The Five Year Mark

Milo's POV:

I felt light kisses running from my neck towards my lips. Lyle was giving me kisses. "Milo," I heard him purr against my lips. "Happy death day." I could already feel the darkness around me, no caution of the sun anywhere near the castle. "I have tonight planned out for us." I purred softly and opened my eyes slowly, looking towards him. It's my death day?

"I didn't realize it was my death day," I whispered to him and gave him a sweet smile as I looked up at Lyle. I wrapped my arms around his neck then kissed him lovingly. He's so sweet to me~

"Well a fledgling's master has to keep up with his little fledgling's age. So of course I know. I bet the nights just melt together for you though," he said sweetly to me. I laughed and looked up at him.

"Well, I remember what day you asked me out... I remember your birthday- or at least the one you told me," I teased lightly and then kissed his neck. "What do you want to do today then?"

"We're going to a theme park. Two tickets and we'll ride the biggest roller coasters there. I had it set up to where it'll just be us there for the special occasion and made the theme park open for night. When you get too sick of it we'll end up on a romantic picnic on a coast." I giggled then.

"You really did plan this out~ How hard was it to keep from telling me?" I teased him then pulled him closer as I purred to him lovingly then kissed his cheek. I bet he's been trying to figure out what to do for me for days.... I'm five today.... No wonder why he's going all out. Today is the day I can leave if I want- of course I won't though. I have too many reasons to stay, and I love Lyle to much to abandon him.

"Not that hard. I had help," he chuckled lightly. "Now Milo, tomorrow night is when you'll wake up and no longer feel the need to answer to me. You'll be your own vampire. No ties. It'll probably feel strange at first." I frowned then and looked up at him. I don't want that to happen. I like the ties....

"Really?" I whispered, giving him a sad look. I thought I'd at least still feel something of him being my maker even after five years. He created me after all....

"Yes. You'll be a free vampire. I won't be held responsible for any mistakes you make. You'd get in trouble. We'll always have our bond as mates though." I nodded and relaxed a little. I'll still have that then.

"Okay," I mumbled and curled his hair around my fingers. "As long as there is something," I told him and gave him a soft smile. "I'll have to do my best not to get in trouble then."

"I don't think you're a trouble maker, except for when you killed Silas." He smirked playfully at me. I blushed then.

"That wasn't my fault. He attacked me," I defended and then gave him a smile. "I had to protect you too. He would've hurt you... maybe killed you."

"I'm glad I have him back," he mumbled as he thought it over. "I don't have to be king forever and my offspring be kings..." He trailed as he looked me in the eyes. "You won't have to be a queen and learn more responsibilities... Heavy ones." He ran his fingers through my hair before getting up. "I got you a little something," he told me and leaned under the bed before pulling out a wooden box and held it out to me. "Open it." I sat up and looked towards it before I took it from him and opened it like he wanted, smiling softly. Lyle had gotten me a silver dagger. It had a few rose designs on it along with my name carved into the blade. "I thought you'd like a weapon for your five year mark. I'll help teach you how to use it." I widened my eyes softly as I looked at it. It was beautiful... almost too pretty to use.

"It's gorgeous," I whispered and then took it out of the box, holding it as I looked at the intricate rose designs then towards Lyle. I grinned and set it aside in the box before I got up and tackled him into a hug, kissing his cheek. "You're going to have to teach me definitely~ I don't think I've had a weapon like that before~" I purred to him sweetly as I kept my arms wrapped around his neck. Or any weapon for that matter.

"Let me give you the accessories to it," he told me and pulled out another box. I looked towards him and let him go before I took the box and opened it, wondering what he meant exactly by accessories. He pointed towards a bottle inside as I was faced with a bottle, gloves, a rod, and rag. "This bottle here," he picked it up and swished around a clear liquid. "Is poison for vampires. If you want to ever kill another vampire you should rub this on the blade. I picked this up from the old Nero manor. This stuff can kill one of you instantly.... but for a pureblood it would take merely a minute. What you do is you put on the gloves so you don't accidentally cut yourself and you put it on your blade that way.... Now when you want to take it off, use the rag to clean it. The silver will paralyze a werewolf if used correctly. The rod can be used for sharpening the blade," he picked up the dagger and the rod to show me. I nodded and watched him, shifting a little uneasily. A poison that could kill someone like me instantly? I didn't know there was a poison like that... something that deadly and Lyle is letting me use it? What if I get overpowered one day and someone takes the knife away and stabs me with the poison meant for them? He ran the blade across the rod a few times before giving me the dagger. "Milo, I don't want you to use the poison unless you absolutely have to. We're going to start training together in the art of fighting with a dagger... that way you'll be so good you won't ever be over powered when the day comes you do use the poison." He looked me in the eyes then. "I hope that day never comes." I blushed and then took the knife from him.

