Relax, it's not gone forever

Continuation of Silas's POV:

"YOU FUCKING KILLED MY MATE! YOU BASTARD!" I heard a familiar voice as I was suddenly pinned to the ground and stripped of my guns quickly. I widened my eyes and looked up, meeting blue eyes that belonged to a white haired vampire. He glared me down with rage. "Silas, you fucking bastard!" Sylar was by us in seconds and kicked him in the head, knocking him off of me and stomped down on his body.

"Yeah? Well maybe you should think about why he done it for a minute before you go running in to tackling him. Better yet, be glad you're not dead like the dog you are. You better take a bath in a fire to get his sins off of you. You're as guilty as him if you slept with him." I frowned and blinked slowly. Who was that? I glanced over at the vampire groaning beside me then widened my eyes, sitting up quickly. OH MY LORD.

"DMITRI?!" I asked and then got to my feet quickly. Holy crap! It's one of my top resistance outpost leaders!

"You know him?" Lyle asked. I looked towards Lyle then at Dmitri who was now curled up on the floor, crying.

"Y-yeah," I whispered. "He was one of the resistance outpost leaders that I trusted with actually knowing me...." How the hell did he end up mated to Jason?!

"Seems like Jason was hiding a few things..." Lyle trailed off. "Sounds like him." I nodded then frowned. Wait... That's how Jason knew I was the resistance leader! Dmitri ratted me out! I hissed then.

"Dmitri," I growled then exposed my fangs, starting for him. "You're so dead." Sylar kicked the guns away and stepped off of him so I could have him.

"Why would we kill him so quickly? He probably knows where the others are." Lyle got to his feet. "He could be useful all of a sudden. Let's have him rat one more time, just for us." I frowned and stopped, looking towards Lyle then at the rat. True... use a rat to find more rats. I smirked then and grabbed Dmitri by his hair, starting to drag him to the door.

"Sounds good to me," I purred, looking towards Lyle. "We'll use him." Lyle leaned over and pulled the person out from under the table then.

"Didn't we have something to discuss?" Lyle asked. I paused and glanced the guy over then looked at Sylar.

"Are you done eating?" I asked him softly then smiled. "You can come with me if you want... or stay here." Sylar gave me a longing look then ran up to me.

"I lost my appetite," he told me and grabbed my arm. I purred to him then walked us out of the room as Dmitri began to struggle. I smirked and yanked on his hair, making him scream a little as I took him downstairs to the dungeons and threw him into a cell. I looked towards Sylar as I locked it up then smiled.

"So~ What would you like to do while we wait for Lyle to finish with his friend?"

"Should we stay and watch him or do you think it's safe to leave him alone down here?" Sylar asked.

"Eh... the cells aren't that easy to get out of once they're locked... and the butlers will say something if they see him running... plus there are wolves guarding everything," I told him then started to walk towards the stairs.

"We could send a few wolves down here just in case," Sylar suggested. I nodded and then looked towards him before I purred and stole his phone, texting the alpha to send a few wolves down to the dungeon to watch Dmitri. I gave him his phone back then scooped him up into my arms, purring at him. He laughed softly and wrapped his arm around my neck.

"I want to do what you want," he whispered. I laughed and then kissed his neck playfully.

"Hmm... what about what you want? You brought me back from the dead, so I think you should pick what we do in our spare time for right now...." He nodded then ran his fingers through my hair.

"Could we go to the night room? I want to watch a movie with you." I nodded and then smirked, carrying him up the stairs and to the night room quickly, setting him down on the couch and put the remote in his hand as I sat beside him.

"Alright, pick something," I purred to him. He surfed the TV before putting on the Labyrinth. He leaned up against me and rubbed his jaw. I looked at him and gently touched his cheek before I kissed his cheek. He must be hungry. I don't think I fed him blood today. I scratched my neck hard, making myself bleed for him. "You can have some if you want." He looked towards my neck and then into my eyes.

