Wake Up

Continuation of Jason's POV:

Dmitri stirred against me as the sun started to go down and I felt him brush up against me in the tight space. "Jason," he mumbled sleepily as he moved closer to me, pressing his body against mine as he sighed. I opened my eyes slowly and threw the warm covers over our heads. He laughed and then kissed my cheek. "Not yet?" He mumbled. "Mkay... fine with me... It's warm." I slipped my cold feet up against his and slipped one leg between his. He gasped and tensed up before he slowly relaxed. I let out a small sigh of relief as I got more comfortable. He kissed my cheek and then rubbed my back as he started to cuddle with me, getting quiet as his breathing got softer. He rubbed my leg gently with his as he scooted closer to me, pressing his body against mine. I sat up a little and rubbed my eyes. He whined and then pulled me back down. I yelped and laid down on him, leaned my head into the crook of his neck and smelled his sweet scent. He purred to me and then nuzzled up against me. "Don't leave," he mumbled to me. "Not after what we did together...."

"I wasn't going to leave..." I mumbled. "I was just sitting up."

"Good," he purred and relaxed. "I'd bite you if you were going to leave me...."

"You're not supposed to without asking," I reminded him.

"What if I was really... really mad?" He asked softly. "Like... pissed."

"Why would you do that if you were mad?" I asked softly. "That's even worse."

"Because I'd be mad that you left me. I'd teach you not to leave me alone," he mumbled to me.

"Biting people without asking is wrong," I said sternly.

"Then what am I supposed to do if I'm mad?" He asked and frowned. "Yell?"

"Do anything but bite me," I hissed. He watched me and then nodded.

"Okay," he mumbled and then hid his face into the crook of my neck. "I won't bite you when I'm angry."

"You better not bite me period," I warned.

"What if we're making love?" He whined. "I'd like to mark you while we're having fun together...'

"I'll let you bite me for that," I purred. He nodded and then relaxed.

"Okay," he hummed out and then kissed my neck. He sighed softly and began to rest again, calming down as he purred to me.

Everest's POV:

I rubbed my temples as I sat in the night room. Silas had been rough, not wanting to obey me when I was making him pick fleas off the elderly werewolves. Lucky for him, not all the wolves were there or else I would've made him scrub the blood out of all their fur.... I normally don't go near the werewolves though to be honest. That is the closest I've ever been to them... in the maze. I'm usually too busy to go in there and I don't like to. It's creepy when you are five inches away from what can kill you in one bite. I shivered at the thought and sunk into my seat, running my fingers through my silky hair. At least I'm inside where it is safe.... I heard a loud howl rip through the air outside towards the woods, more starting to follow the howl. I frowned a little and then sighed. They must be going to hunt... or there is an invader or something. I got to my feet and walked over to one of the windows to check, peering out into the darkness for any signs of movement or fighting. It's probably a hunt... I don't think someone would be stupid enough to invade the castle..... It might be the full moon too. I glanced up at the moon to check it and frowned when I saw it wasn't full yet, but it was getting kind of close, maybe in a few weeks or so... or a few days. I'm bad about knowing the phases. I caught movement at the edge of the woods, a few wolves sniffing the ground and staring up at the trees. I caught a glimpse of a bird at the top take off flying and the wolves took off after it. They're hunting. I shivered and then walked away from the window. Dumb dogs.... So glad I don't have to deal with them... and work things out with them... like Lyle does every once in awhile. Who in their right minds would want to be king? It's so much better being the king's brother. I eyed the movies then smirked, walking over and going through them till I found Big Bang Theory then put it on and sat down on the couch, propping my feet up as I reclined back. All I need is the relaxing life. I heard another howl rip through the night, growling picking up, and I could hear a deer's last cry before death. Gross! I shivered and then got to my feet, turning off the TV. "Why do they have to hunt so close to the house?" I growled under my breath and started walking for the door. I think I'll go out and enjoy the town or something while they're hunting.... They should be done by near daybreak. I walked out and started for the garage, taking my time until I reached it and found my car. It didn't take me long to get inside it as I heard them howling and hunting still, sending a shiver down my spine. I started her up and drove quickly out of the garage, driving towards the gate where I put in the pin to exit the castle. I heard the howls start to break out of the gate territory, hunting further into the woods. I raised an eyebrow and paused, wondering how far they'd be going. Would it be far enough to not disgust me? I tapped the steering wheel while I waited, listening to the howls to see what direction they were going in. They started to fade off into the distance, not going near the town. I relaxed and then drove out of the gates, texting Lyle that I'd be in town if he needed me for something.

