Crystal Revival

Continuation of Sylar's POV:

I felt someone gently shaking me before someone crawled up next to me, letting out a soft whine. "It's dusk.... I think my alpha is looking for me.... Come on, please? Let's get you back before master Lyle can't find you. I don't want to be caught being apart of this... even though I smell like you now.... Please?" I rubbed my hand up his body and gripped his hair tightly before wrapping my arms around his neck, expecting him to carry me again. He whined but carried me, picking me up as he took me towards the door and out of it. "Hey lady! We're going!"

"You don't have to call me lady, my name is Amelia and I've arranged for a swift transportation for us." I spotted her slipping on a coat. The crow landed on her shoulder and cawed. She knocked him off quickly. "You're staying here this time." She warned the bird. The crow cawed and flew off towards  a bookshelf to perch on. "There is a car running outside. Just tell the driver where to go," she told us and stepped outside. She flipped a sign that said open to closed. He watched her before he carried me outside and out to a car, placing me in the backseat before he got in beside me and curled up to me, giving a cute yawn before he closed his eyes and started to sleep on me. Amelia climbed into the front seat, next to the driver whose appearance was hard to make out.

"You can take us to the Rosario castle, you should know where that's at.... right?" I asked the driver. The car started to drive then as the driver remained silent. The witch turned to me.

"You're a Rosario prince?" She asked me.

"I could be the king-"

"You're too young to be Lyle. You're one of his younger brothers. Which one?"

"Ummm...." She has my name on a contract.... "Sylar, the youngest one."

"How's your fangs? Oh sorry! I forgot I'm the one that knows that question. Don't worry, they're safe." She giggled and turned back around.

When we arrived back at the castle, the doors to the car opened and she slipped out rather quickly. I looked around us and crawled out of the car then started for the doors to lead her into the castle with me. I could hear commotion going on inside as the servants were freaking out. The wolf watched us before he transformed and ran off into the woods instead of coming in with us. Everest appeared in front of me suddenly with a worried look. "Sylar! Where were you?! The maids told me I was supposed to be watching you!" I motioned for the witch to hide. She got my message rather quickly and disappeared. I looked towards Everest innocently.

"I was playing fetch with a friend," I purred.

"Fetch? You were playing with a werewolf huh? I can smell it all over you," he mumbled then smiled. "Okay~ That's better than what I thought. I thought you ran off!" He laughed nervously. "Well, I'm glad you had fun~" He kissed my cheek then shook his head with a huge smile and started to walk off, believing me.

"Make sure to calm everyone down for me. I need to go take a shower." I shouted to him. I looked around for the witch. "Pst, where'd you go?" I asked softly. She appeared by me where she had been at then disappeared.

"I'll follow after you, lead me to where you think his ghostly form will be lingering." I nodded and lead her into the castle then and up to his bedroom to check there first.

"Silas?" I whispered. I couldn't sense anything besides his faint lingering scent from this being his room. It felt cold... empty. I started for my bedroom then, searching for any signs of him on my way. I spotted a slight movement out of the corner of my eye when I passed a hallway leading towards a library and heard a door shut down it. I started for the hallway quickly and ran up to where the door had shut and went inside. I saw a small book fall off the shelf as I went in and I could faintly smell him in here. He was messing around.... "Silas," I said quickly with joy. "I found a witch that can help you." I felt him watching me then before I finally saw a faint reflection of him in a window, showing him to be near one of the couches. I started for the couch then. "Silas," I purred. His scent got a little stronger and he managed to materialize for me, watching me with a sweet look. "Did you hear me?" I asked. He shook his head no and tilted his head before he knocked another book off the shelves. The witch appeared by me then. "I said I found a wizard to help you." He looked towards the witch then widened his eyes before he looked back at me in shock and worry. "She's going to revive you," I told him. I decided to leave out what cost me to get this for him. He walked up and I could hear his faint footsteps echoing as he frowned at me.

"Revive?" He asked me.

"Yeah, re-" The door to the library busted open. The witch disappeared by me, getting that I wanted to keep her being here a secret. I turned quickly to the door and found Lyle standing there. He gave me a pissed look.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" He asked in anger. "Do you know how risky it is to go outside during the day?" He asked. Silas went rigid as his eyes widened and he looked towards me in shock then looked towards Lyle.

