Sea of Sin

Sylar's POV:

I rubbed my head against my pillow, letting out a yawn. I heard my phone beeping to me like I had a notification.... I sat up slowly, feeling the sun had been down for some time now. I pulled my phone to me to check it, seeing Silas had messaged me. Apparently he left with Lyle to go end Emily. He's not going to be around tomorrow much either. I frowned and threw my phone to the bottom of my bed and laid back down. What a bummer. I pulled my covers over my body and shut my eyes to get in a few extra hours of sleep.

I woke up to someone gently rubbing my cheek, Silas's scent soon becoming apparent to me as the bed rustled when he sat down on it. "He's sleeping huh," I heard him mumble. "Guess I can't tell him the good news yet.... Oh well, he'll find out tomorrow," he purred and then leaned in, kissing my cheek before he got up and started to walk away. I sat up quickly and reached out for him, managing to catch the edge of his shirt.

"You come all the way over here just to leave?" I mumbled and let his shirt go. "You even woke me up..." I laid back down and yawned, running my hand across my bare chest and up to my neck then to my cheek. I've been sleeping in only my boxers. I probably could have locked my door... He looked towards me and purred, sitting back down on the bed.

"I thought you were still sleeping," he purred. "I didn't want to disturb you too much." He gave me a playful look then laid down beside me in the bed. "I wanted to tell you that it's over. We killed them both tonight, so I don't have anything to do tomorrow."

"You killed the rest of the Nero family?" I asked. I've been wondering how Lyle plans to smooth everything over with the rest of the council... "What do you think Lyle will tell the council?"

"I'm not sure yet," Silas admitted. "He might peg them for something or blame it on some resistance radicals that were still floating around." He ran his fingers through his hair, exposing his neck a little as he sighed. I looked towards his neck and felt my mouth water a little. I slept through the night and forgot I might want some blood... I leaned in and kissed his neck then. He purred towards me at the attention and kissed my cheek. "Hungry?" He asked and then scratched his neck for me again, digging his nails in to get blood to well up on his skin. I leaned into his wound and started to suck on it, letting out a small moan at the taste of his blood. He moaned and stretched out, pulling me into his arms and then on top of him as he leaned his head back into the pillow. I could feel his pulse quickening slightly as I sucked on the wound. I pulled back as his wound started to close on me then licked my lips. I laid down on him and ran my fingers through his hair.

"I guess he'll come up with something soon and tell us his plans." He nodded to me and looked towards me, rubbing my back softly. He purred and then slipped his hand up, running his fingers across my spine lightly.

"I'm sure he will," he told me and stretched out under me. I nodded and kissed his cheek.

"I'm glad you got rid of them.... They were such a bother." He laughed a little and then kissed my neck playfully.

"It'll work out," he purred against my skin, lingering by my neck. I exposed my neck towards him. He's probably hungry. He licked my neck and took the hint, exposing his fangs as he scrapped them against my skin. I gasped and gripped the sheets by us. He teased me a little, lightly running his fangs across my skin till he found my sensitive spot and scratched me with his fangs there playfully. I felt a small drip of venom hit my skin then before it slipped down my neck and dripped onto the bed. I blushed a bright red and hid my neck from him quickly. No way, he's doing this on purpose. He growled playfully at me but pulled back, laying his head down onto his pillow as he kept his fangs exposed, watching me. I bit my bottom lip and pulled the covers up. Nope, he's not biting me now. He frowned then and sighed, unsharpening his fangs and gently kissed my cheek, laying his head back. "Sorry," he whispered to me. "I played too much." He rubbed my back then moved me off him and beside him, keeping an arm around me as he looked up towards the ceiling. I exposed my neck then and let out a sigh, turning away from him and pulled a pillow to me. At least he's sleeping with me tonight. He started to sit up after a few minutes, glancing me over before he kissed my cheek and glanced at the time curiously. I looked towards him.

"What're you doing?" I asked. He frowned then looked back at me.

"Do you want me to stay in here today?" He asked softly. "Or would you rather me go back to my room?"

"I want you in here!" I whined. "You're supposed to be with me. You're mine. I own you. Remember? I gave my fangs to get you back." He smirked playfully at me then.

"You own me?" He teased softly, a sweet look in his eyes as he messed with me.

