A Snitch

Silas's POV:

I rubbed Stormy's back as we sat in the living room, watching this movie she wanted to see. I just went along with it.... It's not like I was paying attention to the movie. I had other things to think about... like how I was going to get Lyle off the throne and myself on it. I can't stand living by his ideals, and I was the one supposed to be on the throne. He stole my birthright from me... and he kicked our sister out of the castle too over that damned fledgling of his. She looked towards me then and leaned in, giving me a soft kiss. "Someone seems upset." I looked towards her and smirked.

"What makes you say that?" I purred to her, returning my attention to my princess. I ran my fingers through her pretty silky hair then. "I thought I was doing a good job of looking like I was paying attention."

"I could sense your upset feelings," she explained lightly. "It's making me feel the same way." I frowned and then sighed. She must be able to do that.... She's going to be very powerful one day. I purred and leaned in, kissing her lips.

"I'll be fine. I'm just trying to figure out how I'm going to overthrow my brother is all." I smirked at her and then pulled her closer to me. "So you can feel how I feel huh? That's useful to you. I'll never be able to get anything past you then." I kissed her again then, making it deeper. She purred and deepened the kiss before pulling back from it.

"You shouldn't have anything to slip past me anyways," she warned. I laughed and then kissed her neck.

"I know," I purred to her and then started to give her a love bite. She leaned into my neck and bit down into my skin, letting out a playful growl. I gasped and then growled back to her, scraping my fangs against her neck teasingly. "I'm going to get you," I told her and then started to push her back against the couch. She giggled and let go of me and looked up into my eyes.

"What'd I do?" She asked innocently. She licked her bloody lips as her eyes lingered down to my wound. I laughed and then licked her lip playfully.

"You bit me," I purred and then leaned into her neck, biting into her before I let some of my venom into her to mark her. She moaned and gripped my sides.

"I can't bite you?" She asked softly. I pulled away from her neck and smirked.

"You can bite me if you want. I never said you couldn't," I told her and then showed her my fangs. "I'll bite you back though." I leaned in and kissed her lips passionately, reaching for the TV remote to turn up the TV more and make sure that no one passing by could hear us as I slipped my tongue into her mouth and dropped the remote on the floor. She giggled and started to suck on my tongue, her fangs scrapping against me in the process. I moaned and leaned more into the kiss, getting slightly aroused by her fangs against me as she kissed me deeply. Oh my god, she's the right one for me. I picked my mate well. My dark princess.... I felt another moan slip from me as I closed my eyes in pleasure.

"Wow, you guys have the TV up blasting," I heard Sylar tell us as he walked into the room. She pulled back from the kiss and gave him an annoyed look.

"Do you mind?" She hissed.

"I don't mind sugar," Sylar told her and walked up to the other couch and collapsed onto it. "Whatcha watching big brother? It's lonely without Esther, Lyle, and Milo here." I growled slightly in annoyance, sitting up on Stormy as I looked towards him.

"Well, yeah, of course it would be boring. You don't have them to bother anymore. How about you go play with Everest?" I suggested, keeping calm. C'mon... I was about to go further with her than I've gone before.... We were getting ready to.... He knew what we were doing. "Get us some blood in a few hours too."

"What? No. I came in here to hang out with you~ Silas. We're supposed to hang out together." Sylar whined and gave me a frown. "You're so mean picking her over your own flesh and blood." Stormy snorted.

"You don't have what I do though," she snapped towards him. I frowned towards him.

"If I picked you right now, you wouldn't come near me for months," I told him then leaned down, kissing Stormy with a purr. "Look Sylar, we'll hang out later. I promise." I glanced his way again and then smirked.

"Nu-uh. You're hanging out with me today!" Sylar gave me a pouty face. "I'm your favorite brother."

"You are my favorite brother," I told him and laughed. "Now, if you don't leave, you're going to see something rated R," I warned, giving him a look before I leaned in and kissed Stormy again.

"Why can't you hang out with me now?" He whined and got to his feet, going for the door. "It's so unfair." Stormy giggled and kissed me back. I purred to her, ignoring Silas for now. I'd just make him happier later... not right now though. I smirked against Stormy's lips and playfully licked her bottom one with a growl, reaching for her hands. She giggled and wrapped her arms around my neck quickly.

