Nurse Lyle?

Continuation of Silas's POV:

I woke up with a small headache, laying on top of someone between their legs. I frowned and groaned a little, squirming before I tensed up and felt it was a guy. This isn't Stormy! Crap! They feel almost naked too! I opened my eyes and quickly glanced down, seeing the male was still in boxers and I was in all my clothes. Okay... nothing happened. I relaxed and looked towards the boy's face, tensing up when I saw it was Sylar, my brother. CRAP! I slept all over him! This won't look good. He groaned and shoved me off, stretching out and knocking the pillows off the bed along with the blankets. I yelped and then frowned, sitting up. At least I'm out of that awkward position. I got to my feet and started walking for the door. I need to go find Stormy. I walked out and started for my bedroom, not taking long to get in there before I walked in. "Stormy," I called, glancing around for her. She was sitting on the bed hovering over a magazine with a pen in her fingers.

"What?" She asked sharply. I narrowed my eyes at her. She's still moody. I rolled my eyes and went for my closet.

"Nothing. Never mind, you're still grouchy," I muttered.

"You didn't come to bed last night," she hissed towards me. "Of course I'm mad!" She got to her feet and started for me, clicking the pen. I stopped walking and then growled, turning to her.

"Well maybe you shouldn't have gotten so pissy about me stopping when you told me I went too far with the damn shirt yesterday," I hissed at her, exposing my fangs. I started for her then. "You just left me in the damn living room yesterday! What the hell?! You told me you didn't want sex earlier!" She threw the magazine at me then.

"You didn't have to be a jerk about it!" She hissed and threw the pen at me then. She bent over and started talking off her shoes and threw them towards me. "You didn't even come in last night! The maids told me you went out with your brother!"

"I TEXTED YOU!" I hissed at her and ducked. "QUIT THROWING THINGS AT ME!"

"I'll throw a frying pan at you next time!" She hissed and flung herself at me, pinning me against the wall. "You should have slept with me last night, jerk. You still smell like alcohol too." She exposed her fangs towards me. I snarled and then looked her over before I went for her neck. Just as I was about to bite her, I changed my mind and kissed her neck instead. She let me go and leaned in towards my lips and started to kiss me longingly. I purred and kissed her deeply, starting to back her up towards the bed as I instantly forgave her. My princess... I pushed her back against the bed and crawled over her, getting between her legs as I licked her bottom lip teasingly. She giggled and kissed me deeply, wrapping her legs around my waist. She ran her fingers through my hair and tugged lightly on it, growling towards me. I moaned and slipped my tongue into her mouth quickly, deepening the kiss. Oh hell, she's hot. I started to explore her mouth, fighting for dominance in the kiss as I leaned into her body. She growled and stole my tongue, starting to suck on it and won our tongue war quickly. I moaned, feeling myself getting a little aroused by her. I leaned into the kiss and trailed my hands down her sides to her hips, gripping them when I reached them. She pulled on my hair then and let out a playful growl through the kiss before pulling back to catch her breath. I purred to her and then leaned into her neck, giving her a love bite.

"I love you so damn much," I growled in her ear. She laughed softly.

"You love me?" She asked and kissed my cheek. "That's hot."

"What's hot is I'm about to make you mine," I purred dominantly in her ear then trailed my hands to her pants.

"I'm already yours," she purred in my ear and reached down, grabbing my hands. I growled a little and then kept my hands away from her.

"You're going to deny me again, aren't you?" I asked her, keeping my voice a little soft so that way she wouldn't get pissy with me again.

"Deny you? You can't handle me making you wait?" She asked in a teasing tone. I growled a little.

"I could," I muttered to her and then pulled away from her neck, looking down into her eyes. Great.

"Okay, fine." She purred and laid her hands down by her. I watched her then gave her a small smirk before I kissed her cheek and moved off her. I'll get her to beg me one day.... She groaned and got to her feet, walking off for the bathroom. "You should take a bath." I frowned and then sighed, getting to my feet.

"Fine, I'll go take a bath after you get out of there," I told her and went for the closet. I picked out a pair of black skinny jeans and plain white t-shirt with my Black Butler belt. I walked back out to the bathroom to wait, not wanting to barge in on her and have her yell at me again. It kind of sucks to have a princess that doesn't give in and throws fits, but it's kind of hot too... keeps me on my toes. One day, she'll be the death of me though. She's already too spoiled. I swear that when I created her, she was way more into me for my looks. Now that she knows she has me, she's settled into pushing me to get what she wants. I sighed softly and then ran a hand through my hair. It's what I wanted though, a dark princess to rule at my side. I looked the door over and then went over to the bed, setting the clothes down before I laid down on the bed, waiting. We'll see. It might take years. It might take days. It might take hours, but she'll eventually try seducing me. I've just got to make her work for it, crave my kisses and my touch. She walked out in a pair of my boxers and a tank top then walked up to my bed and crawled in with me. She even smelled like my shampoo. She leaned in and gave my cheek a kiss and giggled.

