The Sister

Continuation of Jason's POV:

I woke up the next night to Primrose poking my cheek. "Hey, I got you something to drink. Wake up. We got a new prisoner, but it's a chick leader this time, says her name is Eva. I thought I'd inform you about her. We've decided to not torture her too bad. She's scared and is telling us a few things, but she insists she doesn't know who the main leader is. I think she said she knew Dmitri though." I looked up towards my sister and parted from the body pillow.

"Well let's take Dmitri to her and see what happens," I suggested and crawled out of the bed and started for the door. She handed me a bottle of blood and led me to Dmitri's room, getting the door for us before she walked up to his bed and started to unchain him from the headboard. Dmitri stirred and looked up at her sleepily before he held his pillow a little closer.

"Get up, you scum bucket," she hissed at him then yanked him out of bed. He yelped and was wide awake in seconds, squirming to get away from her as she dragged him towards the door.

"Hey, watch it... that's my mate you're talking to." I purred and opened the bottle of blood then took a sip from it. "He's not a scum bucket yet." She smirked at me.

"Oh, my bad. Let me come up with another pet name for him... let's see.... I think I like ice prick," she purred and then looked him over. "No... that's not colorful enough for him...." I started to taste salt water in my mouth again so I chugged down the bottle of blood. He exposed his fangs after a few minutes of struggling to get away, earning a smack from her before she gripped one of his fangs and snarled at him. "I'll pull those pretty boys out of your pretty little head if you show them to me one more time," she hissed at him then gave one a tug to mess with him. He started to tremble and quit fighting, looking afraid of her as she slowly let his fang go.

"We're taking you to see a girl that says she knows you," I told him. Dmitri looked over at me and frowned before he yelped as she yanked him closer to her as she started to drag him again.

"O-okay... is this really necessary?" He asked, looking at my sister.

"Oh, yes it is. You're our prisoner and a criminal," she hissed at him. He hissed back, earning another smack from her. I followed them and sat the bottle down on a hall table when I finished it. She took him downstairs and up to a cell before she unlocked it and took him inside. A young teenage girl was sitting on the bed, playing with her hair before she looked up at Dmitri and widened her eyes.

"DMITRI~!" She got to her feet quickly and tackled my mate into a hug, kissing his cheek as her long silvery white hair fell past her shoulders. Dmitri groaned and then looked at her, frowning.

"What are you doing here?" He asked her.

"I got caught," she said innocently then looked him in the eyes. "What are you doing here? What happened to your face? Did they hurt you, moy brat?" (My brother). She gently touched his cheek and then exposed her fangs, biting into his neck quickly. I was by them in seconds and grabbed her by the neck, throwing her against a wall.

"Here we don't freely bite people," I hissed her way. "You're going to have to start asking permission and even then the answer is no!" I snapped and looked towards him then smacked his cheek. "Don't let people bite you that aren't me." He yelped and then touched his cheek before he looked towards me then looked at the girl.

"YA dumayu, on rasstroyen." (I think he's upset). He frowned slightly and watched as the girl nodded and then licked her lips.

"He is," she told him then bounced up to him, wrapping her arms around him. He watched her then looked towards me with a small smile.

"So this is awkward," he told me and laughed. "This is my sister, Eva."

"Oh yeah? You met my sister Primrose," I looked towards her. Primrose smirked at them and then walked up to me.

"Oh yeah, they've both met me," she said in a teasing tone. "Want me to separate them? She hadn't bothered to tell me they were related," she purred to me, looking at me. Dmitri's eyes widened and he tightened his grip on his sister.

"I wouldn't mind," I purred towards her. She nodded and then walked up, stealing Eva from Dmitri's arms. Eva yelped and then started to struggle, reaching for Dmitri quickly.

"Dmitri!" She cried out, looking panicked as he started for her to get her back. I walked up and got between them quickly, glaring Dmitri down. He widened his eyes and looked towards me then at his sister then at me.

"She's my sister," he whispered to me and frowned.

