Dragon Whisperer Charles

Everest's POV:

"We found a volunteer," I heard one of the maids say as she walked up to me with a smile on her face. "She said she wouldn't mind and she's been paid too. We're informing master Lyle right now." I widened my eyes and then detached myself from Neal. They... found one? I looked at her and then bit my bottom lip. "She said you could take over tonight if you wanted." Oh my lord! It's really happening! I held back an excited squeal and grabbed her hands. I get to try! Neal gave me a loving look.

"We still have to wait until May so calm down," he kissed my forehead then. I whined then and looked up at him. That's right... it's not exactly May yet.... I sighed and pouted before I pulled away from the maid. I've been drinking that nasty blood with all those herbs in it for about a week now too. It tastes horrible!

"Calm down," he chuckled. "You'll get your child soon enough."

"But..." I whined and looked down at my feet. It's still weeks until May! And there isn't any guarantee that I'm going to get a child in the end.... I rubbed the inside of my wrist then walked over to the couch and fell onto it face first. I've been doing all this running around and drinking these terrible tasting things that might not even get me a baby! I groaned and then buried my face further into the couch.

"If it doesn't work out we can always adopt," he told me sweetly. I pouted and then sighed, giving a nod.

"Alright," I mumbled and rubbed my stomach. I'm probably not going to have a child.... I should secretly start looking for a child to adopt so Neal won't be too depressed when I don't get pregnant for him. I'll just adopt when the mating season is up and there isn't anything gained from it besides a more intimate relationship with him.

"Don't feel so disappointed. I'm very fertile and you're a young vampire so it should go together nicely." He looked at the time then. "I have to go now, so try not to have too much fun without me." He walked over and kissed my cheek. "Duty calls to my pack." I frowned but nodded.

"Okay," I mumbled, sitting up to look at him. "I love you." I guess I could start looking at nearby orphanages online while he's gone....

"Go see what your new fledgling is up to so you can get your mind off of this." He rubbed my head and left me at that. I sighed and then got to my feet, pulling out my phone as I started to search up orphanages in the state and walked out of the room, the maid slowly following me out. I glanced towards her and gave her a small smile before I walked down the hall, scrolling through the lists of orphanages in the state. I clicked on one and studied it as I headed for Pierre's room. I found Charles hovering outside it with a tired expression on his face, almost like he was sleep walking and watching over the door. I frowned and put my phone up as I stopped in front of him.

"Charles?" I asked and then reached out, gently touching his shoulder. "Are you okay? You haven't been standing outside Pierre's room this entire time, right?" I pulled the key to the door out of my pocket and started to unlock it. I had taken the precaution of limiting who all could see Pierre by changing the locks out so I could get in and out and only a few other people. I didn't give Charles a key though because I didn't want him to get hurt. Pierre might be more willing to hurt Charles because of them being mated. He rubbed his eyes and looked towards me.

"I've been waiting for you," he mumbled. "I didn't think I would be waiting so long...." He let out a yawn and looked at the door. "Can I go in?" I looked him over and then nodded.

"Yeah," I whispered, feeling a little bit of pity for him. It would be so much easier for him if Pierre could be trusted. I opened the door and walked in, finding Pierre scratching his shoulder as he stared blankly at a wall, blood running down his back as he looked like he wasn't conscious of what he was doing. I widened my eyes and ran up to him quickly, snatching his hand away as I looked him over, seeing he hadn't bothered to put on a shirt, just wearing pajama pants. I looked his scratches over carefully and winced as I saw they were deep but healing quickly. They didn't scar up though, making me relax. He blinked a few times then whimpered, a pained expression hitting him like a truck and he ripped his hand away, putting his hand over his shoulder as he started to cry, coming to. I bit my bottom lip as I watched him then ran my fingers through his hair comfortingly. This must either be a habit of his from his master... or it's his body trying to take over and replace what his maker did to him to try to cope.... Being taken away from a maker, even if they were evil and wrong, can sometimes be real stressful. Charles ran into the room as he caught Pierre's blood scent. He ran up to my side and grabbed my arm as if he was holding onto me to prevent himself from going further as his eyes scanned Pierre's wound down. Pierre whimpered and took shaky breaths as he tried to stop crying. "Pierre," I mumbled then exposed my fangs and bit down into my wrist. He's going to need to be checked on more.... I held my wrist out to him and watched as Pierre's instincts kicked in and he bit into my wrist, starting to drink from me with a starved look. Charles looked him over and licked his lips, starting to look hungry. I bit my bottom lip and looked towards Charles then at Pierre as he sunk his fangs in deeper into me, making me wince. At least he's drinking....