"O-okay... you don't think I'll get in a fight anytime soon, do you?" I asked softly, clutching the handle of the knife worriedly. He did give this to me because I turned five....

"Milo, it's best for you to learn how to use weapons. Especially since you're a vampire. Our kind loves a good fight as well as other supernaturals. You need to know hand to hand combat, knife throwing, stabbing methods, weaknesses of others, and of course long distance shooting. This dagger is just the first weapon you'll learn. We're always having wars, invasions, tension. You'll need to be ready. I rather you be trained instead of helpless in a battle." I nodded slowly and then looked towards the dagger.

"Okay... I'll do my best to learn," I whispered and then sat the dagger down as I looked up into his eyes then walked up to him and then kissed him before I gave him a smile. "Want me to go get dressed?" I asked him sweetly, tugging lightly on my pajamas.

"We better." He moved away from the bed and went into the closet. I followed after him with a bounce in my step before I walked past him and looked over my clothes, grabbing his favorite outfit on me (yeah, I know how to watch Lyle's face and figure out which one he likes the most). I smirked slightly and started to change in front of him to mess with him a little, purring slightly as I took my Prussian blue silk shirt off. He changed into a red and black flannel shirt, a pair of black sweat pants, and some vans before changing into them. He walked up to me and kissed my neck before going out into the bedroom. "I have something special set up for tonight's blood," he told me. "We're going out for it, so we'll be getting out blood before we go to the theme park." I could hear him putting things in his pocket like his keys. I frowned a bit then followed him. We're going out for blood? What's so special about blood that people would go out for it?

"We're going out for blood?" I asked him as I followed him out and looked towards him. "What's different about that blood than the blood we have at home?"

"I'm not sure if I want to surprise you with it but... Okay, I'll tell you. I contacted my older blood donor and he said he wouldn't mind, so tonight we're going to his place and you're going to sink your fangs into human flesh for the first time. Of course I'm paying him like I used to. He said he's excited to meet you again." He looked towards me and grabbed my hands. "Tonight, you'll taste the difference between human blood, bottled blood, and my blood." I blushed and looked up into his eyes.

"O-okay," I whispered. His older blood donor? Wasn't that the human he was drinking from in the alley when I found him. I gave him a smile then and squeezed his hands. "Thank you Lyle. You're the best maker ever~" I told him and kissed his cheek quickly. "Setting up something like this for my fifth deathday...." I hope human blood isn't too weird.... What if I find it disgusting? I don't want to be rude....

"I just hope you'll be able to still drink bottled blood afterwards," he teased me. I giggled and hugged him.

"If I can't, I'll just drink from you whenever I'm hungry~" I teased back and gave a playful growl.

"You can't only live off my blood," he warned. "Are you ready for tonight? It'll be one hell of an adventure for you." I purred and gave him a nod.

"Uh huh," I told him excitedly then stole a kiss from him before I giggled and started to pull him towards the door quickly. He stopped being pulled and started to pull me to the garage. We got in a waiting limo and inside was filled with a full Buffett table of desserts and sweets. I widened my eyes a bit at it then looked towards him with a blush as he got in after me. That's a lot of sweets.... I bit my bottom lip then reached for his hand, moving close to him as he sat down in the car. "So we're going to your donor's place first?" I asked softly.

"Yeah, he rents an apartment he uses for his clients. Apparently he's been doing real well with himself since I last saw him. He's no longer meeting up with his clients in dark alleys. He's making them visit him in the apartment. Of course I don't think he lives there, that would be dangerous and too much of a risk." I nodded and then leaned my head against his shoulder.

"That makes sense... to not live there," I mumbled and then slipped his arm around me. The limo started up and I could feel us leaving the castle grounds. I purred softly and grabbed a small plate with a brownie on it and started to it eat as I looked around the limo and leaned my body up against his. I smiled softly and then looked up at Lyle, giving him a kiss after I finished the brownie and sat it aside. I purred to him and then slipped into his lap, curling up to him as I started to softly kiss his neck sweetly. He's the best maker I could've ever have asked for.... I smiled against his neck and then leaned in towards his ear, stopping under it and then gave him a kiss there before I started to give him a love bite, purring softly. He purred back and pushed me away.

"None of that until when we get home," he purred. "We're on a romantic evening." I laughed and looked at him.