"Oh yeah? Well all those innocent people you bit have siblings too." I snapped. He narrowed his eyes at me and then growled.

"Want me to take her upstairs or leave her down here?" Primrose asked me. "We could use her as leverage against him...." Dmitri looked at her then with wide eyes and then narrowed them, glaring her down as he clenched his jaw in anger.

"Touch one hair on her head," he threatened her.

"Let's keep her down here. It's bad enough we'll be watching him like a hawk upstairs. How about we use her as leverage. I know Dmitri will be an open book in a few days." Dmitri glared at me and then looked towards his sister as she stopped struggling, looking at Dmitri with worry. His expression softened and he watched as Primrose sat her down on the bed and got out a pair of cuffs, chaining one of her wrists to the bed before she looked her over.

"I'll be back for you later," she purred to her then walked up to me. "Okay, so we'll wear your mate down using his sister against him. How about we take him back upstairs and chain him up again. We can starve him too if you like." Dmitri was past us in seconds and sitting down on the bed with his sister, pulling her into his arms protectively as he whispered something in her ear. She widened her eyes and looked towards him before she kissed his cheek and gently shoved him away with a small smile.

"I'll be fine," she told him and then curled up in the bed. "Don't let them hurt you brother." I grabbed him and started to pull him away.

"You two aren't going to be seeing each other any time soon," I told them firmly. "Have fun with her, sister." Primrose smirked and looked towards Eva with a laugh as I pulled Dmitri out of the room. He looked over his shoulder with worry and longing, but he didn't fight me this time. I pulled him out and started to haul him back upstairs and to his bedroom. He stayed quiet and looked down at his feet as I led him, his hair covering his sea blue eyes. When we reached his room I pulled him over to his bed and threw him in. He yelped and then curled up with a resigned sigh and then looked up towards me before he looked towards the chains.

"Chain yourself," I told him firmly. He looked up at me and then narrowed his eyes slightly before he pulled the blanket around him and then snuggled up into them.

"No," he said defiantly. I smirked and grabbed the chain and went for his hands. He hissed softly and pulled his hands closer to himself before he rolled over onto them so I couldn't get to them easily. I let the chain go to crawl into bed and get him. He yelped as he saw me coming and then exposed his fangs at me, smacking my hand as I reached out towards him. I frowned and crawled over and got on him. He narrowed his eyes at me and watched me, not pushing me off this time. I pinned him down and tsked at him.

"Are you hungry?" I asked.

"If I said yes, would you feed me?" He asked curiously, not struggling.

"Yeah," I told him and looked him over. "I'm not going to let you starve. Your sister though is going to get far worse then starvation." He narrowed his eyes at me.

"I'm not eating till she eats," he hissed at me and then looked away from me.

"Fine with me," I purred and leaned over him, reaching for the chains. He watched and then growled a little before he looked me over and then away from me, angry looking.

"I hope you're happy," he growled under his breath, clenching his jaw. I stopped and looked towards him.

"I'm not happy I have to chain up my irresponsible mate..." I mumbled. He looked up at me then and narrowed his eyes.

"I'm not irresponsible," he told me. "We just have different views."

"I'm going to change those views too," I growled. "I tell you what.... I'll put some faith into you and leave these off...." I crawled off of him and started for the edge of the bed. He watched me curiously before he looked at the chains and then at me.

"O-okay," he said, sounding a little shocked by my decision.

"If you're my mate I need to start trusting you right? You know better then to leave here." I got off the bed and started for the door. "I'll even leave the door unlocked and I trust you won't open it." He frowned and sat up, watching me go.

"So I'm not allowed to leave the room?" He asked in confusion.

"Nope, I don't want you leaving this room. I'll be back later tonight to check and make sure you're trustworthy." I told him and opened the door. "If you do escape... I'll hunt you down and feed you to my wolves." He shivered at that and sunk into the bed, getting quiet. I shut the door behind me as I left and started for my study, deciding to get some desk work in tonight. Xzander was already in there, looking over a few maps as he glanced at our list of places to hit and then sighed softly, putting a red pin on a coordinate. He glanced my way as I walked in and smiled.

