His Evie?

Continuation of Everest's POV:

I woke up as the sun went down and slowly opened my eyes, looking around to see if he was still here or not and then widened my eyes as I saw a male in the bed beside me. I yelped and quickly shoved him out of the bed, jumping up myself in shock. WHO THE HECK GOT IN MY BED?! I blushed when I caught the scent and realized it was Neal in his human form. I just shoved my werewolf mate out of the bed. I bit my bottom lip and put a hand over my face to hide. Craaaap.... He grumbled and sat up quickly, rubbing his cheek. His hair was black and when he turned to face me I caught his eyes were a bright green. "I thought you welcomed me to sleep with you," he told me softly.

"I-I'm sorry," I whispered to him, lowering my hand. "I didn't realize it was you until after I had reacted," I mumbled and then walked around the bed to check on him. I can't believe I just did that to him.... He got up quickly as I started for him. He was wearing a tank top and gym shorts. He held out his arms to prevent me from harming him. I widened my eyes and then stopped walking to him. Oh man... I scared him. I quickly looked away from him and felt my eyes tear up. My own mate is afraid of me? If anyone should be afraid in this relationship, it should be me! He's a werewolf that could kill me in one bite if he really wanted me dead... and I even don't fear him too much... then again, he's seventeen. I turned away from him and bit my bottom lip hard. I can't believe I scared him that badly though.... I walked away and went towards the bathroom, playing with the hem of my shirt as I held back tears. He doesn't even want me to check up on him either! He ran up to me then and grabbed my arm.

"Whoa, why're you about to cry?" He asked and pulled me into a warm hug. "Don't cry!" I blushed and looked at him then buried my face into his chest.

"I'm sorry," I whimpered quickly. "I didn't mean to hurt you! I didn't want to scare you either! I'm not used to others being in my bed... and I was looking for a wolf, not a boy," I told him and gripped his shirt as I sniffled. "Don't be scared of me please," I begged.

"I'm not scared. Not when I could easily bite you. I'm also a great fighter." He growled playfully towards me. I blushed and nodded then looked up at him before I wrapped my arms around his waist. I bit my bottom lip as I watched him. He wrapped his arms around my neck and smirked. Oh man... he's smirking at me. I blushed and then looked him over. Maybe werewolves at seventeen are hormonal too.... I leaned my face into the crook of his neck and gently kissed him there. "You know that since you're my mate.... you can bite me and not be infected and die." I frowned a little. I can? That's good... I exposed my fangs and then scrapped them against his skin with a purr. He gasped and pulled his arms away from my neck. I paused and then pulled away from his neck to look up at him.

"C-can I?" I asked him softly, realizing I didn't exactly ask.

"Y...Yeah," he nodded as he looked me over. I looked him over before I slowly leaned back in and bit into his neck gently then purred to him as I pulled him closer and marked him. He moaned and fell against me, clinging to my shirt to stay up. His blood rushed into my mouth, tasting like honey and nothing like I would imagine a dog would. I moaned and leaned into bite, pulling my fangs out and then licked his neck as I felt hunger for him sparking in me. I backed him up towards the bed and then pushed him down onto it before he could react, landing on top of him as I straddled his stomach. He gasped and grabbed my legs, rubbing them. I blushed and paused slightly, wondering if this was a little bit wrong to be biting him like this so fast but then again... he's my mate, and he would've made me get off if he wasn't okay with it... much less rubbing my legs. I leaned back in and moaned softly in his ear before I licked his neck slowly to clean it off then sucked lightly on the wound, doubling as a love bite. He let out a small moan and grabbed my hands and tried to flip us. I laughed slightly and purred, letting him out of curiosity of what he would do. I smiled up at him and then kissed his neck again over his bite. He pulled his neck away then leaned in and kissed me lightly on the lips. I blushed and gasped a little in surprise before I kissed him back a little. He kissed me.... He pulled away and smiled before laying down by me. I blushed and looked towards him before I curled up beside him.