"You went outside during the day?" I heard Silas ask me worriedly. Lyle froze up then as he noticed Silas and the doors he was holding open hit him as he let them go with shock.

"Sylar, get over here quickly." Silas frowned at Lyle then looked at me before he gave me a smile and then walked off, disappearing. Lyle's eyes blinked with disbelief.

"Why? What's the matter?" I asked innocently. I'm not going to let him know I see him too. He'll get rid of Silas instead of help him come back to us.

"Did you- were you-" He shook his head in confusion.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"What was I talking about?" He asked.

"I didn't go outside," I told him and smiled sweetly. "Not really.... I was hanging out with a wolf who was protecting me the whole time."

"Don't go outside again like that! Daytime is dangerous. It ate mom and dad and never gave them back. Remember?" I widened my eyes as I remembered the story he told me of how mom and dad disappeared. The light got them. I nodded quickly.

"I'm sorry Lyle, I forgot about that story."

"Well you need to remember it! You scared us all."

"I really am sorry..." I trailed off. He gave me a soft look before nodding.

"I know," he sighed. "You're old enough to know better too Sylar." He gave me a loving look. "Be more careful." He backed out of the library cautiously, looking around before shutting the doors. I relaxed as the witch appeared by me.

"We need to find your brother again," she told me.

Lyle's POV:

I walked down the hall way in utter confusion. I swore I heard and saw Silas.... Sylar didn't even seem to notice him there. Am I really missing him that much? I heard Milo shriek in my study and heard him run out of it quickly, tripping. I frowned. "Milo?" I asked with concern. "What's the matter?" He looked up towards me in fear.

"L-Lyle? Is the castle haunted?" He asked me quickly, trembling. "There were papers going everywhere!"

"No? The castle's not haunted...." I started for my study doors. Is it a vampire playing a prank? When I walked inside, there were papers and letters all over the floors, my books scattered everywhere. My desk had been completely cleared off except for a single silver rose. I walked into the study and up to the desk then picked up the rose, pricking my finger on the stem. I hissed softly and smelled the rose.

"You're not supposed to cut yourself on the rose," I heard a soft, familiar voice behind me. I turned quickly to look for the figure. Silas? He was standing there on top of the papers, looking them over before he focused on one. "Hmm... a letter," he hummed softly then walked up towards a book and opened it up curiously. I sat the rose down on my desk and licked my finger to let it heal. I walked up to the papers and glanced down at the letter then picked it up, looking it over as I stared out of the corner of my eye at Silas. He didn't seem to care, smiling as he read the book slowly. He turned the page and then sighed softly. I sat the letter back down and started for Silas, looking his body over.

"Silas?" I asked and reached out towards him. He looked towards me then at my hand in slight confusion before he tried to say something but I couldn't hear it. He looked my hand over then gently touched it, but I couldn't feel anything, just a small pressure against it like he didn't exist. I pulled my hand back and looked at it then blinked a few times. Silas is haunting the castle? He watched me for a few minutes before he smirked a little and gave me a playful look before he walked up to the desk and looked the rose over. He gave it a satisfied look then stiffened as he heard the door open and Milo slowly walked in. He looked towards Milo then narrowed his eyes before he disappeared, his scent fading away quickly with him. I looked towards Milo.

"Apparently I stand corrected," I told him. He frowned at me.

"There is a ghost?" He asked and then walked up with a scared look.

"Yeah... Silas...." I trailed off and looked towards the silver rose on the desk. He widened his eyes.

"Are we in danger?" He asked me worriedly then glanced towards the silver rose then frowned.

"No, I don't think so. He's not happy with you though." I pulled him close to me and kissed his cheek. "We can get a priest if it bothers you." He looked torn for a few minutes then looked up at me.

"Does he bother you?" He asked softly.

"He didn't look upset with me," I said in confusion. He bit his bottom lip then started to pick up the papers.

"Then I won't ask you to get rid of him.... It'll be up to you. If he doesn't bother you, then he doesn't bother me," he told me.

"I'm not sure if we should or not...." I muttered. I guess only time will tell. "Let's not think too hard on it for now. Maybe we're all experiencing this because his death was so shocking to us." I tried to stay on a sane side's view of this. I never heard of vampires coming back from the dead like this. When you're dead.... you're dead. Maybe Silas is here because he has a unsolved problem and can't pass over. He never got what he wanted, his crown. That might explain why he is here if he really is. What if this is just all in my head? Milo saw the papers fly off the desk though! Maybe he's experiencing it too since we both were there when Silas died. He watched me for a few minutes then nodded.