"Hey," he said and then returned his attention to the maps.

"Lyle sure does have a interesting informant. I wish I could get my hands on his informant..." I told him and trailed as I pulled out my phone and texted a maid to take a bottle of blood to Dmitri's room. I sat down at my desk and started to go through the stack of paper on it.

"Don't we all wish to know where Lyle gets all his info from," he muttered and then put another pin on the map.

"He's a very powerful king like his father," I purred. "He's doing so well. Probably better. His ideas are so identical to mine.... I can almost read his mind." I rubbed my chin and picked up a letter, reading through it briefly.

"I would hope you would think he's better.... You got rid of the last ones," he whispered and then sat down the letter as he put the last pin down before he started to walk towards the door. "I think I'll get Primrose and see if she wants to do another raid yet."

"Tonight?" I asked him. "Go right ahead. I can keep an eye on Dmitri and that girl downstairs."

"Okay," he purred and then left me, shutting the door behind him quietly. I turned on my computer and started to look at the cameras set up in the torture chambers. Primrose was filing her nails down with her legs crossed as Eva was reading a book on her bed, turning the page slowly. I thought Primrose was going to torture her. I frowned and turned the camera to check in on Dmitri. I couldn't see him in his room anywhere, his bed slightly rumbled like he had gotten up. The bottle of blood was untouched on his nightstand. I frowned and started to check the hall cameras. I saw a few maids moving around the halls, dusting, but I didn't see my Russian mate on them. I got up quickly, feeling my heart start to pound. He left! After I put so much trust in him. I started for the doors, kicking them open and took off outside, checking the yard for him. I couldn't see or hear anything, except for a few birds singing in the woods. It's like he faded from existence.... I groaned with irritation then went back inside. How could he leave after all the trust I put in him? I bit my bottom lip, making it bleed and stomped towards the night room. Xzander was in there with Zachary, getting some guns ready in bags as Xzander was on the phone.

"Mhm," he hummed. "Yes... we're raiding tonight, Primrose," he purred into it.

"Are you two sure?" I heard Emily ask as she slipped past me. "You guys went two days in a row."

"Go drink a bottle of blood and calm your nerves," Zachary told her.

"It'll be better to hit them like this. They won't be expecting it, and we'll have more of a chance to wipe them out while they're trying to gather to fight back," Xzander told her then hung up on Primrose.

"Fine, but when one of you get shot and come whining to me to put the bullet out... I'm going to be sipping a margarita by the pool." She left the room then, slipping past me as fast as she came in. Xzander looked towards me and frowned when he noticed my expression.

"What happened?" He asked quickly, looking a little worried.

"Nothing," I told him sharply and sat down on the couch.

"Ouch," Zachary tsked. Xzander studied me then sighed.

"He ran off... didn't he? I thought you chained him."

"I was trying to put some trust in him since he is my mate.... turns out I can't trust him." I clenched my jaw. He frowned and then looked at Zachary.

"Cancel the raid.... We'll track him down. I'll go look to see if I can get a scent trail for that Russian," Xzander told him then grabbed a gun, loading it as he started for the door.

"What!? We're giving up a raid to track one guy down?" Zachary asked and growled. "That's dumb."

"One, that is our brother's mate. Two, it's a leader of the resistance. We don't want him to get back to his buddies and leak what he's seen to them and then lead a raid on us. Three, it's best to keep our enemies close," he told him, glancing over his shoulder. "A raid can wait. A runaway can't. They get further away with every second. We can't do both in one night. Even if we split and had some go on the raid, it'd weaken our chances of succeeding in both endeavors."

"You're right," Zachary sighed out and started for the front door. "I'm going to check the ground and get the wolves hot on his trail."

"Alive," Xzander told him quickly before they split to go look for my missing mate.

"Whatever," Zachary yelled over his shoulder. I turned the TV on and propped my feet up on the coffee table. After a few minutes, I heard Xzander upstairs walking rather quickly before he was back down here and setting the gun down.