Charles's POV:

Pierre moaned softly as he drank from Everest, pressing into his wrist more as he gave a soft, starved sounding growl. I felt my hunger trying to take over at the smell of blood, making me hold onto Everest tighter. He winced and looked towards me worriedly before he pulled his wrist back from Pierre. Licking his lips, he fell back into the bed and I could see his wounds healing up better, closing up all the way as he laid there, staring at the ceiling. I looked towards Everest before leaning into his neck instinctively. "I'm hungry too," I mumbled. He yelped and went to move away then sighed.

"Fine... I can go drink more of that nasty blood later," he whispered then exposed his neck to me. I bit down into him and started to drink his blood, moaning as it started to satisfy me. I caught a faint difference in his blood that reminded me of herbs that I've seen women using, but he tasted mostly sweet. I pulled back and looked at him. What the heck? Why is he eating herbs women usually eat? I frowned. I don't want that stuff in me. Pierre will start calling me a girl. I licked my lips clean. He frowned and looked towards me. "What?"

"Why're you eating herbs?" I asked. "Girls eat those herbs...." He blushed then and looked away from me.

"W-well... I'm going to be a girl in May," he whispered to me. "You mustn't tell anyone though, got it? I'm trying for a baby, but I don't want it getting out. Children of our kind were stolen from their cribs when I was a child and I don't want that to happen to my baby if I have one- though I doubt I will...."

"Crib robbers?" I asked, knowing the story very well. He nodded.

"Yeah... so this all has to be very secretive. I don't want anyone knowing if I have a baby... not anyone who doesn't live here. Most here don't know either. It's just you, Pierre, Lyle, and Neal, and a few maids," he told me. I nodded quickly.

"I won't tell anyone..." I mumbled. "You're gonna be a girl in May...." I mumbled. I looked at Pierre then. "Pierre?" I asked and crawled into the bed and looked him over. Pierre looked towards me then his eyes brightened up. He purred towards me as he recognized me then sat up. "Are you going to stay in bed all night?" I asked and teased him. He blushed and then shook his head no before he crawled up and got in my lap, kissing my cheek.

"No," he whispered and wrapped his arms around me. I purred to him then.

"Do you want to go watch a movie with me?" I asked him.

"Sure, mon amour," he purred and then crawled past me to get off the bed. I followed after him and giggled, taking him out the room and ditching Everest inside.

"HEY! GET BACK HERE YOU TWO!" I heard Everest calling out, running after us. Pierre laughed and then I suddenly felt the same like I had before with him. Everest ran right past us, chasing the direction we had been going as Pierre stopped us. "PIERRE! COME BACK!" I frowned as I watched Everest run off. I looked towards Pierre and giggled. That wasn't nice but it was really cool. Pierre laughed and had a playful look in his eyes as he watched Everest disappear around the corner then purred to me, nuzzling his head against me.

"Charles~" He laughed happily and kissed my cheek before he started to lead me towards his bedroom again, shutting the door and bringing us over to the bed. He grabbed a remote off his nightstand then handed it to me. I cut on his TV and put The Notebook on as I sat down on the edge of the bed to watch it. He curled up on his bed and then cuddled with his pillow, watching the TV with interest. I laid down with him after a few minutes and rested my head on his chest. He adjusted himself, allowing me to lay with him comfortably and wrapped an arm around me. I purred as I watched the movie I put on, falling in love with the characters.


