
Continuation of Ross's POV:

"Good night you two, did you play well?" Sera asked. "I heard that you were brought a friend last night." I looked towards her, feeling my heart pound in joy as I saw her.

"Uh huh," I told her innocently and then lifted my wing to show her Toma. She purred and walked over to us.

"Do you two want anything to eat? You two look like you could use a bath in oils." She reached out and pet us both on the head. Toma laid calmly next to me as he watched her.

"Uh huh," I told her and smiled. "I would love a bath! Food can wait. I fed Toma," I told her and purred, leaning my head into her hand.

"You two want a bath together?" She asked us. I watched her and then looked towards Toma.

"I don't mind if Toma doesn't," I hummed out and shifted smaller for her, starting to get to my feet before I jumped up into her arms. Toma watched us and then got up. She leaned down and scooped him up too.

"I don't mind," Toma told her.

"You two can bathe in my big bath tub then. Which oils do you two want?"

"Rose! I want the rose oils!" I told her quickly in delight, curling up around her neck. "Rose oils!" I purred and started to nip at her ear. She giggled and got the bottle for us before carrying us off and towards her room she used to share with Tomas. I looked around in excitement and dove to the ground as we reached the bathroom then jumped into her big bathtub eagerly, hunkering down in it as I gave a playful growl towards the knobs for water. I pounced at them and started to turn on the hot water, using my back paws to put on a bit of cold water then dove down into the tub and grabbed the plug, putting it in the hole so the tub would fill up. Toma got in with me as Sera started to pour the oils into the water for us. I turned Toma's size and gave a playful growl towards him, playfully pouncing on him and fell into the oily water as I slipped off his back. Toma rawred at me and pounced onto me as well and purred in amusement as he fell off. Sera let the water go halfway up before cutting it off and prepared towels for us before leaving us alone in the bathroom. I watched her go and then looked towards Toma with a playful look and then started to tackle him gently, playfully growling. He pounced around in the water to get away from me, letting out a purr in amusement before he fell over. I laughed a bit and then huddled in a corner of the tub, playfully roaring at him as I watched him and expanded my wings up to mess with him. He watched me and went under the water, swimming towards me and came out, roaring at me. I purred in amusement and then stood up on my hind legs, giving a small growl before I tackled him. He yelped and bit my stomach to defend himself, but he didn't pierce it. I laughed and fell off him and onto my back in the tub. He got on top of me and laid there, purring. I purred back at him and stayed where I was, letting him lay on me. He climbed off of me as the water started to loose it's warmth and he got out, going for one of the towels and laid down on it. I watched him and then unplugged the tub and jumped out after him, going up to the other towel and laid down on it. I started to rub my scales against it, purring as I rolled over onto my back and let the towel dry me. He started to do the same as me after watching for a second. He let out a purr as his scales dried. He jumped off the towel and went for the door, peaking out. I looked towards him curiously and followed, sneaking up to his side and looked out, wondering if Sera was waiting. Sera was on the bed, waiting for us with a sweet smile.

"You two done?" She asked us. "Let's go find the boys." I purred and leapt over Toma, going to her quickly and jumped up onto the bed, using my wings to get up into it easier then crawled into her lap. She smiled and rubbed my head. Toma walked up to us and crawled up onto the bed next to us before curling up and laying his head on her lap. I looked at him and then made room for him on her lap and pulled him into it with a purr. She picked us both up and carried us off towards the night room, expecting them to be there. Alfred was there pouring tea for Aurelio and Kingsley when we reached the night room. I purred in amusement when I saw Kingsley then spread my wings, jumping down from her arms and glided over to Kingsley and latched onto his shoulder when I got close, landing on him. He smiled towards me sweetly.

"Hey, did you have fun while we slept? You two were good to each other right?" Kingsley asked me. Toma got down and laid on the couch, watching us. I looked at Kingsley and nodded.

"Yeah," I told him. "He's fine...." I snuck over to his other shoulder where the earring was and then started to play with it, ignoring that I was closer to Aurelio. Kingsley looked towards me and purred lightly before kissing the top of my head.

"That's good, I'm glad you two didn't try eating each other. I know Dmitri will be relieved as well." I purred in excitement and then started to tug on the earring happily. Aurelio smirked as he watched me. Kingsley blushed and bit his bottom lip. I purred and then licked his earlobe and turned smaller about the size of a lizard as I latched onto his earring and purred in Kingsley's ear. He yelped and grabbed me quickly and looked me over. "No no no," he told me.

"Why not?" I asked him and then curled my body around his fingers and started to go through them before I curled around his pinky and gave a playful growl.

"You better just not," he warned again before sitting me down by his tea. Toma watched me and stretched out his wings. I looked Kingsley over then looked at Toma, giving a playful growl as I tensed up and then leapt from the coffee table to the couch and raced for Toma, tackling one of his wings lightly to play with him. Toma yelped and stood up, going to bite me with his jaws. I yelped and then started to hide quickly, not wanting to get bit as I ran to the other side of his wing and hid between them. He suddenly transformed into his human form and giggled, running away from the couch. I yelped as I fell onto the couch then looked at him, shifting to a much larger size and let out a playful roar at him just as the door opened and Dmitri walked in. Toma giggled and ran up to Dmitri when he saw him and ran past him, out into the hall instead of hiding behind him. Dmitri frowned and looked behind him.

