Dragon Challenge

Continuation of Silas's POV:

"You're out of your cage?" Charles asked me and gave me a disgusted look before glancing at Toma then at Sylar. Toma let out a protective growl at Charles, trying to scare him. I glared him down and watched Charles as I slowly walked over to Toma.

"You got turned," I hissed as I smelled it on him. "Silas huh?"

"None of your damn business," Charles hissed. Toma let out another growl before crawling up my body and sat down on my shoulder. "You don't deserve your freedom."

"You did the same shit I did," I snarled at him.

"Oh yeah!? If it wasn't for you I would still be running the operation and that damn Nero wouldn't never sunk his fangs in me." He shivered and looked towards Sylar. "Do you know where Silas is?"

"No, do you want some blood?" Sylar gave a sweet purr to him. I glared Charles down the started to walk past him, brushing past him to leave. No way in hell am I sharing the same air as him. Charles shoved me then as I passed him.

"Don't come near me," Charles hissed. Toma let out another growl and went to jump him, pissed. Charles grabbed him by his wings and held him away from his body. "Keep your mutt away from me too." I widened my eyes then felt a snarl rip through me. I suddenly had him pinned against the wall, shoving him into it as I made him drop Toma.

"Don't ever touch Toma," I hissed into his ear. "I'll tear you apart if you hold him like that again!" Charles exposed his fangs towards me and the lights started to flicker in the hall.

"You'll tear me apart?" Charles asked and stomped down on my foot right as a bolt of electricity came out of one of the lights and hit right next to us. "I'll kill you!" I snarled at him then smacked him before I scooped Toma up and stomped out of the room. Bastard. I would do it too right now if I didn't have Toma to watch and protect. I looked at Toma as I tried to calm down, putting him on my shoulder as I checked his wings and his body to make sure he didn't get injured by Charles and the fall. Toma nuzzled his head into the crook of my neck, holding his wings tightly to his body. He looked okay though, probably just shaken by what happened.

"What's going on?" I heard Lyle ask me as he walked out of a room. I yelped. SHIT! It's him!

"U-uhmmm... nothing," I told him quickly and went to walk past him.

"Oh no you don't," he grabbed me by my shirt and yanked me back. "You're not slipping away so quickly." Toma hissed towards him and went under my shirt. I felt my heart clench at the sight of seeing Toma afraid and I looked towards Lyle.

"Could you please let me go? He's frightened," I whispered, calming down. He pulled me back into the room he came out of, shoving me into a chair. I noticed he was sitting in a room with a grand fire place. Milo had been with him.

"How about you stay in here with us." Lyle locked the door behind us. I widened my eyes and looked towards the door then at him. Crap! He thinks I did something! Shit! I'm screwed!

"It's not what you think," I told him quickly. "Charles came into the kitchen and when Toma jumped at him he grabbed him by the wings! I couldn't let Toma be hurt like that!" Lyle pulled  out his phone then and started to call someone.

"Silas, you should go check on your little fledgling." Lyle rubbed my shoulder as he listened in for his brother's reply.

"Uhmmm... okay. I think he went to go get blood," I heard Silas say, sounding kinda worried. "Did something happen to him?"

"Yeah he got in a cat fight with Dmitri." He gave me shoulder a squeeze then. "I just want you to make sure he's calming down."

"Okay, I will. Thank you," he said and then hung up quickly. I bit my lower lip as I refused to look up at Lyle, scared out of my mind. He's going to do something.... Lyle placed his phone in his pocket and looked down at my shirt.

"So you named him Toma? What's it mean?" I shakily looked up at him.

"I-it means twin... or strong too.... I named him for strong and because it's a cute name," I whispered.

"Don't look so scared of me," Lyle smirked and held out his hands. "May I see him?" I watched him then looked towards my shirt where he had hidden.

"You promise not to hurt him?" I asked quickly, looking back up at him.