~Time Skip~

After driving around town for awhile and partying at various night clubs, I drove back home and got of my car, twirling my keys around my finger as I hummed happily. It was great! Not a single howl near the town for the part of the night I was there, and all the humans were fun to dance with. I walked into the house and then walked to my bedroom, going in and unbuttoned my shirt a little as I tossed my keys onto the nightstand by my bed. I heard someone walk past my bedroom door, lightly talking to someone else. I smiled, recognizing Lyle's and Milo's voices. They sound like they're getting along well still.... I walked towards my bathroom then, going in and taking a shower to get the city off me before I crawled into bed in silk boxers. I could never do this stuff with a fledgling around.... I love being a maker, but I'm glad I have my break before I start searching for another to fill the void that comes after your fledgling reaches maturity. I closed my eyes as I pulled the blankets closer around me, smelling them before I purred and started to fall asleep, deciding to sleep before the sun could come up in the next hour or so....

I heard my door bust down, waking me up from my sleep and something jumped up in my bed with me, starting to sniff around my body then nuzzled into my neck. I caught the stench of wolf along with a pleasant scent of honey hidden by the smell of the forest. My mouth started to water, waking me up to see a russet wolf hovered over me and gold eyes shutting as the wolf laid down on my chest. I could smell the scent of blood. The wolf was covered in dry blood and stickiness mixed with dirt and mud. I caught his scent again, becoming away he had just shifted for the first time. Yes, it was a male... a good smelling male that was driving me crazy. He let out a tired yawn, making me aware that it was just becoming dawn. I've only been sleeping for two hours. I caught the scent of fresh rabbit and found it laying down right by me, torn to pieces. I bit my bottom lip as I held back the slight panic rising in my chest. Why is there a wolf in my bed?! I slowly started to sit up, glancing towards the sharp teeth in his mouth before I glanced at the rabbit and wrinkled my nose at the dead thing in my bed. I poked it then nudged it off the bed before I slipped out from under the wolf quickly and got out of the bed myself. The wolf curled up in my spot and let out a yawn, his tail wagging. I frowned and watched it. It acts so innocent... but it's not supposed to be in here. "LYLE! THERE'S A DOG IN MY BED! GET YOUR WOLF!" I shouted, backing away from the bed. Ugh... my sheets.... I sighed softly as I watched it, making sure it wasn't going to get up and come after me. Even if it does smell good under all that dirt and grim and forest, I'm not letting a werewolf- something that could kill me- in my bed. It's ears laid back as I heard Lyle calling for him.

"Here boy!" Lyle yelled. The wolf got to its feet slowly and got off my bed, tucking it's tail between his legs and walked out of my room. I frowned and watched it before I slowly followed it, keeping some distance between us. I think I'll make sure it gets outside first.... Plus it's kinda... not really bloodthirsty looking.... It followed Lyle's voice to where Lyle was waiting outside his bedroom. He gave a surprised expression and got down on his knees in front of the wolf.

"Wow, I didn't expect you to shift until next year," Lyle told him and started to rub his head. "How'd you get in here Neal? Did you knock the doors in and come looking for me?" The wolf- Neal collapsed on the floor and wagged his tail. "You know my brothers don't want you guys in the castle. Come on, we'll get you in a guest bedroom. I can't take you back right now, it's turning dawn. When you do shift and wake up, you have to promise to leave the castle." He gave a stern look before picking him up. "You're an impressive size." I frowned, watching them. So the wolf's name is Neal? I looked him over and then sighed softly. He's so obedient too to Lyle. I rubbed my cheek and then walked up, touching the wolf gently on the head.

"Sorry Neal, you seem nice... but he's right. We really don't like wolves in the castle, and you're filthy too," I mumbled to him and then smiled. "Thanks for the rabbit." He's kinda sweet looking too. I rubbed his ear before I looked towards Lyle. "Thanks Lyle. I didn't mean to disturb you at dawn, but he just jumped in my bed and crawled onto my chest," I told him.