"Could you go get me my magazine? It's on the floor, right by my pen." Why the hell did I pick a woman? I got to my feet and grabbed my clothes, getting her pen and magazine before I gave it back to her and then went into the bathroom, taking a quick shower and got dressed then went out to her. I looked her over and then stretched before I walked up to the bed and laid down in it, grabbing the remote to the TV out from under my pillow and turned it on. I laid back as I began to watch a movie, getting under the covers. She leaned over and started to doodle on my hand, putting a smiley face on my hand. I glanced at her and smirked a little, not stopping her.

"Having fun?" I asked her, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah," she purred and let my hand go when she finished. She leaned into my neck and bit down into me, starting to drink my blood. I tensed up at first, not expecting it then relaxed, pulling her to me.

"There you go," I mumbled, rubbing her back as I slowly sat up and placed her in my lap. She giggled and pulled back, licking her lips then started to lick my neck. She suddenly tore out a chunk and growled, pinning me down. I yelped and squirmed in discomfort. "Stormy," I hissed under my breath. She growled and dug her nails into my wrists to keep me down and started feasting on my blood. I growled and went to overpower her to push her off. "Stormy, this isn't funny," I muttered. She held me down though with all her strength, keeping me pinned as she sucked the life out of me. I snarled and exposed my fangs, biting harshly into her neck and tore out a chunk to make her stop. She yelped and pulled back from me quickly, grabbing her neck. I looked at her and then stole a quick kiss from her, purring. "Love you."

"Love you too," she grumbled and rubbed her neck. "You bit me!"

"And you bit me and weren't stopping," I countered her. "You might've lost it if I hadn't stopped you then. I'm not letting you drink every drop in me. I'm sure you wouldn't do it on purpose."

"I didn't mean to, you were just so tasty...." Her eyes lingered on my wound. I purred to her and kissed her cheek.

"You can have some, but ripping chunks out is a little much for now... not until you're older," I told her.

"I think I can handle myself, after all I'm not as young as you think I am. I think I'm pretty mature to be a vampire fledgling. Give me more credit," she pinched my cheek before slipping out of bed. "Let's go see a movie together in town. I'm tired of staying in the castle. I need to get out of here and it's not fair you went out yesterday without me. I promise I'll behave." I frowned slightly and then nodded, getting out of bed. I could at least take her out of the castle for a bit.

"Alright, let's go," I purred to her and then walked up, wrapping my arm around her waist. I smirked at her and then kissed her neck playfully.

Lyle's POV:

Sylar: I just wanted to let you know that I talked with Silas last night about the vampire resistance. He didn't have much interest in them, so lay off. He's our brother rather he's jealous of you or not. Sy-R.

I stuck my phone back in my pocket and looked up at the council. "That was just my brother messaging me. Where was we?" I asked.

"We were discussing the vampire resistance," Jason reminded me.

"Oh... right. I have news from my informant of the places they've taken over and converted into their ways. Here is a list," I handed the piece of paper to a servant and watched as she carried it over to Jason. He took it from her to look it over.

"These.... places...." Jason mumbled. "I'll have my men take a look at them. Your informant is spectacular. There was a bunch of places on the slip of paper. Where did you get these from?"

"It's anonymous," I told him lazily.

"You don't trust us?" Emily asked with a raised eyebrow. I heard some of the other council members start to mumble.

"No, it's just I don't know myself." I gave a smile.

"Well at least we have somewhere to start looking," Jason sighed out. "If that's all you were wanting to bring up, we'll move onto something else." I nodded his way to give him permission to continue the meeting. I glanced towards Milo. The servants had placed a chair out for him against the wall for this meeting. My eyes lingered on his for a minute before I locked my eyes onto Jason's.

The rest of the meeting went on, ending with a toast. When the room cleared I stood up and walked over to Milo, giving him a playful smile. "Are you ready to go home?" I purred. He smiled at me and got to his feet.

"Sure," he purred happily and then started for the door. "So that went well I think. It didn't sound too bad." He looked over his shoulder towards me and looked me in the eyes.

"Meetings are usually never bad," I told him and started to escort him out of the building and into the waiting car. It started to drive us to the castle as soon as we got in. "Sylar texted me, he said Silas wasn't apart of the resistance.... but that doesn't mean anything. Silas is a good actor. If he doesn't want someone like Sylar to know what he's apart of then Sylar will never find out." Milo nodded and then leaned his head against my shoulder.

"I guess that makes sense," he whispered to me. He purred softly and then kissed my shoulder before he closed his eyes.

"Okay," I muttered and looked out the window, enjoying the view.

When we arrived at my castle, I got out and started for the doors to go in. It felt like forever since I've been home. I listened in behind me for Milo to follow me like a good fledgling. I heard another car pulling into the drive so I turned to look, seeing it was Silas pulling in. Looks like he went out for the night with his fledgling... Milo glanced towards them and widened his eyes, taking off running at the sight of Stormy as he quickly sped past me, disappearing into the castle with a yelp. I frowned and started after him. "Milo, why are you running?" I asked and crossed my arms.

"It's her!" He shouted over his shoulder, sounding slightly terrified. He kept running, panicked looking.