"Rated R?" She asked me. "Who said we were going with that so fast?" I laughed and looked down at her.

"He wouldn't have gotten lost if I hadn't told him something like that," I purred in her ear. "Besides... if you don't want to, then we can stop before I get caught up in it," I mumbled and then kissed her neck. "It'll be harder later to stop."

"We'll just see about that," she leaned in and started to kiss me deeply. I purred and kissed her back, leaning into the kiss to make it more passionate and slipped my tongue back into her mouth to pick up where we left off before Silas came barging in. She reached up and started to run her fingers through my hair, tugging on it as she started to suck on my tongue. Her fangs scrapped against my tongue again, cutting it slightly. I jumped a little then relaxed on her, giving a slight moan. Damn she's hot. I tilted my head, making it deep and slow for her as I started to trail my hands down her sides to her hips. She trailed her fingers down my back and started to scratch it a bit with her sharp nails as she deepened the kiss and threw us both into the floor. She giggled and pulled back from my lips. I laughed and looked at her before I kissed her neck.

"You're so mine," I purred to her and then trailed my kisses down to her collarbone. She leaned in and scrapped her fangs against my neck before she bit back into my flesh and started to drink my blood. I moaned a little and let her, rubbing her back soothingly before I sighed and relaxed. I think we'll leave it at that for now.... After all, she's really young. I can wait, and she's more interested in food than that right now. I laid down beside her, keeping my neck exposed enough for her as I absentmindedly ran my fingers along her spine. She pulled back from my neck after a minute and leaned in towards my lips and kissed me deeply, running her fingers down my sides. I laughed and kissed her back, purring to her before I pulled her onto me to allow her to control how far she wanted these kisses to go. She pulled back from them and started to kiss my cheek, trailing kisses down to my neck, then to my collar bone, and to my shoulder. I gasped softly and looked towards her. Damn it. I leaned in and kissed her quickly, switching our positions as I put her on bottom again. I purred and slipped between her legs, starting to give her a love bite on her neck. She moaned and exposed her neck for me. I smirked and then scrapped my fangs against her neck before I pulled her shirt off and then kissed her collarbone then gave a love bite to her. She gasped and pushed me back.

"Nu-uh, I didn't say you could take my shirt off." She grabbed it and tsked towards me. "Bad boy." I frowned and then looked at her.

"Why not?" I asked her and then sat up on her.

"Because I said so, I've got the power." She smirked and put her shirt back on. I frowned and then got off her, sitting down on the couch. Fine then. I grabbed the remote and sat it beside me, looking towards the TV.

"Alright, if you say so," I told her. She looked up towards me and frowned then got to her feet and stomped off out the room. I frowned and watched her go. What the hell is her problem? She told me not to take her shirt off, so why the hell is she being so moody? I sighed and then turned off the TV. Great. Maybe I should've picked hanging out with Sylar. I got to my feet and walked out of the room, going towards my brother's bedroom. I found him sitting on a table out in the hall with a phone in his hands and headphones in his ears. His eyes scanned the phone as his face showed boredom. I walked up to him and smirked, scooping him up into my arms before I pulled his headphones off. "Hey," I purred to him, starting to carry him down the hall. He purred and shoved his phone into his pocket.

"Silas," he purred and rubbed his head against my shoulder. "I didn't think you meant it would be so soon."

"She was being moody," I told him and sighed. "We're going to go hang out instead. I'm not chasing her down for her being upset because I chose to stop when she complained about her shirt. What do you want to do?"

"I wanted to hang out with you of course. Let's be brothers and do something fun. Your choice," he gave me a cute smile. I smirked a little at him. This is how it should be. I should be king... with my brothers adoring me like this... not with Lyle in my place.

"Alright, we'll go to town," I purred in his ear. "Lets go tell the maids to get a car prepared for us."

"Why do we need them to do it for us?" He asked and tugged on my shirt. "We can do it ourselves." I looked at him and considered it for a second then nodded.

"Okay," I whispered and then carried him towards the garage. "We can go hunting... or partying... whichever you prefer... or maybe see a movie."

"Hunting? You know we're not supposed to hunt unless the victim consents. We could go party though. Oh I have to ask you a few things and tell you a few things." He looked up into my eyes, purring. I stopped and looked at him in curiosity.