"Don't waste your blood," he warned me before leaning in and licking up the blood to my wound and started to suck on it. I moaned a little and tilted my head, exposing my neck more as I loved the feeling. I moved him onto my lap, wrapping my arms around his waist as I let him drink from me. I didn't think that being drank from could feel so good like this~ It must be because he doesn't have fangs to bite me... though I wish he had fangs. If he had them, it would be more interesting.... He bit down into my neck then instinctively. I yelped as his dull teeth had to tear into my neck and then groaned in pain, trying to relax. Damn... it would be so much easier to take if he had a way to use venom.... I winced and looked at him out of the corner of my eye before I rubbed his lower back comfortingly. I need to get him his fangs back somehow.... Maybe I could ask that guy that Lyle was talking to. He smelled like a wizard. He might know something that could restore Sylar's fangs quickly. Sylar pulled away from my neck and licked his lips before licking my neck hungrily. I should've feed him earlier.... I purred softly to him.

"I'm sorry. I really should've made sure you were fed earlier.... I forgot," I mumbled to him. Either bottle blood or my own for him next time we wake up. "I'll remember next time." I kissed his cheek then leaned my head back so he could have all he wanted from me. He pulled back after a minute and licked his lips then whined slightly. I frowned and looked towards him. "What's the matter?" I asked him curiously. I don't taste weird... do I? Is it the fang thing? I can go get that guy to look at him.... He rubbed his jaw again.

"It's not the same," he mumbled. "It's so much harder..." He sighed and leaned his head into my neck, resting it there. I frowned then grabbed the remote to the TV, pausing it before I got up.

"Let's go see that wizard guy and see if he can restore your fangs then," I suggested.

"But I made a deal," he mumbled.

"And she got your fangs," I purred. "She never said you couldn't get help with making your fangs grow in faster."

"No... it wasn't on the contract either..." He trailed off.

"See, you can get them back quicker," I purred and then carried him out and towards where I saw Lyle last. I glanced into the dining room and frowned when I didn't see him. He must be in his study. I took Sylar towards Lyle's study.

Lyle's POV:

I sat down at my desk, gesturing for Aurelio to sit down. "Please," I purred. He smirked at me and sat down. We finally had a moment of peace alone together. Privacy is the only way we can talk together.

"Kingsley wanted me to give you this," he pulled out an envelop and sat it down on my desk. "He done some research on his family. Turns out he had an older brother. His parents gave birth to a baby boy two years before they had him. The boy was reported cradle robbed almost a year after its birth. Back then there was a resistance stealing babies out of cribs. His brother had unfortunately suffered. After a year of looking his parents assumed he'd be dead and had another son to replace him. This time, they kept him a secret and kept him hidden, out of sight. A shut in. They made a deal with sirens to start looking after their castle as well. It's all there," he gestured to the papers. "They tried tracking their baby down though through the resistance for a few months, loosing him entirely after a man signed off on him at an auction. The little boy's name was supposed to be named Trystan Void. Of course, the robbers never kept the name of the baby, keeping it hard for the parents to ever find him." He adjusted himself in the chair then. "They died before they could find their child, keeping it a secret from their youngest son so that he wouldn't be troubled by an impossible thing. Seems they didn't see fate had another plan." He looked me over. "His parents were called Pamela and Ridley Void. They're far related to the kings and queens of today. Their ancestors were the key to the beginning royals. Back when you used to hear about killings in Transylvania. In fact, if a King of today was to drop dead along with his whole family, deal Mr. Kingsley would have to step in and take the crown. It'd be hard to explain to the council then why a Rosario vampire looks so close to a Void vampire, don't you think?" I nodded in agreement. "Anyways, as a child anyone that smelled you could have been able to tell you was of the old royals. Your scent would have gave it away-"

"Making me more expensive on the market, I remember them talking about my scent..." I rubbed my head then.