"I'm not going to hurt him," Lyle promised me. I studied him, not really wanting to let him, but I didn't want him to be upset. I looked towards Toma again then gently pulled him out from my shirt, purring to him to help him stay calm. He looked around the room and slipped out of my hands then ran up to my shoulder and slipped behind my neck. I laughed a little then pulled him back, kissing his head before I placed him in Lyle's hands.

"You'll be okay Toma," I purred to him, staying on edge as I watched them. Lyle looked him over, observing him and especially his wings before taking him towards Milo.

"Milo, come look at your first dragon." I widened my eyes and looked towards Toma in a panic as Milo looked at Lyle in confusion then looked at Toma, tilting his head.

"He's really small.... I thought the babies would be bigger," he said with interest. Oh my lord! He better not mean he's giving him to Milo! That better be just showing!

"Dragons come from eggs. You can tell by his dark scales he is a Night dragon. When he's older he'll be able to hide Dmitri in shadows as well as the darkness." Toma let out a playful growl from the attention and looked back at me. "You want to pet this little guy?"

"He won't bite me, will he?" Milo asked cautiously, starting to look excited.

"He won't be able to kill you," Lyle promised and slipped Toma into Milo's lap. Milo tensed up then laughed, starting to rub Toma's head. I bit my bottom lip as I slowly tried to relax in my seat, but I didn't like the fact that Toma was that far from me. Toma squirmed around in Milo's lap and looked around before spotting me and let out a cry, calling me to him. I widened my eyes and got to my feet, walking over quickly. Toma got excited as I came closer and crawled up onto the back of the chair and looked like he was ready to jump for me. I purred to him and held out my arm so he could reach me, giving him an encouraging look.

"Come here Toma," I purred happily to him. He jumped at me, clinging to my shirt and crawled back up to my shoulder then growled towards Lyle and Milo before going back under my shirt. I laughed and then rubbed him through the shirt and purred to him, peeking under my shirt towards him. "Cutie," I purred sweetly. He puffed a smoke ball at me.

"Do you want a dragon?" Lyle teased Milo. Milo blushed then.

"I don't think I could handle something that would get so big," Milo admitted. "He is cute though... but no thanks. I don't think I could be much of a dragon raiser."

"Me either," Lyle agreed then looked towards me. "So Dmitri, stay in here for the rest of the night with us so I can make sure you don't get into another cat fight with Charles." I frowned but nodded.

"Okay," I said and then walked across the room to play with Toma by myself. I slipped him out of my shirt as I sat on the floor and purred to him starting to rub under his chin again curiously as I put him on the floor. He puffed out another smoke ball at me and laid down on the ground. I laughed and then started to rub his chest and neck then his belly. He rolled over to let me rub there and looked pleased with me. I purred at him then started to lightly scratch it, wondering if he'd like it. He rolled over quickly and started to hack before puking up what I fed him tonight. I widened my eyes and then frowned, pulling him back from his puke. "Poor thing," I whispered to him. The milk must've upset his stomach... or me rubbing it. He spit a fireball across the room then. I heard Milo shriek and jump up. I frowned. That's not good.... Distraction time. I pulled out the catnip and put a little on the floor, placing him with it as I screwed the lid onto the bottle tightly then put it back in my pocket. He sniffed the catnip and gave me a funny look before letting out a small purr and nuzzled his head against the catnip. I heard Lyle putting out a fire on one of the couches from the fire ball. I glanced towards him and gave him an apologetic smile. "Sorry about that," I told him innocently then went back to watching Toma and his catnip.

"It's no problem," Lyle told me. "Now I want to hear about what's going on with you and Charles." I bit my bottom lip then looked back towards him.... I guess I could tell him.

"Charles was a resistance base leader... and Jason wanted to catch him so I helped him. I wanted to be on Jason's good side and have him love me... but he was hard to earn his love, especially since how he thought everything about me was wrong. I ended up infiltrating the base and then I got Charles caught the next night after securing Toma's egg because I wanted one. I was pretending to be coming from Silas to be the one to officially let him in the resistance, but I instead brought the hunters in and got him shut down, so in a way, I ruined his business. He was taken prisoner by the Nero's... and from my understanding, Xzander took an interest in him and bit him and whatnot then let him go after trying to keep him or something. They were going to let him go anyways, but Xzander tried to keep him.... He's mad at me because of it, and I hate him because of his attitude towards me because I was giving up the resistance for my mate."

