Cat & Mouse

Contination of Jason's POV:

I woke up to the sound of faint screams from Dmitri, one of my siblings beating me to it before I could even get up. I got to my feet and rushed down stairs to find them, not even thinking about how under dressed I was. I found Primrose circling Dmitri as he was chained up, hanging from the ceiling by his wrists. She smirked and whipped him again, watching as he shrieked. Blood was dripping down the many wounds on his body and I could see sweat beading up on his forehead and falling down his body. She had stripped him out of his shirt for this to get at his skin better.... He grimaced and then squeezed his eyes shut as she got him again with it, biting back another scream of pain. She laughed cruelly at him and then curled the whip up. "Not going to scream? Hmm? I think I have something better for you then," she told him then walked over towards a table, picking up a handheld taser before she walked up to him and then turned it on. He shrieked as she pressed it against his side and started to spasm, trying to get away from it as his whole body was racked with the electricity. I tasted salt water in my mouth then along with blood, making me look away from the sight.

"That's enough," I announced towards Primrose. I heard her laugh and then turn the taser off.

"Aww, kill joy," she purred towards me and then started walking back to the table, putting it up. Dmitri panted as he went limp, trying not to cry out in pain as he groaned.

"How about you go upstairs and take a break. He's no fun all numb after all. The more he feels pain the better." I waved her off. She raised an eyebrow at me and then nodded.

"Sure," she told me and then started to walk away. "Enjoy," she purred and left us. I watched her then looked towards him.

"Are you conscious?" I teased. He looked towards me weakly and then coughed, spitting up blood. "Great, I'm going to go get dressed and drink a bottle of blood. Hang around here will ya?" I asked and laughed before heading for the door.

"I hate you," he hissed under his breath then coughed again.

"I get that," I told him and left him, going up to my room and texted a maid to bring me a bottle of blood. I went into my closet and started to change into something more casual, putting on some jeans and a regular band t-shirt I got a few years back. I walked out to my bedroom to find the bottle of blood there and started to drink it. When I finished it off I tossed it onto my bed and started out into the hall, heading back to Dmitri. He was sleeping when I went down there, hanging limply by the chains holding him up and I could see blood dripping down his wrists from the cuffs digging into his skin. I looked around, finding the keys and walked over to him, uncuffing him and let his body fall to the floor. He hit the floor and then yelped in pain before he slowly opened his eyes and laid there, staring at the wall blankly. I looked him over and looked towards his wounds, seeing if they'd heal. His body seemed to be working at it, but it looked like he was too weak to heal like a normal vampire. He curled up and then shivered. I bit down into my wrist and dripped some of my blood onto his lips. He whimpered but licked the blood off his lips before he moaned softly. I watched him, waiting for his wounds to heal. After a few minutes, they healed up and he looked a lot healthier but he was still out of it, his eyes dull from the previous torture and his exhaustion. I licked my wrist to heal it then picked him up, carrying him down to a cell to put him in. He curled up in my arms and then looked up at me. I glared him down, trying not to show him I was giving some mercy and help. He didn't seem to notice that I was even looking at him. He coughed and spat up some more blood, putting a hand over his mouth. I frowned and sat him down on a bed in a cell. I pried his mouth open to check inside. He whimpered and squirmed slightly, not liking it as I looked. It looked like his fangs were still intact. She hadn't taken them from him, showing some mercy there with him. It must be some sort of internal thing wrong with him. I frowned and bit back down into my wrist, giving it to him. "Here, drink up." He whined and took a few minutes before he relaxed and started to drink from me, closing his eyes. I sat down next to him and scooped his head up into my lap to make it more comfortable. He looked up at me weakly before he closed his eyes, looking more peaceful and less like a leader of the resistance as he curled up to me. I watched him curiously and continued feeding him. He relaxed by a lot and then gently pushed my wrist away, a small purr rising in him as he seemed to be resting. I licked my wrist to heal it then moved his head out of my lap and got to my feet. He opened his eyes and looked at me before he widened his eyes and curled up on the bed, staring at me like he just met me. I frowned and gave him a curious look. "What?" I asked. He looked me over and then flipped over, looking towards the wall as he pulled the blanket over him. I backed up slowly and walked out of the cell, shutting the door and locked it. I heard him mumble something under his breath from inside the cell, something about mates.