"Your parents could have followed the rumors of that if they were smart enough. They gave up though. So if I were you I wouldn't dwell on it. The Rosario family is your family. There is no doubt about it. Enoch and Ella promised you that much, you'd never have to fear the market again. If you ask me though, your father had a plan up his sleeve the moment he met you. He could have went looking for your family to give you to them, a marvelous and rewarding return but he choose to keep you. Maybe he wanted you to be a safe cushion incase he needed an older son so that the Rosario family would remain royals. After all sixteen year old boys can't take the crown at such an young age. What if he had seen the future and was planning everything even through your childhood."

"Now you're just toying with me," I chuckled. "My father couldn't see the future."

"He could have asked a witch or wizard," he purred.

"Was it you?"

"No, I'm just saying."

"Is this all that's in the packet?" I asked and held it up.

"Yes, as well as him wanting to see you again and wanting a letter from you."

"He should watch his tongue, he's going to get us discovered with this research..." I trailed off.

"Don't worry about it, he searched through his parents things. That's all. He didn't step a foot out of his castle. He would have probably went straight back in anyways. He doesn't plan on leaving there for a very long time.... but if you keep staying away from him then he might persuade me to bring him along on my next visit."

"No! You know good and well the only other person that knows is Milo- and Silas but Silas doesn't know about him." I heard a timid knock at the door just then, probably Milo returning from his trip to ask maids for some bottled blood. He had gotten hungry, and I really did need to talk to Aurelio alone.

"Hey sweetie," I purred. "Aurelio and I were having a private conversation. Go upstairs and wait for me there please?"

"U-um... okay," I heard Milo whisper, sounding disappointed. He left though, letting me have my time. I looked back towards Aurelio.

"So what else do you know?" I asked.

"I know a few things about the resistance, what happened to the Rosario and the Nero parents. I bet even you don't know that."

"No, I don't know what happened to the Nero parents. All I know is that one day Jason was announced head of his family and the next week he was killing my parents."

"Well his parents were Jonas and Loura Nero." I heard a know at my door then and frowned. Who could that be? Of course I was quick to find out it was Silas....

Silas's POV:

"Can I come in?" I asked softly.

"Are you alone?" I heard Lyle ask me. Their conversation they seemed to be having had faded quickly.

"No, I have Sylar with me. I need to show you something," I told him, adjusting my hold on Sylar.

"Looks like this will have to wait," Lyle whispered. "Come in Silas." I walked in and up to the desk, shutting the door behind me. I gave him a nervous smile then sat Sylar down on the desk before I opened his mouth to show Lyle his fanglessness. Sylar smacked my hand away quickly and blushed a bright red. Lyle gave me a look of confusion. The guy sitting in front of the desk laughed as he watched with amusement.

"Your brothers have a good sense of humor," he charmed. I glanced his way then rubbed Sylar's head before I looked at Lyle.

"Sylar lost his fangs," I whispered to him. "The witch traded me for them.... We were wondering if there is a way to quicken the process of getting them back for him. He's in pain from not having them."

"He'll be in pain for the next couple of weeks too," the guy told me.

"HE WHAT! WHO WAS THAT WITCH! EVEREST I WANT EVERY NAME OF EVERY WITCH IN TOWN, I WANT THEM NOW, I WANT THEM IN HERE IN THE NEXT HOUR!" Lyle got to his feet quickly. "My brother doesn't deserve his fangs to be taken to be noble enough to get someone he loves back from the dead! MONSTER! WITCH!"

"Hey, you're talking about my subspecies," the guy muttered. "They're very close to my dominate species so please lower your voice." I frowned and then chose to ask the guy instead of go through Lyle. Lyle just looks like he wants revenge for the fang taking....

"Hey... do you know a way?" I asked him softly. Lyle looked fumed as he opened Sylar's mouth to look closer.

"I might," he said calmly. "I mean... it really depends. If it's under contract then she owns his fangs until five years. That means even if he cheats she could come and take his new pair." I smirked then.

"She only signed for one pair, his current pair," I purred to him.

"Signs of pain means it's happened recently..." He trailed. "He can't have new fangs until his jaws stop hurting. It's for the best." I nodded.