"He's in his room," he said irritably, looking my way.

"What?" I asked and frowned. "I check the cameras and he wasn't..." I trailed off and growled softly.

"He was taking a shower," he informed me and then pulled out his phone, texting our siblings.

"Seriously?" I asked. "Put a camera in his bathroom." I got to my feet quickly. I started for the stairs to go see for myself.

"PERV!" Xzander shouted after me teasingly. I ran up to his door and opened it, looking in for him. He was laying down in the bed, curled up with his hair slightly wet still. I could smell the fresh body soap on him, his clean sent only adding onto his pure one as he laid there. His bottle of blood was still unopened though.... I looked it over then walked in and grabbed the bottle and started for him with it. He looked towards me as I approached and frowned a bit before he pulled the blanket closer to him, hiding the fact that he wasn't wearing a shirt. I crawled into the bed and handed him the bottle.

"Drink this," I ordered. He looked towards it then at me before he sat it down and gave me an innocent smile.

"Not until my sister eats," he told me and then ran his fingers through his silvery white hair as his blue eyes watched me.

"She ate," I told him and then opened the bottle and took a swig before giving it to him. He looked towards it longingly and then at me.

"Prove it," he told me, biting his lower lip.

"Don't you trust me?" I asked.

"Do you trust me?" He countered. I frowned and got on top of him then leaned the bottle over his mouth. He widened his eyes and quickly turned his head, refusing to drink it. "I'm not eating unless she eats," he hissed at me. I kneed him between the legs to make him yelp then dripped some into his mouth. He whimpered and curled up, gripping his manhood in pain as he shut his eyes, his fangs exposing instinctively.

"Please just drink this!" I poured some onto his lips. "If you don't drink this it'll be wasted." I could see his hunger taking over a little as he caught the scent and he opened his eyes, a half starved look in his eyes. He glanced towards the bottle hungrily but held back, fighting it. I exposed my fangs and bit down into my wrist. He had us flipped in seconds and I heard the bottle clatter to the floor as his fangs sunk into my wrist where I had bitten myself, his fangs piercing deeper as a small desperate moan escaped him. I yelped out in pain and started to panic. He's supposed to drink the blood in the bottle, not me! He loosened up on the bite, closing his eyes as he drank from me. His fangs were slowly easing out of me as he gripped my wrist to keep me from taking it away from him. I yanked a little as his fangs were slipping out. He snarled and dug his fangs back in to keep my wrist, aggressively biting me again. I groaned out in pain and stopped moving, my heart starting to race. He began to purr softly after a few minutes, taking his fangs out as he licked my wrist. He let me go, staying over me as he leaned in and kissed my neck. I rubbed my wrist against the sheets to get the blood off of me as it healed quickly. "I didn't mean me," I mumbled.

"You bit yourself," he mumbled to me and then purred, kissing my neck again before he started to give me a love bite, leaning into my neck further. I let out a moan and closed my eyes.

***Mature Feature Below! If you're squirmish about touchy touchy situations Skip this & pick up at bolded text.

"Only to make you hungrier." I arched my back instinctively. He purred and then began to scrap his fangs against my neck till he found my sensitive spot and began to give me another love bite, his hands trailing down my arms. I squirmed under him and felt my heart race from his love bite. He gripped my wrists then and suddenly I heard the chains rattle as they enclosed around my wrists. He purred and then ran his hands down my sides, kissing my collarbone as he inched his face down further on my body. I gasped and tugged on the chains. I don't have the key on me! I started to panic and tried to sit up under him. He growled slightly and pushed me back down, pinning me with his weight. I blushed and stopped moving. "Dmitri?" I asked. He pulled away from my neck and then looked down into my eyes, his face inches from mine.

"What?" He asked softly then kissed my cheek, not taking his eyes off mine.

"I don't have the key on me...." I trailed off. He frowned then.