"Okay... we should take precautions though.... Maybe we should have everyone travel in pairs," he suggested then smiled. "It'd ensure that someone has someone with them to get help in case this is a bad thing."

"Pairs? You think we've gone mad and need to stick together now?" I widened my eyes. He frowned.

"That's not what I meant!" He said quickly then held his hands up. "I was just saying that if it is Silas's ghost, we should travel in pairs in case he does something to one of us. Besides, it'd keep Sylar from going outside in the sun again...." He bit his bottom lip then walked up to me, gently taking my hand. "I don't think anyone should be alone for too long right now anyways," he mumbled, rubbing my hand with his thumb.

"I wasn't going to leave you alone," I purred and pulled him to me. He giggled as I brought him closer then leaned in and kissed right next to my lips teasingly, purring to me.

"You better not leave me alone. I'd get upset if you went away for too long," he purred playfully.

"As long as my brother behaves...." I trailed off and looked towards his lips. He purred and then wrapped his arms around my neck, playing with my hair as he curled it around his fingers and leaned in slowly, looking towards my lips with a sweet look. I laughed softly and gave him a passionate kiss. He kissed me back, lightly tugging on my hair as he leaned into it and deepened it. I pulled back from the kiss and smiled.

"I better sort through the papers and get my job done tonight.... You can watch something on the TV if you'd like." He nodded and then moved away from me before giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"Okay my love," he whispered sweetly to me then gave me a sweet look as he moved towards a couch to sit down and watch a movie. I walked over to the desk with the papers and sat down at it, looking the papers over before I started to sort through it.

Sylar's POV:

After a few hours of hunting, I couldn't find Silas again. He had completely hidden himself since Lyle came in and got onto me about going out during the daylight hours. I rubbed my eyes as I started to get tired again. "I hate to say this but maybe he's not coming back tonight." The witch appeared after telling me that. "I'm going to go, this is wasting my time. I'll be back tomorrow night."

"You and I had a deal," I told her quickly.

"Yes but we didn't ever discuss when I'd get him back for you now did we?"

"Witch," I hissed.

"Yes, I get that a lot actually." I suddenly heard a maid shriek near my room and then hurried footsteps.

"THERE'S BLOOD ALL OVER THE WAAAAALLS!" I heard her screaming. I started for my room then, Amelia fast on my trail. Why is the blood all over the walls? When I got there, I found blood splatters all over the walls, the scent from Silas. It was Silas's blood. I screamed as I reached it, a shiver going down my spine.

"Silas!" I cried out.

"Wow you're a loud screamer," Amelia said as she walked up with her hands covering her ears. "You're going to give me a headache." I caught Silas out of the corner of my eyes, slipping into my room as he just appeared. I calmed down a little at the sight of him then started for my bedroom quickly.

"Silas," I begged. I could hear the witch follow after me. He paused once I was inside the bedroom then looked towards me, blinking before he walked up, his form shimmering this time as he was a little transparent, weaker looking. "What have you done?" I asked.

"I... I... don't know," he whispered and frowned. "It was weird.... All I could feel was pain and coldness... and it seemed like I fell from existence... but when I came back, a maid was running away screaming about blood and I could smell it all around me," he mumbled. "Sylar, I'm scared," he whimpered, giving me an afraid look. "What happened to me? Why can't I remember what happened? Am I falling from existence?"

"Yes, you died." The witch told him and walked up. "You're just crystal dust now."

"W-well... I know I died," he whispered and looked towards her. "I remember Milo's claws ripping my throat open and him ripping my crystal from me. I remember watching him crush it." He shivered then and hugged himself. "So... I'm crystal dust..." he mumbled, looking towards the floor. "Not even really a ghost. I'm just small broken pieces of my former self...."

"Yes, but collectable and able to put back together." She walked towards him then. "Sylar made a deal with me so hold still that way I can complete my half of the deal." He frowned towards her and looked up at her in confusion then glanced towards me nervously. I gave him an ensuring look.

"It'll be okay. She's going to give you back to this world."

"Sylar," he mumbled then looked towards her before he tensed up a little and tried to relax, giving her a nervous look but he stayed still instead of disappearing on us again. "Do you really want this Sylar? Won't it be worse if I was to come back?" He asked me softly then landed his eyes on me again.