"Are you hungry?" I asked sweetly, running my fingers through his hair. "We'll get you something good again.... Oh, and we should announce to my family tonight that you're moving in with me. We don't want them to see you and wonder why you're here. I'll introduce you as my mate. Oh, we'll need to get you a tailored tux for you as well for social gatherings. Maybe get you a chew toy too," I teased and sat up. He blushed and nodded.

"I'm hungry. If you want to do all that tonight then I think I wouldn't mind tagging along." He gave me a teasing growl before he got out of the bed. I nodded and then got up, pulling my shirt off as I headed for the closet to change.

"Good, because if you didn't tag along, I'd make sure to get you back for it," I growled back, smirking his way as I dropped my shirt on the floor.

"I know Lyle is nice but what's the rest of your brothers like?" He asked as he followed me.

"Well... Sylar is a little childish, but he's sweet. Silas is an ass most of the time, but you'll get used to him. Just growl at him and he should shut up. I think he's afraid of wolves too," I told him and then walked into the closet, getting a decent outfit that showed me off as well but wasn't uncomfortable like Lyle's style. I changed into it then turned to him. "Plus my mark will get the point across. They'll know you're my wolf and you belong inside," I purred, gently touching the mark on his neck as I looked him in the eyes.

"I'm not too afraid. You're welcoming me in here and that's all that should matter.... Oh and of course Lyle's opinion." He grabbed my hand and pulled me close. I laughed and then kissed his cheek.

"Good, that's all that should matter to you," I told him and then wrapped my arms around his neck. "You're so cute~" I purred and then slipped away from him, holding his hand as I tugged him towards the door. He followed after me obediently. I smiled at him and gave him a playful growl before I walked over to my phone and ordered him some stew to the night room. I texted my siblings to meet me there and then sat my phone down before I smirked at him and scooped him up into my arms. He yelped and looked down at the floor.

"I can walk you know, I'm not helpless." I laughed and then kissed his cheek.

"I know, but I'm going to make sure you don't go anywhere," I teased and carried him over to the door before I opened it and took him out into the hall.

"Why would I go somewhere?" He asked nervously.

"I don't know. You are seventeen," I purred to him. "You could go chasing bunny tails."

"I wouldn't dare, I did that this morning anyways." I laughed and then pulled him closer to me as I took him into the night room and over to the couch, sitting down and putting him in my lap. "There, now we wait on my siblings and your stew." Lyle walked in with Milo, holding his hand.

"Oh this is interesting," Lyle purred. "Hello again, Neal." Milo wrinkled up his nose slightly and looked at Neal in confusion then up at Lyle. I smiled at them and kissed Neal's cheek.

"Yeah, he's mine," I purred to my brother. "I thought I'd tell everyone before Neal starts to sleep in the castle."

"That explains why he was in the castle," Lyle purred. "First shift and already found your soul mate. You're going to be very useful in the future." Lyle teased lightly.

"What's going on?" Sylar asked as he walked in and rubbed his eyes, only wearing a batman onesie.

"Hey Sylar~ We're going to be living with a wolf," I called out to him and smirked. He walked over to the couch and stepped on it then sat down and curled up to himself.

"Okay," he yawned out. "As long as he doesn't wake me up during the day." I laughed and then smirked his way.

"What? Not going to congratulate me for having a mate?" I teased him. "You definitely did not stay up as long as I did this morning."

"Congratulations of your wolfie," Sylar purred towards me and turned his head to look me over. "I hope you don't smell like dog for the rest of eternity."

"Well... I think if I end up smelling like dog for the rest of eternity it will be worth it. Besides, he's going to have a bath every night, aren't you Neal? You won't stink up my bed," I purred and then nuzzled my face into his neck.

"I don't smell," Neal whined. "I think my scent is attractive."

"You're a dog though," Sylar mumbled. "Where's Silas?" I frowned a little and then held Neal a little closer.

"I'm sure he's on his wa-" I started but then was cut off as Silas entered the room with Stormy.

"What?" He asked, looking tired. "I was planning on sleeping in. This better be important." I smiled his way. He came!

"I have a mate!" I told him happily. "Neal, this is Silas. Silas, this is Neal." Silas looked Neal over and frowned.