"Toma?" He asked curiously. "Did I just get ditched?" He asked softly and frowned, looking towards Kingsley and Aurelio.

"Hungry?" Alfred asked him as he walked up and held up a tray of bottled blood. Toma remained out in the hall, listening into the room.

"Yeah, I could eat," he hummed out and took it from Alfred. "Thank you," he purred and started to drink it, smirking as he shut the door with his foot and locked it to mess with Toma. He walked over to the couch and sat between me and Aurelio, crossing his legs. I heard Toma whine outside and try to open the door. I adjusted my wings as I listened to Toma and looked towards his Treasure curiously, seeing that he didn't look worried. Toma whined louder and started to cry. I growled at Dmitri then, narrowing my eyes.

"Let him in," I hissed. He laughed and looked towards me.

"I was going to," he told me and then rubbed my head before he got to his feet and walked over to the door, unlocking it. Toma yanked it open and clung to his treasure quickly. I puffed out some smoke, looking at his treasure and then at Toma before I looked at Aurelio and Kingsley. Aurelio and Kingsley looked amused as they drunk their tea. Toma buried his face against Dmitri's leg and rubbed against it. Dmitri purred and picked him up into his arms. "There, there," he purred comfortingly to him and kissed his cheek. "Calm down." Toma buried his face against Dmitri's neck then and sniffled. Dmitri rubbed his back and kissed his cheek again, humming softly in his ear. I growled a bit, looking them over then adjusted myself on the couch. He shouldn't have locked Toma out.... That kind of playing with a little four year old dragon isn't the good kind. I hope he learned that. "You're fine," Dmitri whispered to him. "I won't lock the door on you again," he promised softly. I started to relax a little and glanced them over again. Toma sniffled again and clung to his treasure, still tense from his experience. Dmitri looked at him and hugged him tightly, starting to rock him in his arms as he showered his face in kisses. "I got you," he purred to him and started to bring him over to the couch. I made room for them and nuzzled my face against Toma's when he was close enough. Toma relaxed and gave a small smile, wrapping his arms around my head. I purred and then licked his cheek comfortingly, nudging him against me and out of Dmitri's lap who frowned a bit in disappointment. He transformed back into his dragon form and laid against me, purring. I purred to him and laid down with him, turning smaller so we could both fit laying down. I nuzzled my head against his neck and purred to him happily, wrapping my wings around him. He leaned against me and relaxed completely.

"Well would you look at that," Kingsley purred. "You should take a picture of that Aurelio. We might not see Toma make another friend again." I looked towards them and gave a slightly protective growl, moving closer to Toma as I licked his neck. Toma melted against me, smelling my scent of rose oil. Aurelio pulled out his phone and snapped a picture of us. I growled at Aurelio and narrowed my eyes a bit at him and pulled Toma closer with my claws. Aurelio laughed and looked towards Dmitri.

"You're seeing this right?" Aurelio teased. Dmitri blushed and looked at Toma then at me.

"Y-yeah," he whispered and then tensed. "I'm seeing it," he whispered, looking a little worried. "He looks like he's growing up too fast," he told Aurelio quickly.

"Growing up too fast?" Aurelio asked. Toma leaned his head against me and let out a small sigh. I held Toma close and purred to him, licking his neck again. Dmitri nodded.

"Growing up too fast." he told him quickly.

"No, I don't think so." Aurelio smiled.

"I think so," he told Aurelio and bit his bottom lip. "I don't like that Ross is holding him so close. He's four."

"I am four," Toma purred.

"That's cute though," Aurelio told him.

"It's..." Dmitri struggled but then sighed. "F-fine," he mumbled, looking a bit worried but he looked away. I purred in amusement, knowing why he wasn't happy. He thought I was stealing his Toma from him. Toma curled up, wrapping his wings around him as he started to take a nap on us. I purred to Toma and started to heat up my breath a bit, breathing against his neck to give him more warmth. Dmitri watched me and frowned. "I still don't like that they're so close already," he mumbled. "It's scary."

"They're dragons," Aurelio said calmly. "They probably were awake the whole time we were sleeping getting along together and bonding."

"But what if Toma doesn't want to leave and go home?" Dmitri whined, looking towards Aurelio.

"I don't think Ross would let him," Kingsley said. "So you have nothing to worry about. He's still hoarding his treasure and doesn't want it to be taken." Dmitri frowned and looked at Toma worriedly before he looked towards me. I purred at him in amusement, snuggling closer to Toma. "Even if Ross didn't mind, I wouldn't mind letting the two of you stay here. It gives us more people to talk to around here." Dmitri bit his bottom lip and slowly nodded, eyeing the two of us before he looked towards Kingsley. I tuned them out and looked at Toma before I started to pull away, looking for Sera. Sera gave me a sweet look as she was going through her phone.