When the movie was over, I felt his face leaning into my neck a little as his lips brushed against it. I exposed my neck to him and blushed softly. He bit in quickly and started to drink from me, moaning a little as he moved closer and I suddenly felt his venom entering my system as he sank his fangs in deeper. I moaned, feeling his venom rush over me and make me feel dizzy inside. I shut my eyes and melted against his body. He pulled his fangs out then and licked my neck before he bit me again on the other side of my neck, moaning. I moaned and tilted my head to adjust to the new bite. He pushed me onto my back and crawled on me, his fangs getting in deeper from the new position now that he had better access. I gripped his shirt quickly caught my breath. He's so hungry... He pulled his fangs out after a few more minutes then started to suck on the wound before he found his way to my shoulder and bit in again. I gasped and reached up, running my fingers through his long blonde hair in admiration. It was silky to the touch, soft. It shined in the light, looking like a pretty lion's mane as I played with it, like spun gold. I giggled and purred as I admired his mane. He bit me again, a little harder than the last couple of times.

"Owe," I mumbled and went to push him back. "That's too hard!" He growled possessively and sunk his fangs in deeper, clinging to me. I gasped and tensed up under him. "Pierre!" He tensed up then and I felt him loosen up before he pulled his fangs out completely, pulling back as he looked down at me worriedly, his lips and chin bloody. I looked up at my blood and caught a chill looking at it. He licked his lips then and sat up on me, using his sleeves to help him get the rest of it off me. I sat up quickly and looked at him with a small blush. "You forgot to ask me," I whispered to him. He looked towards me innocently as he sat in my lap, having to straddle it with me sitting up. I gave him a small smile and leaned in, kissing his cheek. "You marked me as your mate," I whispered. He purred and then kissed my forehead.

"Uh huh," he purred happily and then wrapped his arms around me. "Of course I did, mon amour~" I blushed and fell back against the pillows.

"I love it when you speak to me like that," I mumbled. He purred then and looked at me.

"Mon amour?" He purred to me, rubbing my cheek. "You like that?" I nodded quickly. He smiled at me and leaned in, kissing my cheek. "Ensuite, je vais l'utiliser plus souvent." (Then I'll use it more often). He purred and then kissed my neck. I giggled and blushed towards him, absolutely in love.

"Please," I begged him.

"Si vous insistez..." (If you insist....). He licked my neck teasingly and then looked down at me with a playful smirk. "Tu veux que je t'embrasse?" (Want me to kiss you?)

"Oui," (Yes.) I purred and leaned in for a kiss from him. He purred and then kissed me, making it deep and passionate. I pulled back from the kiss realizing I let him go so fast. I barely know him yet I'm kissing him because he's speaking French to me! "Pierre," I whispered. "Too fast, I don't know you yet." He looked down at me then softened his expression.

"Okay," he said and sat up on me. "I won't kiss you then."

"Now don't go luring me in with that language either," I purred.

"I can't help it's my native language," he told me then frowned, getting off me with a pout. I gave him the remote quickly.

"Put us on a movie." He looked the remote over and then looked towards the TV, putting on Grown Ups. He sat the remote down and curled up by himself, cuddling up to a pillow on the other side of the bed. I watched him and pouted. He's mad at me? I sat up then and looked towards him closely. He was hugging the pillow and seemed kind of lost as he looked towards the TV blankly. I leaned over and purred in his ear. "Pierre," I purred. He blinked a few times then glanced towards me and squeezed the pillow tightly as he saw me. I frowned at him. "I'm sorry," I whispered. "I love you- your hair." I rubbed his hair then. He blushed and frowned a little at me then buried his face into the pillow. I whined softly and pulled him into a hug, trying to cheer him up. He yelped and then started to tremble. I let him go quickly and backed away. He's scared of me? I moved away from him and fell into the floor in the process. He sat up quickly and then crawled over to the edge of the bed, looking down at me with worry.

"Are you okay?" I shook my head as my head throbbed out in pain.