"Do you mind coming back when his jaws stop hurting then? He really misses having fangs, and I feel bad that he traded them for me," I told him and then rubbed Sylar's head comfortingly. Sylar yanked back from Lyle, hissing.

"Stop touching my mouth. I can still bite."

"Have Lyle send me a letter when he's all pain free and I'll drop by." He told me calmly. I smiled at him gratefully.

"Thank you," I told him then looked towards Sylar, kissing his cheek. "We can see about getting you some pain meds or something," I mumbled in his ear then pulled him off the desk and back into my arms.

"That won't work. Get him something he can chew on. Carrots might help too... No those work more for the eyes...." He trailed off. "Lyle, please calm down and sit. We still have things to discuss." Lyle frowned and sat down as he was told. I looked towards Lyle and raised an eyebrow before I started to walk out, being stopped as Everest appeared in the room, looking stressed.

"Okay! I found this list from the last time we took every supernatural species and had them all accounted for in town and made a list of names and addresses," Everest said, rushing over with a three ring binder. Sylar looked over my shoulder and frowned, glaring the folder down.


"Thank you Everest, this is going to be helpful." Lyle purred. Everest looked between us in confusion but handed over the list, being loyal to Lyle. Sylar growled and tried to get out of my arms.

"Don't you dare!" Sylar hissed. "It was a contract and I don't regret it at all!"

"Let's see.... I know it's a girl...." Lyle purred and opened the binder. I frowned and let Sylar go so he could go stop Lyle. If he didn't want Lyle messing around with the witch, it was probably for the best. Lyle looked up quickly as he heard Sylar coming and widened his eyes.

"Whoa there hormones," the wizard said and suddenly Sylar stopped dead in his tracks. "You don't have to yell to get your way." He reached over to the desk and snatched it from Lyle and looked it over. "Just simply ask." He had the binder explode into flames then. Lyle's jaw dropped and looked at him in anger.

"You're supposed to be on my side," Lyle hissed. Everest's eyes widened.

"MY HARD WORK!" He complained and pouted. "You destroyed it! It took forever to get everything together for that!" He growled and looked towards Lyle. "Lyle, you got my work destroyed!"

"Relax, it's not gone forever." He brushed the ashes into the floor. "Now it is."

"LYLE! You better help me replace it all!" Everest cried out and then looked at Lyle expectantly, pointing a finger at him. "We need that information!"

"I didn't destroy it, point fingers at them." Lyle growled. He looked towards the wizard then. "Aurelio, you're on my team. What are you doing supporting them?"

"I thought I'd have a little fun, plus I want you to be fully focused on me instead of another witch. We're having a conversation.... remember?"

"You little," Lyle growled. I frowned a little then walked up to Sylar, pulling him into my arms.

"Maybe we should leave before they start fighting more.... The witch is safe," I promised him then scooped him up to carry him out of the room before Lyle could return his attention to us.

"I'm not little," I heard the wizard laugh out as I entered the hall. "I'd show you if you didn't have Milo." Sylar nuzzled his face into my neck then.

"Could you take me to the kitchen?" Sylar asked. I purred to him.

"Of course," I told him then carried him towards the kitchen, setting him down as I reached it. "Are you wanting more blood?" I asked him curiously. He nodded and walked up to the fridge, looking into it. I walked up behind him and purred in his ear teasingly before I reached around him and got my own, opening it and drinking it down as I walked over to a counter and sat on it. He pulled out a bottle and got a mug down from a cabinet before pouring it into the mug and took it over to the microwave. He warmed it up before drinking it and walking towards the door. I frowned as he started to leave me. Well darn. I got down off the counter and finished up my drink, tossing it in the trash before I left the kitchen, glancing around for him. I found him walking down the hall and sitting the mug on a table. I sighed softly then watched him go, deciding not to follow him. He'd come find me later. I've been like a shadow to him since I've come back.... I should go make sure my room is in good condition. I put my hands in my pocket and started walking in the opposite direction, going up to my bedroom and then went inside. It looks like they didn't have time to go through it too much.... That's good. I walked up to the bed and touched the sheets before I frowned as I smelled Stormy. Shit... Stormy.... I bit my bottom lip as I examined the sheets we shared. My first fledgling is dead... and there isn't any bringing her back... and if I even attempted to bring her back, Sylar would kill me in seconds. Besides... she was loyal, but she never caved for me. She was a big tease. I sighed and then started to strip the bed down, getting the sheets off. I'm going to get rid of her scent.... I don't need to dwell too much.... I might make a stupid decision. I tossed the sheets and pillow cases to the side and then grabbed my phone, calling a maid to come get it and take it to be washed. I went towards the closet then, planning on throwing out her clothes and cleaning out the closet of everything I spoiled her with.