"Boys it's about time to get ready for the ball tonight," she told us. "You better run off and get ready for it." Dmitri frowned.

"Ball?" He asked softly and looked towards Aurelio and Kingsley.

"Yeah, my aunt is trying to hook me up tonight or something so she's throwing a ball for all the available ladies and gentlemen..." Kingsley trailed off.

"You shouldn't have missed your dance lessons yesterday," Aurelio teased him. Dmitri raised an eyebrow then got to his feet, reaching for Toma. I growled at him and snapped my jaws lightly at his hand to scare him away from Toma, pulling Toma closer against my body and hid him under my wings. Toma purred lightly before opening his eyes slowly and looked around. I purred to him and then watched in amusement as Dmitri tried to take him again. Toma looked up towards Dmitri and looked at me, looking conflicted before letting Dmitri take him. I sat up and stretched, letting Dmitri have him this time before I spread my wings a bit.

"He flew today," I hummed out to everyone and gave Toma a sweet look. "High up in the sky with the birds."

"He did?" Kingsley said in wonder. "His little form? You made sure not to let him fall right?"

"I bet that was fun," Sera said in delight. "Flying is really fun." I purred and then looked at Toma.

"Yeah, I made sure he didn't fall... and he went fishing with me too."

"So that's why he wasn't hungry," Sera said sweetly. "You must be overjoyed to have a young one around you Ross. After all you wanted kids such a long time ago." I purred and looked towards her.

"I'm too old for kids," I teased, knowing full well that I could easily find another mate to give me kids if I went looking. I'm not ancient.

"Now I know you're lying," she purred in amusement. Toma got on Dmitri's shoulder and licked his cheek. Dmitri purred and rubbed his head happily.

"Let's go get ready," he told Toma, starting to take him out of the room. I watched them, looking after Toma and then flew over to Sera and landed in her lap.

"You don't want me to have children anyways. They might set the house on fire, and you remember what my last mate was like," I told her, rubbing my head against her stomach with a purr. Aurelio and Kingsley left us as well to get ready.

"No, I suppose I don't think I'd be ready for a house on fire. Besides, Kingsley is living here and I don't want him panicking when he see's a flame out of control." Sera agreed sweetly to me. "You do seem to care for Toma though." I looked at her and nodded.

"He's not bad," I told her. "He doesn't want to take my treasure, and he's cute enough," I mumbled. "He's innocent."

"He's only four," she purred. "I've heard he was harder to control over his first beginning years."

"Probably," I told her and then laid down in her lap. "He seems to be a calmer dragon though... and he's attached to his Treasure big time," I purred and rolled over onto my back happily. "He liked the fishing experience. Too bad he's a night dragon, not a water dragon like me. He'd enjoy being able to breath in the water."

"I'm proud you two are getting along together. I know it's hard for your kind to become friends with others of your kind." She started to rub my stomach. I purred in delight.

"He's little so it's easier," I told her. "He seems to be happy here." He's a good kid.... "I'm glad I could please you~"

"I'm very surprised in his change of attitude. I heard he leapt to attack the second his eyes landed on you. I heard he ran into another dragon though in Japan. A Chinese dragon that wanted to steal everything from him." I nodded and purred.

"He did... and I calmed him down and showed him I wasn't going to hurt him then took him to my treasure room and let him play in my gold and rubbed rose oil on him to earn his trust," I told her happily. "He really likes me I think."

"I think that's really good for you two to be so close." She told me. "Ignore Dmitri. He's just protective too because he's raised Toma." I purred at her.

"I figured that is why he was so worried looking. He thinks I'll steal Toma from him," I hummed out in amusement. "I don't know. I might go search for a mate again in a century or so though. Toma has made me happy even if he's another dragon in my hoard. I kinda miss the idea of trying to have my own little dragons to raise."

"You want a little dragon to raise?" She asked and purred.

"It'd be nice," I told her softly. "I could let it stay here and if something ever happens to me, my offspring would be here to take my place and protect the castle and you."

"You know... We could ask Dmitri and Toma to stay awhile if you'd like." She leaned in and kissed the top of my head. I purred and licked her cheek.

"Okay," I purred to her. "I'd let them stay. Toma could learn from me while he's here. I think he liked getting flying lessons. He told me he hadn't flown much before."

"Well you two would have a great time together here. We'll talk to Dmitri about him staying then," she decided. I purred at her and nodded before I started to crawl up her body and onto her shoulders.

"If my jewel doesn't find someone to rule with tonight, what will you do?" I asked curiously.

"Keep searching," she told me. "We've got to find him someone to rule by his side."

"You should also let him rest from searching for a lover," I told her softly. "It's stressful when you're pressured to find someone to spend all your life with. Mates for your kind are hard to find too, so I doubt he'll find a true mate and he'll have to pick one which is hard. At least we pick a suitable lover for us to mate with," I hummed out.

"Well if he doesn't find one in a year, I'm going to arrange marriage." She picked me up and got to her feet. "He needs someone strong by his side if not a lover." I huffed out some smoke and looked at her.

"He won't like that," I warned. "Give him five years."