"A dog? Is that really what fate wanted for you? Gross... you'll be having mutts," he told me and then frowned. "Stormy, make sure not to go too close to the wolves, okay? They smell and their bites can kill you with one snap of their jaws, one single nip."

"Ew," Stormy mumbled and wrinkled up her nose. "I'm not staying in here with that stench." She started back out the room quickly.

"Good girl. I'd kick you out if you picked it up on you," Silas muttered and followed her. "Everest is going to regret having a dog as his mate." He shut the door behind him, making me frown.

"Don't listen to them," I told Neal. "You don't smell that bad... and you're sweet. You're not a mutt ether... and our kids wouldn't be mutts if we had them." I rubbed his head comfortingly. "Silas is just an ass."

"Oh, I don't mind..." Neal whispered. "I heard that vampires can't stand the scent of wolves unless they grow into it over time or are mated with a werewolf. He'll get used to my scent in time and come around eventually to liking me."

"I wish he would like me as easily as you just said," Lyle joked.

"Silas! I want a hug!" Sylar whined. "Why'd you leave so quickly?" I looked towards Sylar and smirked.

"Then go after him," I purred to him and then kissed Neal before I purred at him as a maid walked in with his stew and sat it down on the coffee table in front of us. Sylar got to his feet and ran out the door for his brother. Neal grabbed the bowl of stew and started to eat away at it. I smiled and watched him then looked up at Lyle.

"So, I'm going to get everything we need for him," I told him. "I hope this is truly alright with you, but even if it isn't, he's staying here with me."

"No, I don't mind wolves. He can stay all his life. This will also help Milo overcome his fear of them. It'll help Silas open up to other species." Lyle smirked. "I like him being here." I nodded and glanced towards Milo who was staring at Neal with slight wonder and curiosity then smiled.

"Yeah, this really will help quite a few people...." I laughed and then looked back at Lyle. "We'll have to come up with full moon plans though.... I don't know if he would come inside or not, but if he did..."

"No, I won't. I'm well behaved on full moons. I know from watching other pack members. You won't have to fear me on a full moon. I'm going to be hunting with the others all night. You'll be seeing me after the full moon though. I'll be tired and worn out." I looked at him then nodded.

"Alright," I whispered to him. "If you're sure... I guess I'll find something else to do on a full moon then worry about you." So the raging hormonal werewolf on full moons is a myth? That's interesting. I really have nothing to worry about.

"So if you're not a hormonal mess on the full moon..." Lyle trailed off.

"We have a mating season that's right around the summer," Neal said calmly. Oh....

"How long does that last?" I asked him curiously.

"June, July, and August." Neal finished off the stew and sat the bowl aside. Three months?!

"Like... very hormonal or just a tad bit hormonal? And what if you've already mated? Does it die down some?" I asked him, pulling him a little closer as I felt a little nervous.

"Guys become territorial.... especially alphas. It's really rough when you have to deal with an alpha. Every wolf wants to mate at least once a week through the three months. The older the female wolf the more they want pups and so on and so forth. I don't want to explain it all to you right now. Why can't you go take a class?" I frowned and then sighed.

"I was only asking because I don't know... and I'd rather know then June come along and I freak out," I mumbled to him. "I'll get you," I told him and playfully exposed my fangs.

"Well if you're that worried you should keep up with the weather. The hotter the day, the more I'll be interested in your butt." He winked at me.

"Who said you could have top?" I teased him, looking him over. "You're seventeen."

"Which is a good thing. I won't be as hormonal as a full grown adult. Wait until I get older... You're going to want me in another room." I sighed and then nodded, rubbing his head. Well then... guess I've got my work cut out for me in the future. I think I might try to make him wait until he's a little older though instead of letting him have a complete mating season... just a little bit though so he doesn't go nuts.

"Alright," I purred to him and kissed his cheek. "I'll learn some more about werewolves, not just from you." I laughed and then rubbed his back.

"Mating season is mostly used for finding a mate though, especially with the younger wolves. Like for me." I frowned.

"Well you have your mate, and if I find out there are any other little pups running around that belong to you, I'll have your furry tail on a plate," I hissed at him.

"I wouldn't dream of trying it with anyone else." I relaxed a little and then nodded.