"Stop running and get back here," I hissed. "You have me to protect you." He whimpered, but he stopped, looking at me and then at the car then at me before he shivered and started to wait for me to catch up with a freaked out look on his face. I frowned towards him and started for the night room, ignoring whatever was behind me. "You can be so dramatic," I teased.

"She tried to eat me the last time she saw me," he whimpered as he followed me, rubbing his arm. He looked away from me then.

"You shouldn't be running from her. They can sense fear and when you making it even that obvious then you'll definitely get bit." I spotted Sylar down the hall, his eyes showing a tired expression until they landed on me and were lit with excitement.

"You're home!" Sylar yelled and ran down the hall to get to me. "I was starting to wonder if you were ever coming back," he teased as he reached me.

"Silas is home too," I told him lightly.

"Oh, so everyone except Esther is home," I heard Everest from nearby. "That's good. Hey Milo, want to hang out with me?"

"No, Milo can't leave my sight." I told him sharply. "I don't want another sibling stealing him from me while I'm distracted or in another room."

"Oh... okay," Everest said with a slight frown, looking a little disappointed. Milo gave him a nervous smile then walked up to me, getting up into my arms and making me carry him.

"Sorry Everest," he told him softly then nuzzled his head against me.

"Maybe another time," Sylar suggested. "In the mean time, why don't you hang out with me?" He gave a huge smile. "We can play eye spy." Everest looked towards him and laughed.

"Sure," he purred and then grabbed our brother before he started to walk off with him. "I spy something... green..." Milo looked up towards me before he purred softly and curled up in my arms, gripping the front of my shirt. I carried him towards the night room, rubbing his back to comfort him. He relaxed and softened his grip up. When we reached the night room, he wrapped his arms around my neck and leaned his face into the crook of my neck.

"Can I have some?" He asked, giving a whine.

"Yeah, just a little." I purred and sat down on the couch. He relaxed as he adjusted himself in my lap and then bit down into my neck. He moaned as he got a taste and then leaned in a little further, his knees slipping to the sides of my thighs as he faced me fully. I heard a scream in the hall then, sounding like it was coming from one of the maids. Milo pulled back from my neck then, looking towards the door in confusion then licked my neck.

"It's probably Silas," he mumbled to me. "Everest can take care of it." He purred and then kissed my cheek. "Let's watch a movie."

"Go pick out a movie," I suggested and started to recline the couch I was sitting on back. He nodded and then grabbed the remote, turning the TV on and put on Suicide Squad on Netflix. He purred and then laid on me the best he could, resting his head on my chest as he began to watch TV. He looked pretty happy about it....  I smiled and focused my attention on the movie. After it was over, he smiled and looked towards me before he ran his fingers through my hair and kissed my neck.

"I love you," he purred softly to me.

"I love you too," I mumbled and looked towards him then rubbed his head. "What do you want to do now?" I asked curiously. He looked thoughtful for a few minutes then smiled.

"We could play a game," he suggested and then stretched out on me, accidentally rubbing his knee against me a little hard as he moved. I groaned and squeezed my eyes shut.

"A game?" I asked softly. "What kind of game?"

"I dunno... What do you want to play?" He asked me sweetly, wrapping his arms around my neck innocently.

"You're the one that suggested a game," I teased. "We don't have to though. Let's go out to the garden instead." He tensed up and then nodded quickly.

"Let's do that," he said excitedly, bouncing a little in my lap. "Please? Lyle~!" He giggled and kissed my cheek. I nodded and got to my feet, pulling him to his and started to lead him towards the doors to go out to the garden. He followed after me happily and then held my hand, giving it a squeeze before he blushed and then looked up at me. He quickly kissed my lips before we could leave the room then blushed, looking towards the door as he pulled me out into the garden. I followed him and when we reached it I walked up to a bench and sat down on it.

"Go smell all the flowers," I suggested. "I'll be here watching." He nodded and smiled, walking away from me as he began to explore the garden by himself, looking at it all in wonder as his eyes lit up happily. He smelled a few of them and laughed when one made him sneeze. I chuckled lightly as I watched him. He glanced up at the moon and then bounced off towards another bush, a rose bush before he examined the light red flowers and then smelled them. He blushed a little and then started to go deeper into the garden away from me. I listened to his footsteps, letting him have his fun and explore the scents. After about thirty minutes, I heard his footsteps coming a little closer, but they stopped, and I heard him laugh before he changed directions and went in the direction of the maze.

"Don't go into the maze," I warned him.

"What was that?" He asked innocently, hidden by tall bushes. "Don't go into the woods? Okay."

"I said the maze," I repeated.

"What maze?" He said innocently and I heard him giggle, teasing me.

"You go in there and it's your funeral," I warned.

"Funeral?" He asked, sounding worried.

"Yeah." I smirked.

"Like... I'll get hurt in there... or you're going to get me?" He emerged from behind one of the bushes and looked at me nervously.

"The maze is a dangerous place," I told him. He bit his bottom lip then nodded towards me.