"Well sounds like you two need to let your anger go. You're both under this house now. No more fighting." Lyle sat down on the edge of the couch after he got the fire out. "Charles is living here now because he jumped in front of Silas and stopped a bullet from hitting him. He's got eternity now to think over what his action done to him. He's now stuck as a vampire and he gave up the life of the resistance rather easily. You on the other hand might be angry at us but you know the Nero family had it coming. You're staying here until we think we can trust you. After that you can go and come as you please Dmitri. Until then try getting along with Charles." I looked at him and frowned, about to say something then stopped myself.

"Yes sir," I told him then growled a little. "He better not touch Toma again though. Toma wasn't scared until Charles touched him."

"I know, we're going to talk to Charles about how he handled the situation, I'm sure Silas is discussing it with him as we speak. Just don't go harming the king's fledgling next time you get into a cat fight... even if he's the one provoking you. Silas will take care of the punishment." I clenched my jaw but didn't say anything back, looking towards my baby dragon then rubbed his head a little then brought my hand back so he'd play in the catnip.

"I don't think you two will fight again though." He walked up to me. "Charles is also a fledgling right now Dmitri. You might remember your first five years. Things were confusing and you were like hormonal teenager.... well Charles is exactly that. He's sixteen and a fledgling." I frowned then nodded.

"Okay," I whispered then laid down on the floor near the catnip and Toma, purring happily to him as I watched him playing in it. He's such a good boy~ Toma nipped at the catnip then tried to eat it. I heard Lyle calling a maid about the puke. I laughed at Toma then started to rub his chin. "Silly," I whispered, rubbing him where he liked it and got his scent on my hand.

"Dmitri, do you want to feed him again or wait a little bit for his stomach to settle?" Lyle asked.

"Wait.... I'll feed him before I go to bed unless he tries to eat me again," I purred and then curled up, pulling my hand back then smiled and hugged myself as I watched my dragon.

"Probably a good idea," Lyle gave me a friendly smile. I smiled and glanced at him over my shoulder then looked back at Toma before I got to my feet and started to explore the room. There was a few book cases in the room with CD's stacked on them as well as a music player. Other then that it was more of a room where you sat and watched the fire. There was a huge area rug in the center, as if it was meant for a child with toys while a mother sat knitting by the fire. Lyle caught me taking interest in the room and smiled.

"I was just telling Milo earlier this was a room my father used to play in when he was a child. This was one of his favorite rooms because of the cozy fire and it reminded him of his parents." Toma called out to me as I left him and he trailed after me, attacking my laces. I laughed and looked towards Lyle then down at Toma, kneeling down to him and playfully touched his talons. He spit a fire ball at my shoes then. I yelped and quickly kicked them off then put them out, looking at him.

"You're not making me strip," I told him firmly and narrowed my eyes. "I'm not losing my clothes to you again." He gave me a challenging look before blowing a fire ball at me. I yelped and did my best to dodge it. I shrieked as he got me with it then pulled my shirt off and tossed it to the floor, putting it out then frowned, looking at my charred shirt then tossed it at him. "Here," I muttered. "You can have my shirt." He attacked my shirt before curling up to it and let out a growl before he started to suck on it. I laughed and watched him then leaned over, starting to pet him. "You're going to make someone very happy one day," I mumbled under my breath, looking his pretty scales over. "You're going to be a big boy too... I'll have to get you to fly when you're a little bigger, my sweet baby dragon." He nuzzled his way into the shirt and puffed smoke out at me. I giggled and then picked up the shirt with him in it and started to carry him towards the fire place where he'd be warm and sat the shirt down near it and rubbed him through it before I pulled away. "I love you Toma," I whispered to him.