"Did you just put him in a cell?" I heard Primrose ask me from down the hall. I looked towards her.

"Yeah, he's unconscious." I started to walk towards her then. She frowned.

"Oh? That sucks. I could still torture him though," she muttered, crossing her arms.

"No, leave him alone. You won't get much fun out of him in a state he's in right now." She frowned and then sighed.

"Great," she muttered. "I was going to play with him some more." She turned around and started to walk away, upset.

"Sorry sis," I purred and followed her. "What're you doing now?"

"About to go plan the next raid," she told me and shrugged. "I need another one of those guys."

"Another one?" I asked her and crossed my arms. "So when do you want the next raid to be?"

"Tomorrow night," she purred to me. "I'm going myself."

"Who else?" I asked quickly.

"Zachary and Emily. I figured we'd do rotations of the attacks. We'll all be able to get our time out there. You're taking a break with Zxander," she told me and smirked.

"Okay," I purred. "I'll take a break. Make sure you let the others know."

"I will tell them that. After all, I've been planning them all," she purred to me and then laughed. "We should get some info out of him. See if he'll squeal who their leader is. He should know. He was the leader of that outpost."

"I don't know if we can," I admitted. "He was being hard headed after all about giving information. He told me that the whole time I was trying to get the cuffs on him and in the car. He's not very smart though. He had a chance to escape but didn't take it. He probably doesn't know much." She raised an eyebrow at me.

"They put an idiot in charge of an outpost?" She shook her head then. "I think in that light... I'll go attack another outpost tonight." She walked away quickly, pulling out her phone to call our siblings.

"Probably best thing to do..." I mumbled. "Let me know when you're leaving." I started for the night room.

"Sure," she called over her shoulder and then disappeared in a different direction. I pulled out my phone and texted the head butler to take a bottle of blood down to the cell. When I made it to the night room I laid down on one of the couches and turned the TV on. After a few minutes, I heard a shriek from downstairs and then it went dead silent. I sat up quickly and turned the TV on pause before deciding to ignore the shriek, figuring it was the maid freaking out over the dark dungeon. I pressed play and laid back down. I heard the front door shut after a little while and could taste salt in my mouth for a split second before it went away. I sat up and pressed pause on the TV, starting down the hall.

"You were supposed to come tell me you were leaving," I grumbled. When I got outside, I saw Dmitri racing for the woods, disappearing into them just as I got outside. I frowned and started for the woods, running as fast as I could. Dang it! He's escaping! I heard him trip ahead of me and then heard him crashing into the bushes before I could smell his pure sweet scented blood. He was quick to his feet though and kept running for his life but he was slowed down from the wound. I chased after him, trying not to loose sight of him. He eventually slowed down, the pain getting to him before he collapsed and whimpered. I ran up to his body and placed a foot on his stomach. "Running away so soon?" I asked. He looked up towards me weakly and whimpered, the hope dying in his eyes. His face looked flushed and he didn't look so good, the exhaustion working on him along with the pain. I reached down and picked him up, throwing him over my shoulder and started to carry him back.

"No," he whimpered and then kicked me lightly. "Please.... I don't want to go back.... Damn it. Put me down."

"You don't have a choice," I hissed. "You're coming back."

"Put me down," he insisted and then gripped my shirt. "I hate you. I hate you so much. Fate screwed you."

"Fate screwed me?" I asked in confusion. "No fate didn't."

"Oh yes it did. I don't want you as my mate," he hissed at me. "No way in Hell."

"Your mate?" I asked and dropped him. "We're not mates." He narrowed his eyes at me.

"Good, because I don't want a sorry hunter as my fated," he snarled at me and then started to get to his feet shakily. I kicked him back over.

"What're you talking about? Did my sister do something to your brain?" I asked and leaned over, getting a better look at him. He hissed at me, exposing his fangs at me.

"Don't touch me." I stepped back from him and exposed my fangs.

"You're delusional." He growled at me and then sat up, glaring me down before he slowly got to his feet and then ran up to a tree, climbing up it to get away from me and sat down on a branch, watching me as he hissed my way.

"What're you doing?" I asked and watched him. "Get down from there!"

"Hell no," he told me and then leaned up against the trunk of the tree, starting to look around the woods. "It's safe up here." I pulled one of my shoes off and threw it at him. He yelped and clutched the tree as he almost fell then looked back at me in panic. I grabbed my other shoe and threw it at him.