"Good," I told him. "You'd be out so fast," I muttered and then tightened my grip on him. "I mean it. I'll lock you up during mating season if I think you might chase some other she wolf."

"No thanks, I want to be chasing you instead." I watched him then nodded.

"Alright... but I think for this time... we'll tone it down for your first season... not too much but not too little that you go crazy," I purred and kissed his cheek.

"You're going to give into my desire?" He asked softly. I smiled.

"Just a little bit," I told him. "Why would I tell you no? Well... I mean no for the entire season. You can't have me every single time during your first season but that's because I want to make sure that you'll be okay and you're young," I purred. He smirked and kissed my cheek.

"You're going to love summer." I blushed slightly.

"You're not on top every single time," I warned.

"You say that now but you won't mean it later...." He winked towards me. I frowned at him.

"I'm stronger than you. I could pin you before you could me," I told him then ran my fingers through his hair.

"I'll get stronger," he promised me. "I'm going to start working out." I raised an eyebrow at him then smirked.

"Alright, we'll see how that goes," I purred at him then kissed his neck, giving a playful growl.

"You can't use your vampire strength though and cheat," he warned me.

"Oh yeah? No werewolf strength for you then," I purred.

"Fine with me." He smirked and leaned in and gave me a kiss. I blushed then kissed him back as I rubbed his sides then pulled back to watch him.

"You're going to be so spoiled," I mumbled to him. He really will... being the prince's mate.

"Don't we have something else to do tonight?" He asked.

"Get you measured for your tux I'm special ordering you... possibly get your hair trimmed up... get to know each other," I told him and then moved a little back, letting my hands drop from his sides. "Have the maids get you some new casual clothes that I like."

"You like?" He raised an eyebrow.

"That I like on you," I purred. "I don't mind what you're wearing now, but I'd still like to have a few of my favorites among your wardrobe."

"Okay, only because I want to please you." I frowned and then caressed his cheek gently.

"You shouldn't just want to please me though. I'm sure you'll like the few outfits I get for you. They won't be too uncomfortable. I don't want you to never wear them, so they'll be comfortable," I promised then kissed his neck softly.

"I just don't want to accidentally shift and ruin them." He told me softly. "After all I'm still randomly shifting. I could start turning at any minute now." I nodded.

"That makes sense.... We'll have them for special occasions like date night or something," I told him then sighed, breathing in his scent. "I'll need to know all your likes and dislikes too... especially before I plan our first date."

"My likes and dislikes? That's going to take a while to tell you."

"Before I forget.... We have a werebear living here," Lyle told me quickly. "She's around fifteen so if you see her around be nice." I glanced at him and nodded. A werebear huh? That should be interesting.... I purred and then kissed my mate.

"You be good to her too, okay?" I purred in his ear then rubbed his back. "I doubt it will be much of a problem though. You are well behaved except for the whole dropping dead rabbits on my bed," I teased lightly.

"I was bringing you a gift," Neal whined and gave me an innocent look before he began to look nervous. "Oh, my parents want to invite you to dinner tomorrow night. Around ten. It's a late dinner for us and an early breakfast for you." His parents are inviting me over for dinner?

"Uhmmm..." I smiled nervously then. Crap, I can't say no because it will look like I'm avoiding his kind and stuck up... but I feel like his parents are using this to check me out and see if I'm suitable.... I think wolves would look for that... and what if they don't like a vampire as his mate or someone my age as his mate and they plan to warn me off? That wouldn't go well.... I bit my bottom lip as I looked him in the eyes and sighed. If I want to make him happy, I will have to say yes and trust him and his parents.... "Okay, tomorrow night at ten," I whispered then gave him an encouraging smile as I rubbed his back. "I will make sure that I'm ready." Hopefully my imagination is just overactive....

"You don't have to worry, my parents will like you," he promised softly. I relaxed slightly and then nodded.

"If you believe so," I whispered to him and then kissed his cheek. "Are you sure though? I mean... I'm not a human... or a wolf... and I'm way older than you, and I'm not even a girl, so they might not be too happy about that. If they want pups from you then I'd have to become a female for you...."