Lyle's POV:

When the door shut, I waited a few minutes before looking towards Aurelio. "Where were we?" I asked him, having been completely distracted by my brother.

"We were talking about Jonas and Loura."

"Right, what do you know?" I asked.

"I know Jonas and Enoch shared the same views about everything. In fact you could consider them friends. One night they had been talking when they came up on the conversation of how you came into Enoch's family. Jonas was always there, of course he'd become suspicious of why there was an older kid he knew nothing about. That's what lit the match, Jonas was upset that Enoch never returned you to your true parents, this started their little fight. Jonas by the end of it swore he'd treat Enoch like the other low lifes for keeping you- even if he was keeping you as a family member instead of a slave like others would do. They had different views on you. By the end of it their friendship had broken because Jonas saw it wrong to keep a child that belonged somewhere else."

"How do you know this?" I asked and frowned.

"You can learn a thing or two with time travel." He gave me a grin then. "Aren't you happy you're the reason their friendship was ruined?" I frowned and shook my head.

"You haven't told me what happened to Jonas," I told him.

"That blade up under your desk struck him in the chest." I leaned back to look at my father's sword. "Jonas attacked first but died quickly. Loura was in the room." He cleared his throat. "You remember well what happened to Enoch and Ella." I shook my head and looked away quickly. I was the cause? "I feel like I've upset you Lyle," he purred. "Maybe I should leave you along to your own amusement. I need a nap anyways." He stood up then. "Try not to think too hard on what I told you." He smirked and left the room, leaving me to sit on what I just discovered. I looked towards the envelop he had given me, knowing there was a letter inside I would need to respond to.

Silas's POV:

After cleaning out my room and getting fresh sheets for my bed, I made sure to get my room cleaned to my specifications, getting it back to normal after my spree of throwing things out. I took a shower to clean the blood off me from the murdering and then tossed my clothes into the hamper when I was finished. I brushed my hair after I got dressed in simple sweatpants and a t-shirt to relax for the night. I walked out to my bed and then fell down into it, purring as soon as the familiar comfort began to comfort me. I curled up on the bed and got under the blankets, nuzzling my head against my pillow before I closed my eyes to take a nap.


I heard a knock on my door, waking me up right as dawn was approaching. I frowned and opened my eyes slowly before I sat up. "Who is it?" I called cautiously. It's not Lyle, is it? Not someone who would ask me to do something right before dawn?

"It's me," I heard Lyle say softly. I got up and sighed, walking over to the door then opened it.

"Hey," I whispered and looked up at him. It can't be bad.... He gave me a small smile.

"Hey," he leaned up against the door frame then. "Am I still kicked out?" I blushed then. Oh... I guess it's not a task.

"N-no," I whispered. We did share this room before, huh? "Don't you want to sleep with Milo? He's your boyfriend, isn't he?" He wouldn't ask to sleep in here....

"I'm not asking to leave Milo to sleep with you," Lyle said calmly. "Don't worry about that." I nodded.

"Okay," I told him then opened the door more to let him in if he wanted. "Did you need something?"

"I was going to talk with you since Sylar isn't trailing your shadow right now.... I checked his room." Lyle gave a small smirk as he stepped into my room and shut the door behind him. So Sylar is sleeping.... I frowned slightly. Well... I didn't follow him, so I guess it's natural we're not sleeping in the same room. That's okay though. It might be for the best.