"Get down!" I yelled.

"NO!" He told me and then hugged the tree. "I'M NOT COMING DOWN." I growled with irritation and started to climb the tree. He yelped and got up on a higher branch. I climbed after him, reaching for his feet. He widened his eyes and kept his feet out of my reach, watching me carefully as he did his best to avoid me in the tree, moving carefully to stay away. I slipped on a branch and hit the ground hard, hitting my head and blurring my vision. I heard him gasp softly and felt him pulling me into his arms after a few minutes, examining my head. "You idiot," he whispered. "You'd think a hunter wouldn't fall out of a tree..." It took a few minutes for my vision to clear up, I blinked a few times and looked towards him.

"It got you down though," I teased.

"Shut up," he hissed at me.

"Besides, I didn't fall... I slipped and gravity took it's toll on me." I sat up and felt my head throb, making me groan and grab it. He frowned and then sighed, biting into his wrist and pressed it against my lips.

"Drink," he muttered to me, looking away from me.

"I'm not drinking your blood," I hissed and pushed his wrist away. "I'm fine." I got to my feet and suddenly felt dizzy, making me fall over. He narrowed his eyes then watched me, taking his wrist back from me and licked it clean. He got to his feet and started walking away then, abandoning me. I watched him walking away and sat up slowly, grabbing my head. "Where are you going?" I asked him. "You're not allowed to leave."

"Watch me," he told me and looked back at me with a smirk. "I do plenty of things I'm not allowed to do. This will not be the worst thing I've done." I growled his way.

"Testy," I hissed and eased my way to my feet. "Get. Back. Here." He laughed at me.

"No," he said simply and kept walking. "I'm not going back. Sorry, but I have other plans for myself." I started after him, holding my head.

"If you don't get back here right now, I'll let Primrose have her way with you."

"I'm not going back," he told me firmly. "I don't stay in cells."

"Well you don't belong free if you're going back to the resistance," I argued and started to run after him, feeling better now. He yelped as he saw me coming and then started for another tree. I tackled him before he reached it and knocked our heads together on the way down. He groaned as we fell and then looked up at me in anger. I growled towards him and leaned in towards his neck, sniffing him. He tensed up as I smelled him, but I caught something almost heavenly by his scent. It smelled so pure, so clean, so... sweet. It drew me in towards him and made me want to be near him. I collapsed against him and let out an instinctive purr. He groaned and then went to push me off gently.

"Damn it," he muttered under his breath. I clung to him and felt my fangs sharpen as I drew his scent in. He sighed and gave up, laying under me then. I pulled back quickly and climbed off of him, taking in a deep breath of fresh air. Oh no, he really is my mate. He watched me for a few seconds before he got to his feet and was up the tree in seconds. I watched him then got to my feet and started walking away from the tree.

"Go ahead and leave," I hissed. I heard his breath catch slightly as he watched me and then he slowly started coming down the tree, taking it easy. He looked at me curiously before he blinked and then took off running to escape. I let him, deciding it was best to let him go. I pulled out my phone and called my sister Primrose.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I heard her ask as the phone shuffled around. "We're almost ready to go. I was about to call you."

"He escaped, probably for the best. We don't need that kind of burden to feed only to kill way later on." I sighed and screamed out in pain as I stepped on a pinecone.

"Jason?!" She sounded extremely worried then. "Jason's hurt! Find him!" She hung up quickly. I frowned and tugged my phone away from my ear and put it up then picked my foot up and looked at the small wounds healing.

"I HATE THE WOODS!" I yelled in frustration and kicked the pinecone away from me.

"You don't have to scream it," I heard Dmitri mutter from nearby. "How's your foot?"

"Cut," I hissed. "I told you to leave." I looked towards him and blushed. He sighed.

"I heard you scream," he told me then crossed his arms.

"Ha ha," I gave me a small smile and started to limp away. "You better get going." He watched me for a few seconds before he groaned and then started to follow me.

"I'll make sure you get out of the woods first," he muttered. "After that, I'll end this and we'll go our separate ways."

"Oh no. No, no, no... I can find my way out of the woods." I started to walk normal as my foot healed up quickly.

"You can't even not step on a pinecone," he muttered, giving a small growl. "Besides, wouldn't you rather be free?"