"What is it?" I asked, watching him as he looked up at me.

"What do you know about the vampire resistance?" He asked, giving me a stern look. I frowned.

"The vampire resistance? What's that?" I asked him, feigning innocence. Why would Sylar want to know about the vampire resistance?

"Because I want to know if you know anything," he told me sweetly. "I wanna know. Be real."

"Okay... why do you care?" I asked him and raised an eyebrow at him. "You aren't normally the type that would be asking about them. You follow Lyle's ideals when it comes to how humans are treated."

"I don't follow. It's the law and I try to be a noble prince. I do want to know what you know about it though. I heard it's growing and is an issue with the council. You tell me what I want to know and I'll tell you something better." I sighed. Well... I think I could trust Sylar enough....

"Well, yeah, the vampire resistance is getting stronger. A lot of vampires who are out on the streets and don't have ways to get blood peacefully turn to the resistance for help and they've been recruiting.... I think they've also been holding auctions recently.... They had a werebear a little while ago, but it was sold," I told him and then started to walk with him again, carrying him. "What do you want to know exactly?"

"Are you apart of it?" He whispered quietly. I sighed.

"Depends," I told him. "When it comes to feeding on humans, I don't share Lyle's views. You know that."

"I know," he mumbled. "Would you join the resistance?"

"That also depends," I purred to him.

"Silas," he whined. "That's not telling me much."

"I would if the council becomes too oppressive for me," I told him and sighed, watching him. "I'm not the kind to let someone step all over me like that, especially when it comes to my rights as a predator. We're vampires. We were made better than the humans. Those that become vampires are blessed."

"Okay, here is the juicy information I dug up... Lyle asked me to find out." He gave me a playful smirk. I frowned at him then dropped him from my arms. Traitor! I hissed at him and exposed my fangs.

"Get away from me," I hissed at him then started to walk in the other direction. "Fucking snitch."

"Snitch?" Sylar whined. "I haven't told him anything... I thought you'd be happy I told you this." He whimpered and got to his feet. "Last time I try to help you." He grumbled and started to walk away. I growled towards him and whirled around.

"Yeah, but you were still asking to tell on me to him, weren't you?!" I shouted at him. "You were going to! I know it! You let him use you! I can't believe you would do this to me like that!"

"I wasn't going to tell him, but now I'm getting a feeling I should," he whirled around to face me and crossed his arms. "Here I was helping my favorite brother out and he hurts my bum by dropping me." I narrowed my eyes and started for him, grabbing his arm.

"Why the hell did you ask me those questions then if you weren't planning on telling him? He is going to be expecting those answers, whether you want to give them to him or not," I hissed under my breath towards him. "Don't you dare betray me." I'd never forgive him for it. If my brother could prove my resistance to the council, I'd never be on the throne because they'd never listen to me, and I might get arrested for my beliefs too if Lyle can prove them. He already threw Esther out of her own home.

"Silas you're my brother, I'm not going to let him throw you out too because of your beliefs. I was going to tell him anyways you didn't have any part in the resistance. Why can't you trust me?" He asked and gave a frown. "I told you so you'd keep an eye out. They've got you under suspicion. It's obvious. Lyle has to go to a meeting tomorrow as well." I frowned and watched him for a few minutes then sighed, deciding I could trust him. He meant well. I pulled him into a hug and kissed the top of his head.

"I'm sorry I dropped you. Thank you for warning me," I whispered to him then picked him up into my arms with a smirk. "I'll watch my back." He kissed my cheek and leaned up against my shoulder.

"Good, I don't want my brother getting thrown in an asylum or executed for being apart of the resistance." He purred. I purred back to him and smiled. At least I have one loyal brother. I kissed his cheek then.

"I'd get rid of them before I let them touch me," I purred to him and then took him into the garage. "Let's get going before it gets real late and the parties begin to slow." He nodded in approval.

"Yeah, we need to go so we have time to beat the sun and make it back." I purred and kissed his cheek before I slipped him into the passenger seat of my personal car then got in the driver's seat, starting her up. I turned on the radio and quickly drove out of the garage, texting Stormy at the same time.

Me: Stormy, I'm going out for part of the night. If you get hungry, go to a maid and ask for a bottle of blood... or bite them. Love you my sweet princess.