"Okay," I purred and then smiled at him, walking over to my bed to sit down. "What do you want to talk about?" I watched him carefully.

"Our plans for Emily and Zachary," Lyle said calmly. I nodded. Battle plans then.

"Yeah, storming the mansion might not be the best idea," I told him. "We shouldn't hit them up in their own home. They have way too many resources and weapons there.... If we were to, we'd have to be careful and try to eliminate their resources like cutting the security system and other things. We'd have to get the weapons away too."

"I used Jason's phone to inform Emily they were staying later than expected. We could take their car and they'd never suspect it's us." I frowned. One problem with that. I slashed the tires.

"Yeaaah... we need to replace the tires if we do that. I slashed them incase they got away from me," I informed him then laid back in my bed. "I like the idea though.... It would be easier to get in that way.... We could also always lure them here," I suggested. "We could always throw a ball and invite only the Nero family. That would get them here if they thought that Jason and the rest were staying until the ball was over."

"Either way, I went through the other phones.... Turns out Zachary is watching a bar called Travis's Tavern. Emily is the only one at the manor. So we could easily take her. She's just watching Dmitri's sister." I nodded.

"Okay, we'll get the butlers to replace the tires and go over there tomorrow night," I told him then smirked. "If you will be okay with tomorrow that is... I don't mind. I don't really have a schedule to keep." I stretched out and played with the ends of my hair. "Just me and you or are we taking Everest with us too? I don't think we should take Esther and Sylar. Sylar is only eighteen, and Esther knows how to watch the castle."

"I think we can handle it together," Lyle said calmly. He looked me over then gave a half smile. "Well if I knew I had to kill you to make you better, I would have done it years ago." I frowned at him.

"Ouch brother," I told him then sat up before I grabbed him and pulled him onto the bed. "I should get you for that," I teased and then curled up beside him. "Would you really have killed me?" I asked curiously. That's messed up. He rubbed my back then and laughed.

"No, I would have done everything to avoid killing you. Even if you've ticked me to my last tick." I smiled.

"Good," I purred then kissed his cheek then pulled away from him. "The sun is coming up soon. I don't want you to get caught in the halls with it up."

"Don't worry about me," Lyle purred. "I know how to avoid the sunlight." He sat up against my headboard then. "We don't need Dmitri, you can do what you want with him." I nodded and then rubbed the back of my neck.

"I'll probably have him stay in my sights or something... just to make sure he doesn't do anything. We can get his sister too," I suggested. "I don't really feel like killing him even if he betrayed me before I died."

"I'm sure he had a good reason," Lyle sighed out. "He was in the Nero's grip after all." Lyle looked towards me then. "I want to tell you something." I perked up then.

"What?" I asked.

"I discovered something about my past," he whispered softly. I frowned at him. About his past?

"You mean before you became my brother?" I asked then grabbed his hand, moving closer to him.

"Yeah," he whispered. "I'm not sure if you're interested though."

"Why not?" I asked curiously. It's not like his past is going to matter though. He can't go back to his biological family because he now belongs to this family. He's been here too long to leave, and I wouldn't let him go anyways, not now. "You can tell me if you want."

"I found out what happened to me, where I came from.... I was real young.... My parents were sleeping with me in their room. I was just a few months old, maybe a year old. Our father used to talk about cradle robbers, remember? Turns out I was a victim. I was snatched from my crib. I was in the system my whole life until our dad saved me... That's my past." He sighed then. "I came from a family of old royals, distantly related to the royals of today. I had a little brother too. He looks just like me, just a year or two younger." That's... interesting.

"You were a cradle victim?" I asked softly and bit my bottom lip. That sucks.... No wonder why father saved him and brought him to me. He was being sold and abused. I leaned in and kissed his cheek. "I'm sorry Lyle, but you're better off here with us in the Rosario family anyways...." He looked towards me and gave me a loving look.

"You really think so?" He asked and grabbed my arm. I laughed.