"Five years?" She asked. "You think he needs five years?"

"Five years seems reasonable," I told her and purred. "I could find a suitable lover in less than two. Five lets him know you want him to be happy but you will force him into a marriage if he doesn't hurry," I hummed out. "He'll know you're serious, so I'd say four or five so that way he won't be able to complain too much."

"Alright, five it is." She gave me a sweet smile. "He'll have plenty of time to decide."

"He will find a lover before five more than likely," I told her softly. "I wouldn't worry too much. If he doesn't, you'll have one lined up by the end of the first year," I purred in amusement.

"Of course. I'll have plenty of time for arranging marriage to one of those desperate girls."

"Exactly," I told her and gave a playful growl. "He'll be fearful to be married to one of them. I'd suggest introducing him to the one you have lined up by the second year if he hasn't found one. It'll motivate him."

"What a great idea~" She giggled and started out into the hall and towards the ball room. I purred to her as I stayed on her shoulder, looking around protectively.

"Pick two," I suggested. "One for backup incase the first gets married before five years are up," I told her. "If he doesn't pick one by four years, start training them the last year to be queens suitable for taking your throne," I told her.

"You're the master of this aren't you?" She teased me. She walked up to the ball room and a fanfare  played as she entered the room. She really liked it when one played as she stepped in the doors. I purred to her.

"Do it in front of him too and make it obvious so he panics," I told her and gave a sweet growl. "He'll get to it quickly if he sees you doing it and realizes he doesn't have much time. In fact, start planning his outfit at the end of the fourth year and start making wedding preparations."

"What've you been doing all these years?" She asked me and laughed. "Planning how you'd pick everyone's mate?" I purred in amusement at her.

"I certainly have lived a long enough time to know how your kind works," I told her and nuzzled my head against hers. "If all goes to hell, he'll marry that wizard that's been following him around to avoid being put in an arranged marriage."

"I heard Aurelio has been after him too," she said in amusement.

"So Aurelio would jump forward quickly if he thinks his Kingsley is going to be put in an arranged marriage," I hummed out and laughed. "They'll be married if Kingsley can't find a lover," I told her. "Secretly get Aurelio's measurements and start making a tux for him as well at the end of four years but keep the whole thing secret so that Kingsley doesn't realize what you're doing. Make the wedding look like you're going to marry him off to one of the girls, and just in case, go ahead and keep the original plan to arrange his marriage to the girl just in case Aurelio isn't serious about Kingsley and won't marry him."

"Either way Aurelio will be his best man or his husband," she said sweetly.

"Uh huh," I told her. "I'd plan to hook Aurelio and them up if I were you. Give them time together and have Aurelio help out with the dancing lessons. Try to create situations for Kingsley to notice Aurelio more during the five years and tease Aurelio by dangling Kingsley right in front of him," I purred. "Aurelio threatened me once because I got too close to Kingsley. It stands to reason that he'll leap at the chance to have Kingsley all to himself as his husband. A wizard on the throne would make the family more powerful," I told her and purred, licking her cheek. "Your ultimate match for Kingsley would be secretly hooking him and Aurelio up together... and think about the cute little wizard children they'd have if they get married and Kingsley becomes a female. You'd have more than just Killian to spoil."

"I really do want more children to spoil," she said sweetly. She looked around the ball room as people had already showed up on time. I looked around at them then looked at her with a purr.

"You don't mind me staying a dragon, do you?" I asked her and nuzzled her cheek. "I'll behave and stay with you throughout the ball~"

"I think you need to go before the others are frightened of you. Plus I want you to dance and enjoy the night." I whined and moved closer to her.

"But this form is so much better... and I like being on your shoulder," I told her and then licked her cheek.

"How about you turn human and go dance with Toma when he shows up." She purred my way. I purred at the thought and then leapt down to the ground from her shoulder.

"Okay Sera," I purred happily and then walked out, rushing down the hall towards my treasure room to find my favorite suit to wear. I practically flew down the stairs and landed at my door then went in, searching among the gold for it and transformed into my human form when I found it. I put it on and then grabbed a small gold bow and tied my long hair up into a ponytail before I walked towards the door and went back to the ballroom and snuck up to Sera's side. Sera reached out for my hand and gave me a sweet smile.

"Of course you owe me the first dance," she told me sweetly. I purred happily and took her hand.

"I would be delighted," I told her and then gently kissed her hand out of respect and started to take her to the dance floor. "I'll do my best to please you," I purred to her. "You did have me learn to dance for it after all."

"I need someone to dance with," she told me. "Might as well be you."

"I'm a great dancer," I told her and frowned. "Why would you not want to dance with me? You sound like I'm an alternative!" I gave her an appalled look then. "Don't sound so upset about it like I'm not much to dance with."

"I wasn't saying it negatively sweetie," she purred and kissed my cheek. "You're always going to be my first choice as a dance partner." I purred then and looked at her.

"Good," I told her and then pulled her into my arms as I reached the middle of the dance floor with her. I started to lead her in a dance and purred to her, whisking her off her feet. "I'll make sure you have the best dance of your life," I told her.