"We can get your sister later then," he told me and stole a kiss from my lips. I gasped and tensed up under him. Later? He purred then comfortingly before he rubbed my sides and moved his face into the crook of my neck again, starting to kiss me there. I blushed and felt my body relaxing against him. He took it as an invitation and pulled the blanket over us, his body pressing up against mine as he slipped his hands under my shirt. I moaned and held in a laugh as his fingers tickled my skin. He trailed his hands up and down my spine teasingly before he started to slip my shirt up my body, kissing my neck again as he purred to me. A laugh slipped out as he hit one of my ticklish spots and I squirmed under him. He tugged my shirt off then and purred, gripping my sides as his lips started to trail down my neck and to my chest. I gasped and got a little nervous.

"Don't go too far," I begged. He laughed a little and kissed my chest again.

"Too far?" He asked curiously.

"Yeah," I nodded. "No going too far." He purred and then rubbed my sides lightly as he trailed kisses slowly downwards teasingly. I pulled on the chains and grabbed his hands. He glanced up at me and paused, watching me curiously before he kissed just a few inches down from the last one again. I gripped his hands and dug my nails into them. He yelped and then stopped, looking up towards me as his blue eyes examined me. I let his hands go quickly. He watched me for a few seconds before he sat up on me, revealing the fact he was only in his boxers. He glanced around his room and then rubbed the back of his neck as his eyes lingered on the door before he looked back at me like he was thinking about getting off me. I watched him and frowned a bit. He's going to escape, isn't he? He stared at me for a few more seconds before he kissed my lips softly. I gasped and jumped a bit at his touch. What? He kissed me... I let out a small moan as a warm feeling rushed into my chest. He purred softly after a few seconds and then tilted his head, kissing me again but a little bit deeper as he leaned over me. I felt my hands travel up to his hair and gripped a lock full, tugging on it. He moaned, seeming to like it as his hands traveled down my sides again and he firmly gripped my hips as he started to passionately kiss me. I felt myself becoming aroused by his touch. I leaned into the kiss to deepen it and yanked on the chains. He licked my bottom lip then, asking for permission as he slowly started to slip between my legs. I parted my lips a little and allowed his tongue access into my mouth. He purred and deepened the kiss as he started to explore my mouth, one of his hands brushing over my butt. I exposed my fangs instinctively and dug my nails down into his shoulders. He groaned and squeezed my butt as he pulled my body closer to his. I gasped as my man hood brushed against his through our clothes. He moaned into the kiss and then got ahold of my tongue, starting to suck on it as he pressed down into me. I felt my skin starting to get hot. I pulled away from the kiss and took in a deep breath. He looked down at me with a slight hint of lust in his gaze before he kissed my neck, letting me catch my breath as he purred to me and moved his hand down to my pants, slipping it under my boxers and down to my manhood. I let out a pleasured moan at his touch and squeezed my eyes shut, throwing my head back against the pillows. He purred sweetly to me and playfully nipped at my ears before he gave me a squeeze, starting to pleasure me downstairs as he unbuttoned my pants with his other hand to get at me better. I blushed and reached down, grabbing his hand, slight fear he was going to hurt me. He paused and I felt his breath catch slightly before he gently kissed my neck, loosening up on me. I grabbed his arm instead and kept a hold of it.

"Do you not like it?" He asked me softly in my ear. "I'll stop if you're too afraid."

"I just have a slight fear you're going to hurt me," I mumbled.

"Well... I wasn't planning on it... but I guess it would hurt a little at first," he mumbled back to me.

"No.... I was talking about you trying to.... Nevermind...." I blushed and looked away from him.

"I'm not going to purposely hurt you," he told me firmly. "You're my mate."

"You've done it before," I mumbled. "You even chained me to the bed..."

"I wanted to make sure you wouldn't run off... or chain me to the bed... or something like that," he purred to me. "It's not to hurt you." I blushed and nodded.

"Oh...." I mumbled and felt my heart flutter.

"So is it okay?" He mumbled in my ear, his breath hitting my neck. "Can I continue?"