"Well yeah, Everest totally adores you, and you wouldn't have met your boyfriend because you wouldn't have been going to that meeting you were on your way too, at least not the route you took. You wouldn't be king either... and if I had taken the throne the way I was, the world would be pretty bad," I told him and smirked. "Fate totally stuck you in this family with me." He laughed and reached out, rubbing my cheek.

"You're my family," he whispered. "I wouldn't dream of another family." He started for his feet then. "I don't want to leave this family ever. I was tossed around so much in my early childhood.... This is the only one I know and love." I smiled at him.

"Good, I'd get upset if you left," I warned him then got under my blanket. "I love you brother," I told him softly then yawned. "Go to Milo. Good day.... I'm going to get some rest."

"Sleep well," Lyle sighed out and left the room. I watched him go then curled up, falling asleep.


I woke up as the sun started to go down, my instincts to wake opening my eyes. I glanced around my room, expecting someone to be in bed with me, but I was alone. I frowned a little and sat up before I sighed. That's right.... Stormy is dead, and Sylar is in his own room. Those two are the only ones that would really have been in my bed with me. I got up and then walked towards the closet, getting a black t-shirt to change into then put on some blue jeans and my black butler belt before I walked out and left my room, heading for the night room with my cell phone in my hand. At least my cell phone is still here. I won't have to get a new one.... I smirked and put it in my pocket then walked into the night room, sitting down on the couch as I grabbed the remote. Let's see... I could get some more Tokyo Ghoul in before I'm taken to kill someone. The wizard I met last night walked into the room and calmly sat down on the couch with me. I glanced at him then smirked. "Well hi," I purred at him. He looked towards me and smirked back.

"Well hello, Lyle's brother right? The one that's second born." He pointed a finger at me. "My my, you've gotten handsome over the years." Wait... do I know him?

"Do I know you?" I asked him and frowned a little. How does he know what I looked like years ago? Lyle didn't show him a family album, right? Oh man....

"We met last night. My name is Aurelio."

"Did my brother show you a family album?" I asked quickly. Oh my lord, Lyle did, didn't he?

"I went exploring during the day." He shrugged. "I found your father's study." I nodded and relaxed.

"I guess that makes sense," I told him then smirked. "Yeah, my name is Silas," I told him then crossed my legs. "Nice to meet you Aurelio."

"If I knew dinner was going to be so exciting last night, I would have come tonight instead." He chuckled. "I got my time in though and that's all that matters." I nodded.

"That's good," I told him then looked him over. "Are you leaving us tonight or are you staying another night?"

"I'll leave in the morning, I don't want to be away from K.V. too long." He gave a soft look then and looked me over. "You better take good care of your family here... You never know when you might loose them." I frowned. That sounds like a cryptic warning.....

"I will," I whispered to him then sighed. "Want to watch this with me?" I asked and gave a smile. I wonder who K.V. is.... He nodded and turned towards the TV. I smirked a little and then looked towards the TV, hitting play as I began to binge watch it with this wizard my brother knows. After a little while, Lyle walked into the room with Milo.

"Oh good, they're both here." Lyle chuckled. "Milo is staying here with Aurelio while we pay the Nero manor a visit. We had the tires fixed during the day. Are you ready to go?" I nodded then gave Aurelio the remote with a smirk.

"Have fun," I told him then started to walk up to Lyle. Milo looked up at Lyle after giving Aurelio a smile then stole a quick kiss from him before he ran over to Aurelio with excitement.

"You two don't have too much fun," Lyle warned them playfully before he turned and walked away from the night room.

"The maids set weapons in the car for us to make this more simple for us. We need to get there and get this over with and get back before the sun is up. Tomorrow night we'll go after Zachary." I nodded in agreement then pulled out my phone to text Sylar I was going to be gone for the majority of the next two nights so he wouldn't worry. Lyle lead me out to the garage and got into the vehicle the Nero's drove up in. I climbed into the passenger seat and then smirked, setting my phone down on my lap then turned on the radio as Lyle started up the car. I turned it up to my favorite radio station and sat back in my seat, glancing in the back to see the weapons waiting then picked my phone up and started to play a game on it. He started the drive to the manor then, keeping quiet. I glanced at him out of the corner of my eyes but decided not to say anything, letting him think. He probably doesn't get much alone time as king and having a clingy boyfriend. I went back to my game and played it till we reached the mansion....