"Silas..." I mumbled. "You wouldn't ever try to kill them again after them succeeding in killing you.... Right?"

"N-no," he admitted then relaxed. "I wouldn't...."

"You'll work hard to become the best brother ever for me right?" I saw him blush a little, but he nodded.

"Uh huh," he whispered.

"You're going to stop fighting Lyle?" He hesitated and gave me an uncertain look as he thought about it. He bit his bottom lip then nodded.

"I will.... I don't want to fight anymore," he mumbled. "I miss when he used to walk in the gardens with me and when we played chase when we were younger...."

"You're not jealous of our brother anymore?" He hesitated again then nodded.

"No," he whispered. "He... earned the throne. If father picked him, he had a good reason...."

"That's my true brother," I purred and nodded towards the witch. "Please give me my brother back."

"Are you ready?" Amelia asked him. He looked back towards her then nodded, bracing himself.

"Yeah," he told her and bit his bottom lip. She raised her hands up towards him.

"This won't take me too long," she laughed out. She started to mutter something under her breath and suddenly Silas's ghostly body exploded into sparkling dust then formed back into a crystal, falling to the ground. "Next time you kill a pureblood, make sure you really get rid of the crystal..." She turned towards me. "Our deal has been completed. Just feed him some blood and watch him grow back. I'm going back home now. If you ever need me-" She pulled out a card from her pocket. I took it from her and nodded. "Just give me a call or drop by my office.... Not during the day though. That was a huge risk you took and I'm really impressed you gave your fangs up for your brother back. Until next time." She disappeared suddenly on me. I walked up to the crystal and carefully picked it up. I walked up to my nightstand and pulled out a knife from inside then walked over to my bathroom. I went inside and placed his crystal in my tub then slit my wrist and held my wound over his stone, waiting for him to come back to me. His crystal pulsed and started to form his body for me, bringing him back. When he was fully formed, he slowly opened his eyes then yelped and threw his hand up to his throat and groaned as he curled in pain, his fangs exposing in hunger. I blushed and gave him my wrist.

"Here, I don't mind..." I told him sweetly. He looked towards it and then licked it, a small moan escaping his lips before he gently bit in, his fangs piercing my flesh. He rubbed my arm comfortingly and closed his eyes in pleasure as he drank from me. I could suddenly feel his venom seeping into my veins, making my body spark in excitement from the pleasurable feeling of it. I let out a moan and held onto the edge of the tub so I wouldn't fall in on him. He opened his eyes after a few minutes and looked towards me, his sky blue eyes glancing me over before he pulled his fangs out of my wrist, keeping his eyes on mine as he licked his lips clean. I blushed lightly. "Are you full?" He nodded and sat up in the tub before he leaned in and kissed my cheek.

"I'm sorry if you feel weak," he whispered to me and then rubbed my cheek gently. He purred then and pulled me into a tight hug. "My sweet brother~" I giggled and pulled back from him then turned the cold shower head on and closed him inside. I started for my closet.

"I'll get you some warm clothes," I suggested.

"AHHHHH! SYLAR! IT'S COLD!" He complained and I heard him trying to get out but he fell back in. "Ow!" I laughed and stepped into my closet, getting a pair of sweat pants and a tank top for him. There is no way I'm letting him borrow a pair of my boxers though. I stepped into the bathroom and sat them down on the counter then got him a towel, placing it by the clothes I got him. He peeked out from behind the shower curtain at me and frowned slightly. "Couldn't you at least have turned on the hot water for me?" He complained and then sighed. "Thanks for the clothes...."

"Nope, you would be in there longer if I had," I purred and hopped up on the counter and started to look at my human teeth in the mirror. Where my fangs had been was now full grown regular teeth. He frowned as he looked towards me then went back into the shower, taking a quick one before he turned it off and then got out, walking up as he picked up the towel and started to dry his hair first. I started to brush my teeth while I waited on him, using the brush to massage my sore gums. He watched me curiously before he got dressed and then stole the brush from me with a playful smirk. He started to rinse it off for me then put it up before he ruffled my hair.

"Are you hungry?" He asked me softly. I nodded and rinsed out my mouth before hopping off of the counter.

"Yeah," I told him and wrapped my arms around his waist. He smiled and then exposed his neck for me.