"You promise your days are over being in the resistance?" I asked softly. He tensed up a bit at that question and stayed quiet for a few minutes. I tensed up under him. He sighed then.

"Well... It's not like I can actively be in the resistance if I'm here," he murmured to me. "I still have my beliefs, but I can't act too much on them here."

"We'll slowly work on your beliefs," I mumbled.

"We'll see about that," he purred teasingly and then kissed my neck. He rubbed me slightly downstairs and gave my neck another kiss. I let out a gasp and curled my toes. He purred and slowly started to work me back into it, kissing my chest and neck here and there as he purred comfortingly to me as he gripped me. I moaned and exposed my fangs, looking towards him. I could taste salt water in my mouth again. He didn't seem to notice my fangs as he gave me a lovebite on my chest and then slipped his hand out from my pants slowly and pushed them down my legs. He pulled them off me and then gripped my thigh, pulling me close as he adjusted himself over me, his manhood hard against mine through our boxers. I felt my body tremble a little from how much he was turning me on. He rubbed my thigh before he came back to my lips and gave me a sweet kiss as he slowly started to grind his hips into mine. I dragged my nails down his skin then and deepened the kiss. He moaned loudly and thrusted into me, his hand squeezing my thigh tightly. I pulled back from the kiss to catch my breath and felt my heart pounding. He looked down into my eyes longingly and he kissed my cheek before he purred to me. "Are you ready?" He asked me, rubbing my hips. "I'll be careful with you...."

"Ready?" I asked softly. He laughed and then playfully thrusted into me again, kissing my neck. "Y-yeah I'm ready," I told him and blushed. He licked my neck and then kissed my lips quickly before he trailed his hands to my boxers and began to push them down. He rubbed himself against me with a purr before he gave me a soft moan, exciting me as I felt his boxers against my bare skin. I reached down for his boxers and grabbed the top of them. He purred encouragingly in my ear, gently kissing right under it as he let me. I pushed his boxers down and felt a little nervous.

"You'll be okay," he whispered comfortingly in my ear. "I'll take it slow till you get used to me." He kissed my cheek and then wrapped my thighs around his waist, starting on one of the best experiences of my life.

***Feel Free to pick up reading here.

He rolled off me as he panted, his body sweating a little as he curled up beside my body as pure bliss was coursing through me. He pulled me into his arms and then kissed my cheek sweetly. "Does it hurt?" He asked me, looking at me with slight worry. I nodded and shivered as the cold hit me and snuggled into his warmth. He rubbed my back and then kissed me.

"I'm sorry.... Are there any painkillers in the bathroom? I could go get you some," he mumbled to me.

"You'd have a better chance going to my bathroom. My room is a door over..." I mumbled to him. He nodded and kissed me again.

"I'll be quick," he told me and then slowly began to move away from me, getting up and hunting around for his boxers. I got a nice view of his firm, slightly muscular body as he moved around the room, sorting our clothes out. I curled up in the spot he had been in then snuggled up into the blankets. I could smell his scent all over the blankets, driving me into desire for him again as it intoxicated me. He slipped some boxers on when he found them then snuck out of the room quickly. I watched the door, waiting for him to come back. It took him a few minutes, but he did return, coming in and shutting the door behind him as he walked up and handed me a pill as he got into the bed with me and purred. I bit down into my wrist and put the pill in my mouth then drunk it down with some of my blood. I curled up to him when I had it down. He rubbed my back and then kissed my cheek. "Are you going to stay with me?" He asked softly and then produced the key to the cuffs. He smiled at me as he pulled my hands to him. I nodded towards him and reached for the key. He uncuffed me and then gave me the key to hold onto. "There~" I placed it down on the night stand then wrapped the blanket around us tightly.

"Thanks for freeing me," I mumbled. He smiled towards me and ran his fingers through my hair.

"Of course," he told me and then kissed the top of my head. "Let's get some rest. We can take a shower together when we wake up," he suggested to me. I nodded and felt my eye lids getting heavy. He watched me for a few seconds and then closed his eyes, curling up to me as he started to sleep with me.