"You better make this an interesting dance," she teased me. I laughed and gave her a playful look.

"Well I could," I teased lightly and then spun her, pulling her back into my arms. "You'll be the ones all the girls are jealous about." She smiled towards me and hummed softly.

"You're going to make your next mate very happy if she doesn't eat you first." I laughed.

"She could try, but she won't be able to," I told her playfully. "I won't be eaten. I'm too tough. As soon as I bite her, she'll be all over me."

"Oh you're right about that.... Dragons have that bite," she whispered. I nodded.

"If I want a mate bad enough, I can just bite her," I told her softly. "We're given that bite because it's hard for dragons to get along, so it makes it easier to mate with another dragon if we have something like that up our sleeves. It's not that bad honestly." My chosen mate had bitten me before after I bit her and it was one of the best experiences of my life... but it wore off when she became grouchy and would snap at me when the eggs died because of her bad parenting. "I still need to think it over if I want a mate or not," I mumbled. "Having kids is a big decision."

"That's true, but I love kids." She told me. "Kids are sweet and it's too bad I never had any with Tomas." I nodded and then pulled her closer.

"I'm sorry," I whispered to her. "It would've been nice to watch over your kids.... You'll have to settle with Killian and possible little Kingsleys... and maybe baby little dragons if I want them in the next century."

"It'll do," she told me sweetly. "I can wait~" I purred to her and kissed her cheek.

"I think I'll have one baby though... to leave with you in case something happens to me," I told her softly. "I'll search for a mate soon."

"You don't have to so soon. I don't think anything will happen to you. Take your time Ross." I nodded and purred to her.

"I will," I hummed out as the dance ended and then gave her a small bow. "I think I'll go pester Kingsley so that way Aurelio steps up for a dance with him quicker," I suggested and then gave her a grin as I looked for Kingsley and walked up to him with a purr. "My jewel~" I purred sweetly and grabbed his hand. "Dance with me?"

"One short one," he told me and followed me onto the dance floor. I purred and gave Aurelio a teasing look. Aurelio clenched his jaw as he watched me. I smirked slightly at him and pulled Kingsley into my arms as I reached the dance floor with him and then playfully leaned in and nipped at the earring on him, watching Aurelio the whole time. Aurelio crossed his arms as he watched. Kingsley yelped. "I told you to quit that," he whispered. I purred to him and looked at him.

"Okay," I told him then smiled sweetly, starting to lead him in a dance, keeping him close to me. "You should give Aurelio a dance too," I whispered to him. "He looks really jealous," I teased him softly. "I'll have to give him a dance if you don't."

"I don't think he'd want to dance with you anyways," Kingsley told me and brought my body closer. "You're not his type." I laughed a little and nodded.

"No, I'm not his type. He only has one type and that's Kingsley," I purred to him, looking him in the eyes. "My jewel, your aunt Sera has decided that you need to find a bride or a husband by the end of five years or else she's picking for you. I thought I'd warn you so you look around more tonight than you would've before. She was going to make it one year but I convinced her otherwise." I gave him a soft smile then. "Don't worry too much though. I'm sure you'll find someone you don't mind being with by the end of five years." I pulled him close and then purred to him, leading him across the dance floor gracefully.

"I don't think she has the rights to meddle in my love life," Kingsley grumbled. "I've got all of eternity to decide."

"She wants to make sure that her place is handed off soon," I told him and sighed. "She just wants to retire, and she wants to make sure you have someone by your side for your rule. At least you have five years before she picks someone for you and makes you marry them. If all else goes to hell and you don't find someone at the end of five years, you can make an agreement with Aurelio," I suggested lightly, holding back a small smirk. "I'm sure he'd accept. After all, I don't think he will want you marrying anyone else either," I hummed out casually and glanced towards Aurelio to check on him. Aurelio had turned his back on us, looking at the fine walls. Kingsley looked me over.

"I don't know about that," he muttered. I looked towards him and smiled.

"It'll be fine. You'll find someone to marry. I'm sure of it," I purred at him. "Someone will catch your eye before five years are up... even if it's a rushed look at the very end," I told him and pulled back as the song stopped and held his hand. "Let's go get you something to drink, shall we?" I suggested and smiled innocently, taking him towards a table with blood. "Only the best for my jewel~" He blushed and let me drag him.

"I guess I could find someone in five years... but I really don't want to be rushed," he whispered.

"And that's why you have five years, not one," I told him and tapped his nose as we reached the table. I looked it over and then picked up one of the nice, darker red looking ones and smelled it, checking to see how old it was. I purred in delight when I found that it wasn't very old at all and handed it over to Kingsley for him to drink. "There we go~ Do you want to sit?" I asked sweetly, holding his hand as I looked around to see if seats were open. He looked at the blood before taking a sip from it and glanced around.