"Yes," I told him and got on him quickly. "You're all mine big brother." I went to expose my fangs, but realized they weren't there anymore. He purred to me and rubbed my lower thighs, watching me with a playful look.

"All yours?" He purred at me. I nodded.

"My name is written all over you," I told him. He smirked.


"Here," I leaned in and rubbed my head into his neck and kissed him there. His breath caught as I did that and he purred softly.

"Oh really?" He asked me and then moved his hands up a little more on my thigh, taking it a little slow and stopped about midway as he gently rubbed them. He kissed the side of my head by my ear then and husked out a small sigh, his breath hitting my ear. I shivered slightly as his breath hit my ear and pulled back from him.

"Yes, and one day I'll mark you just to prove that you're mine." He blushed slightly and then leaned up, stealing a small kiss from me and lingered by my lips. I reached up and rubbed his cheek. Silas is all mine... He can't refuse it either. I own him because I brought him back. He stopped rubbing my thighs, resting his hands there as he leaned in and softly kissed me. I leaned into the kiss before pulling back and let out a playful growl at him. He laughed and then slipped his hands further up to my hips, pulling me closer.

"You better watch out," he warned me with a playful look.

"Why?" I asked curiously. He paused then and laughed, relaxing as he let my hips go.

"Nothing, don't worry about it," he told me then kissed my cheek. I frowned and rubbed my cheek. Why's he telling me to watch out then telling me to not worry? I blushed and got to my feet on the bed.

"Watch out then don't worry?" I asked and stepped off the bed, going towards the bathroom. "That's not cool."

"W-well... I was going a bit far," Silas told me and frowned, watching me. "You're not upset, are you?"

"You're lame," I teased and ditched him for the bathroom. I turned on the shower to take one and cool down. There's no way I'm going to stay in there while he's confused by what he wants. He either wants me to watch out or not worry... I can't do both. I pushed my boxers down and stepped into the cool water. I'm not upset at him though, he's probably just hungry and I'm teasing him by keeping him hungry. I could have fed him and been a good brother but he was just being so teasing. He's going to make it hard for me to handle... good thing I'm smart enough to take a shower.

When I finished my shower, I stepped out and wrapped my body up into a towel and went to my closet, picking out a pair of silk pajama pants that matched a blood red color. I walked out to him once I put them on and rubbed my neck. "Let's go to the kitchen and fix you a w-" I stopped talking as I realized he had already gotten a bottle. He looked towards me as he finished it and sat it down on the nightstand then gave me an innocent smile.

"I'm good," he told me. "I got you one too," he purred and pointed to an extra by his empty one. I frowned.

"It's in a bottle," I complained. I like mine warm.

"But it's warm," he told me and frowned before he laid down on the bed. "They heated it up for you when I asked for one for you." I nodded and smiled. Sweet maids, know just how I like it. I walked up to the bottle and snatched it up, opening it.

"How nice of them," I mumbled and chugged down the bottle. He watched me and then curled up under the covers, nuzzling his head against the pillow and getting his scent on them a little before he closed his eyes. I watched him as I finished my blood then sat the bottle down. "I'll be back later today," I purred to him. He frowned at me and then sat up, looking at me.

"What?" He asked and then narrowed his eyes slightly.

"I've got to go out," I explained.

"It's about to be daylight," he hissed at me and then grabbed a pillow and tossed it at me. "You just don't want to sleep in here."

"No, I need to go thank someone!" I dodged the pillow and giggled, going to the door. "I'll see you later-" I paused and went for my closet, getting my cloak then walked towards the door. "You could come with but you're not going to like the scent... Plus I've got to go see that wizard off. I think he's leaving today, right?"

"Yeah," he muttered and then laid down in the bed. "Whatever. Go if you want. Give the wizard my best. Don't get burned by the sun either."

"Why don't you come with to protect me?" I purred playfully and picked up the pillow, throwing it at him. He caught it then curled up with it.

"Are you going outside?"

"Yeah," I nodded. "I'm going to go see a wolf that assisted me with my journey to see the witch. I want to thank him."

"Why can't you go see him right when the sun goes down? He'll still be out there somewhere," Silas mumbled. "You could get burned... and then you'd leave me just like mom and dad...."

"What? Nu-uh.... I wouldn't get burned! I'm smart. I got this dark cloak to wear to protect me. I want to see him because I don't want to wake him up at dusk..." I trailed off.