"Be free?" I asked and turned towards him. "You're the one that needs that question. Do you want me to take you back in and chain you down and let my sister torture you?"

"I was talking about mate... rejection," he told me and coughed, adverting his eyes. Finding your real mate is so rare... but there is a way to make fate pick someone else, and that is through either killing them or through mate rejection. Usually that doesn't happen though because the two are overjoyed about finding each other. I frowned towards him.

"I'm never going to reject you," I told him firmly. "That's not something I believe in. So you've better figure out where your place is." He frowned at me.

"What is the point of being mated to each other if we hate one another," he asked me and then crossed his arms.

"Well I wouldn't hate you if you repent...." I gave him a sweet smile. He narrowed his eyes at me.

"I have my reasons for being the way I am," he told me firmly. "I don't believe that we should take away our rights to hunt. We're superior for a reason."

"Well I don't believe that! You better change your believe quickly or spend your last decade knowing I'm your mate and I stand between accepting and rejecting you." He growled then and started for me.

"I don't need you," he hissed at me. "I was going to reject you so that you could live in peace. Fate was insane to put a leader of the resistance together with a vampire hunter." I widened my jaw slightly then stopped and picked up a pinecone and threw it at him.

"How dare you talk trash about fate!" I fumed. He yelped as I threw it and hit him with it. He winced, watching as the wound started to heal.

"Oh yeah?" He asked me and narrowed his eyes before he exposed his fangs and had me pinned, biting into my neck. I let out a scream of pain and struggled to get away from him. He pulled his fangs out and started to drink from me before he licked my neck and healed it. I heard a small purr in him as he lingered by my neck. He seemed to be calming down. I suddenly heard a gunshot go off then, and he crumbled to the ground at my feet.

"Jason!" Primrose ran up with a worried look on her face. "Did he hurt you?"

"I'm okay," I said quickly. I wasn't sure how much she saw..... I felt a blush forming on my face and I stepped away from him quickly. She raised an eyebrow then looked down at him.

"He's too much trouble to keep... and too much trouble to set free," she muttered, kicking him over onto his back. He was bleeding out in his stomach, his face twisted up in excruciating pain. She tsked and then leveled the gun to his heart, about to pull the trigger. I tackled her quickly on instinct and knocked the gun out of her hand. She widened her eyes and looked at me in shock. "Jason!" I sat up on her quickly.

"Sorry, I don't know what came over me but I don't want you killing him." I grabbed the gun and put it in my pocket. "I just wouldn't be able to deal with that." She frowned at me.

"Why not? He's just scum," she told me and then looked towards Dmitri.

"Yeah but fate wants us to be mates," I grumbled softly. "So I don't want to see him die." She widened her eyes and looked up at me then at Dmitri then at me.

"You're... mates?" She asked and then sat up, looking at him again. "You've got to be kidding me! Ugh...." She pulled out her phone, looking irritated as she called Zachary. "Get one of the knives sterilized and a table set up and then a room cleaned up- one with good locks on the door and get a few bottles of blood set up," she ordered and then hung up without waiting for an answer. She got to her feet and grabbed Dmitri as he panted, his body starting to sweat as he was bleeding out, his hands pressed over the wound. I let out a sigh and got to my feet, starting to walk back.

"Thanks for shooting him, he was really killing me..." I said sarcastically.

"He's also an escaped prisoner," she told me and growled in irritation. "You're going to work with him if I'm saving him, got it?"

"Work with him? I guess...." I mumbled and rubbed the back of my head. "I know it's what fate wants. Hopefully he can change."

"Hopefully... or else I'll shoot him in the head for you," she purred towards me. "He'll lose all his memory if I do it just right."

"That's true... We've done it before to vampires that way we wouldn't decrease our species dramatically." I followed her back to the manor where Zachary was waiting for us.

"I got everything set up in the night room," Zachary told us. Primrose nodded to him and then walked in, carrying my mate to the night room.

"If you want... I can go ahead and take care of it," she called over her shoulder.

"No, I don't want that yet!" I told her. "We need to give him a chance first." I followed her with Zachary.

"Now what's going on?" Zachary asked.