"I want Silas," I whined. He watched me for a few minutes then frowned before he got to his feet and left the room. I curled up on the floor and looked under the bed at the darkness under it. He returned after a few minutes, leading Silas with him before he went to the bed and curled up on it, staying silent.

"Charles?" Silas asked worriedly and walked up.

"My head hurts," I mumbled and looked up at him then got to my feet and ran up to him, wrapping him into my arms. He purred and then held me, rubbing my head gently.

"We'll go get you some blood then. You look like you've lost a lot. Come along," he told me then started to pull me out of the room. I looked towards Pierre before following Silas out of the room. He shut the door behind him then pulled out his phone, texting Everest quickly before he put his phone back up and started to lead me away from his room. "Charles, did he take your blood?" He asked after a few minutes as he held my hand.

"Yeah," I mumbled. "He bit me three times..... I think it was three..." I tried to count them then but couldn't remember.

"Charles, I don't want you to be alone with him again- for a very long time," he told me firmly, looking at me.

"Why?" I asked and frowned.

"He bit you," he told me and looked at me. "He took way too much blood. That might be why your head is hurting, plus you were in the floor when I got in there. Don't be alone with him again."

"But.... But.... He got upset at me and he'll never be happy with me if I tell him we can't be alone together..." I frowned.

"You can be alone together when you're older," he promised me. "Just for now though... when we're trying to reverse what happened to him and while you're still a teenager." He rubbed my head then took me into the kitchen, starting to get me a bottle of blood.

"Okay," I told him and nodded. "I won't be alone with him again." When we reached the kitchen Dmitri was inside with his little dragon. Sylar was inside as well with a werewolf I haven't met before. I tensed up as my eyes landed on Dmitri. I let out a small hiss, pissed at the sight of him still. His little dragon was bouncing on the counter, looking excited as Dmitri was fixing him a bottle of milk. Sylar looked towards us and smiled sweetly.

"Hey, I hope you don't mind but Colsin wanted to hang out with me tonight since his alpha didn't put him on pack duties. We're also going to help Dmitri with his dragon. Toma was a handful for him yesterday so I'm going to give him some pointers. You two can hang out if you want but I'm sure you rather be doing something else Charles and Silas needs to keep his eye on you." I rolled my eyes in annoyance. Of course Dmitri is going to take Sylar from me but he better stay away from my maker! I stalked over to the fridge and got a bottle out. Toma growled when he saw me and Silas and jumped up onto Dmitri's shoulder. Dmitri purred towards Toma and rubbed his head as he watched me and Silas then smirked slightly, kissing Toma's head. Silas glanced him over as he cracked open his own bottle of blood and frowned.

"I need to talk to you soon Dmitri," he told him then took a sip of his blood. "We're going to need to talk about your little dragon and what happens when he gets big." Dmitri frowned and then started to tense up protectively. I started to drink my blood, watching them. Toma growled towards Silas protectively. Silas frowned slightly at that and took another sip, carefully watching them. "You know that he will outgrow your room, and even if he does get a human form, he will be aggressive, and I don't want the castle turning into a treasure hoard. When he comes of age to start mating and living on his own, I want you to return him to the dragon realm," he said firmly. "He'll leave you anyways Dmitri- to find his mate and then he won't care about you like he does now. You'll take him there when he is old enough and then put him back in there so he can go live a full life and we won't all be fried crisps with no home.... If he chooses to come back because he picks a mate in this castle, that's up to him, but I won't allow him back in here unless that happens or he refuses to leave you when you take him to the realm." Toma growled and got on top of Dmitri's head, biting down into a bite full of his hair. I frowned. Little monster. He should go there now before we all wake up in flames. Dmitri growled a little and looked upset with Silas, pulling Toma into his arms.