"O-okay," he whispered to me and then looked back at the flowers before he disappeared again, seeming to be listening to me now. I smirked and listened for him, keeping up with his movements. I heard a howl rip through the air in the maze. Milo shrieked and I heard him retreating away from the maze quickly when he heard it, putting distance between him and it. I laughed.

"I'm glad you're listening," I told him. He was quickly over to me in a few minutes, crawling into my lap where it was safe. He was trembling in fear, gripping my shirt.

"It's okay," I purred in his ear. "You're safe in the garden." He nodded and then hid his face into my chest, wrapping his arms around me and gripping the back of my shirt. "Go enjoy the garden." I rubbed his back to comfort him. He started to relax slightly and then loosened his grip on my shirt before he moved away from me, starting to get up shakily. He still looked a little afraid from it though... "They're just in the maze." I watched him carefully. He looked at me then in the direction of the maze.

"O-okay," he whispered and then started to walk away slowly, trying to calm down as he walked into the garden in the furthest direction from the maze. I held back my laughter and crossed my legs. He glanced back at me worriedly and then let his eyes linger on me for a few minutes before he looked ahead of him, walking off towards an azalea bush with a slight natural sway in his hips.

"Are you enjoying the scents?" I asked him.

"U-uh huh," he hummed out, looking the flowers over before he relaxed slowly and then began to enjoy the garden again, calming down. He chose to stay in my sight this time, taking care not to get anywhere near the maze.

"They're not going to hurt you if one does show up. Their scent is better than ours and can smell me near you. They're loyal to me and wouldn't dare hurt either of us. My scent is on you since you're my fledgling. They can smell me on you." He looked towards me and then nodded, giving a small smile.

"Okay," he whispered and then went back to exploring like before, looking better. He ended up going away from me again to get into the garden deeper, laughing. I laughed and kept my hearing on him. He eventually got quiet, having stopped walking like he found something he really liked.

"What're you interested in?" I asked.

"Hmm? Uhmm... I think it's a Camilla," he said softly. "It's really pretty...."

"The garden is a wonderful place to take newborns," I mumbled. "You're learning new things in your new form. Gardens have scents you'll catch easily and be impressed by." He started to move again, coming back my way. He stopped when he saw me and smiled.

"How come you aren't exploring?" He asked me innocently.

"Because my scent will interfere," I told him. "Plus I can smell every flower from here." He widened his eyes.

"You can smell them all from there?" He asked me in wonder.

"Yeah, I'm an older vampire." I shrugged as I watched him. He blushed and then nodded.

"Okay," he whispered and then bit his bottom lip before he walked over towards a rose bush again and smelled it, purring happily.

"It's something vampires pick up to hunt better," I explained. He looked towards me and nodded with a sweet smile.

"Mkay," he purred to me and then went to gently touch the rose but accidentally got cut by a thorn. He yelped and pulled back, his finger starting to bleed.

"Lick your finger, it'll help it heal." I gave a small laugh. He looked towards it and then at me before he licked his finger obediently. He watched it as it began to heal and watched in wonder. I smiled softly. "See, it healed. Your spit helps heal." He nodded and then smiled, looking up at me.

"That's pretty cool," he purred and then stretched, looking up towards the moon.

"Yeah, you're a superhero," I teased. He giggled and looked towards me again before he bounced up and then reached for my hand, pulling me to my feet.

"I'm a superhero?" He teased me and then kissed my hand, pulling me towards him as he kept my hand in his and moved his hand to the small of my back. "Well then, I think I deserve a dance under the stars," he purred towards me.

"You want a dance?" I teased and started to guide him into one. "If you want it." He smiled at me and let me lead him for a few minutes before he stole it and started to lead us, doing his best. "You're getting better," I told him quietly. He nodded and then looked up at me before he gave me a soft smile.

"That's good," he whispered to me. "I'll need it eventually.... It'd be bad if I couldn't lead and had to dance with guests."

"You're going to be a noble gentleman when I'm finished with you." I pulled his body closer to mine. He blushed and looked up into my eyes.

"F-finished?" He asked and then bit his bottom lip.

"Training you," I explained. He nodded and then smiled.

"Mkay. I think I could manage that," he told me. "I'll do my best for you."

"You don't have a choice," I teased and leaned in and stole a kiss from him. He yelped as it shocked him and he accidentally messed up his footing, falling into me and knocking us over. I laughed and managed to catch us before we hit the ground. "Clumsy." He blushed a deep shade of red, looking up at me.

"Y-you..." he started and then trailed off, looking embarrassed and then he lingered his eyes over my lips before he looked up at me as his heart raced.

"What's the matter?" I asked and let out a small purr. He blushed and then hid his face into the crook of my neck.

"N-nothing... I just... I wasn't expecting you to kiss me," he whispered quietly.

"We've kissed before," I said quietly.

"I-I know... just... you always stop though when I kiss you... and I didn't think you would kiss me unless I was going for one," he mumbled, gripping my shirt a little.