"He's one of the friendliest werewolves I know," Lyle explained. "He's supposed to be training to be a hunter once he shifts. He's one of the alpha's favorites. His name is Neal Oki. How about you take him to a guest bedroom and clean him up for me? I don't think Neal will mind. Milo was really expecting me to sleep with him. Besides, he came to you after all," he teased. "Oh and give the rabbit to the maids for them to handle. They'll cook it and give it to him when he wakes up during the day." I nodded and then took the werewolf from him, looking the wolf over.

"O-okay... he won't bite, right?" I asked quickly, a little nervous to have the wolf so close to me. I bit my bottom lip and looked up at Lyle.

"No, he won't bite you. They're loyal to this family. Just don't provoke him." Lyle rubbed his shirt off and started back into his bedroom. I watched him go then frowned, looking at the wolf.

"Alright... if you bite me... I don't care if the sun is up or not, I'll throw you out the door," I warned him. I started to carry him towards the guest bedroom near mine, deciding I would somewhat keep an eye on the dog. "So it's your first shift, isn't it?" I mumbled, rubbing his head as I carried him. "You're kinda cute...." He rubbed his head against me. I laughed a little and then purred to him. "Waking me up at dawn..." I mumbled to him and then took him into a guest bedroom and over to the bathroom. "Why would you even come in here?" I asked him curiously. "This castle is for vampires...." I sat him down in the bathtub and cut on the water, adjusting it to a warm temperature and then got down on my knees. Maybe that smell will be better when I clean all the blood and dirt off him.... I smirked and then grabbed a shampoo bottle. "Guess you're getting a bath," I purred to him and then started to work the soap into his fur. "You better be a good dog to make up for waking me. I normally would've shoved you out of the bed, but you're cute... and underneath all that dirt and grim and blood, you're probably a gem among savages." He wagged his tail and started to splash around in the water then started to drink from the faucet, getting some water in his ears. He shook his head and got water on me then sat down in the water. He looked towards me and started to lick my hand. I held back a small laugh, his tongue tickling my hand before I moved my hand away from his head. "Alright now, you better let me bathe you," I told him sternly. I almost couldn't take him seriously. I couldn't see him as a killer... or a potential killer... maybe if he got rabies or something. I smiled and then rubbed behind his ears. "Cute," I mumbled, looking him in the eyes. He laid down in the water and started to wag his tail. I smiled at him and then rinsed his fur before I put more soap in his fur and focused on working everything out of it, wanting to clean him up the best I could. "After this, you better be more careful about getting all this in your fur. Ladies don't like dirty wolves, and they certainly don't like stinky ones either, so if you ever want little pups, you better look presentable at all times," I teased him. "Besides, I won't be washing your fur next time for you." He stood up and started to turn around in the tub, shaking his ears a bit. I frowned at him. "You're not listening to me, are you?" I muttered and then lightly splashed him before I rinsed out his fur again. He sat down and laid his ears back. I watched him and frowned before I finished up, getting it all out and then got to my feet. "Stay," I ordered him and then turned off the tub as I walked towards the towels in the room. He stood up and shook out his fur, waiting for me to come back. I smiled and walked up to him with a towel, reaching in and taking him out of the tub as I begun to dry his fur for him.

"There we go," I purred in his ear. "Bathed by a prince. Not many werewolves can say that," I told him then smirked as I finished drying him. He yawned and gave me a tired look. I smiled and then pulled away from him, putting the towel in a hamper. "Straight to bed," I told him softly, watching him as I walked up to the door and opened it. "When you shift back in the morning, you better obey my brother." He ran past me and into the bedroom, jumping up on the bed. He laid down and rubbed his face against the covers.