"Okay," I purred back and then curled up to him. "I'll wait till we get home if that's what you want."

"Good, I want you to be begging for me by the end of the night," he purred. I blushed a deep shade of red then and looked up at him.

"Begging for you?" I tensed a little as I felt my heart skip a beat at it. What does he mean by that? Is he planning on that when we get home or is he teasing me? He smirked and grabbed a cookie off the table and started to eat it, ignoring my question. I blushed and sunk against him, hiding my face into his chest as my heart raced. He refused to answer me! It's been almost five years of me being his boyfriend and I've been his fledgling exactly five tonight.... Could he be planning that for tonight? He's kept me a virgin this whole time... and he usually stops us.... I closed my eyes and then started trying to relax, not wanting to worry about it too much. I wanted to enjoy tonight instead of wondering what he meant by that. I'd find out when we get home... and we'd probably just curl up in bed together and fall asleep in each other's arms like usual. I smiled then and smelled his scent before I looked towards the window and got quiet as I watched the town passing by, waiting for us to reach the apartment. After all... I'm finally going to try human blood. I guess I'll see what the big deal is.... I mean, fledglings do smell good... and some of the maids do too... but I've always been able to hold back from biting them.

The limo stopped after a half hour and Lyle stepped out first before holding a hand out for mine. "Come on," he purred sweetly. I bit my bottom lip and then reached out for his hand, getting out with him.

"Is this really going to taste unbelievable?" I asked him softly, looking up at him. "Or am I going to be fine when I go back to drinking bottled blood?" I shut the car door behind me and squeezed his hand.

"Well my donor isn't a rare treat but he is a typical human with blood unlike bottled blood. You'll find it much better tasting than the blood you've been surviving off of." I nodded and then fidgeted nervously as we walked towards the doors.

"I hope he likes me," I whispered and then laughed a little. "I mean... if I was going to let a strange vampire bite me, I would hope I liked him a bit so it wouldn't be terrifying."

"Well I'm sure he'll recognize you just by your name." Lyle pulled me towards the apartment building and inside, straight up to a door. He knocked on it calmly before the very human he had fed on the night I met him- opened the door.

"Come in," he purred and stepped aside. "Hurry, I don't need my neighbors staring me down with their rumors." I widened my eyes slightly and went in, not wanting to cause him trouble. I smiled sheepishly towards him and then squeezed Lyle's hand.

"H-hi," I whispered towards the human, looking at him. Wow... it's really him huh? I ruined their feeding session with my coffee spilling....

"So you're the special human that night that made Lyle forget about me?" The human asked and chuckled. "You know why you're here, right?" He asked me and shut the door behind us. He motioned towards his living room, arranged for comfortable feeding sessions. I blushed.

"He told me when we were leaving," I admitted, looking at him as I let Lyle's hand go slowly, starting to follow the human nervously. Lyle sat down on one of the couches, crossing his legs. He placed his arms on the back of the couch.

"Well, that's good. Have you worked out your nerves?" The human asked me. I shook my head and blushed.

"No," I told him. "I'm still nervous...." I rubbed the back of my neck and then sat down on a couch, curling up on it. "Are you sure you're okay with this?" I asked him worriedly.

"Of course," he told me and sat down next to me. "My name is Alex. I've been Lyle's blood donor for a very long time. I don't mind you biting me. It's a job of mine. Now Lyle told me this is your first time, so I'll explain where you should bite me." He pulled off his hoodie to expose his fang marked skin. Several places on his body had fang markings on it. "You can bite where someone else last drunk from me, or you can choose a new place. You can only bite my arms and neck, that's what Lyle is paying for. I'll tell you when to stop and if Lyle has to yank you off, he's promised he will so we won't have to wait for my body guard to show up." I blushed and nodded, looking towards Lyle then at Alex.

"Okay," I whispered, looking him over nervously. "As long as you're okay with it and he promised," I mumbled and then started to lean in towards his neck slowly. I hope I don't have to be pulled off.... He exposed his neck and rubbed my chest, pulling my shirt to make me get closer as he climbed into my lap.

"Don't be so tense," he warned. "You should enjoy your first taste. That's what you are meant to do." I blushed and paused.

"O-oh," I mumbled and looked towards him then took a deep breath, trying to relax. I watched him for a few seconds as I started to make myself relax and then gave him a soft smile as I calmed down a bit with him in my lap and then glanced towards Lyle past him and then looked back at Alex as I leaned in towards his neck and smelled him slightly. I purred softly and wrapped my arms around him gently before I exposed my fangs and found a spot he hadn't been bitten on his neck and pierced his flesh with my sharp fangs. He let out a small gasp as I bit in. I could feel he was pleased as he relaxed against me. I relaxed completely and purred as I started to drink his blood, sinking my fangs in a little deeper as I got a good taste. It was delightful, way better than bottled blood.... It was full of fresh life. I drank from him and pulled him closer to me with a sweet purr as I closed my eyes and started to lose myself in his blood.