"You can drink from me if you want," he purred. I leaned in then gave it a kiss before I stepped away from him.

"That's okay," I whispered. He frowned.

"What's the matter?" He asked me then pulled me back. "You don't want to drink from me?" I blushed and gave him a loving look.

"That's not what I meant," I wrapped my arms around his neck. "I don't have fangs." He widened his eyes then.

"What? Why not?" He asked worriedly then gently touched my lips before he edged his finger into my mouth to feel for them. I opened my mouth to show off my teeth to him.

"That's what was part of my deal with the witch." He tensed up then removed his fingers from my mouth.

"You... traded away your fangs just to get me back?" He asked me and then pulled me closer. "Oh my lord, why? Why would you do that? I was already dead!" He started to shake then and buried his face into my neck.

"It's only for five years," I whispered to him. "I'll be okay. I can drink from a bottle until then." He looked at me then frowned before he scratched his neck with his sharp nails, drawing blood.

"No... I'll feed you without your fangs," he promised me and gave me a loving look. I blushed and looked towards the blood running down his neck then leaned in and licked it up to his wound and started to suck on it. He relaxed and a small moan escaped him before he picked me up and started to carry me out of the room as he let me keep drinking from him. He purred to me as he sat down on the edge of the bed with me in his lap and rubbed my back. I straddled his lap and pressed my fingers lightly against his chest before gripping his shirt. I bit down into his skin with my dull teeth. He groaned and did his best to relax under me as he gripped the back of my shirt and leaned his head back a little to expose his neck to me more. I pulled back so I wouldn't take too much from him then licked my lips clean. He looked towards me and then leaned in, kissing my cheek with a purr. "Did you get enough?" He asked, hovering near my face as he looked me in the eyes.

"Uh-huh," I nodded and kissed his cheek. "Thank you." He smiled at me and then laid us down in the bed, pulling the covers around us.

"That's good," he mumbled to me and then sighed softly. I wrapped my arms around him, purred with delight. I got him all to myself now. He laughed and looked me in the eyes before he pulled me closer and rested my head on his chest. "You look really happy," he purred to me. He kissed the top of my head and then smelled me with a purr. I purred back to him and nodded.

"You're my favorite brother," I told him sweetly. He laughed and then hugged me tightly.

"I am?" He teased me playfully.

"I love you," I purred to him and kissed his chest.

"I love you too Sylar," he purred back and then ran his fingers through my hair.

"You do?" I asked and looked him in his eyes. He looked towards me then and nodded.

"Yeah, of course I love you," he told me then frowned. "Why wouldn't I? You've been there for me so much... been by my side." I giggled and rubbed my head against his chest. He purred to me and gently rubbed my head, running his fingers through my hair. "You're the best little brother I could've asked for," he mumbled to me and then leaned down and kissed my head. "I'm going to have to make this all up to you, aren't I?"

"Yeah," I sighed out tiredly. I could feel my eyes getting heavy. I let a yawn slip out then. He purred softly and I heard a soft lullaby slowly singing under his breath as he sang to me, rubbing my back lovingly like the older brother I knew he could be.... I slipped off his body and curled up next to him so I wouldn't be holding him down if he had to get up in the middle of the day. I kept a firm grip on his shirt though. He laughed a little and then kissed my cheek.

"Do you really like me that much?" He asked me. "You haven't really let me go since I got out of the shower...."

"Uh huh, I would have gave her my fangs for the rest of my eternity if it meant I would get you back. I'm glad she was fair with the deal." He frowned a little and then gently tilted my head up to make me look at him.

"Sylar, your fangs are really important. You can't just sell them.... I hope you know that," he whispered to me then gently touched my lip, rubbing it with his thumb.

"I know," I whispered and looked towards his lips. "You should understand how important that makes you to me." He paused and blushed a little then pulled me a little closer.

"I really am, huh?" He asked me and then smiled, rubbing my bottom lip before he rubbed my cheek. "I really lucked out then.... I have someone who cares for me."

"You always will have me," I promised. He smiled at me and leaned in, going to go kiss my cheek. I slipped in and stole a small kiss from his lips then hid my face into the crook of his neck. Silas tensed up beside me and I heard his crystal pulse a little in his chest.

"S-Sylar," he whispered. I tensed up slightly and felt embarrassed quickly. He paused for a few more moments before he relaxed. "Is that what you meant?" He asked me softly. He didn't sound mad.... I felt my breath catch.