"You might not even find him out there," he warned me. "You're better off asking Lyle tonight to have the alpha send him in at dawn." I frowned and nodded slowly towards Silas.

"Okay," I whispered and started back for the bed. I dropped my cloak to the ground and got in with him. "I'll ask Lyle..."

"What about saying goodbye to the wizard," he mumbled softly. "You won't get another chance to do that. I'll go with you for that... and I'll meet your little wolf later."

"Okay, let's go see him off..." I yawned and pulled us back out of bed. He yelped as his feet hit the floor then frowned but didn't complain.

"Alright," he mumbled and then picked my cloak up, putting it on me and then started to lead me to the door. He yawned and rubbed the back of his neck with his free hand. I pulled him towards the hall so we could see that wizard off. After all, he helped get rid of Lyle's ability to contact my witch. I owe him a goodbye. He followed me down to where the wizard would be leaving and glanced around before he leaned up against a wall. I looked around and found Lyle walking with the wizard down the hall towards us, I could hear them muttering to each other. Silas looked towards them and smirked a little. "So Lyle is up too still," he whispered and got off the wall, walking towards them and leaving me behind. I followed after Silas.

"Come to see me off?" The wizard asked and chuckled. "You didn't have to boys." He gave us a sweet smile.

"Sylar really wanted to, and you seem pretty cool," Silas told him and smirked.

"Oh you two are too sweet..." He gave us both a adoring look. "You better get upstairs into the safety of your dark rooms though." He chuckled.

"Lyle is out here," Silas pointed out and smirked. "Besides, we're not going to go outside." He walked up and then took the wizard's hand, shaking it. "I hope you have a good journey back to your friend," he purred, smirking at him. "Take care Aurelio." Aurelio? So that's his name.

"Oh yes, I'll have a very safe journey indeed. When you ride with me, you're as safe as ever. Perhaps the next time I come I'll bring you two a gift."

"Hopeful you keep this one under twenty five grand," Lyle muttered. Silas looked a little confused but didn't say anything about what Lyle said.

"You don't have to bring us something," he purred and then let go of his hand. "You're already helping my brother with his fangs. I'm already extremely grateful for that."

"Oh right, I'll have to visit for that. Lyle, when I come back I'll be wanting to bring you with me~ You know you can't stay away forever from us. You've got to visit." Aurelio chuckled and pinched Lyle's cheek. "He's going to be bored now that the resistance will disappear."

"Okay," Lyle grumbled and pulled back from his hand. "I'll talk it over with Milo about visiting soon." Silas watched in interest then put his hands in his pockets, looking towards me.

"Aren't you going to come say hi to the great wizard?" He teased lightly. I nodded and walked up fully to them and wrapped my arms around the wizard, giving him a tight hug.

"Thank you for hope about my fangs," I whispered to him. He rubbed my head then and laughed.

"No need, I'm doing it for my own personal reasons." He slipped out of my arms then. "Now I must be on my way, it's a long journey." Silas rubbed my shoulders as he pulled away from me and purred.

"Yeah, you'll want to be getting back today...." Silas told him then had us step back so he could walk by. "We'll be looking forward to seeing you again Aurelio~" He gave him a sweet look.

"The same," Aurelio purred as he walked past us. Lyle followed by his side and looked over his shoulder at us.

"Go get some sleep," he purred. "It's real early."

"Okay brother," Silas told him and gave him a loving look. "We'll go to bed- Wait, Lyle, could you track down a werewolf for Sylar. He met one and wants to thank him for something he did for Sylar, but it's too risky for him to go searching for him during the day."

"We'll do it tonight," Lyle told us. "Come see me when you wake up and we'll go out to the alpha in the maze."

"Okay," I mumbled. Silas nodded and then let me go, starting to walk towards the stairs. I followed after him, hearing Lyle pick up talking with Aurelio. I caught up with Silas and grabbed his hand. He paused a little then looked towards our hands then at me. He purred and then gave my hand a light squeeze before he pulled me up the stairs rather quickly and back to my room. When we reached it, he pulled me close and stole a kiss from me, locking the door behind us to make sure that no one would walk in during the day.

Lyle's POV:

I watched as Silas walked away from me. It's about darn time he left. I dragged Aurelio towards the garage and slipped him my letter to Kingsley. "Here, don't forget to give this to him. Oh, and I think you should take this back to him." I held out the envelop he had given me. "I don't want it falling into someone else's hands here." I gave him a trustworthy look.