"His mate is our prisoner," Primrose explained to him. "I shot him, but now we're fixing him." She sat him down on the table and then laid him back as she grabbed a knife and put her knee on his chest to pin him. He started to panic, squirming as his eyes widened. She smirked at him and then leaned over the wound, starting to cut into it to get at the bullet. He shrieked in pain, screaming loudly as she didn't give him a chance to brace himself. I watched and cringed at the sight. I turned away and rubbed my head.

"Why're you barefoot?" Zachery asked me and held in a chuckle. "You're just having a bad day brother... I'll go find you some shoes." He walked out then.

"And... got it," Primrose muttered and I heard a clink as she tossed the bullet. He stopped screaming and whimpered as he curled up on the table. She picked him up and sat the knife down. "Let's get you locked up in your new room and get you drinking some blood," she told him and walked up to me. "Coming?" I nodded and looked him over before stepping aside.

"Lead the way." She nodded and then carried him out of the room, starting in the direction of the bedrooms.

"We'll put a tracker in him later," she informed me. "He will need it if we aren't going to put him back in the dungeon."

"Yeah, for now let's just chain him up to the bed with a chain that's a few feet long." I smirked at the plan and texted a butler to get that set up.

"Well aren't you kinky?" She teased me as we reached the bedroom right next to mine and she took him inside. She put him on the bed and then handed him a bottle of blood on the nightstand, opening it for him. He drank it quickly and then turned over, curling up in the bed as he looked tired. I watched him and sat down on the edge of the bed. She watched us for a few minutes and then smirked before she ruffled my hair and walked out, shutting the door behind her. Dmitri purred softly as he was starting to fall asleep, nuzzling his head against the pillows. I looked him over and rubbed where he had bit me. He's really my mate.... I leaned over and poked his cheek then pinched it. He opened his eyes a little and looked up at me. I looked into his eyes, starting to taste salt water. He turned over to look at me before he purred and then gently pulled me towards him, accepting me for now. I blushed and crawled up to him and felt my breath catch. He purred towards me and then ran his fingers through my hair as he kissed my cheek. He cuddled me to him and then watched me curiously for a few minutes, a lot calmer than usual... sort of reminding me of the time when I fed him in the cell. I relaxed against him, feeling like I could trust him and brushed my hand against his cheek. He relaxed and then purred, leaning in and smelling me before he closed his eyes. I leaned in and smelled his scent again, melting as it overpowered me. It was almost intoxicating and I could faintly smell fresh water on him along with a small hint of salt, like he had both. I could practically taste it in my mouth. He nuzzled his head against me and then purred to me happily. I licked my lips, starting to feel hungry. He was making me hungry.... He pulled me closer then and hid his face into my neck, his breath hitting my skin as the Russian sighed softly. I tensed up against him as his breath touched where he last bit me, sending a chill up my spine. He purred and I felt his fangs scrap against my skin after I shivered. His grip on me tightened as he bit into me and then I felt a rush of pleasure, taking my breath away. I gasped and melted against his body, feeling my head get light headed. He pulled his fangs out after a few minutes of this and then licked my neck clean before he kissed my collarbone. I bit my bottom lip hard, causing it to bleed a little. He quickly caught onto the scent and kissed me, stealing the blood from my lips with a slight moan. I pulled back from the kiss and licked my lips to help them heal. I've got to get out of this bed. I grabbed his arms and pushed them away from me and started for the edge of the bed. He growled suddenly and I was tackled to the floor, his body and weight throwing us off the bed. I yelped and looked towards him. Oh my gawd! I groaned as my body ached from the impact of the floor. He exposed his fangs at me, not taking any time to recover as he snarled.

"Where are you going?" He hissed at me. I felt guilty immediately like I had done something wrong.

"Uh...." I trailed off and caught my breath. He narrowed his eyes at me and watched me before he got off and held his stomach where he had been shot earlier then groaned, getting back in the bed.

"Fine, whatever," he growled under his breath. "Ubiraysya." (Get out). I got to my feet quickly and backed up to the door and leaned against the wall by it. He glanced at me and narrowed his eyes slightly before he pulled the blanket over his head, ignoring me. I heard a knock of the door and it opened slightly.

"Here is the chains you ordered along with a pair of shoes your brother instructed me to give you.." A maid said lightly and handed them over to me.