"Actually I'm going to go offer Aurelio a dance," he told me and left my side. I purred in amusement and watched, slowly following after him curiously. Awwwww! He's giving Aurelio a dance. Let's see if he takes it. Kingsley walked up to Aurelio, finishing off his glass before he sat it down on the table Aurelio was by and grabbed his hand, pulling him to the dance floor without a word. Dang. I thought he said he was offering? I laughed a bit and then looked around for Toma and Dmitri, spotting them on the other side of the room. Toma! I quickly darted across the room, making my way through the ladies fast as I did my best not to push them out of respect. I scooped Toma up quickly when I got close enough and purred in his ear, kissing his cheek.

"Hey handsome," I teased lightly. "Want to give me a dance?" He giggled and nodded in my arms.

"Yeah, can you keep up with me?" He asked. I nodded and purred at him.

"Uh huh, I sure can," I told him and walked away quickly, stealing him from Dmitri who was reaching out for us in surprise. I laughed and glanced over my shoulder at Dmitri and purred in amusement as I took Toma to the edge of the dance floor so he wouldn't get hurt by being in the middle. "Alright kiddo," I sat him down and had him stand on my feet to make him a little taller and make it easier for me to lead him in the dance. "Stay on my feet so I can help lead you," I purred to him and held his hands in mine, starting to slowly lead him in a dance on the edge of the floor. He giggled and gripped my hands, trying to keep his balance on my feet. I could hear some of the girls aweing at us. I blushed a bit, not having expected the girls to be watching and fangirling a bit. I'm going to get teased! I looked at Toma and relaxed a bit, seeing he was enjoying the dance and purred to him, kissing the top of his head. "You're doing great," I told him and laughed. "You're going to sweep everyone off their feet when you're older, aren't you handsome?"

"Uh~huh! They'll be bowing to my every need." Toma gave me a huge smile. I laughed and shook my head.

"You little devil," I teased him. "You're so cute~" I picked him up and held him close, spinning us a bit with him in my arms then sat him right back down on my feet and purred at him. "So, do you want to try branching tomorrow like owlets do? I could help you with becoming more graceful in your flight that way... or we could explore the castle... maybe even play a few pranks on Dmitri."

"Prank Dmitri?" He asked me with a little worry. "He sleeps durring the day..."

"There's no harm in setting a few pranks up for him to run into when he wakes up- harmless ones that is," I told him then shrugged. "We'd probably get in a lot of trouble, so we better not. Sera would get me for it."

"Can we watch cartoons?" He asked sweetly.

"Cartoons?" I haven't watched those in forever.... Do we even have a TV? I frowned a bit as I thought it over and then nodded, remembering that Sera had put some expensive ones in. "Sure, we can watch cartoons," I hummed out. "I'll make you some snacks while you watch them... maybe some candies and whatnot."

"I want to watch them with you, okay?" He asked. I blushed a bit and nodded. Is this what it's like having a kid? Them wanting to watch movies with you and you teaching them to fly? I purred to him and knelt down to be his size at the end of the song, pulling him into a hug.

"Of course I'll watch them with you.... How would you like to stay for awhile?" I asked him softly, running my fingers through his hair. "Sera said you and Dmitri could if it was alright with you two."

"Dmitri would have to say it's okay," he whispered and looked for his treasure. Sera was already standing by him, taking the oportunity of him standing alone to ask. Dmitri glanced towards Toma and me and bit his bottom lip as he looked at Toma closely and then looked at Sera and nodded, saying something to her and smiled with a laugh. I smirked.

"Looks like he said it was," I purred to him and ruffled his hair. "You're going to be staying with me little Toma~! So first things first, do you want to sleep downstairs with me, in your own room, or with your Treasure?" I kissed his cheek in delight and held him close.

"With you!" He told me and giggled, hugging me. "I want to sleep with you." I laughed and scooped him up, standing up with him in my arms.

"I'll have to make a nest downstairs for you then. I haven't done it for myself, but you're probably used to one, aren't you?" I purred and then looked towards Sera before I walked up to her. "Sera~! I think I'm going to take Toma downstairs so I can build him a nest. That's alright, right?"

"I don't mind, go have fun in your hoard of treasure." Sera gave us both a sweet smile. "You two better not spend all night down there though." I smirked playfully at her and kissed her cheek.

"Why not? It's not me that you're trying to hook up with someone," I teased lightly.

"Yeah but I still want to see you again before dawn," she patted my cheek. "Plus Dmitri still has his rights to Toma too, don't forget that." I nodded.

"I'll bring Toma back up before dawn," I promised her sweetly and then started for the door with Toma, humming happily as I took him out of the room and began to carry him to my hoard. I sat him down when we reached it and pulled the ribbon out of my hair, letting my long hair fall down my back again and looked around. "Let's see....." I smiled and started to gather gold blankets that were lying around my treasure hoard and the pillows I had down here. I piled them up then walked close to the coffin, starting to move some of my treasure around to make a dip in it and flattened it so none of it would poke into Toma's back then started to organize the blankets and the pillows in the dip to make a comfortable little hole that he could nest in. I put a few gems in it to let him play with and purred in satisfaction. Toma ran up to the nest I made and slipped into it, curling up quickly and giggled as he rubbed the blankets with his hands. I purred and watched him, sitting down on the edge of the coffin near it to watch. He seems to like it.... I smiled softly and looked around my treasure hoard before I stretched and then got to my feet, walking over to where my oils were gathered and picked a few up. I walked over to Toma and sat down in his nest, kissing his cheek. "Do you like it?" I asked him sweetly. He nodded at me and wrapped his arms around me, giggling.