"You underestimated me." I gave a playful smirk. "Next time be more alert." He tensed up a little and then looked up towards me with a blush before he wrapped his arms around my neck and leaned in, stealing a kiss. I leaned into the kiss, deepening it. He gasped slightly and then melted into the kiss, curling his fingers into my hair and pulling me closer to him. I pulled back from the kiss and reached up, rubbing his cheek. He blushed and then leaned his head into my hand, purring as he closed his eyes. He gently kissed my hand lovingly. "Are you done with the garden?" I asked softly.

"Mhm," he hummed and then opened his eyes, looking towards me with a sweet look.

"You want to go inside?" I asked.

"If you want," he purred and then hugged me. "I don't mind. We can go inside...." He laughed and then nuzzled his face into my neck, gently kissing it.

"I want to do what you want," I purred. "After all tomorrow I have desk work to do." He whined then and pulled away from my neck, looking up at me.

"Desk work?" He asked me then pouted. "That's no fun...."

"I'm sorry, I'm a king though." I ran my fingers through his hair. "I have to do it." He sighed and then nodded.

"Okay," he whispered and then jumped up, wrapping his legs around my waist as he hid his face into my neck. "Let's go inside," he mumbled to me, keeping his arms wrapped around my neck. I grunted as he climbed into my arms then started to carry him inside. He purred softly and then kissed my cheek. "I love you," he purred and then breathed my scent in with a sigh.

"I love you too," I purred in his ear.

"Awe, how sweet..." I heard Stormy spit out. He tensed up against me and then looked over his shoulder to see Stormy, widening his eyes.

"It's her," he whispered, looking scared as he shrunk against me. I heard Silas laugh and he walked up to her, wrapping his arm around her waist. His eyes lingered on us and he raised an eyebrow at me before he kissed Stormy.

"Picking fights already sweetie?" He purred to her.

"I can't help it when they're the ones blocking my path with their presence," Stormy told him before her eyes flickered onto Milo. "What, can't carry your own self? That's pathetic." Milo hissed at her, his fear beginning to be replaced by anger. He exposed her fangs at her threateningly.

"What? Can't get your boy toy off your waist long enough?" He hissed at her.

"You're the one to talk," she hissed back and exposed her fangs at him. He snarled at her then and was off me in seconds, going for her. Silas narrowed his eyes and was by Milo before I could blink, pinning his arm behind his back.

"Don't you dare try attacking her," he hissed in my fledgling's ear as he yelped and started to squirm.

"Silas," I hissed and was by him in a heart beat, ripping him off Milo and throwing him across the hall. I exposed my fangs towards him. "Keep your damn hands off Milo." He narrowed his eyes towards me, getting up and exposing his fangs.

"Keep your damn fledgling under control then," he hissed at me. Milo rubbed his arm, looking like he was in pain from Silas's grip. "If his fangs sink into her neck, I won't hesitate to punish him," he snarled at me.

"You're not going to lay another finger on him," I growled. "Especially if you keep your bitch muzzled." I clenched my jaw as I heard Stormy gasp. She let out a snarl then.

"Excuse me?" Stormy hissed. Silas narrowed his eyes and was after me in seconds, snarling as he went to protect Stormy's pride.

"What the fuck did you just say?" He snarled at me as he snatched the collar of my shirt, glaring at me in hatred. Milo's eyes widened and he attacked Silas off me, throwing them both to the floor and went to pin him down but Silas kicked him back, sending him flying into a wall. Milo yelped loudly as he hit the wall and I heard one of his bones fracture from the hard impact, sending him crumbled up to the floor in a ball as he went unconscious. Silas's eyes widened and he sat up quickly, looking towards Milo in shock. "Fuck...." He tensed up and looked up at me before he quickly got to his feet. I looked towards Milo with worry before I turned towards Silas with hatred and started after him then, tackling him to the ground and pinning him there.

"You're dead," I hissed in his face and dug my nails into his wrists. "You think you'll walk out of this without a scratch!" I grabbed his neck and started to choke him. He gasped, gripping my hands as he struggled for air, squirming with panic in his eyes.

"L-Lyle," he managed to get out. "I-I didn't- Agh!"

"Lyle," I heard Everest say softly, putting a hand on my shoulder. "Stop before this escalates further. Think about the consequences if you kill him. The council will make you responsible for Stormy... and they might want life for life and take Milo from you as punishment," he whispered softly. "We can take care of Milo first then punish him later. He's got a bad head wound and he's bleeding... and I think the fractured rib might be a problem. You don't want it to puncture his lungs." I pulled my hand away from Silas in disgust and got to my feet, stomping down on him to get over him and walked towards Milo.

"He's going to be okay, he's a vampire..." I told Everest. "Still I'm pissed off at you Silas." I growled as I scooped Milo up into my arms and bit down into my wrist then forced him to start drinking my blood. It took him a few minutes before he swallowed weakly, his face looking pained as he kept his eyes closed. I could see his head wound starting to heal a bit. I watched him and lingered my eyes over to his neck before turning to look at Silas. Silas was rubbing his neck, groaning as he was in pain. He got to his feet and then started to walk off but Everest grabbed him, snatching his wrist.