"Silas," I whispered quietly. He tilted my head up towards him then, studying me with a conflicted look before he rubbed my lip again with his thumb. He leaned in slowly and looked into my eyes then back to my lips before he gave me a small kiss, testing it out. I tensed up and quickly melted into the kiss. He purred and relaxed, kissing me slowly as he deepened the kiss, letting go his worries. I pulled away from the kiss and slipped a hand up under his tank top then rubbed his stomach. He blushed a little and then gave me a playful look before he kissed my neck. I held in a laugh and wrapped my arm around him, bringing his body against mine. He gave a playful growl to me and started to nibble at my neck teasingly, not drawing blood before he kissed my collarbone then gave me a love bite. I gasped and let out a small moan. Not my collarbone! He purred to me and then returned to my neck, starting to give me love bites all over my skin. I moaned and grabbed his shoulders. He's going to turn me on if he doesn't quit now. He purred in my ear and nipped at it playfully, his fangs scraping against my earlobe before he trailed them down my neck. "Silas, you should stop...." I warned and rubbed at his sides. He paused and then pulled back to look at me then frowned slightly.

"Y-yeah... I probably should...." He mumbled and then laid down beside me, putting a little distance between us. "It'd be wrong of me to do that," he whispered to himself and looked embarrassed but closed his eyes. I frowned and sat up slowly. Wrong?

"Why do you think that?" He opened his eyes and then looked up at me. He frowned slightly and then rubbed his cheek.

"W-well... we're brothers," he mumbled. "It'd be incest." I frowned and turned away from him.

"Oh," I whispered and laid down, turning my back to him.

"Sylar," he mumbled and then crawled over to me, sitting beside me before he frowned and rubbed my cheek. "I didn't mean it like that.... I just... that's why you wanted me to stop, right? I didn't mean to upset you...."

"No, that's not why I wanted you to stop." I shook my head. "Not at all. I don't mind as much about that." He watched me for a few minutes and then tilted my head to have me look at him.

"You don't think it's wrong?" He asked softly, giving me a curious look.

"" I blushed and looked towards his lips. "It's not wrong to me." He blushed then.

"You really like me that way?" He asked me and leaned in a little.

"Uh-huh." I nodded and felt my breath catch as he moved closer. He looked thoughtful for a few moments before he leaned in and kissed me, moving his hand away from my chin as he gently touched my shoulder, moving me closer to him as he moved me off my side. I leaned into the kiss, wrapping my arms around his neck. He purred softly to me and then deepened the kiss a little as he tilted his head. I pulled back from the kiss to catch my breath. He leaned into my neck and started to softly kiss it as he let me breathe. I ran my fingers through his hair and held back a smile, starting to feel joy rush through me. He purred to me then licked my neck before he gave me another small love bite. I gasped and curled my toes. "Silas," I whined. He paused, glancing up towards me.

"What?" He asked me and then gave me a concerned look.

"You're going to arouse me," I said softly. He blushed.

"Do you want me to stop?" He asked, pulling back a little.

"I think you should," I told him. He watched me then nodded and gave my neck a sweet kiss before he pulled back a little more and laid down on the bed, stretching out. I leaned over him and kissed his cheek. He purred to me softly and then wrapped an arm around me, rubbing my back.

"Go ahead and get some sleep.... I don't mind if you're tired," he mumbled to me. "I won't go anywhere...." I nodded and shut my eyes, laying down on him. I could feel the sun coming up now. He rubbed my back gently, letting me get some sleep to sooth my tiredness.


I woke up to Silas stirring under me as the sun went down. He groaned slightly and slipped me off him. I groaned and reached out for him. "Why?" I asked. He blinked and then looked towards me in slight confusion before he blushed. I looked towards him, rubbing my eyes with my other hand. "Why are you leaving me?"

"I... wasn't," he whispered and then moved closer to me, wrapping me up in his arms then kissed my cheek. "It was just an instinctual reaction. I'm not used to someone sleeping on top of me...." I nodded and gave him a loving look. He smiled at me and then ran his fingers through my hair. "So... what do you want to do tonight?" I shrugged and heard my phone going off on the night stand. I reached out and answered my phone, putting it on speaker.

"Did you have a nice rest?" Lyle asked me. "I hope you stayed inside through the day. The maids sure were quiet." I blushed.