I caught his scent and felt a rush of butterflies in my stomach as I realized he was my mate. I blushed and looked him over. I'm mated... to a werewolf?! Oh man... they're going to tease me about this for centuries! I JUST BATHED MY MATE! Crap! He saw me in my boxers already too.... Wait.. I have a MATE?! I blushed a deeper shade of red and put my hand over my mouth. Oh man... that's why he ran into my room like that... he knew before I did.... I slowly walked up to the bed and frowned at him. "Neal..." I mumbled then reached down and touched his head. Sneaky dog.... He wagged his tail and leaned his head into my hand. I blushed and bit my bottom lip. "You ran into my room because you smelled me, didn't you?" I asked him. He stood up onto his paws and leaned in, licking my face. I yelped at his wet tongue then felt my crystal pulse lightly as I felt myself blushing big time. I slowly sat down on the bed, a little nervous. He sat down quickly and watched me. "You're my mate," I mumbled to him, looking him over then rubbed my cheek where he had licked me. I blushed and then reached out, gently touching him before I rubbed behind his ears. He's mine....

He laid down quickly and placed his head on my leg. I laughed and then smiled at him. "You want to sleep in my bed?" I asked him. "You can either stay in here or stay with me...." He got in my lap and curled up in it. He's just a huge puppy, isn't he? I smiled and then scooped him up into my arms before I began to carry him towards the door. "Mkay... you'll start staying in the castle with me, got it? You better not bite anyone," I told him and then kissed the top of his head. I think I can take care of a puppy.... He licked my arm as I carried him. I smiled and then rubbed his fur as I moved him back to my room, setting him down on the bed as I reached it. "Stay. I'm going to give this to a maid for your breakfast," I told him as I picked up the shredded rabbit from the floor. "If you're not in here when I get back, I'll lock the door on you," I warned. He watched me and wagged his tail then crawled up to my pillows and laid down next to them. I purred softly and then walked out, finding a maid out in the hall and gave her the instructions for the rabbit before

I walked back into my room and shut the door, locking it behind me. "I hope you don't mind, but I'm going to put on some pajamas since how I'm not alone tonight," I told him and then walked into my closet. He watched me disappear then followed after me. I looked at him as he walked into the closet and raised an eyebrow at him. "Well then..." I laughed and grabbed a pair of silk pajama pants and held them up so he could see them. "Think these are good?" I purred to him, teasing slightly. He looked them over then looked over my clothes and wagged his tail before pulling down one of my shirts and ran off with it. I frowned slightly. "Hey! That's mine!" I chased after him quickly, tossing my pajama pants to the bed as I went after him. He went up under the bed with my shirt and I could hear him growling. I narrowed my eyes and walked up to the bed before I got on my knees and looked under it. "Come here," I growled playfully at him. "Taking my shirt..." He backed up to the other side and started to shake his head with the shirt. I held back a small laugh and went over the bed after him, going to scoop him up into my arms. He had changed sides when I reached the edge of the bed. I frowned and then started to crawl to the other side of the bed for him. He ran out from the bed and ran across the room. I narrowed my eyes at him then smirked, exposing my fangs as I gave him a predator like look to mess with him. He laid down and started to gnaw on my shirt. I got up and started after him slowly, my muscles tense to go either way if he bolted again. He got up fast and started for me, knocking me to the ground and let the shirt go then jumped up onto the bed. I frowned as I laid there in the floor with my shirt. Did he just... ditch me?

I frowned and sat up slowly before I looked the shirt over and slipped it on then got to my feet, walking over towards my pants and put them on. I sighed and then unsharpened my fangs before I sat down on the bed and looked around to make sure everything was good. I got under the covers when I was satisfied and looked towards my wolf before I held up the covers for him. "Want under?" He slipped under then got on top of me and nuzzled his face up under my shirt. I gasped and tensed up, gripping the blankets nervously as the butterflies in my stomach came back. I just put that shirt on! He licked my chest then pulled his head out. He sniffed around the sheets and started to lick at where the rabbit had been. I blushed and watched him. "Hungry?" I asked softly. He looked towards me and barked. I sat up and then rubbed his head.

"Okay, I'll have a maid bring you something to eat," I purred to him and reached for my phone on the nightstand. "Some steak or something." He got to his feet and watched my hand. I raised an eyebrow at him then texted the maids to bring a steak to my room then sat the phone down as I sat up against the headboard. "They'll bring you something soon," I told him and smiled. "Are you going back to your pack tomorrow or are you staying with me?" He laid down on my body and faced my head, giving me a sigh. I bit my bottom lip and started to rub behind his ears. "I wish I could understand you..." I mumbled to him. "It's easy to guess... but it'd be nice to know exactly what you're thinking." He perked his ears up and then breathed in my face.