"I like it," he told me. I purred softly and laid down with him, bringing him close to me and started to rub his head a little and kissed the top of his head gently.

"Good," I mumbled and ran my fingers through his hair, playing with it. "You can sleep in it for while you're here." He nodded and rested his head against my chest.

"I should make one of these in my treasure hoard," he mumbled. I nodded.

"Yeah, they're kinda fun," I hummed out and rubbed his back, looking up at the cieling. "I don't normally do it because I like sleeping in too big of a form for it." I laughed a little and then smiled happily. I like this... having a little dragon around to care for.... When he leaves, I'll have to go search for a mate so I can have my own little dragon to care for. I purred sweetly to him as I rubbed his back with my hand, moving him closer to me. It shouldn't be too bad trying to find a mate. I know where the dragon realm is if I can't find one out here. He wrapped his arms around me and purred, looking up into my eyes. I blushed as I looked towards him and watched him curiously. "You're too cute for your own good," I whispered to him and gently carressed his spine with my thumb, giving him a sweet look. "I'll have to go have kids when you leave."

"Then you'd forget about me," he mumbled.

"No, I don't forget other dragons very easily," I purred to him and tapped his nose with my free hand. "You'll always be welcome here unless you're trying to steal my things, and then I'll have to get you for that."

"I won't steal anything," he promised quickly. I smiled.

"Good," I purred to him and kissed his forehead. "Then you may come back whenever you wish, and I'll welcome you back." I'll make sure my kids get along with Toma too.... It'd be good for both. "I might take you into the dragon realm when you're older to show you it too," I hummed out thoughtfully. "You'll need to know where it is."

"No thanks!" He told me quickly. "I'm never going there." I frowned.

"Toma, you don't have to interact with any other dragons if you don't want to, but at least let me show you the entrance incase you need to go there for some reason like finding a mate or searching for refuge because someone is chasing you," I told him and pulled him closer. "Every dragon should know where it is. I just want to show you where it is so that way you will be okay when you're older. I had to find it on my own. It was hard."

"I don't ever want to go in there.... What if I don't come back out to Dmitri?" He asked me. I purred towards him.

"I won't take you inside. I'll just show you the location," I hummed out and pulled him on top of me, rubbing his back to comfort him. "You'll return to Dmitri. Don't worry."

"What if something snatches and takes me away into it anyways?" He whined then.

"Then I'll eat it," I told him quickly and smirked, giving a sharp growl. "I'll teach it a lesson not to touch you."

"You promise?" He asked me softly.

"I promise I'll protect you, no matter what," I told him sweetly and kissed the top of his head. "If anything grabs you, I'll eat them. I won't let any harm come to you. You're my sweet little Toma."

"Okay," he whispered. "I'll go with you to the entrance." I purred at him and nodded, rubbing his back.

"Good.... just promise me you won't go inside until you're much older. There might be dragons in there that would eat you or enslave you because of how small you are," I told him and gave him a sweet smile. "You're still at the age where you need to be protected."

"Enslave me?" He asked and widened his eyes. "Dragons do that?" He asked.

"You're small enough for an older, meaner dragon to force you to get it more treasure," I told him softly. "You could be bitten too by an older dragon which wouldn't be good because if the bite marked you... it would be hard to get you back even if you're only four."

"See! I knew the realm is scary... I don't want to go to the entrance anymore. It's too much of a risk! I don't want to become a slave." I frowned.

"You'll be fine as long as you don't go inside," I told him and then growled softly. "Don't be so afraid of your own kind, especially if I'm there to fight and keep you safe. When you're older, they'll be running from you too like they will me."

"How do you know?" He asked me softly.

"That they'll run? Because when you're older, you'll be bigger and stronger and a whole lot faster. Your kind are terrors," I purred in amusement. "You can hide in shadows and attack in them so it's like fighting blind. I'd hate to get in a fight with you when you're older."

"So dragons will fear me for being a night dragon?" He asked softly.

"Uh huh," I told him and purred. "You will be able to attack them a lot better when you're bigger, and they'll run because they won't want to get into a big fight with you. It might end with their death or being mated to you if you bite them that way. Of course there are the few who will hold their ground depending on what's going on... like if they are interested in mating with you or if they are trying to protect something or they just want to fight you," I hummed out and curled his hair around my finger. "I ran into an older one of your kind a few centuries back, and it scared the snot out of me because of how fast he was."

"I'll scare the snot out of you," he giggled. I laughed a little and kissed the top of his head.

"Well maybe not me because I know you and I know you wouldn't bite me," I told him softly. "You'll scare other dragons though if you learn to fight."

"I'm gonna still scare you, watch and see!" He told me and looked at one of the jewels I placed in the nest and reached out for it, looking at it in wonder. I purred softly as I watched him and rubbed his back, looking at the jewel he had picked up, a ruby.