"Who says he won't want to stay with me?" He asked defensively. "He wouldn't be okay out there in the dragon realm anyways- even at that age. He's spoiled and he's mine." Silas narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Dmitri, you must understand that when the time comes, he won't be yours anymore. He'll belong to himself and himself alone. He'll go to the dragon realm when the time comes because that's what he is- a dragon. He won't want to stay here with you, and he'll move on like any normal child does from their parents except he won't come back because he'll build a treasure hoard and hoard it," Silas told him sternly, taking another sip of the blood. "I will have Aurelio take you up there to drop him off when he's a year off from his first mating season." Toma growled and went to attack Silas. I frowned and went to get between them. Dmitri quickly caught him then looked at Toma before he kissed the top of his head.

"Calm down," he whispered. "Sometimes I wonder if you can understand what we're saying yet.... You're smart enough to." He puffed out a ball of smoke towards Silas before crawling back up onto Dmitri's shoulder. Dmitri looked towards him and purred sweetly then looked at Silas, sighing. "I... guess you have a point. He will go searching for a mate eventually... and he'd have better luck with it if he was in the dragon realm.... I'll take him when he's old enough," he whispered in defeat, looking a little heartbroken. Toma growled and bit down into Dmitri's ear. I laughed slightly, seeing his pain. Dmitri yelped and then started to squirm, whimpering at the bite. "Toma!" Toma pulled back and looked for his bottle then, letting out a call towards Dmitri. Dmitri frowned then lifted it up towards him, letting him drink from it. "There you go," he purred, watching him as he started to cheer back up while watching him. Toma started to suck the milk down quickly. I crossed my arms and looked towards Silas.

"You can't expect a little dragon to go back into the dragon realm when he's of age. He won't be able to fit in Silas." I let out a sigh, pissed that I was caring over it. "He's not going to be able to make it in there. He's a house pet now not a dragon." Silas frowned and watched Toma drinking down the milk then rubbed his head.

"Ugh... I guess..." He looked towards his blood then chugged it. "Damn it, fine. I'll have a room made downstairs, and he'll stay down there when he comes of age. He can leave to find a mate, but if he attacks our family, he'll be in trouble," he said and then sighed. "Dmitri, I'm going to hold you responsible for everything he does until the day he dies." Toma pulled back from the milk and looked towards Silas before going to spit a ball of fire at him. Silas shrieked and dodged it quickly then snarled towards Dmitri. "Get him a muzzle or something," he hissed at him quickly. "He's going to burn the entire house down! You better do something about those flames or else I'll be sending him somewhere else- like to a wizards."

"Calm down Silas, we're trying to get those flames calmed down." Sylar walked up and rubbed his shoulders. "He's just a baby." Silas tensed then looked towards Sylar before he purred to him and kissing his cheek.

"Alright~" He said softly and then hugged Sylar before he pulled away and walked over to the cabinet, pulling out some DT then walked over to Dmitri and put it in his hand. "Feed it to him. Put it in some tuna or something, but get those flames under control."

"He's been trying to feed it to him but Toma has wised up after the first bottle and won't eat or drink anything with it inside." Sylar explained. Toma gave us a small smirk before going for his bottle to continue eating from it.

Toma's POV:

Dmitri purred towards me as I drank from the bottle, kissing the top of my head as he slipped that flame stealing herb into his pocket. I growled, knowing he was going to try to give it to me again. That's not happening! I pulled back from the bottle and spit a ball of fire towards his pants, catching it on fire as I kept spitting balls at it. He shrieked and quickly stripped out of them, kicking them off as he panicked and stomped them out. "Toma!" He said, sounding embarrassed and angry as his cheeks reddened and he tugged the shirt he had managed to get from some maids down as far as it could go, covering up his boxers the best he could. I cackled as I watched him then started to shred up his shirt to get him back for trying to slip that stuff into his pants. That's right! Punishment time. He yelped and then quickly pulled me off, setting me down on the counter and walked away, getting out of my jumping range just barely. I could hear his heart beating fast from here, his face looking panicked. Did I say he could leave me? I growled and jumped down from the counter and started for him quickly. I spit a ball of fire at him to get him to run. I felt hands scoop me up suddenly.