"I'll take good care of it," he promised and placed them inside his coat. We reached the garage rather easily. I cleared my throat and turned towards him.

"The next time we meet, I won't be a king anymore. So make sure to not address me as one." He widened his eyes as he heard it.

"Lyle, I didn't give you any bad ideas with the information I gave you, did I?" He asked. I shook my head slowly.

"No, I just think it's best I'm off the council incase there comes a time when Kingsley ends up a king. I don't want to hear it from the council of their questions."

"You're giving your throne to Silas, aren't you?"

"It wasn't mine to begin with," I purred. "I was just keeping it warm." He laughed softly and nodded.

"Then you'll have more time to come visit us~"

"I'll come see you after the ball," I promised. "Milo will come with me."

"You're starting to become questionable every time I see you, Lyle."  He widened his eyes then. "Oh, I've been meaning to ask you~ Now that you killed off the Nero family and you've got your brother Silas back, what do you plan on telling the council?"

"Nothing, I don't have to tell them anything. No matter how hard they try to squeeze an answer out of me. Some things aren't meant to go around the world and let everyone know what happened. Besides, it won't be my problem. Silas can simply tell them there isn't a Nero family anymore and he's taking over my spot on the council. If anyone has a problem their head can be cut off." We both fell into laughter then.

"Okay," he mused softly. "Until we meet again," he purred to me. I watched him climb into the vehicle then returned to the dark halls of my castle. The only home I've ever known.

Emmy, now you give me the warning!? Ah Oui, this is your warning now. If you're not interested in kissy kissy tooo much too much scenes then please scroll to the next bold text...

Sylar's POV:

He purred into the kiss and then pinned me against the door, pressing my back into it. I blushed and leaned into the kiss, deepening it slightly. He licked my bottom lip as he tilted his head, running his hands down to my sides. I leaned in towards his body, trying to get off the door. He held me back and pulled the cloak off me, dropping it to the floor before he scooped me up and carried me over to the bed with a purr. I blushed and buried my head into his neck. He laid me down on the bed and then crawled over me, kissing my lips again and then trailing kisses to my neck with a playful growl. I giggled and hid my neck from him quickly. Gotcha. He growled and then kissed my chest instead, giving me a love bite on my bare skin. I moaned and pushed up on his chest.

"Silas," I gasped out.

"What?" He purred to me and let me, sitting up on my stomach as he straddled it.

"I thought you were tired," I said softly, easing my neck out of hiding. He gave me a considering look and then purred, rubbing my cheek.

"Are you tired?" He asked me.

"N-no," I shook my head.

"Do you not like this?" He asked and tilted his head.

"No," I gave him a loving look. "I'm just teasing." I bit my bottom and blushed. He watched me for a few more seconds before he slowly leaned back in and kissed me, deepening it and making it passionate. I moaned and leaned into the kiss, wrapping my arms around his neck. He purred to me and then licked my bottom lip as he kissed me, running his hands down my sides slowly. I grabbed his hands quickly and let out a playful growl. He growled back and then slipped his tongue into my mouth, making it deeper. I melted under him as his tongue explored my mouth. He purred to me and then held my sides lightly as he got ahold of my tongue and started to suck on it. I let his hands go and gripped his shirt, letting out a small moan. He pulled back after a few minutes and quickly pulled his shirt off for me, leaning in and kissing my neck as he let my lips have a break. I gasped and reached for his shirt. There went my thingy to grip! He purred to me and gently rubbed my sides comfortingly as he started to trail love bites slowly down my neck. I gasped and gripped at the sheets instead. No way am I going to try his pants next. He purred to me and then slipped his hands down to my hips, slowly moving back on me so he could access my chest better. I tsked towards him then as his trailing love bites got lower. He paused a little and then tensed up slightly, stopping. I growled at him then to mess with him.

"Who said you could go that far?" I asked. He frowned and looked up at me.

"What? You want me to stop again, don't you?" He mumbled and then sighed, starting to sit back up.

"I never told you we were going that far, you even took your shirt off. Naughty..." I gave him a loving look though. He watched me in confusion but started to reach for his shirt. I knocked it off the bed quickly. He frowned as he watched it fall then looked at me.