I raced into the living room as I heard a few maids screaming for Emily to warn her that we were here. I glanced back at Lyle to check on him as I took the initiative, going for the room she'd probably be in then kicked the door in and looked for her. As soon as I kicked the door in, bullets were fired, hitting me directly in the shoulder. Lyle ran up and stopped at against the wall, looking towards me and then into the room, shooting towards the couch where Emily had propped her weapons up behind along with herself. I caught her eyes looking into mine before she ducked for cover. The room she had took cover in was a room right off of the living room, a sitting room. The Nero family had a huge piano as the main theme along with a fireplace. There was another door connected to the room that would lead into the hall.

"Fucking liars," she screamed out. "You're supposed to be dead Silas!" I frowned.

"I was dead!" I shouted back at her then rushed into the room to go after her as I did my best to ignore my shoulder wounds. She yelped as she heard my footsteps and then got to her feet, starting to shoot at me. Lyle came out from behind the wall and started to shoot at her, she widened her eyes and kept shooting at both of us, backing out into the hall through the door and slipped out of my sight. I growled and started after her quickly, not wanting her to escape. Damn it! I chased her down and aimed her down as I saw her and shot her quickly, hitting her in the spine and paralyzing her. I ran up to her and quickly held my gun against her head as I knelt beside her body and growled at her. "Any last words?" I hissed. She let out a pained groan and looked up at me.

"Bastard," she hissed. I heard Lyle run up to my side. "Both of you."

"Oh yeah?" I hissed back at her. "Don't mess with the Rosario family," I told her then pulled the trigger, ending her. I watched as her body crumbled then got to my feet, looking towards Lyle. "All that's left is Zachary," I told him and crossed my arms. "I know where the bar is too. It was another outpost of mine."

"Do you know how close it is? We might be able to go there tonight then and save us some time in the future... We can send someone to get Dmitri's sister." I thought it over then glanced at my phone for the time.

"We have time," I told him confidently. "I could probably get her and have her wait in the car. She'd listen to me if you want to save time with that too. I don't think she knows Dmitri ratted me out yet."

"Well..." Lyle trailed. "Okay, we can take her with us." He started for their basement doors then. "I think the basement is this way..." I nodded and followed him to the doors then went down the stairs. I began to search for her and finally found her towards the end, seeing her curled up in a cell. I smirked and opened the door.

"Hey," I called out to her. She looked towards me and her eyes brightened a little.

"It's you," she whispered. I nodded and smirked.

"Shh," I told her then playfully glanced at Lyle before I walked in and snapped the chains off her wrists. "Let's get you out of here. You're being rescued, but we have to stop somewhere first, so you need to promise me you'll wait in the car," I told her. She nodded obediently and quickly got to her feet.

"Where's Dmitri?" She asked quickly.

"He's safe back at my castle," I told her then took her hand, pulling her out before she could ask something else. She looked at Lyle and tensed up a little, giving him a suspicious look but didn't question why he was here. Lyle gave her an innocent smile as he watched us.

"No need to thank us," he purred. She watched him and then relaxed a little.

"T-thanks for rescuing me," she whispered after a few seconds and then blushed. "I didn't think I'd be rescued like that... but... if Dmitri is safe at your castle... and you're rescuing me... doesn't that mean Jason is gone?" She asked and looked to me. I nodded.

"Yes, every Nero is dead except Zachary. We're on our way now to kill him, but we must move quickly to beat the sun."

"So, don't slow us down." Lyle started back for the stairs. "We need to go." I started to pull her along quickly, already texting the address and directions to the bar to Lyle. We quickly went upstairs and got back in the car, going to go end this finally. We'd have our revenge soon enough....