"That one is called a ruby," I told him softly and smiled. "It's pretty, isn't it? Lots of people like those. I like sapphires." I picked up my favorite one and handed it to him. He giggled and looked them both over before laying them on my chest and went for another one. I watched as he picked up an emerald and smiled. "That's an emerald," I hummed out and watched him with a happy look. "They're pretty too.... That's May's birthstone too." He giggled and kissed the emerald before putting it on my chest and looked the three stones over before pushing them off me. He reached out for one of the gold coins nearby and looked it over. I purred in amusement as I watched him playing and examinging the treasure I had. I smiled a little and then looked him over before I picked the sapphire up again and slipped it into his pocket. "You can keep that to remember me by," I told him softly. He looked at his pocket and pulled it out, looking it over before looking down at me.

"Really?" He asked softly. "You're not going to be stingy and keep it?" I shook my head and purred.

"I have plenty more sapphires. You can have that one," I told him and kissed the top of his head. "Just don't lose it and keep it with you." He nodded as he slipped it back into his pocket and hugged me, dropping the gold coin. I purred happily and laughed, hugging him tightly. It's going to be hard letting him go back to wherever he came from with his Treasure. I purred in his ear and kissed his cheek. "Do you want to go back upstairs yet or do you want to stay down here some more? I think the ball is halfway through if not almost over."

"I wanna play here!" He told me and giggled. "I like the gold room." I purred and nodded then smirked at him, giving him a playful growl before I shifted into a dragon the size of a cat. I pounced at his lap then rubbed my head against his belly, growling at him. He transformed into his dragon form then and pounced on me once he got out of his clothes. He took off out of the nest and slipped into a pile of gold. I purred in amusement and started stalking after him, rearing my head up.

"Rawr!" I yelled at him, pouncing on the pile of gold he had hidden in. "I'm going to get you Toma~!" I teased him, starting to dig him out of it. I heard him giggling and digging further into the mountain. I growled and dove into it instead and latching onto his back, purring as I nuzzled my head into the crook of his neck and playfully scrapped my teeth against his scales. "Grrrr! I got you," I told him and laughed. He giggled and struggled to escape from me.

"Nu-uh! No you don't!!" He told me as he tried to get away from my jaws. When he managed to he found his way to the top of the mountain and bounced off to another one. I widened my eyes and quickly went after him, diving after him as I unfurled my wings and then fell on top of him, crashing my body against his and knocking us both over. I laughed, feeling like I was a young hatchling again as I playfully nipped at his ear and played with him, holding onto his wings so I wouldn't fall off him. He yelped and flung the coins under him at me as he made us roll back into the nest I made him. I laughed as I fell on top of him then purred, rubbing my head against his neck in delight and then gave a playful growl, holding him as I expanded my wings playfully and lifted my head up to look big.

"I got you now Toma!" I told him and laughed, standing on top of him. He giggled as he watched me and licked the top of my head. I paused and looked at him then licked his neck, purring as I settled down, laying on top of him. I nuzzled my head against him and purred happily, scratching my scales playfully against his. He pushed me off of him and let out a small cackle as he raced off, jumping into the coffin. I watched him then growled, stalking after him carefully then leapt up on top of the coffin and yelped when the coffin lid fell shut, tossing me down into the gold as it fell and shut Toma inside. I widened my eyes and shifted bigger, getting up and going after the coffin lid to pull it up before Toma would freak out. Toma started to whine before the coffin was open, his fear rolling off his cry. I tensed up and ripped the coffin open then shifted to his size, jumping into it quickly and rushed up to him, rubbing my head against him then licked his head comfortingly. "I didn't think it'd fall shut," I told him softly and then purred to him, playfully pretending I was going to bite him as I put my jaw around him lightly and growled, not putting any pressure on him so he wouldn't be frightened. He curled up next to me and relaxed against my touch.

"I got scared for a minute," he mumbled. I purred and removed my teeth, looking at him.

"I know, being trapped is scary," I told him softly and then nipped at his ear again. "You're so little...." He hid his head against me then and purred. I purred back and curled him up to me and wrapped my wing around him, nuzzling him under it with my head protectively. Will Sera really get upset if I don't go see her before the sun comes up? She'll probably come down here before sunrise if I don't go up there again.... I purred at the thought and then shifted larger than Toma, getting out of the coffin and picking him up in my jaws as I started to carry him to the nest. He let me carry him, not much he could do as I had him in my jaws. He let out a pleased purr at the sight of the nest. I lowered my head down to it and placed him in it on a pillow before I shifted back to the size of a small horse and then crawled into the nest with him, laying down a little ways from him. I puffed out some smoke and started to close my eyes in content. I felt him nuzzle his way between my wing and body as he went for the warm spot quickly. He pulled the pillow with him and curled up when he was satisfied. I chuckled and looked towards him, lifting up my wing slightly to see him before I laid it against my body and adjusted myself so he'd be more comfortable, laying on my side. I closed my eyes again and purred softly, letting the deep rumble lull him to sleep with me. I felt him purred back to me as he was fast to fall asleep on me. After all, he was just a baby still. He needed a nap.