"Sylar, if you don't want me to do anything, I won't," he mumbled. "You either like me shirtless or you don't," he told me, not getting what I was doing exactly. I looked his shirtless body over then and blushed, starting to drool a bit as I got lost. He watched me and then leaned in cautiously, kissing my neck gently instead of picking up where he left off with love bites. I gasped and exposed my neck to him. He relaxed on me and then got more confident with it, picking up on that I was messing with him now. He purred and started to kiss my neck by my ear and my sweet spots as he moved to laying on me, his hands running up and down my sides. I gasped and blushed as I grew aroused at his touch. He gave me a love bite as he started to concentrate on my sensitive spot on my neck, lightly moaning in my ear. I closed my eyes tightly and caught my breath. It was starting to grow hot in the room then for me. He gripped my hips then and leaned more into the love bite, sucking on more of my skin as his tongue ran against what he had. I threw my head back into the pillow and gasped. He purred and then ran one of his hands down to my thigh, gripping it as he started to get between my legs. I bit my bottom lip hard to hold in my moans. He stopped giving me that love bite then and licked my neck playfully before he leaned in and kissed my lips teasingly. He rubbed my thigh with his hand, moaning a little to me as he kissed me. I pulled back from the kiss quickly to catch my breath. He purred to me and nuzzled his head back into the crook of my neck instead, showering it in small kisses as he glanced down at us. I wrapped an arm around his neck again and kissed his cheek. He purred comfortingly and then adjusted himself over me before he started to slowly move against me, testing the waters. I gasped and reached for his pants then, gripping the edge of them. He gasped slightly and hid his face in the crook of my neck, gently kissing me there to comfort me as he moved to grinding his hips into mine a little rougher with his slow pace. I gripped his butt then and let out small moans to his movements. He moaned at it and squeezed my thigh before he began to slip his hands to my pajama pants. I gripped his butt harder as his hands slipped down. He started to untie them then pushed them down quickly, pulling them off me before he was quickly back in his position, kissing my neck again as he grinded into me, his rough jeans scraping against my legs. I blushed a bright red as my heart pounded in my chest. I slipped my hands up his back and to his shoulders then dug my nails into them. He moaned and pressed into me harder at it, thrusting against me in an instinctive reaction. I could feel him getting a little more aroused by it, liking me doing it. I leaned into his shoulder then and bit down instinctively. Another moan slipped from him and he bucked into me again before he gripped my hips tightly, bringing me closer to him. "Sylar~" He moaned out, his voice sounding out of breath as he moaned my name lustily. He kissed my neck roughly and then I suddenly felt his fangs scrapping against my skin. They suddenly sunk into me and I felt a rush of venom from him as he let me have every single drop he had at the moment, moaning as he marked me like I was his chosen mate. I moaned and took my nails out of his shoulders, rubbing him as my head got a little dizzy from the ecstasy running in me. He licked my neck as he took his fangs out and then slipped his hands behind me and to my butt, squeezing it tightly as he adjusted himself on me to get closer to me, leaving not an inch of space between us as he grinded against me hard and moaned in the crook of my neck. He reached down to his pants with one hand and slowly started to unbutton them while he didn't stop. I reached down to his hands and shoved them aside, doing it myself for him. He moaned as I shoved his pants down his legs and he kicked them off before he was over me in seconds and kissing my lips hungrily as he squeezed my butt. I gasped and moved into his body, trying to slip my butt away from his hands. He grinded into me harder in response as he moved a hand to my thigh instead. I moaned loudly and melted against the bed, pleasure running over my body. I could feel him rock hard against me now as his body started to get hot. I noticed he felt bigger than he did with his pants on, pleasuring me more without his pants on as he was able to do more. He moaned into my ear and thrusted against me hard, making the bed rock a little. He was so mine.... I began to blush as it started to grow harder to keep myself from exploding in my boxers. I leaned into his neck to hide my hot face. He seemed to notice and was quick to start slipping my boxers off me, pushing them down roughly. "Sylar," he moaned lustily in my ear and then nipped playfully at my earlobe. "Are you ready?" He asked me breathlessly. I nodded against his skin and pulled back my head.

"I don't think I can wait," I mumbled. He looked at me longingly and nodded.

"Alright," he purred to me, his hands slipping down to his boxers. He shoved them down quickly and then gripped my hips tightly as he kissed me passionately and pleasured me deeply throughout the morning, making my most wildest dreams come true....