"Should I get you another shirt?" Lyle asked and chuckled. I looked towards him and smiled.

"He'll just burn it," I told him and then looked Toma over. "Greedy little Toma~ Stealing my shirts." I laughed and then got to my feet, walking towards the couch to lay down. I heard Toma cackling and playing in my shirt. I laughed and watched him from where I laid then purred a little. He's so cute.... I wonder if he'll eventually be able to take a human form.... I smiled and then tensed up as my phone buzzed in my pocket. I pulled it out and looked towards it then widened my eyes as I saw Tammy had texted me. I haven't talked to her in months! I frowned and opened it up then bit my bottom lip. Dang.

Tammy: Hiya stranger. I haven't talked to you in awhile. You still alive?

I frowned and then sat up a bit.

Me: Tammy, you're the one who stopped talking to me. What do you want?

Tammy: Hang out with me tonight. The boys are getting together tonight to celebrate George's birthday. We're going together.

I sighed and then rubbed the back of my neck. But... I'm in charge of a dragon now.... I glanced towards Toma and watched him as I was torn. Toma poked his head out towards me and titled his head. I smiled at him then looked back towards my phone. He might be okay if I was to feed him and then put him to bed... but then again... I looked back at Toma and got to my feet, putting my phone back in my pocket. He gave me a curiously look and let out a small growl towards my pocket. I laughed slightly and then walked over to him, picking him up in my shirt.

"Let's go feed you," I told him as I wrapped him up in my shirt and started to carry him towards the door.

"Am I positive I can let you leave?" Lyle asked me. I blushed then looked towards him.

"Y-yeah," I whispered. "I won't get into any trouble," I promised. I walked out quickly then and started down the hall before he could keep me here and took Toma to the kitchen. Luckily, I had it to myself. I sat Toma and my shirt down on the counter then got some milk out and a pot, pouring some in it then went to the herb cabinet and searched for the DT. I hid my actions as I put some in the pot then walked over to the stove and turned it on, beginning to make Toma's special milk for him. He crawled out of my shirt and stalked towards the sugar jar. I laughed and then stirred the milk a little more before I picked up the sugar jar then looked at him and smirked, opening it and pulling out a small pinch and put it on the counter for him. He licked it up quickly then gave me an expected look for more. I laughed and then walked over to his milk, putting some sugar in it then a little more on the counter near me before I put the rest in a cabinet and went back to stirring his milk. He got up to the sugar near me and started to lick it up then looked at the stove. I smirked at him and finished up his milk then put it in a baby bottle and tested it on my wrist. When it was luke warm, I pulled him into my arms and held it to his lips. "Here we go." No more fire. He looked at the bottle then at me and gave me a growl. I purred and kissed the top of his head. "There's sugar in it," I told him and gave him a sweet look. He started to suck on the bottle, drinking a few drops before pulling back and spit out what he drunk. I frowned a little at him.

"Toma," I muttered and then put some on my finger and tried to get him to lick it off. "Come on sweetie." He looked away from me and tried to get out of my arms. I sighed and then kissed the top of his head and dumped the milk out into the sink and then rinsed the bottle out. I made him a bottle of normal milk then held it to his lips. He took it quickly and sucked it down hungrily. I smiled and purred happily to him then kissed his head as I fed him. When he was finished, I put the bottle in the sink then started to carry him to the door, putting him on his favorite perch, my shoulder. I'll have to sneak the DT into his tuna. I think I'll take him outside though to let him run some of the hyperness out. He started to suck on my ear and let out a playful growl, digging his teeth into my skin. I yelped and stopped, a small moan escaping me. CRAP! I blushed and looked towards him. "Toma," I whispered then tapped his nose. "That's my ear." He pulled back and bit my finger quickly, starting to suck on it. I yelped and blushed a deeper shade of red. "Are you still hungry?" I asked and looked him over before I went back to the kitchen to test this. I got my finger back and then made him another bottle, holding it to him to see if he'd take it. He took it quickly and started to suck it down, some of it running out of his mouth and down his body.