"That's enough," I heard him tell me. It came sooner than I expected. I frowned and pulled my fangs out but licked his neck with a soft whine. Enough? I thought I just bit him! "You've had enough," he told me. I could hear Lyle texting, I didn't even notice he took out his phone and walked away from the couch. I frowned and opened my eyes, glancing towards Lyle. Would it really hurt if I tried to get more? Wait... what am I thinking? He doesn't want me to bite him anymore. The consent is gone. I bit my bottom lip and pulled away slightly, disappointed as I looked towards his neck hungrily. Lyle walked up to me and ran his fingers through my hair.

"Still hungry?" He asked curiously. I looked towards him then and nodded.

"Uh huh," I told him quickly. There's no way that was enough! He laughed and looked towards Alex.

"He can have just a little more," he told Alex. Alex nodded and looked towards me.

"Ok five year old," Alex mused. I purred quickly and gave Lyle a loving look as I leaned in towards Alex's neck again and watched Lyle as I bit into him again, happy I was getting more. Lyle pulled out his wallet after putting his phone away and pulled out a handful of money then grabbed extra out, placing it on the coffee table before putting the wallet up. I glanced towards the money then closed my eyes as I started to enjoy Alex's blood again, purring softly. I really owe Lyle for this, don't I? "That's it," I heard Alex tell me. "That's all you can have." He patted my chest. I tsked and pulled back, frowning a little in disappointment. It really doesn't last long.... I sighed and looked Alex over then nodded as I licked my lips, savoring his blood that was still on it.

"Humans can only lose so much blood.... and Alex has multiple clients lined up for tonight," Lyle told me. I frowned and looked towards Lyle.

"Really?" I asked him softly. "He feeds multiple in a night?" That must be exhausting....

"Five days in two weeks," Alex told me. "I take a week off and weekends to replenish my blood and strength." I nodded and gave him a smile.

"That makes sense," I said sweetly towards him and then rubbed his neck. "I hope it didn't hurt too much."

"No, I'm used to the pain," he explained. I nodded and then purred to him, giving him a hug.

"Thank you for this," I mumbled happily. He laughed and rubbed my back with the hug. Lyle walked up and licked Alex on the neck, right where I bit him. When he pulled back Alex's wound was healing. Alex climbed out of my lap and scooped up the cash, stuffing it in his pocket. I looked towards Alex curiously then looked towards Lyle with a loud purr. "Thanks Lyle, for setting this up," I purred and then got to my feet, tackling him into a hug. Lyle laughed and hugged me, sniffing my neck.

"You smell good," he purred out.

"All thanks to me," Alex purred and walked into the kitchen, grabbing orange juice from the fridge and started to drink it. I blushed and looked towards Alex then up at Lyle.

"Do I really smell good because I drank from him?" I asked curiously, pulling him a little closer. Maybe I smell more healthy or something?

"Yeah, how do you feel? More alive and generalized?" Alex asked as he walked over with two bottles of blood and gave them both to us. Lyle popped his open and started to drink it. I looked towards mine and smiled.

"Uh huh," I told Alex and opened the bottle. I about wrinkled my nose as soon as the smell hit me though, gagging a little. Oh my lord.... There really is a difference.

"Hard to get back on the bottled stuff ain't it?" Alex asked. "Nothing beats human blood in my opinion for a vampire." I bit my bottom lip and looked at Alex and then looked towards the bottled blood.

"It smells awful," I mumbled and then forced myself to take a sip. Oh... my... lord... it's so gross compared to him. I can't believe I thought this stuff was good! I mean... I knew Lyle tasted way better, but this is just....

"It's old blood," Alex told me. "It's never going to be as good as fresh blood." I forced myself to swallow and looked towards Alex with a slight nod.