"Whoa! I'm only seventeen," He told me and blushed. "Let's not talk about children until I'm in my early thirties! You're such a corn dog. My parents won't want grandchildren from us anyways. I have a sister that can provide that for them. She's much older than me by seven years. She's going to be at the table with her mate as well. Don't worry about your species either. My parents are very nice. Where do you think I get my good attitude from? They'll love you. Plus they've always suspected I would have a male mate. I used to play dress up and actually like it with my sister when we were kids. So, don't freak out." I laughed and then purred at him. He played dress up when he was little? How cute.

"That's adorable," I purred to him and pulled him closer. "Good, I would hate to feel unwelcome with my mate's family. It'd be so awkward... and now I don't even have to worry about them having the grandpup talk with us either... perfect~" I kissed his neck playfully and growled softly. So I have absolutely nothing to worry about tomorrow night except for what I'm going to wear... awesome!

"Please forget I told you that small detail about my childhood," he mumbled and blushed.

"Well, we need to go." Lyle told us and got to his feet, pulling Milo with him. "We'll see you two later." He pulled Milo out the room, telling him something about his study. I raised an eyebrow and watched them leave before I looked towards Neal and smirked.

"So... we're alone," I purred and then rubbed his cheek. "I'll eventually forget that small detail when I find something else better to remember about you," I told him and then kissed his neck. "I want to know everything I can about you eventually. You're my sweet little teenage wolfie," I teased lightly and then kissed his neck again.

"I don't think you'll learn everything but you can try." He kissed my cheek then stood up and reached out for my hand. "We need to go get everything done before we run out of the dark sky that is only lit by the stars, moon, and planets and what not." I sighed and nodded. Yeah, I was starting to forget about what I said I'd do tonight... I got to my feet and grabbed his hand, starting to tug him to the door.

"Alright sweetie, let's get you measured and cleaned up for me," I purred and dragged him out of the room as I pulled out my phone to text the maids to meet me in my room to take care of everything with Neal. I took him back to my room and saw the maids already waiting with tape measurers and hair trimmers. I sat Neal down in a chair they had set up in the middle of the room then sighed. "Be a good boy or there won't be treats," I told him and smirked softly. "I'll get you if I see you struggle." I exposed my fangs playfully at him then scrapped them against his neck. He yelped and shrunk in the chair.

"Why're there trimmers?" He asked nervously.

"I said they might cut your hair a little," I purred to him and then kissed his neck before I slipped his shirt aside a little and playfully nipped at his shoulder, not drawing blood but more of a love nip.

"I don't need a hair cut though," he whined towards me. "I like the way my hair looks."

"Then they can at least trim it for me," I mumbled. "After all, you need to look your best. If I took you to a ball with me, the other vampires will already be looking at us strangely. I don't want them to find something to say about your hair not being trimmed."

"If they're smart, they won't say anything at all. I'll bite them to defend myself." He let out a small growl then. "No one bullies me." Oh dear... that would not go over well.... Lyle would MURDER me.

"Uh huh," I hummed and then moved away from his neck, looking his hair over then ran my fingers through it before I sighed. I could go ahead and have them trim it anyways, but Neal wouldn't be happy with me.... I frowned and lightly tugged on it before I eyed down the scissors and then looked him over. "Look at it this way.... You wouldn't want me to get in trouble if I took you to a ball with me and you bit someone, right? They'd hold me responsible because you're a werewolf at a vampire gathering.... They'd punish me and possibly put you down." He grumbled and looked away from me.

"Fine, cut my hair." He crossed his arms. I knew he'd be mad with me. I frowned at him and then moved away, looking towards the maids.

"Measure him then leave. Take the measurements to the family tailor and tell him I want his finest cloth for his tux. Black is preferred, but blue would work if he won't do black," I told them and sat down on my bed. "Get him some silk ties too."

"Blue? Only if it is a dark blue." Neal shook his head and looked around the room curiously.