Pick up here~!

I felt Silas stirring against me as the sun went down, his manhood pressed up against my leg as he held me close in his arms. He groaned a little and nuzzled his head into my neck, hiding as he sensed the sunset. I opened my eyes tiredly and looked towards him before I tried to creep out of his arms. He growled a little and opened his eyes, looking at me. "Sylar," he mumbled and then kissed my cheek. "Where are you going?"

"I was going to go take a shower," I admitted. He considered me for a few minutes and then nodded.

"Okay... you can take a shower," he told me and then kissed my neck. "Want me to come with you?"

"Nope," I purred. "I want my own bath. I'm a water hog. No one gets to share the same water as me." He nodded.

"Okay...." He let me go then and pulled away, curling up in my blankets as he pulled his pillow close. "Be careful. I was a little rough with you.... Take some pain killers."

"Don't tell me what to do," I mumbled. "I own you, not the other way around." I got to my feet and felt an aching pain spread through my body and make me hold in a groan. He looked towards me worriedly.

"Are you okay?" He asked and sat up, starting to crawl towards the edge of the bed. I looked towards him and nodded, giving a smile.

"Yeah," I told him and limped towards the bathroom, rubbing my butt.

"M-maybe we should hold off if we do it again," he whispered. "Wait a few weeks or something... and I could be gentler...." I looked towards him and blushed.

"Hey, don't go talking about our next time like that!" I slipped into the bathroom and shut the door. I turned the water on for the tub and plugged it up, deciding to take a bath.

Silas's POV:

I blushed as he walked into the bathroom. I think I injured him.... Oh man, I slept with my brother.... I blushed and then curled up in the bed. I liked it too.... I purred softly as I caught Sylar's scent and then nuzzled my head against it. He's mine too~ Even if he's my brother, I want to be with him. It's not that bad. We won't have kids... and the others don't have to know. I moaned softly as I buried my face into his scent. I'll have to watch it though. He might be coming after me next time. I laughed and then glanced towards the bathroom door. I'd order us some blood, but the maids would pick up on the smell of sex if they came in here... and if I left now, I risk getting caught by my brothers smelling like this. I need to take a shower before I leave this room. I pulled the blankets close to me and blushed as I remembered how great last night was with him. There's no way we can come back from last night. He would never let me go, and I don't want to let him go. My fangs have already sunk into him in passion, and if he had his fangs, he would have marked me last night too. Lyle might question why he smells strongly of my mark today rather than the weak mark from before. It'll attract attention.... I glanced around, looking at our clothes all thrown on the floor in random places. I think I might wait till he gets his fangs back before I pleasure him again. I can tell he wants to mark me. I blushed and rubbed my neck and then glanced towards the door, wondering if he was actually alright or not. He was limping... and rubbing his ass.... I was too rough with him for his first time.... I'll have to make it up to him by being sweet and getting his blood after my shower. I could hear my phone vibrating then in my pants on the floor.

I frowned and got up slowly, taking it easy as my muscles were sore and walked over to my pants, getting out my phone. Lyle had texted me.

Lyle: I asked the alpha if he knew the werewolf Sylar was looking for and had him order him to meet you two in the night room in a hour, so don't be late. Wolves have things to do you know. Oh and when you're done playing fetch, come to my study.

Me: Thanks Lyle. I'll make sure to come see you when I'm done meeting the wolf that helped my little brother. Do you need to talk to me about something?

Lyle: Yes, I am talking to you about something. Don't take too long with our fury friends.

Me: Alright, I won't be long.

I tossed my phone to the bed and started to pick up our clothes, planning on putting them in the hamper when I got into the bathroom then set them by the door. "Sylar! The alpha got your wolf and is having him meet us in the night room," I informed him through the door. "We have an hour before he'll be in there."

"OKAY!" I heard him yell on the other side. "YOU CAN GO TO YOUR ROOM, I'M GONNA BE A WHILE." I widened my eyes a little. Oh man... do I even dare brave it? I bit my bottom lip. I want a bath... and I won't get one in here apparently.... I glanced at my clothes and then blushed. I'll have to run quickly so my brothers don't catch my scent like this. I slipped my clothes on quickly.