"I-I guess that makes sense," I whispered then forced myself to down the rest, swallowing it down quickly to avoid tasting it for too long. Lyle finished his off, placing it on the coffee table. I copied him then looked at Lyle before I kissed his cheek and went to wander the room, staying in Lyle's sight. I could hear Lyle starting to thank Alex, having small chat with him now about the past five years. My senses had been heightened and I could hear the flickering of the street light outside the building. I glanced towards a nearby window and then walked over to it, looking outside at the flickering light then out at the street, staring at it in wonder. I could hear the light flickering? Wow.... I caught the faint smell of a fledgling nearby. I widened my eyes and then glanced around outside, looking for the scent of the source. A fledgling? I frowned a bit, trying to smell if there was an older vampire with the fledgling. I glanced towards Lyle, wondering if he could smell it too or if it was just me then frowned and looked out the window again for it. I caught the faint scent of blood before a scream echoed from a nearby alley. Lyle was by me in seconds, looking out the window before looking back at Alex.

"Sorry to cut the visit short," Lyle told him before grabbing my hand and yanking me towards the door to get out of the building. I yelped and followed after him as my heart started to race. A scream? Did the fledgling attack a human?

"L-Lyle, wouldn't it be safer to stay out of sight?" I asked him, looking towards him worriedly. "That's why we're leaving right? For safety?" I still smell like a fledgling... and a lot better too because of Alex. "Or are we going to investigate?" We could save someone!

"Relax, we're going to go investigate." Lyle told me before keeping me behind him as we walked out into the street. He rushed us to a nearby alley where the scent grew strong. I could hear the human struggling. I widened my eyes a bit and followed quickly, peeking out from behind Lyle worriedly towards the scene. Was the fledgling abandoned? Lyle stopped suddenly before we got too close and I could feel him freezing up at the sight. The fledgling had torn clothes on that looked a couple of years old, a few burns from the sun on him, and quite a few slow healing flesh wounds. He was skin and bones almost as he held his prey in his arms, leaving no mercy in his wake. Lyle's arm started to cover my eyes from the sight quickly. I started to shake, gripping Lyle quickly and hid my face into him. Oh my lord... what the hell happened to the fledgling? I trembled as I could still hear the struggle going on, the fledgling trying to get a meal. Lyle shushed me as he held me close but I could feel him still watching. I bit my bottom lip and felt fear gnawing at my insides as I started to worry that the fledgling might snatch me when the human is finished. I want to help him but what if he tries to eat me? I'm still a fledgling.... I trembled as flashes of Stormy trying to pin me and drain me went through my head and I whimpered, burying my face into Lyle more.

"W-we need to help him," I whispered.

"I- y-yeah," he whispered. I could feel him letting me go slowly as he stepped towards the fledgling. I looked towards him in panic but forced myself to stay still, not wanting to make the situation worse by getting in range. I looked towards the fledgling and bit my bottom lip as I couldn't help looking at the wounds and burns riddling his skin. I looked towards Lyle then back at the fledgling with pity and fear all at the same time. "Hey," Lyle said suddenly as he walked up and placed a hand on the fledgling's shoulder. I heard a sharp growl then before a playful purr before Lyle stepped back. I felt my scared feeling of terror calming as I felt pity and sorrow for the vampire. I was consumed by the feelings like a power taking over me. I frowned a little and then walked up to Lyle's side, not taking my eyes off the fledgling in front of us.

"We should see if we can get him some bottled blood," I mumbled to Lyle quickly. "He looks starved...." Lyle yanked out his phone then and started to call someone, watching the fledgling. The fledgling started to drain the human, consuming every last drop in her without mercy. I flinched and looked away when I saw the life leaving her eyes and then rubbed my arm, feeling awful that she was killed. I looked towards the fledgling after a few seconds and then frowned. The fledgling let her corpse fall before stealing her coat and yanked it on him. He looked at us then before smirking and looking directly at me. He started for me then but Lyle had him pinned against the wall quickly.

"Change of tonight's plans. I need you to have blood ready when I get back, get in touch with the council." He tossed me his phone before snapping the fledgling's neck. He scooped him up into his arms before looking at me. "Get the corpse." I widened my eyes and then picked the corpse up, looking towards the fledgling then at Lyle.

"What are you going to do?" I asked him worriedly as I started to flip through the contacts on his phone frantically. He had just called one of the servants. He grabbed his phone and slipped it into his pocket before starting for the limo.

"We're going to have a meeting with the council about what we just witnessed and go from there. We're going to give him blood to revive this- this thing. We're going to arrest his maker and he'll be given a new one." I relaxed a little and nodded.

"Okay," I mumbled and then sighed. My death day has turned into a council meeting... my fifth one at that. I looked towards the corpse and frowned as I got into the limo with it and sat it aside. At least a fledgling is going to be rescued from this hopefully. If my death day had to be turned into a council meeting, at least it's one for a noble purpose and not the normal stuff. I sunk into my seat and frowned a bit as I started to play with my shirt. He sat the fledgling aside before pulling me into his arms.