"Toma," I heard Sylar warn me. "You're misbehaving."

"Give him a spoon full of this," Charles said from the counter, bringing a spoonfull of something yellow over to Dmitri. Dmitri frowned and looked towards it then at me then at it.

"What is it?" He asked cautiously, looking hesitant as he slowly took the spoon.

"Some honey and those herbs, we used to feed it all the time to the hatchlings. Dragons love honey." Charles looked towards me. "Trust me." Dmitri nodded then and looked towards me before he smiled and walked over, taking me from Sylar as he purred to me.

"Toma~" He purred softly and then held the spoon up to me, rubbing under my chin with his hand as he held me. I let out a pleased moan from the rubbing and closed my eyes. That's it, right there~ I felt the spoon slip into my mouth then as he took advantage of me lowering my defenses. "There we go," he purred and kissed the top of my head as I felt something sweet hit my tongue. I widened my eyes and started to lick the spoon clean, going crazy over the sweetness. I spit the spoon out when I got all the honey off then looked around for more. Where's the rest? I looked towards the counter where a bottle was full of it and jumped out of Dmitri's arms, going for the bottle. He yelped and was after me in seconds, stealing the bottle from my sight and hiding it away in a too far up cupboard. I swirled under his feet and started to climb his body to get to the cabinet.

"See, told ya. Even with the herbs there is no way he can resist honey." Charles chuckled. Dmitri laughed and caught me then nuzzled his face against me before he held me close.

"You can have more if you calm down," he told me and purred sweetly to me. I whined and bit down into his hand. I want it now! Mine. It's mine. Dmitri groaned and then growled at me, sounding angry. I growled back and looked up at his face. Mine! MINE! MINE! MINE! I looked towards the cabinet and jumped for it. He caught me then hissed angrily at me, exposing sharp teeth that weren't like that before. I showed him my teeth and hissed back. Thinks he's a wise guy huh? I'm the boss here! That honey is mine and I'll bite him to prove it! I clamped my jaws around his fingers and gnawed at him. I heard him yelp then he paused before I felt something sharp pierce my scales. I yelped and pulled back from his fingers and struggled to get away from him. He pulled back, licking his bloody lips then watched me. "I can bite too," he told me firmly then looked me over before he gently pricked his finger and made me swallow some of his blood before he pulled his finger back and licked it clean. I licked my teeth and crawled up to perch on his shoulder. I gave him a small growl before laying down. I could feel my wounds healing up and felt a small surge of strength from his blood then heard him purring to me in approval as he started to rub under my chin and then got the honey down from the cabinet and poured some onto a saucer then sat me beside the pool of honey. I buried my face into it and started to lick the saucer clean, letting out a growl at it. Oh so sweet~! I rubbed my scared into it then, crawling all over the saucer. Sweeeeeet honey.... I knocked it into the floor when I got it clean then stalked towards the sugar jar. He laughed and then rewarded me this time by giving me some sugar from it, putting it on the counter for me to lick up. "Silly," he purred and laughed a little more. I licked up the sugar, purring loudly from the rush it was giving me. I laid down after getting it all up and looked around at my subjects. I looked towards my prized treasure, Dmitri. They're all mine! Mine! But Dmitri is my special toy. I gave him a pleased look.

He smiled at me then rubbed my head before he started to walk away, going towards the refrigerator. I watched him with interest. More food? I went after him quickly. "Oh, the room should be ready about now." Sylar said in excitement. "You want to go check it out?"

"Sure!" Dmitri smiled towards him then pulled out a bottle of red liquid- blood. I stuck my nose up and stopped dead in my tracks. Nope, that's not food. I jumped onto Sylar's shoulders before going for Dmitri's and landed on him then got up into his nest on his head. I heard Dmitri laughing at me and he started to drink the stuff as he walked out of the kitchen with Sylar, going up the stairs quickly then up to our room. I watched as we entered it to a totally different room fit for me. I found little hammocks, stairs, nests, boxes, and towers all across the walls and bedroom. I got excited as I looked it over. Now that's more like it! I looked towards a small water pool in the room and purred, my eyes flickering around as the sheets were threaded pure gold as well as the pillows. I found a small gold pile on one of the pillow, peaking my interest.