"Yes, specify that. I'd hate to see a tux come back in baby blue to be put on Neal. Baby blue is only for children," I purred and then laid down in my bed, pulling my pillows close to me as the maids moved to Neal and started to measure him. He watched them nervously as they took his measurements. I laughed a little and then purred towards him from the bed to comfort him before they moved away when they finished and jotted some notes down, grabbed the scissors, and left. I sat up when they were gone then held out my hands for my mate with a sweet smile, purring encouragingly. He did so well.... He blushed towards me and started slowly towards me.

"Is that all we had to do tonight?" He asked curiously.

"Yeah, that is all we needed to do tonight," I told him and laughed. "We don't have anything official to do... nor any balls to plan for... unless you'd like me to throw one for you."

"No, I don't want one thrown for me!" He put his hands up and shook them quickly. "No balls." I smiled at him.

"Okay, then I won't throw one for you yet," I promised. "Do you even want to go to those kinds of things with me? I could leave you with your pack instead of taking you to them.... We could keep the tux for emergencies.... After all," I started and smirked. I'll make him jealous.... "Lots of girls like dancing with me, and so do some of the boys too."

"But you're my mate," he whined. "You can't dance with them anymore."

"Then you better go to every single one with me to keep them off me," I purred at him. "They wouldn't stay away otherwise."

"Okay," he sighed. "I'll rub my scent all over you." He tackled me into a hug and started to rub against me. I yelped and blushed, looking at him then bit my bottom lip as he rubbed against me. He curled up on me and kissed my cheek before yawning into my ear. I relaxed and then ran my fingers through his hair.

"You're so cute," I mumbled to him as I kissed the top of his head then pulled the blankets around us. "Don't worry.... I won't dance with them anymore for you," I promised him then kissed his cheek. "Want to get some sleep? I'll stay with you till you fall asleep."

"I'm going to sleep," he mumbled into my ear. I nodded then.

"Okay," I purred softly then started to play with his hair to help him sleep. "Sweet dreams, my little cute wolfie~ I'll see you tomorrow night." I kissed his cheek and then relaxed as I ran my fingers through his hair and looked up at the ceiling. This might make things a little rougher. He's awake during the day and I'm awake at night, so we'll only get this brief period of time together unless he plans on staying up later and I plan on getting up earlier and taking the risk of the sun.... I sighed and frowned, watching him then laid my head back. This is going to be a rough adjustment... only getting to see him during a short few hours.... Plus he'll be hunting some nights too.... I guess I didn't exactly get too lucky with the mate thing... even though I found one which is extremely lucky.... He rolled off of me and curled up into my sheets, getting his honey and forest scent all over my bed. I whined and looked at him. He just ditched me too! I frowned and sat up then sighed. Well... I guess it's alright.... I started to get up from the bed then, planning on taking a shower before I would go check in on Lyle and see if he needed me for anything. I walked over to the bathroom and went inside, shutting the door behind me before I stripped and then turned on the water, using the door off the bathroom to go into the closet and picked out some clothes. I sighed softly and then went back into the bathroom, setting them on the counter next to my hairbrush and grabbed my toothbrush, cleaning my teeth and fangs as I waited on the water to get warm then got in it, taking a quick shower.

When I finished and was dressed, I walked back out into my bedroom and over to the bed, tucking my mate in then kissed his cheek softly. "Sweet dreams," I mumbled and then smiled a little as I moved the blankets a little closer to him and pulled my pillow with my scent all over it to his chest to let him sleep with it. It'd get him used to it... my scent and the feel of something next to him. It'd be helpful for him to be used to it on the nights were I actually stay.... I should invest in putting some books in here that I like so I can read them while he sleeps on nights I have nothing to do... and he's actually here. He curled up into the covers and bit down into one of them. I frowned a little then shivered. Thank goodness I'm not in the bed right now.... WHAT IF HE BIT ME?! Maybe I should continue to just sneak out like I did tonight.... He'd never notice.... He growled a little into the bite. I yelped and jumped back slightly. Oh man... he's a vicious sleeper.... I'm not getting back in that bed! I'll sleep on the couch! I shivered and then hugged myself as I started to back away from the bed with fear.