Sylar buckled up then rested his feet on the dash. I looked towards him and smirked, exposing my fangs his way. "Feet off the dash brother." He whined and crossed his feet, rolling the window down and turned up the radio higher. I frowned as I noticed he didn't bother to take his feet down. I hit the brakes as we approached the gates and then turned to him, waiting for them to open. "Sylar," I hissed softly then leaned in, biting into his neck as punishment. Not listening to me today, are we? He yelped and threw his feet into the floor quickly, shoving my chest back to try to get me off him. I purred, not budging an inch before I dug my fangs in a little deeper, enjoying the taste of his blood. He groaned and shrunk against me in pain.

"Silas," he whined. I loosened up on his neck and then pulled my fangs out, sucking on the bite mark to get some more from him. I moaned a little and then reached down to his seatbelt, unbuckling him as I yanked him into my lap. I wrapped my arms around him to trap him against me, licking his neck clean and trailing it up to his jawline where I placed a small kiss on him teasingly. My brother can taste so sweet sometimes.... I trailed kisses back to the bite mark, taking it slow so that the blood could gather back at the wound. He blushed and hid his face against my shoulder. His hands lingered against my chest, gripping my shirt a bit.

"Shh, you're fine," I purred to him comfortingly, rubbing the small of his back as I reached his bite mark again and then kissed it softly then started to drink from him, scraping my fangs against his skin playfully. He gasped and squirmed against me.

"Silas, you're going to get us in trouble!" He hissed towards me. I frowned slightly and pulled away from his neck to look him in the eyes.

"In trouble? What's the matter?" I asked him, licking my lips. He seriously doesn't think I'd ask, right?

"Silas," he mumbled and looked me in the eyes and bit his bottom lip. "I guess we won't get in trouble this time." He gave me an innocent look. I smirked then, watching him.

"Oh yeah?" I teased him, messing with him by trailing my fingers up his spine. "Are you so worried about getting in trouble?"

"Uh-huh," he admitted and arched his back- shivering from my touch. I smirked at him and then leaned back into his neck, drinking from him. He gasped and pulled back from my mouth. "Silas, we're supposed to go party... remember?" I frowned. He keeps coming up with excuses for why I can't drink from him. What is with people tonight? First I'm denied making out with my mate and possible sex. Now I'm being denied drinking from my own brother. I hissed slightly in anger and bit into him again, sinking my fangs in deep as it became hard for me to control myself. He yelped and melted against me, hiding his face back against the comfort of my shoulder. I relaxed a little, loosening up on the bite as my anger died down. I gently removed my fangs after a few more minutes and looked towards him before I kissed his cheek, hugging him.

"How're you feeling?" I asked him in concern, knowing I took a lot from him. He might need to drink from me.

"Tired," he whined and started to rub his eyes. He wrapped his arms around my neck. I sighed softly to him then pulled him close, leading him to my neck.

"You can drink from me if you want," I whispered, glancing towards the gate as it stood open for us, waiting. I mean... after all, it's been open for a while now. A little longer wouldn't kill it. He leaned into my neck and bit down into me, starting to drink my blood. I purred to him, encouraging him as I relaxed into the seat, gently rubbing his back. "There you go," I whispered and then looked towards him with a small smirk. He'll be like me if I have my way. He moaned and took his fangs out, starting to suck on my wound, drinking my blood. I moaned a little at it, pleasure taking over as he drank from me. I threw my head back, closing my eyes happily. Sylar is the best of all my brothers. He'll be my general when I'm king, my most trusted advisor, the closest to me besides my queen. He pulled back from the bite and rubbed his lips clean then whipped my blood onto my shirt. I laughed a little at him then ran my fingers through his hair. "You're my favorite out of all our siblings," I purred to him then trailed my hands down to his hips. "Now... if you don't hurry back to your seat, we won't go partying, and I'll end up having to fix drinks back home for us." He climbed back into the passengers seat quickly and buckled back up, slipping his knees up to his chest before deciding to sit with them crossed Indian style. I smirked at him then sped out of the gates, accelerating quickly to my favorite speeds. I leaned back in my seat and looked towards my brother. "So, if I'm in the dog house, I'm sleeping in your room tonight," I told him and laughed. "I hope you don't have any complaints at all."