"The maids said they put some oils and other things for Toma in the bathroom," Sylar told Dmitri. I let out a pleased purr. It's about time I've gotten treated right! I'm a dragon and they're all my subjects. They should be treating me like a king and my little treasure as one too. Dmitri nodded towards Sylar and smiled.

"Thanks Sylar, it looks great." He pulled me off his head then sat me down on a little tower against the wall. "There we go~ Explore for yourself," he told me then gave me a loving smile as he rubbed my head. "Go have fun~" I went up the tower and jumped up onto a bridge, going across it and went towards one of the tower holes and went inside. I yelped as I found a small mouse looking at me then attacking it, falling over and let out a growl before calming down as it didn't fight back or squeak. I shook it a few times before spitting it out in confusion. I sniffed it and let out a purr as I caught the smell of that delicious cat nip herb. I took the mouse with me as I went out another hole with it and went across a bridge to a hammock and laid down on it. I heard Dmitri laugh a little before he looked towards Sylar and smiled. "I think he likes it. You've been such a great help with him and he seems to like you too~ I might ask you to watch him sometimes if I have to go somewhere. Would you mind if I did?"

"No, I don't mind. He might mind though." Sylar purred towards my treasure. Go somewhere? He's not going anywhere. He's my treasure. He stays here in a safe place beside me. I chewed on the mouse and shook it, trying to get this herb mouse to squeak. Dmitri smiled then.

"Yeah he might... but he'll be fine," he purred and then sat down on the bed. "I have to make last night up to a friend soon. She was wanting me to go to a birthday party with her." I spit out the mouse, upset. It's no fun unless they struggle. I moved off the hammock to enjoy the rest of the towers they gave me, going inside one that took me up higher and into a hole in the ceiling. I ran through the cold hole and came out it on the other side of the room and ran down a tower, getting onto some stairs that took me into another hole. I let out a cry of joy as I found a hoard of treasure waiting for me. I started to eat some of the gold and hacked it back up in disgust before running out the hole with a jeweled necklace and laid down on a hammock. I heard Dmitri laughing as he watched me then he laid down in the bed and looked at the blankets then at Sylar. "Want to stay for a bit and watch him play or do you have other things to do?"

"I've got to get back to the kitchen, I left Colsin in there. You two have fun and let me know when you need me to babysit or give you some advice, though I'm starting to think Charles would be a better guy to ask after what happened with the honey...." He trailed off and left the room. Dmitri watched him go then took off his shredded shirt and dropped it in the floor before he rubbed his shoulder and curled up in the gold sheets in just his boxers, not bothering to go find replacement clothes to cover himself up again. I looked towards the closet doors before sneaking off to the closet and looked inside, checking the clothes. I purred in approval as I saw they were all gold laced and silk. There we go, something to approve of. I ran out to Dmitri and got onto him then spit a ball of smoke towards his boxers. Take those rags off! You're no peasant! You're my treasure! Go get into something I can approve of. He yelped and pushed me off, blushing as he sat up and pulled his legs closer to him and watched me. I looked towards the closet and puffed some smoke towards it, letting out a growl. He yelped then.

"You're not burning my closet down again!" He told me then quickly picked me up and held me close, trying to appease me. I squirmed in his arms and got away from him, going to the pool of water and jumped into it. He frowned and watched me in the water before he got to his feet and walked towards the bathroom, going inside and leaving the door open so I wouldn't cry for him. He turned on the water in the shower and started to move things around in the bathroom for his bath. I ran after him and looked around in the bathroom, catching the shower curtain was a dark golden color but it wasn't laced in actual gold. I smelled the room, catching scents everywhere. New bottles were laid out on the counter top so I jumped up to look around, reading quickly they were oils and candles thanks to the labels. I looked around the sink and found a tooth brush small enough for my mouth and some special paste to go on it, a label having 'for dragons' on it. I moved around the sink and let out a purr, pleased with my servants bringing me the best of the best. He watched me then sat down a towel and went into the closet and came back with some purple silk pajamas and a pair of black silk boxers. He sighed as he looked them over then sat them down and walked over to the shower, stripping down then quickly got in. I watched him before I went to one of the bottles of oils and knocked it over, biting at the lid and got it open, oil poured into the sink. I pulled up a metal piece to the sink, having it cover the drain. I got into the sink then and knocked the bottle in, taking a bath in the shinny oil.