"Toma," I purred and giggled at him as I fed him every single drop. I pulled the bottle back then smiled. "Want another?" I started to make another for him, bringing it back to his lips to see if the little dragon was still hungry. He started on it as well, only reaching halfway before he pulled back and had a sick expression on his face. I frowned and sat the bottle down. "You drank yourself sick, didn't you?" I asked then sighed, taking it slow as I walked with him to take him outdoors. "Don't eat so much if you're full," I scolded softly then rubbed between his wings as we went outside. I walked back to the park bench and sat down on it, looking at him on my shoulder. He climbed off me and ran off to go play in the flower bed again. I heard a servant yelp.

"BUT I JUST FIXED THOSE FLOWERS!" She cried out. "NOT AGAIN!" I held back a laugh and shrunk down on the bench. Oh man... I didn't realize servants were out here. I watched Toma carefully, making sure he was okay and that she wouldn't hurt him. "MARTY!" She screamed as Toma started to protect his flowers and chased after her. She screamed and ran from him. "THERES A RAT CHASING ME! IT'S GOT WINGS AND NO FUR!" I busted out laughing and watched Toma chasing him then let out a playful roar to mess with him. I heard the other servants screaming at the sight of Toma. Toma ran up to me and looked pleased as he chased them into the maze. I laughed and leaned over petting him with a pleased look.

"Good boy~" I told him. Yeah, I'll regret it later, but at least he isn't cowering. He growled playfully at me and jumped up into my lap. He laid down and started to gnaw at my pants, trying to rip them like my shirt. I blushed and went to stop him. "N-no, not those," I whispered quickly, starting to get nervous. Crap! It'll be hard to explain why I'm walking up to my room in just boxers! He growled and gave me a playful look before widening his jaws to puff another fire ball at my pants. I yelped and quickly aimed him in the other direction, making him take out some grass then sighed in relief. He bounced in my lap, getting excited like it was a game to him. I widened my eyes. "You can't have my pants! They're mine!" I said quickly and blushed. "You're definitely not getting them when you're older either. You can have your mate's pants when you're older." He tilted his head before giving me a growl. He stalked off to the other side of the bench and bounced off to another flower bed. I relaxed and then watched him. Maybe he'll stop being so clothing obsessed. I smiled as I watched him innocently playing in the flowers then looked around the garden for myself, enjoying being out here before I looked up towards the sky and watched the stars. I purred softly and then spread out on the bench, putting my legs up on it as I took up the entire space. I glanced back to Toma and purred happily to him. He came running up to me after thirty minutes with a mouse in his mouth, it was squirming fully alive in his mouth. He brought it to me and laid down on my chest. I yelped and quickly picked it up by it's tail, my heart pounding as I looked at the tiny rodent then at Toma. Toma growled, going to take it back into his jaws. I gave it to him and smiled. He killed it quickly between his jaws and started to swallow it whole. I laughed and then rubbed his head.

"Good boy," I told him then kissed his nose after he swallowed it. "I might have Sylar watch you for a day soon.... I'm going to have to make tonight up to Tammy." He growled at me before hacking the mouse back up and puked up the milk he drunk with it all over me. I groaned and then threw my head back. "Quit barfing on me!" I whined and then shrunk down on the bench. "Whhhhhhyyyyy?!" I gagged as the stench got to me and leaned over the side, puking up the little blood I drank earlier a few days ago. I felt him start to lick the milk back up, purring. I groaned and then looked at him. "Gross!" I whined and then put a hand over my mouth and nose. Uggggh... why? This is terrible! He puked all over me! He's eating it too! I started to tremble as I began to feel weak from the loss of my food and from the stench, making me feel sick. He moved up to my face then and started to lick my cheek, nibbling at it. I blushed and then looked at him. "Toma," I mumbled and then sighed as I tried to get over my sickness and weakly petted him. He moved onto my face then and laid down on it, purring. I whined but didn't push him off. Yeah... I'm totally the dominate one in this raising him situation. He started to fall asleep on me then. I waited before I lifted him up a little then sat him down on the bench. I glanced him over as my fangs started to ache then looked around the garden, spotting a maid nearby. I looked towards her neck hungrily and was on my feet in seconds, walking over to her and then leaned in and bit into her neck. She yelped and straightened up from her work.