I left the room quickly and then started for Lyle's study, freaked out about the whole wolf eating my sheets on my bed thing as I walked down the halls. I mean... he's my MATE... but he's still a vicious, bunny killing, hunting, sorta tamed wolf! He could've bit me if I was in that bed! What if he had? He said it wouldn't kill me because I'm his mate, but it still would've hurt! What if he ate me?! I shivered as I came across the doors to the study then went in. "L-Lyle, do you have anything for me to do for you tonight?" I asked and then walked up to his desk. "Please say yes. I don't want to go back to my room. He's eating my sheets in his sleep...."

"Take this," he told me and held up a envelop he finished sealing. "Take it to our messenger." I nodded and then smiled at him.

"Thanks Lyle," I purred to him. "Got anything else for after that.... How about an extra room? That'd be great!"

"Nope, sorry kiddo."

"But Lyle... He's. Eating. My. Sheets," I complained and whined. "I don't want to be bitten while I'm trying to sleep! Please?" I asked him then slipped the envelope into my jacket for safe keeping. "I gave him my pillow and the first thing he did after that was start to eat the bed with growls," I told him then leaned against the desk. "If Milo started to bite pillows and snarl in his sleep when he got near your scent, would you still sleep in the bed?" Oh man... I might actually end up sleeping on a couch to save myself.

"Just wake him up and tell him to go home then," he smirked at the suggestion. I frowned at him then crossed my arms. That'd be rude to tell him to go home.

"But he's my mate," I mumbled. "I want him here.... I just don't want to be eaten."

"He can come back tomorrow night." I sighed and looked him over.

"He already lives in the sunlight," I growled softly. "I don't want to push him away and out of my bed when I can actually enjoy his presence without the threat of becoming a crisp fry on the floor."

"So you want to sleep in another bed and think that'll fix the situation? Please take that to our messenger and if you still have issues come back to me." He waved me off. I frowned at him then sighed.

"Fine..." I mumbled and walked around the desk, giving my brother a hug. "Love you brother," I purred softly. "Call me if you need anything at all."

"I will," he purred and rubbed my arm. I smiled at him then pulled away from him then teleported to the messenger's room, knocking on it.

"Letter from the king to whoever this is going to! Make sure it is delivered quickly," I said and then opened the door, setting the letter down on a table inside his room before I teleported back to my bedroom and looked my mate over. I frowned slightly and walked up towards him, trying to get the image of his teeth sinking into my flesh out of my head. He's too innocent... too cute for him to do to me.... He's seventeen.... I bit my bottom lip and then sat down on the edge of the bed before I gently touched his arm and started to rub it. He grabbed my hand and pulled me down to his body. I yelped and blushed, looking at him. "Neal?" I whispered softly, checking to see if he was awake as I adjusted myself next to him. He let me go and curled back up to the blankets. I frowned and then got into the bed beside him, pulling him to me then growled playfully in his ear. Well... he bit my sheets.... He probably wouldn't bite me so I guess this is alright.... If he bit me, I could easily kick him off the bed.... He whined and curled up to himself. I purred softly to him and then playfully nipped his ear, holding in a laugh. He's so cute~ He definitely wouldn't bite me... not bite me, bite me. He reached up and covered his ear. I laughed and then kissed his hand. "Wolfie~" I purred in his ear and then leaned in towards his cheek and kissed it then his lips. "You're so cute~"

"Evie," he whined. "Sleep time." Evie? I frowned and then pulled away from him before I snarled. Who the hell is Evie?! He bit down into the blanket again and growled. I narrowed my eyes and got up. Bastard.... Talking about he always wanted a mate... and then went and had a girlfriend! Ugh! Wolves! Why the hell did I let him sleep in my bed?! I should've made him work for those privileges! Not telling me he had a girlfriend and then saying her name in his sleep when I'm kissing him! I snarled at him and then walked away from the bed.

"You're so not sleeping in here tomorrow night," I hissed under my breath. I growled and then walked out of the room. I'll sleep in the night room... or go behind my brother's back and sleep in a guest bedroom.... Which one was the best guest bedroom again? I glanced the hall over as I clenched my jaw in anger before I walked down to one of them and went into it, going into the room and slammed the door behind me. I locked it and then went over to the bed, collapsing into the cold, clean sheets before I closed my eyes, curling up into myself. He's such a jerk....