"Alright! I'll meet you downstairs in an hour," I told him then went over to my phone and grabbed it. I left his room and walked down the hall quickly, glancing around to make sure my brothers weren't nearby. I made it safely to my room, however. Thank the lord my brother Lyle is probably in his study with Milo. I tossed my phone and went to my bathroom, stripping and turning on the water. I glanced myself over in the mirror and saw my hair was messed up and you could tell by just looking at me that I had been up to something. I blushed and then got in the shower, taking a quick one but cleaning myself up the best I could to get the scent off me and then got dressed in a Death Note t-shirt, a pair of black jeans, and my favorite black butler belt. I brushed my hair and then my teeth, making myself the picture of perfection before I left the room and went to the kitchen, getting myself and Sylar a bottle of blood. I warmed his up in a mug and then walked up to his room, going in. "Sylar! I'm putting some warm blood on your nightstand," I called out to him and sat it down, taking a sip of mine. He walked out of his bathroom in a black and blue flannel shirt, black skinny jeans, and some vans then collapsed on his bed. I looked towards him and purred lovingly at him as I took a sip of my blood. "Are you hungry?" He shook his head no and rubbed his eyes.

"No, I'm not tir- hungry." I frowned slightly.

"How are your jaws feeling?" I asked softly and walked up, sitting beside him on the bed. "Do they still hurt?"

"Uh-huh...." He nodded and rubbed his jaw then. I pouted. Darn.... I want his fangs back!

"Okay..." I mumbled and then finished my blood, setting it down and then picked him up bridal style, carrying him towards the door. "Let's go meet your wolf friend," I purred encouragingly to him. He purred back to me and wrapped his arms around my neck. I took him downstairs to the night room and found a black haired, golden eyed male looking out the window with excitement, a small yip escaping him as he heard a howl going off in the woods. He squealed in excitement.

"They're chasing a deer! A DEER!" He laughed happily and then I saw his ears change to wolf ears in his excitement. Sylar squirmed out of my arms and ran up to him, tackling him into a hug.

"Hey you~ I wanted to thank you." Sylar purred happily. The wolf boy yelped and then looked towards Sylar and brightened up then smelled him.

"It's you again," he said happily. "You didn't have to thank me." Sylar giggled.

"Yes I did, I was close to falling asleep in a road~ You helped me." Sylar rubbed behind his ears then. "What's your name anyways?"

"M-my name? It's Colsin," he told Sylar softly and then blushed.

"OH MY GOSH THAT'S SO CUTE!!" Sylar giggled and tackled the werewolf to the ground. "You're my good boy~" He started to scratch at his head then. Colsin gasped and then melted at the scratching, looking happy. I laughed a little. He is cute.... Maybe we could keep him as Sylar's pet. Colsin seems to like him enough to not eat him.

"You know, you could make him your pet," I suggested. "He doesn't seem like a bad werewolf."

"Colsin? A pet? No! Colsin is my cute little good boy! He's not a pet! You're not a pet, are you Colsin? You're so cute~!" Sylar giggled and snuggled up to the werewolf, rubbing his ears then. I smirked a little. Yeah, calling the werewolf good boy and then trying to say he isn't a pet.

"Sylar, he's a pet," I told him and laughed. "You're calling him good boy and he's not biting your arm off. Besides, if you tell Lyle that, he might let Colsin into the house and we could keep him around."

"Colsin, want to stay in the castle with me? I'll feed you steaks and full course yummy meals and give you baths- warm baths and a big bed!" Sylar purred sweetly to him. I frowned slightly. Baths might be too far. Colsin was practically dazed and drooling on the floor at the idea of food, his wolf ears twitching.

"Maybe not baths Sylar," I whispered to him and bit my bottom lip.

"Warm bubble baths~" Sylar whispered to Colsin, putting a hand up between us. Well damn. I narrowed my eyes slightly. Well... fine. I looked them over and then started for the door.

"I'll tell Lyle that you're keeping him," I muttered and started to walk out.

"You wanna give me a piggy back ride?" I heard Sylar asking him. I frowned a little as I heard Colsin saying he would. Fuck.... I walked out then quickly. What the hell was I thinking?! Sleeping with Sylar?! I growled a little and started walking down the hall. It was a bad idea.... He's my brother, and he might not know what he wants yet. He was offering to give that werewolf baths after last night with me! I narrowed my eyes and stalked off, going to Lyle's study. I'll just forget it. Sylar can share his bed with that werewolf.