in her direction and see her in the same outfit that her canon counterpart wore.

"Well, well, well, you look nice, little miss," Erhard says, giving his compliment.

"That he said," I wholeheartedly agree with Erhard.

Raphtalia blushes after receiving our complement. Then, she timidly approaches me, and I pat her head softly after she reached me. As expected, she quickly melts in my hand. My Charisma has a potent effect on her.

"Anyway, can you get her a knife? I'll plan to teach her how to fight." I said to Erhard, who displayed a complicated expression in return.

I can guess what he is thinking. Raphtalia is too young to fight monsters or help me in a fight, but he also knows that Raphtalia has the potential to be a hero of this world.

Meanwhile, Raphtalia has recoiled in shock after hearing me. She then shrieks, "K-Knife?! F-Fighting?!"

When I look at her, I see her scared expression. I unintentionally let out a tired sigh because I know that I must coax Raphtalia to agree with my plan. There's going to be another exhausting talk, and the recipient is less receptive than Erhard.