"Silas," he hissed under his breath. "Let's go for a talk. Just me and you," he whispered, starting to pull him away and then grabbed Stormy's wrist, pulling her along too. He looked pissed with them. I carried Milo to the night room and sat down on a couch with him, letting him have my blood.

Everest's POV:

"What the hell did you do Silas?!" I screamed at him, my fangs exposed. "You know better than to mess with Lyle by now! He could've killed you! You're so lucky I could smell Milo's blood!"

"IT'S NOT MY FAULT THAT THE MUTT CAME AT ME! He attacked me!" Silas shouted back at me, hissing in anger. "He should keep that damn brat on a leash!" I narrowed my eyes and smacked him.

"He is your king and your brother! Why can't you accept that Silas?! If it wasn't for you, none of this would be going on! Our family wouldn't be falling apart! You shouldn't have attacked Lyle to begin with! Of course Milo went after you! You shouldn't have hurt Milo either!" I gripped the front of his shirt and earned a snarl from him. He went to bite me, but I slammed him into his bed. "Silas! What the hell is wrong with you?!" He groaned in pain and curled up into a ball on the bed, gripping my hand. He looked up at me and then unsharpened his fangs, backing down from the fight. I relaxed my gaze and then let him go. "Silas, you need to think more about the consequences of your actions," I told him more calmly. "Lyle could have your fangs for attacking him, and you also broke Milo's ribs. Can't you just show him a little more respect?" I asked him softly.

"Why should he? Silas is the rightful heir to the throne." Stormy exposed her fangs as she watched us by the door. "Why don't you back off anyways? He was defending my honor. He's such a romantic knight." I looked towards her and narrowed my eyes.

"You're not that innocent," I hissed her way. "You both need to quit picking fights with them. If Milo gets hurt, you will both suffer consequences, and if Lyle was to kill him, his punishment would be severe, and you would be punished in a way as well. Lyle would become responsible for you. You're lucky Lyle has not claimed Milo as his lover yet! If he does and you hurt Milo..." I trailed off and shook my head. They'd be so screwed. "You both need to take a moment to realize that. I mean it. I don't care if you two are lovers or whatever, but you cannot go around picking fights with others here! Even if you believe that Lyle is not the rightful ruler! He is and you all need to get it through your thick heads! He's our brother! It's his birthright and the council even determined that he is the rightful ruler!"

"That's no way to talk to your older brother," Stormy snapped. "Just get out of our room. We don't need your advice." I narrowed my eyes at her.

"That's no way to talk to an older vampire, much less a pureblood," I snapped at her. "If I hear about any other attacks on Lyle or Milo, I will personally rip your fangs out Silas," I hissed his way then walked towards the door, slamming it behind me. Great. They're going to be so much trouble. It was easier to handle him before he brought that bitch here.... I sighed and then teleported into the night room to check on Lyle and Milo, walking up as I saw Milo was in pain and barely conscious.

"I talked to Silas," I whispered to Lyle and then sat down beside him. "I'm going to rip his fangs out if he touches you two again like that."

"He's so in trouble, I'm not sure what I'm going to do to him yet," Lyle muttered.

"I smacked him for you," I mumbled. "We can always take his fledgling from him for a bit... but it might be worse to do that."

"No, I've got something better. Tell him his punishment is helping the werewolves tomorrow night with anything they need. Even if that's defleaing their coats on the elderly." Lyle looked towards me with a smirk. I raised an eyebrow at him. That's evil. I nodded to him and smirked.

"Alright. I will personally oversee it for you too, make sure he doesn't back down on it. How is he doing?" I asked him, looking towards Milo curiously.

"He's doing better, he's probably not going to be awake until tomorrow night. Fledglings are delicate after all." Lyle looked towards me as he pulled his bloody wrist away from Milo's mouth. I nodded and sighed.

"He looks healthier," I whispered, looking his body over. At least his head wound is gone....

"Lyle," Milo mumbled in his barely conscious state. I smiled a little and gently rubbed Lyle's shoulder. Even if he isn't fully awake, he's at least seeming to be fine. I think his head will be okay.

"Listen," Lyle muttered and looked towards me. "Now that I'm calming down I want to thank you. I could have seriously hurt Silas back there. Thank you for dragging my attention away from that twit. I don't need the council mad at me for hurting my own brother in my own castle." He sighed. "There's no way they'd let that slip." I nodded.

"You're welcome...." I kissed his cheek then. "I'll get a maid to bring you some blood to replenish what you lost." I smiled and pulled out my phone, texting the maids. "Let's make sure Milo gets to a safe place to rest so he can properly heal."

"The safest place is in my bedroom. I'll take him there when I get the bottle from the maid." He gave me a small sigh.

"Whoa, what's with the mood?" Sylar asked as he stepped into the night room. I glanced towards Sylar and sighed.

"Hey Sylar," I whispered. "Silas and Lyle got into a fight because of their fledglings and Milo ended up getting hurt in the end. He suffered a head wound and a fractured rib, but he's doing better. Silas is being punished tomorrow night."