"Testing," I heard from him as he wagged his tail. I widened my eyes at him and then blushed.

"Oh... guess there is a way," I mumbled to him.

"Wolves keep their secrets limited to certain outsiders," he told me softly. "My names Neal." I smiled and then started to pet his head.

"Hi Neal," I purred to him. "I'm Everest, Lyle's brother." I kissed the top of his head then and laughed. I can understand him!

"I know, I can smell it on you. I can trace your blood through your ancestors." I nodded and smiled.

"That's pretty cool," I told him then pulled him closer to me. "You're so lucky I recognized who you were at the last couple of minutes," I teased.

"I tracked your scent from outside! I was coming back from my hunt and caught it." He wagged his tail with excitement. "You're not tired are you? Sorry I woke you up during your sleeping hours." I purred to him and then smiled.

"It's fine... I can stay awake long enough for you to eat and tire out. I'm old enough," I told him then ran my fingers through his thick fur. "Guess I was meant to go outside yesterday."

"If you didn't we would have met anyways. I'm learning to track to help my hunt. I would have easily been able to track you." He licked his jaws. I frowned.

"Yeah, but I don't go outside much. It would've taken you way longer to find me inside," I told him then sighed, leaning my head back against the headboard. "How old are you?" I asked curiously.

"Seventeen," he told me softly and licked his paw. So... my mate is a teenager. I bit my bottom lip then nodded.

"Alright," I purred to him. I guess I don't need to worry about him being too hormonal on full moons then. Not yet.... He perked his ears up and looked towards the door as a maid walked in with a tray. I glanced towards her and gave her a small smile. "Thank you. It's for this guy," I told her and then nudged him off me. "Go get your food." He jumped down off the bed and ran up to her. She rubbed his head before setting the plate down for him and cut it up to bite size before leaving the room. He chowed down into it and ate it quicker than I expected. He came back to me and jumped back into bed and laid down on me. I laughed and then laid down, letting him on my chest and under the sheets. "Is that better cutie?" I asked him then smiled, rubbing him behind the ears again. He's so soft now that he's clean....

"Yeah," he told me and yawned. "I've got to go to my pack when I wake up... I have duties.... but I'll come back as soon as I can if you want me to." I nodded and then sighed.

"You can come back when you like. I'll tell Lyle that you're allowed inside.... I don't mind," I purred and then kissed his nose to tease him.

"What about your other brothers?" He asked curiously. "They won't mind me?"

"I'll kick their butts if they care," I promised. "After all, I'm not moving out, so you might as well move in unless you don't want a mate.... I don't know. Maybe you're not gay," I teased, giving a playful growl.

"I don't mind you being a guy..." He licked my cheek then. "I do want a mate."

"Good, or else you wouldn't be allowed in my bed again," I told him and smirked. "After all, if you're going to tell me you don't want a mate... I've been sleeping in here by myself for a few centuries now."

"I want a mate! That's one thing I've wanted my whole life. That's why I hunted you down. You're mine. Mine, mine, mine." He let out a playful growl. "No one takes what's mine from me." I blushed and nodded to him.

"O-okay," I whispered. I wasn't expecting that from him.... I buried my face into his fur and let out a sigh as I breathed his scent in. "I'm yours.... This is your bed," I promised him. I could still smell honey and the forest in his scent. I purred and pulled him closer to me. "I'll always let you in here," I mumbled, loving his scent as I smelled him again. I felt my fangs instinctively expose and I whined slightly when I realized I couldn't use them with all his fur in the way.... My fangs were practically aching for him. He nuzzled his head into my neck. I laughed and exposed my neck slightly to him, allowing him into my neck. "You're so cute~" He licked my neck then got off me and laid down by me, curling up. He let out a yawn and laid his head down. I frowned a little and looked towards him. Am I not comfortable or something? I sighed and then curled up, cuddling my pillow instead as I nuzzled my head against it. "Goodnight," I mumbled to him.

"Goodnight," he sighed out. I watched him for a few minutes before I closed my eyes and started to fall asleep, the world falling away as darkness took over.