"Really?!" He asked in excitement. "I was hoping you'd come sleep with me soon. It gets lonely sometimes. We can cuddle each other to sleep as the sun comes up." I held back a laugh. Well he's excited. Maybe I should punish Stormy for being so moody and just go to Sylar's room.

"You know... I might just skip finding out if she's pissed," I hummed out then looked at the road. "After all, I am not the kind to beg forgiveness. She'll come to me."

"You can take a shower and put some of my clothes on if you want Silas, I don't mind." He purred and looked out the window. I nodded and then focused on driving, listening to the radio. It's been awhile since I've gone out with one of my siblings. Sylar is pretty much the only one that cares about me anymore. They all think I'm crazy. Even Sylar probably does. I wouldn't be surprised if Lyle tries to have me shipped off to an asylum. That throne stealer will get what is coming for him though. I'll get rid of him, whether it is peaceful or violent, and that little fledgling with him has to go to. They don't belong in the castle at all. I frowned and then tapped the steering wheel a little, getting agitated. They threw my sister out.... Sylar looked towards me and frowned. "Okay, what is it brother?" He gave me a stern look. "I know something is bothering you so spill it." I frowned and looked towards him.

"Nothing... just... Lyle threw out our sister," I muttered. "He had no right to do it. He doesn't even belong on the throne. She's our blood sister. Her birthright was to stay in the castle as a princess, no matter what she would do. He's not even our blood brother. He's adopted," I hissed, getting angry.

"There you go again," Sylar sighed. "You've got to stop accusing him of being adopted. I know it's easy to be jealous but really Silas. Yeah it was wrong that he threw Esther out but he'll probably let her come back in a few weeks. She's just serving out her punishment for whatever she done."

"She bit Milo," I muttered, already knowing. She had messaged me, asking for her things to be dropped off at an apartment. "She stole him from Lyle and made Milo her fledgling at the ball. He should've been smarter," I hissed.

"You'd do the same to Everest if he took Stormy from you," Sylar said quietly. I frowned at him then.

"No, I'd have killed him. He's not on my side. He's on Lyle's," I told him. "He's never been much of a brother to me, and she's my mate so it's different. I'm going to take her in bed eventually." Sylar looked away from me then and rolled the window up.

"Okay," he said softly. I frowned at him.

"Fine... I wouldn't kill him," I whispered. "Look, I didn't mean to upset you. Sylar, you're the closest one to me in our family. No one knows me like you and Stormy. I wouldn't try to upset you like that...."

"They're our family. You shouldn't want to kill them. Mom and Dad wouldn't want us fighting like this." He sniffled and rubbed his nose. "I just want us to be happy again like when they were still alive. You weren't mean to Lyle then and fighting with him." I sighed and then slowed down as I reached a red light and came to a stop.

"Look, you know how bad it crushed me to learn I wasn't getting the throne. It was going to be mine.... He stole it from me. I don't think I would actually go to kill them unless I had a good reason, just like how Lyle won't kill me till he has a good reason." I leaned over and kissed his cheek. "At least you choose to not fight. You're the most innocent of us all Sylar."

"You're the second oldest, you need to stop being jealous of our older brother. He's got the throne and that's it. He could kick us all out if he wanted to but he loves us. We're welcomed in his home. I'm surprised you're not in the asylum by now. He's had to put up with your loony jealous butt for a while now. You need to stop this nonsense about you trying to get the throne. It's not yours." I narrowed my eyes a little then pulled away from him. I knew that was how he felt. All of them feel that way.... I growled a little then looked away from him. They don't understand. They weren't alive when Lyle was adopted. I know. I know the truth.

"Whatever," I hissed under my breath. "If you feel that way, then fine. Stick me in the damn loony bin why don't you. That seems to be where I belong, huh? You said so yourself. Must be true if so many fucking people think it." Great. I knew I couldn't fully trust him, but I thought I could trust him more than that.

"I'm not going to let that happen," he hissed. "You're not going away too." He sent me a glare before relaxing his eyes. He let out a sigh and looked out the window. "Even if you were right we can't prove it because the Nero family would be upset at the situation. There's no telling what they'd have their minions do." I sighed and looked at him.

"Then we just take them out. They're oppressive anyways," I told him then hit the gas as the light turned green. "Let's just drop it for now. It'll sour the evening. It's between me and Lyle anyways."