"At least his heart isn't crushed," Sylar suggested as he walked over and sat down in my lap. I looked at him and raised an eyebrow before I wrapped my arms around him, kissing his cheek.

"Anyways, what are you doing here?" I asked softly. "Bored?"

"Yeah, I heard some commotion out in the hall too." He kissed my forehead then laid down against my shoulder. "Hey brother, what's Silas's punishment?"

"He's going to be helping the werewolves tomorrow night with anything they want," I told him and ran my fingers through his hair. "I'm overseeing it while Lyle takes care of Milo. Lyle, I better not hear about you working tomorrow."

"What? I need to keep up with my desk work or it'll over pile..." Lyle trailed off and sighed.

"I don't mind taking care of your desk work," Sylar suggested. "It gives me something to do."

"See? There you go. You can take a day off. I'll punish Silas, and Sylar will go through the paperwork for you on your desk. He can handle it himself. You need to be with your fledgling," I told him firmly. "He's so fragile and so young, and he just got beat up for you. Besides, I can tell by the way that you look at him that you'd rather be with him by his side as he recovers," I whispered that last part and then sighed. "It's obvious that you're in love with him... so as his maker and as his potential lover, you need to stay with him."

"Okay, you can do my desk work..." Lyle gave a smile towards Sylar and then gave us both loving looks. "How'd you two get to be so helpful? I never thought you'd be helping me and not the other way around. You two used to ask me to tie your shoe laces because you were embarrassed to ask mom and dad." I laughed at him.

"Don't worry. I'll ask you to tie my shoelaces soon," I teased him then got up, carrying Sylar with me. "Trust me. It'll be when you least expect it."

"I can't wait," Lyle purred. I laughed at him and smirked.

"I know you can't," I told him teasingly and then looked at Sylar. "Let's go have some fun together and leave the love bird with his prey."

"Okay, bye Lyle and Milo...." Sylar kissed my cheek and purred towards me. I smirked towards him and took him out of the room, heading for mine to hang with him.

Milo's POV:

I snuggled up into the warmth beside me, feeling cold and alone as I was laying on a soft blanket. I could smell him nearby... my instincts pulling me closer to the warmth before I gave a slight groan when my body protested. I felt sore... but no sharp pains.... Why do I feel so sore? Why does it feel like I've been sleeping for forever? I suddenly tasted blood in my mouth, exciting my taste buds as I recognized it as Lyle's sweet blood. I moaned and started to feel better, the soreness leaving my body slowly as I drank it. "Milo," I heard Lyle's sweet voice purr to me. I purred softly back to him, loving the sound of his voice as it made me feel safe and wanted. I opened my eyes slowly, glad it was somewhat dark before I licked his neck, pulling my fangs out of him. "Were you hungry?" I heard him ask and felt his hand rub my back. I nodded slightly and then leaned into his body more before I kissed his neck, feeling loads better.

"Lyle," I mumbled, happy he was here with me. I wasn't even sure what day it was.... I leaned in and kissed him passionately, wanting to be close to him. I wasn't sure why.... I just.... It felt right. I wanted to be near him, as close to him as I could get. He stayed with me.... I know he did.... He leaned into the kiss and deepened it before he pulled back.

"Everest said I'm not allowed to do desk work today... so Sylar is taking over while we spend the night nursing you." He ran his fingers through my hair. I looked him in the eyes and nodded.

"O-okay," I whispered, getting lost in his gaze. Oh my lord, I love him so much! I blushed slightly, glad he couldn't hear my thoughts. If he knew... I don't know how he would accept it.... I mean... I only learned myself recently what it was. When I attacked Silas... I was protecting him from his brother. I didn't want to see him get hurt... and earlier in the garden.... I think I'm gay... and I love my maker. I purred softly and tried to relax in his arms, curling up to him. He tightened his grip around me and purred sweetly to me. I blushed and looked at him, kissing his jaw gently. "I love you," I mumbled to him, knowing he didn't know exactly what I meant by it.... He thinks it still means what it meant when I first said it.... I blushed and then buried my face into his chest.

"I love you too," he purred sweetly. "Don't worry about Silas, he's spending his night with the werewolves." I widened my eyes at that and looked up into his eyes. He's with the werewolves?! I bit my bottom lip then relaxed. Well... maybe that's what he needs. He attacked my Lyle. I nodded and then kissed his cheek right by his lips to tease him a little, giving him an innocent look. "Milo, I don't want you to jump in and try to protect me like that again. I know how to take care of myself. You don't know how to defend yourself... If something worse would have happened... I would never be able to forgive myself. I'm supposed to protect you. Not the other way around." He tapped me on the nose. "Please stay out of my fights." I frowned and then sat up a little, wincing as a little twinge went through me.

"I-it was my fight," I told him, protesting. "You're my maker... and I don't want you to get hurt, and he wasn't just going to hurt me. He had already hurt me, making it my fight anyways," I told him, looking down at him. I'm not telling him sorry for it.

"Milo," he sighed out. "You're not going to do something like that again until I teach you how to fight, okay?" He gave me a stern look. "Silas hurt you badly last night. You're so fortunate that I was able to heal you." I bit my bottom lip and watched him. W-well... being able to fight would be nice... at least he is now saying I can help.... I crawled onto him and laid down on his chest, purring.