"Thanks," I told her and shut the door in her face. I looked back towards the bed. He looked like he was trying to fall asleep, sprawled out on the bed with the blanket just barely coming up to his chin now as he laid there, snuggled up to a pillow. He looked sort of innocent again, and it hit me just how handsome he really was. I dropped the pair of shoes and walked up towards him slowly and started to lock the chains to the bed first. He stirred slightly, giving a whine as he shrunk from the noise. He instinctively pulled his hands closer towards his chest as he curled up, clutching the pillow. I finished getting it chained to the bed then grabbed one of his wrists and dragged it away from his chest. He growled then and started to struggle before he opened his eyes and then freaked out as he saw what I was doing. He snarled and exposed his fangs, trying to get away from me.

"Let me go," he hissed at me, putting up a fight. I lost hold of his wrist with his struggle and groaned with irritation. He sat up then and narrowed his eyes, getting out of the bed on the other side to stay away from me as he watched me carefully.

"Get over here," I ordered firmly and let the chains go, running after him. He yelped and took off for the bathroom to get away, running into it and went to shut it in my face just as I reached it. I growled and got my foot through the door and pushed my way in then jumped him, making us tumble to the floor. He yelped as he hit the ground hard and then groaned, stunned. He whimpered and curled up under me, cradling his head.

"Ow," he whined and then looked up at me with a hurt look.

"I can't trust you so don't give me that look. You're getting chained like an animal because that's the only way you've acted. When you repent, we will talk about unchaining you." He narrowed his eyes at me and shoved me off him.

"You're not chaining me up!" He got to his feet and then widened his eyes as he stumbled and he gripped his stomach with a wince. "Damn it," he hissed in pain and then started to slowly walk away as he was bent over. He sat down on the edge of the tub and then leaned his head against the wall as he held his stomach. I got to my feet and crossed my arms as I watched him. He glanced my way and then frowned before he moved his hand away from his stomach then slowly got to his feet, trying to look strong. He watched me and then started to walk to the bedroom, not saying a word to me. He crawled into the bed and then sighed, grabbing the chains and looking them over before he did it himself and then curled up, not looking in my direction as he turned to face the wall. I walked out to the bedroom door and picked up my shoes then carried them out of the room and shut the door behind me. That was easier then I expected. I wish all of the resistance would do that. "I STILL HATE YOU!" He screamed after me. I felt my heart swell up in pain and my vision got a little blurry from his words. "Calling me an animal and giving me those looks," I could hear him muttering in the bedroom. I leaned up against the door and held my chest. "He could at least stay in here.... I swear that girl that smacked me when I bit her was sweeter...." I turned around and opened the door, glaring him down.

"Shut up," I snapped. He frowned and looked towards me.

"Shut up? You're such an ass," he hissed at me and exposed his fangs. "You knew I wasn't going to go anywhere and you still insisted on me being chained."

"I didn't know that! You have to be chained. You've ran every chance you got. I know you'll run again if I unchain you." I walked in and shut the door behind me then started for him. He widened his eyes as he saw me coming and then sat up.

"Do you think I'd really try to run if I was here with my mate and I already came back?" He defended, watching me.

"You came back because I stepped on a pinecone."

"Did... not..." He blushed and looked away from me, tugging lightly on the chains. I walked up to the bed and pointed a finger at him.

"Don't tell me you hate me again, or I'll tape your mouth shut." He looked up at me and then softened his expression.

"Da, I won't," he whispered to me. "I don't hate you.... I'm just mad at you."

"It's all your fault anyways..." I dropped the shoes and sat down on the edge of the bed.

"Nuh uh," he complained but didn't move to come after me.

"Your views is what put you in here. It's illegal and you know that."

"We wouldn't have met each other if my views were different," he purred to me and smirked slightly. "Think about it. True mates don't normally find one another."

"You better change your views then," I told him firmly.

"Why? Maybe I like hunting," he told me and tilted his head. "I don't see what's so wrong about it if we were given fangs to draw blood."

"You're not supposed to unless you have permission. That's one of the rules the council orders everyone to follow. You better start following it."

"The council is unjust though. It doesn't represent all groups. I know plenty of vampires who starve. They can't get a good meal, and the ones that would let them drink from them charge too much. They have to hunt," he told me and then sighed. "Our race would be in danger if everyone followed your rules. We do what we have to to get by."