"Yeah, I slept through the day."

"Good boy. The Nero family is coming tonight so I want you to be ready in five in the night room."

"Why're they coming over?"

"We have to talk about some things. Jason said he wanted to tell me what he found out about the resistance." Silas tensed up suddenly.

"Shit," he whispered under his breath. I looked towards Silas in confusion.

"What does that mean?" I asked.

"I don't know. Jason said it was important we met tonight." Silas watched me then got to his feet slowly and started to walk to the bathroom, going into it and shutting the door behind him.

"Okay, I'll try to be down as fast as you want me." I hung up on Lyle and went towards the closet, going inside. I stripped out of my clothes and threw on the best pair I had in my closet. I soothed out the suit I put on and straightened my bow tie. I walked into the bathroom through the closet door and went up towards the sink, beginning to brush my teeth. Silas watched me then shifted nervously before he rubbed his neck.

"S-Sylar... I need to tell you something," he whispered to me. "I don't know if it will come up tonight downstairs... but I wanted to tell you myself incase they say something about it. You need to hear it from me." He looked at me in the mirror then quickly looked away, ashamed. "You probably won't like me after this though...."

"What..." I trailed off and looked through the mirror at him.

"I was..." he rubbed his arm then nervously. "Before I was killed... I got into something bad... something that I'm never going to be able to get away from.... I realize now that it was stupid of me to do it, but then all I could think about was the throne. I was selfish...." He glanced at me in the mirror then. "Sylar, don't tell anyone I told you... but I was... I was the official leader of the resistance when it sprung back up. A few vampires I knew that didn't agree with the council came to me and asked me to support them... and it turned into a full blown resistance with me leading it," he whispered. "If they find out I'm alive, there is no doubt I'll have to pay for my crime." He looked me in the eyes then and gave me a nervous look then tore his eyes from me, looking away as he squeezed his eyes shut. "I'm sorry Sylar.... I didn't want you to learn about it from someone else.... It'd be so much worse...." I dropped my toothbrush and held onto the edge of the counter, looking down at the sink. I couldn't bring my eyes up to the mirror then. Silas lead the resistance against Lyle? I didn't think he hated him that much. I squeezed my eyes shut tightly. He lied to me when I asked if he knew anything about the resistance... He lied to me. I thought I was his special little brother.... I looked up to him all my life. His passion for keeping the family together instead up separately ruling was admirable. He was so wonderful to me, especially when mom and dad was taken by the light.

"How could you?" I asked softly.

"Sylar," he whispered softly, sounding a little broken hearted. "I was selfish.... I know that now," he told me. "I didn't realize what exactly I was doing. I was tearing the entire family apart by fighting Lyle for the crown. Mom and dad were right. I didn't deserve it. I thought about it when I was separated from this world.... If I could go back and remake that choice, I would. I'd change what I did. I never meant to hurt you or anyone else like I did. I couldn't see past my own selfish desires for what I thought was supposed to be mine, but it wasn't.... It was Lyle's, and I alienated him because of it. I betrayed him," he whispered then sat down on the edge of the tub. "I'm sorry," he told me and then sniffled. "I really and truly am. I should've told you sooner. You would've stopped me before I got in too deep. I let it go too far. I even tried to kill Lyle, my own brother!" He started to cry then and buried his face in his hands. I looked up into the mirror then, staring him down.

"You have to tell Lyle. He can't find this out if that's what Jason is going to tell him. He needs to hear this from you." I told him firmly. He looked up towards me and sniffled, wiping at his tears quickly.

"O-okay... he at least deserves that if not more," he whispered, trying to calm down before he shakily got to his feet. He started to tremble as he walked towards the door. "I'm so sorry Sylar," he whispered again and looked back at me. "I really am.... I never meant for this to happen." I nodded and turned around, going after him.

"We're doing it right now." I grabbed his arm and hauled him towards the door. "I'll be right by you. I don't care about what you done... you're a better man now." He looked towards me and bit his bottom lip nervously as he let me take him out of the room, following me without question even with that look of slight fear in his eyes.

"He won't think the same thing... but okay," he whispered softly to me.

"It's better than him finding out from Jason or someone else before you. This can give you a chance that you need. You'll apologize to him and show him you've changed." He nodded and then tried to relax, looking around nervously as I pulled him towards the night room.