"Okay... I'll wait till I know how to fight," I mumbled to him, purring.

"Thank you," He sighed out. I smiled and looked up towards him longingly but wrapped my arms around him instead, nuzzling my head against him. I laughed happily and then pulled the blankets closer to us with a smile. "Do you want me to order us blood?" He asked. "Maybe you'd like a hot shower too."

"Mhmmm, blood would be nice," I whispered and then looked up towards him before I snuggled up to him and kissed his chest. He reached out to the night stand and grabbed his phone. I watched him and then stole a quick kiss from his lips, purring to him before I relaxed, memorizing his perfect facial features. I giggled and waited for him to finish calling them for the blood before I kissed him again, giving a loud purr to him. He sat his phone down and kissed me back. I smiled against his lips then moved to where I could kiss him better, straddling his stomach as I gave him a playful growl to mess with him. He growled back to me and pulled back from the kiss.

"You're getting adventurous." I blushed and looked at him, not moving away from him.

"Adventurous?" I asked him innocently and then kissed his cheek then his neck.

"Yeah, what's gotten into you?" He asked. I kissed his neck again and purred softly. Oh man... he's onto me.... "Milo..." He blushed. I paused and then looked down into his eyes, blushing a little before I softly kissed his lips. Even if he might not accept me... I can't help it. I love him. I pulled back an inch and looked down at him, feeling my heart thudding in my chest as my eyes looked down into his lovingly. He widened his eyes slightly before he leaned in and kissed my lips softly. I kissed him back and purred as relief flooded through me. I think he knows.... He trailed his kisses down to my neck and kissed me sweetly there. "Do I have permission?" He asked softly. I blushed a little and gave a small nod.

"Uh huh," I hummed softly, exposing my neck to him so he could bite me. I didn't mind... not if it was him. He suddenly bit down into my skin and I felt a rush of ecstasy enter my body, running into my blood and making me off my rocker for him. I moaned and ran my fingers through his hair, gripping it lightly. I closed my eyes in pleasure and quickly kissed the top of his head as he bit me. "Lyle~" I moaned out, purring for him. He pulled back and looked me in my eyes.

"I love you," he whispered. I looked at him and blushed.

"I love you too," I told him sweetly then kissed him deeply. He leaned into the kiss to deepen it and reached around, gripping my butt and flipped us to where he was on top. I blushed, jumping a little at his touch but relaxed, wrapping my arms around his neck as I kissed him back. He pulled away from the kiss.

"Milo, will you be my boyfriend?" He asked softly. I blushed and looked up at him. His boyfriend? I laughed happily and kissed his cheek.

"I will," I told him sweetly. Of course I would! He laughed and blushed as he looked me over.

"Good, because I already marked you...." M-marked?

"Marked? Like...." Does he mean like in my books... where mates... mark each other to make them theirs? I blushed then and gently touched my neck. So that's why.... I kissed him quickly, purring to him. He wants to be with me too.... He kissed me back before slipping his lips away as a maid walked in with two bottles for us. She sat them down on the nightstand before leaving us to it. I watched her go then looked towards the blood before I looked at him, kissing his neck. He grabbed one of the bottles and opened it, sitting up on me to drink it. He moved off in the process, spilling a bit on me. I blushed and looked towards it, wiping it off me before I reached for my bottle and opened it up, starting to drink it. I purred and sat up as I finished it off rather quickly this time and then sat the empty bottle down, stretching. He downed the rest before throwing it across the room and collapsed on the bed. I looked at him and smiled a little before I started to crawl out of bed.

"Where ya going? To take a shower?" He asked curiously. I looked towards him and blushed.

"Uh huh," I hummed softly towards him.

"I'll be here when you get out," he promised. I smiled and walked back to him, gently kissing his cheek before I walked into the bathroom and took my shower then got dressed in some shorts and a t-shirt. I walked back out to him and sat down on the edge of the bed, purring to him as I crawled to him. He laughed and rolled away from me, rolling straight off the bed. I frowned and watched him then looked over the edge of the bed to him with a pout. I sighed and then grabbed his pillow, tossing it off the bed at him. Leaving me after marking me.... I laid down on the bed, stretching out to take up the majority of it as I hugged my pillow. He laughed and stood up, going to the closet and disappeared inside. I watched him and then gave a soft growl before I buried my face in the pillow. He's probably going to take his own shower.... After a half hour he came back out to me in a new outfit, a white dress shirt and black pants. He walked up and sat down next to me, rubbing my cheek. I smiled at him and laughed.

"Hi," I whispered to him and then kissed his hand. "You're not planning on leaving me in here, are you? That's a little dressy for staying in here...."

"I'm a king and prefer to look presentable at all times," he told me and laid back down in the bed with me, handing me the TV remote. I looked at the TV remote and then at him before I nodded and then turned on the TV, putting on Black Butler. I curled up to the bedsheets and smelled them, smiling as I caught Lyle's scent on them.