"H-hey," she whimpered and squirmed. I pulled my fangs out of her neck and slowly drank from her, sucking on the bite wound. She relaxed after a few minutes and sighed. "Alright," she whispered and exposed her neck more. I suddenly felt a kick in my side, throwing me off her.

"You're not supposed to be doing that," I heard Charles tell me. I groaned and then looked towards him, licking my lips.

"What? Are you stalking me now? How do you know if I asked or not?" I asked him and got to my feet.

"I happened to be nearby," he said causally. "I'm not stalking you." I frowned and then rubbed my side.

"Come on, do you have to be so hateful?" I growled a little then looked towards the maid as she blushed, looking between us wide eyed then ran off in embarrassment. I frowned and then started for my Toma.

"Hateful?" Charles growled. "I'm not hateful! I'm making sure you're behaving." I glanced at him over my shoulder then picked Toma up, kissing the top of his head as he slumbered.

"Fine, whatever you say," I told him then held my dragon close and went for the house. "Good day Charles."

"Sorry about the wings," he grumbled. I paused then looked towards him. Did he just apologize? I smiled then.

"I forgive you," I whispered. "I don't know if Toma will though." He crossed his arms and started for the doors.

"The way he growled at me, I don't care if he ever does..." He muttered. I watched him then held my little Toma close, choosing to ignore what he said as I ditched him when we got inside and headed for my room, going in quickly. I looked Toma over and then took him to the bathroom to clean him up, grabbing some of my body soap and then went to the sink and turned on the warm water and clogged up the drain, beginning to pour some soap in it. I gently placed Toma in it when it was full enough to bath him and turned off the water, rubbing him carefully to get the soap all over him and get him clean. Purring softly, I watched as his scales began to shine a little more, the grime from the past two days and the stench of puke leaving him. He looked around at the water then started to play in the water, purring before going under the water. I laughed and let him play in it, putting a towel down for him so he could curl up on it when he wanted then began to strip so I could go take my own shower, cutting on the water for myself. I got in quickly and began to soap my hair, keeping the curtain tightly shut. I heard him call out for me then with worry. I poked my head out from the shower and purred to let him know I was still here. He caught sight of me then got out onto the counter and went to jump for me. I laughed.

"I'm in the shower silly," I told him and then slipped back into it, shutting the curtain. I heard him call out for me again before he jumped onto the edge of the tub. I yelped and then moved away from the edge of the tub. CRAP! I don't want him in here! I blushed big time. He growled as he jumped at the curtain. I yelped and then splashed some water towards the curtain to try to scare him off. I heard him fall down to the floor. I relaxed and then smiled, going back to soaping up my hair. I heard him back at the towel and curling up to it for a few minutes before his purrs disappeared into the closet. NO! MY CLOTHES! I hurried through my shower, quickly getting clean and getting out as I scrambled for a towel and wrapped it around my waist, heading for the closet to check on him. I found the closet on fire with him curled up in the middle chewing on a shoe. "TOMA!" I screamed at him then narrowed my eyes. "You're in so much trouble," I hissed at him. SHIT! I don't have anything but pants now- the old ones! I glared at him and then took the towel off, running over to the bathtub and getting it wet then ran back, starting to hit the flames out with the wet towel. He watched me and tore up the rest of the shoe. I snarled towards him when the flames were out then stalked towards him, pissed. He watched me and growled. I hissed at him then snatched him up. "Toma," I hissed at him then carried him out of the closet towards the bedroom and then over to the couch, setting him down on it. "You're sleeping here tonight." He watched me and tilted his head before jumping up onto my shoulder and started to suck on my hair, getting the water off of it. I growled at him then picked him up, setting him back on the couch and started to walk away as I took a deep breath to try to calm down as I went back to the bathroom and picked up my old pants and boxers, glad there wasn't any puke on them. I slipped them on then walked back to the bedroom and got in the bed. He ran up to me and laid down on my chest. I frowned and then sat up, picking him up.