"Toma?" I heard Dmitri call a little worriedly before he poked his head out of his shower and looked towards me. He smiled softly as he saw me then shook his head. "You're so smart. You'll be the death of me though." I watched him and purred before knocking one of the sink handles and making some hot water rush over me. I let the sink fill up a little before knocking the handle back into place to cut the water off and started to play in the oiled down water. My scales will look so shinny. "You're a bit expensive though," he teased and laughed as he watched me. "I swear...." He disappeared back into the showering and I heard him singing softly under his breath in another language I hadn't heard him use before as he showered, the smells of his soaps hitting me. I purred and laid down in the oiled water and waited for him to get out, relaxing in the warm water. Ah, this is what life is all about. When I'm older though I'll get us our own castle, treasure. I'll get a huge castle with mountains of gold and I'll trap you inside to protect you forever. I'll only let you have the best of the best. He got out after a few minutes and walked up, grabbing the towel and began to dry himself off, purring he got the water off him. I climbed out of the sink and shook the water off before jumping down and going back to the bedroom. I got on the bed and looked around before spotting a remote by the foot of it and went to it, looking the buttons over before recognizing a few signs on it and pressed the red button. I heard the picture screen turn on in the room, putting on some form of cartoons. I watched this during the day while he was sleeping. He's a deep sleeper.

He came out after a few minutes, dressed in the pretty silk that suited him nicely. He laughed as he saw me watching cartoons then came over to the bed and laid down, pulling a small device out from his nightstand and started to laugh after a few minutes, tapping the screen. I looked towards him and frowned, going towards him. What's so funny? I heard the device buzz and then a small icon popped up, reading Tammy. I looked the screen over, watching it closely. He pulled it up and then smirked a little, a small purr escaping him.

Tammy: So... your phone got destroyed? I have a hard time believing that Dmitri.

He laughed and then shook his head.

Him: It was smashed, but I got a new one. I thought I'd make the birthday party up to you before you kill me the next time we meet. What do you want to do?

I looked towards him and looked him over. He's not doing anything with this Tammy person. He's doing it with me.

Tammy: How about a date or are you going to ditch me again?

Dmitri laughed then and sighed before he looked thoughtful, his fingers edging over the device to message her back as he thought about it. I knocked the device out of his hands and purred, brushing my head against his hands. He yelped then looked towards me then frowned. "Toma, you have to quit doing that," he whispered and then kissed the top of my head as he went to sit up to get his device back. I whined and got on top of his head, nuzzling into the nest he kept on it. He blushed and then got it back then laid back, making me fall off and onto the pillow. He looked towards it then started to message her back.

Him: Sure, I'll pick you up tomorrow and we'll see how it goes : )

I growled.... He's not going anywhere without me. I tugged on his nest head before getting on top of his chest. He looked towards me and smiled, setting it down and started to rub my head. "You're going to have a lot of fun with Sylar tomorrow," he purred softly to me. "Behave for me tomorrow, will you?" I looked him over. I'm not letting my treasure out of my sight. I gave him a firm look. "Good boy," he purred and then kissed my nose to mess with me and gave me a loving look. "I'll bring you home a treat." I let out a growl. No, you're not! You're not going! I crawled into his shirt. He purred softly to me and then got quiet, starting to fall asleep on me as his breathing slowed. I sniffed his body then crawled out from under his shirt and went back to my cartoons. Fine, he can sleep on it but he's not going!