"You're right," he mumbled. "I'm sure Lyle doesn't plan on letting the Nero family boss him around forever." I nodded.

"No vampire in their right mind would let ex-vampire hunters like them boss them around." I laughed and then looked towards him. "So Sylar, when we get back, I think we'll watch a few movies then go to sleep in your room when the sun comes up."

"That sounds great, I love watching movies with you." He gave me a wide smile before pulling out his phone and started to text someone. I watched him before I looked back to the road.

"Who're you texting?" I asked him and smirked slightly. Texting someone when he should be paying attention to me?

"Nona," he told me. "Non'ya business." I frowned and glanced at his phone, seeing he was messaging Lyle. I sighed a bit and then let it go.

"Okay," I hummed out as I pulled us up to a night club.

"Nosy," he mumbled as he stuck his phone in his pocket. He climbed out of the car and waited for me to get out. I got out, turning the car off before I reached out for him, grabbing him by the waist then walked towards the door with him. He giggled as he started to follow me into the night club. "Silas," he purred. "You know you're my favorite brother right? No matter your issues." I laughed and looked towards him.

"You're my favorite too," I purred to him then kissed his cheek. "Let's get some drinks." I don't have issues....

~Time Skip~

I burst through Sylar's door with him in my arms, kicking the door in. "FIFTY NINE BOTTLES OF BLOOD ON THE WALLS! TAKE ONE DOWN, PASS IT AROUND! FIFTY EIGHT BOTTLES OF BLOOD ON THE WALLS!" I laughed drunkenly as I stumbled into his room with him, my vision swimming as I found it hard to keep my balance. "Hey Sylar, what do you gesh when you taksh a doggie and a sheepie? You gesh a poodle~ A cute little poodle."

"Poodle? I want a kitty," he giggled and hiccupped in my arms. He looked towards his bed and reached out for it. "Here kitty kitty kitty." I laughed and then threw him down on the bed before I crawled into it with him. I snuggled up to his warmth, forcing my way under the covers with him.

"My kitty," I purred to him as I wrapped my arms around him. "Mine." He giggled and curled up to me.

"Purr," he purred to me and reached up under my shirt, wrapping his arm around me and rubbed my side with his icy hand. I laughed and shivered at his touch, leaning in and kissing his cheek.

"Bad kitty," I murmured and then tightened my grip on him. "No leaving.... I'll collar you if you do."

"I won't leave," he promised and rubbed his head against me like a cat. I laughed and then gave a playful growl.

"Sleep with me kitty," I purred to him, rubbing his back. "Please? Be a good kitty."

"Okay," he purred and crawled on top of me. He hiccupped again and groaned. "I'm a good kitty." I giggled and then kissed the top of his head.

"You're a good kitty," I told him and then pulled him close. "My good, sweet kitty. You're all mine. Mine, mine, mine," I purred to him then closed my eyes. "Good... sweet... kit-" I stopped as I giggled and then smiled happily. "Kitty, kitty, kitty." He giggled and hiccupped again before crawling out of my arms.

"I gotta get out of my pants," he told me and started to shove them down.

"Bad kitty," I hissed, opening my eyes then looked towards him, reaching for him then ended up tackling him and getting on top of him. "Baaaaad kittyyyyy."

"But, but-" He whined and kicked off his pants. "They're not comfy to be in." I giggled and then pulled his shirt off, tossing it.

"You left my arms," I told him and then curled up on him, nuzzling my head into him. "That was very naughty of you."

"I'm sorry," he purred and wrapped his arms around me, locking my legs with his. "I was going to come back to you though." I giggled.

"Mkay," I said cutely and then looked towards him. "Mine," I whispered and kissed his cheek. "Sleep with me...." I yawned as I felt a little tired. He nodded and wrapped his arms around my neck.

"I will," he promised. I purred softly and then closed my eyes.

"Good kitty," I mumbled and then relaxed, starting to fall asleep on him. He giggled and squirmed under me, hiccupping right in my ear. I could feel the sun coming up and a little light shinned though the cracks of the window curtains. Sylar's room was more open then my other siblings and had balcony doors. He told us he didn't mind the danger of the windows. It somehow comforted him. I glanced towards the windows nervously but didn't say anything before I ended up being knocked out, falling asleep.