"What did I tell you?" I asked him then got back up, grabbing the extra pillow off the bed then took it over to the couch and sat it down then put him on it. I started back for the bed and sighed. I heard him following after me. I stopped and turned to look at him with a frown. He ran past me and got back on the bed, looking back towards me. I watched him then frowned. "I'm mad at you," I told him and then crossed my arms before I walked over to the couch. He's not sleeping with me tonight, not after that stunt he pulled. I HAVE NO EXTRA CLOTHES! He called out to me then and went to come for me. I groaned and then pulled the pillow over my head. Why?! I'm trying to punish him.... He got on me quickly and laid down on my chest. I looked towards him and frowned, hissing at him. He hissed back with amusement. I frowned and then sat up a little, hissing again. He hissed towards me and jumped on me. I yelped then growled and hissed at him, sitting up a little more. He growled, mocking me. Does he not respect me? I watched him then exposed my fangs. He showed me his teeth. I watched him and then tilted my head then hissed again. He really is getting too brave.... He got closer to me and growled in my face. I growled back, challenging him. He narrowed his eyes and hissed. I smirked at him and then hissed towards him, matching him. He looked amused at me and curled up on me. I frowned then and hissed in his ear towards him. He looked at me and growled before biting my chest. I screamed out in pain and curled up, starting to tremble. He curled up into the crook of my neck and buried his head in my hair. I whimpered and felt my body shaking as pain from my chest pulsed through me while it tried to heal. Why'd he bite me like that?! Is he trying to prove something?! I looked towards him then pushed him off as I whimpered in pain. He growled and looked towards my pants, about to breath a fire ball at them. I shrieked and quickly put my hand over his mouth, trying to keep his snout shut. He got down between me and the couch then curled up. I sighed and looked him over. 

"What is up with you?" I asked as I rubbed my chest then pulled my phone out. Maybe Sylar knows how to make him respect me...

Me: Hey Sylar, got any ideas on getting Toma's respect? He's really smart and he quit drinking the milk when he smells the DT and he recently bit my chest when I was trying to get onto him for him burning all my clothes besides the pants I already had on today.

I heard Toma growl and knocked my phone out of my hand when it vibrated. He set it on fire when it landed on the floor and growled then looked at me and gave me a pleased look like he had protected me. I sighed and decided to not even bother. I'd let him have that one. I rubbed his head then got up, taking him over to the bed and sat him on it as I picked up the phone on my nightstand and called Sylar. Toma watched me as he laid down on one of the pillows.

"Hello?" Sylar asked curiously.

"Hey, he destroyed my cellphone," I explained as I sat on the edge of the bed.

"Dmitri?" He asked and laughed. "Is he getting to be a handful so soon?"

"Yeah, I gave him catnip earlier today... but he apparently got it to wear off and he stopped drinking the milk when it has DT in it.... He set my closet on fire and bit me when I tried to get onto him and make him sleep on the other side of the room. Got any tips to make him respect me better? He mocked me completely and then bit my chest." I sighed and laid down in the bed.

"Well I ordered a bunch of stuff for your room that'll be here tomorrow night. The best thing you can do for him right now is give him something new to eat with DT and your blood mixed together, maybe slip him half a pm tylonol.... How about you give him some orange juice." I looked towards him then sighed.

"Alright... I'll think about it. It looks like he's about to sleep," I smiled and leaned over, kissing Toma's head then his wing. "Thanks Sylar." I hung up and tossed the phone to the side then pulled the pillow Toma was laying on closer. Toma let out a tired yawn and looked up at me. I smiled softly and then rubbed his head. "You know... I guess it's alright," I whispered. "I love you anyways, my sweet little baby dragon." He gave me a loving look before resting his head under one of his wings. I watched him then smiled, laying my head down and closing my eyes. I can forgive him....