"Well we started manufacturing bottled blood. It's not as expensive and might taste bad but it's legal." I exposed my fangs towards him. "I don't care if they are starving. They could easily come to a noble and beg for a good job to make enough money to get by and be supplied blood." He laughed at that a little.

"So our rulers who started the rules and all the laws end up putting everyone under their thumbs?" He asked me and raised an eyebrow. "If you were a fledgling on the streets that was abandoned, you wouldn't think twice about biting someone. Are you suggesting that we should rip their fangs out because they were hungry?"

"No, their maker would pay the price instead. It's quiet simple. Don't turn someone if you don't plan on raising them for five years. I don't care who's under our thumb... you all should be. You obviously don't know how to act right. We should be watching you like ants in an ant farm." He narrowed his eyes at me and I saw him eyeing my neck with anger before he looked up at me.

"Like ants in an ant farm huh?" He hissed lightly and then laid down in the bed. "That's why I don't obey the rules. You're all too stuck up. I'd rather vampires be free."

"If vampires were free none of the humans would be safe. None of the vampires would be safe. If they find out we exist then they'll find out our weaknesses and we'll all be doomed. These rules are here to make us live peacefully amongst humans. No one wants to end up burning at dawn like in the old days." He glanced my way then and softened his expression before he curled up, playing with his hair as he curled it around his fingers.

"If you honestly believe enslaving the vampire race is the way to go," he hummed out.

"It's not enslaving. It's law." I got to my feet. "If you had followed the law then you wouldn't be chained to the bed."

"If I obeyed your tiny laws, then I wouldn't be here period," he pointed out to me. "You'd still be mateless, but maybe that's what you want."

"Maybe that's what you want," I hissed.

"No... I just wish you weren't so... well rude... evil... and you know, chaining me up and ignoring me to rot in a bed," he told me and shrugged.

"Do you need blood?" I asked curiously.

"Right before the sun comes up," he told me and then looked my way. "I eat when I wake and when I go to sleep and sometimes inbetween."

"Well you're only going to eat once a day for now on." I got off the bed and looked him over. "I'll be right in the next room actually. I think I should clear something up to you... I was born a hunter and the only reason I'm a vampire now is to gain power in the vampire eyes. If I was still human I wouldn't get my ideals so clearly across the council. As a vampire I have more power. My ideas seem more clear to your pathetic species." I started for the door. "So if you think I'm going to put my instincts to hunt humans first over my true instincts to kill idiotic vampires.... think again." I could feel his eyes watching me go.

"Alright," he hummed out. "You can be that way if you really want to be that way. Goodbye little hunter," he purred teasingly my way.

"Goodbye?" I asked and looked over my shoulder towards him. "You mean good day." He smirked at me from the bed.

"Goodbye, good day, good night, whichever you prefer.... I prefer goodbye. It's more final, more closed," he told me and then pulled a pillow close to him. "It's more defined in this world... where humans become vampires and have to learn to say good day instead of goodnight when they go to bed.... It's more simple, and it can have so many emotions attached to it."

"Well I think you're too troublesome." I smirked towards him. "You'll learn to be obedient with the law."

"Mhhh, that's what you think. I've been a lawbreaker all my life," he told me and winked before he looked towards the pillow and then nuzzled his head against it. "Heh... I don't think I'll ever suit you the way you want me to, not fully. There'll always be that little piece you can't change about me."

"Well as long as I can get you to obey the law then I can handle the rest of you. You're mated to me to learn how to obey the law." He laughed and then shook his head.

"You're so sure of yourself. It's cute, but a little annoying," he mumbled. "Maybe fate put you with me so that way you could learn that not everything is black and white, good and bad."

"We'll see who wins, won't we?" I asked him and smirked. "I'll give you a hint, I will."

"If you think so," he hummed out absentmindedly. "I've got my ways.... You could keep me chained up forever, but that doesn't mean you win."

"I'm only chaining you up until you promise to obey the law. If you keep resisting then I'll have my sister shoot you in the head and force your little memories to disappear." He tensed up at that and I saw a flash of fear in his eyes before he curled up more in the bed, choosing not to say anything back this time as he pulled the pillow closer to him in his arms.

"Anyways, goodnight, goodday, goodbye." I turned back around and left him in the room. I walked up to my door and went inside then walked over to my bed and crawled into the huge bed, curing up to a body pillow.