Brothers for Life

Lyle's POV:

I opened my eyes, letting the darkness seek into my sight. I took a minute before registering I had woken up. I looked towards Milo's sleeping body next to mine before I reached over his body and grabbed my phone off the nightstand. I gave his cheek a kiss before texting Silas.

Me: Meet me at the garage in half an hour. We're going out.

I slipped out of bed, going into my bathroom and started to get ready for the night. I took a steaming hot shower, brushed my teeth and hair, put on a good smelling cologne, and got dressed. When I was finished, I looked myself in the mirror to check the outfit out. I didn't want to look... like an idiot. I needed a sense of fashion after all. I had put on slim tight dark blue jeans, a white Yuri on Ice shirt, and an open plaid shirt. To match off the outfit I had slipped into a pair of leather boots... something I haven't worn- ever.... but Milo bought them for me so I figured he liked it. Now to tell him I'm ditching him tonight to go out with my brother. I laughed as I walked out to the bed. Usually when I take a shower before he wakes up... He's up by the time I walk out to him and he's already ordered us blood.... which was the case for tonight. I gave him a huge smile.

"Milo~" I purred. "You're going to have to find something to do tonight while I'm gone. I made plans with Silas. We're going out tonight... a brothers night out." I sat down on the bed and leaned in to kiss him. "You could spend time with Rei! He'd love having someone with him while he's forced to watch the younger kids since I'm taking Silas out on the town." Milo frowned and took a sip of his drink instead of leaning in to kiss me.

"But..." he sighed. "If you put it that way," he mumbled and then swirled his blood. "You couldn't have told me last night?" He gave me a pout.

"It's last minute decisions! I thought we should get together tonight so that way we won't be so worried when the time comes for my coronation." He sighed.

"I'll have to get Everest to come hang out with me too then since how you're leaving for the night," he mumbled and took another sip of his blood before he slipped a glass into my hand. I downed the glass of blood he gave me, moaning at the taste.

"Thanks sweetie for understanding," I purred sweetly to him. "Make sure to behave. I don't want wild animals curled up in our bed when I get back because you forgot to close the castle windows," I joked. He frowned and looked towards me.

"I wouldn't let them hang out in our room anyways.... I think I'll ask Everest about vampire publishers though... for the future," he told me then smiled a little. "I guess I could use tonight to see the others. Who knows. When you come back, I might be really independent~" He teased me lightly then leaned in and gave me a kiss.

"I love you depending on me," I whined. I gave him a kiss before starting for the door. "Alright. I'm off. Don't do anything I wouldn't want you to do," I warned before leaving him to it. I laughed lightly. When I arrived in the garage, I glanced around to see if Silas had made it before me. He was leaned up against his car, looking at something on his phone as he had his other hand in his pocket. I spotted his favorite Black Butler belt around his waist, slightly hidden under his Black Butler shirt he had on to go with it. He definitely went all out on the Black Butler merch today.... He glanced my way as he heard me coming then smirked.

"So what is this all about Lyle?" He asked me.

"How is it you managed to arrived before me when you have sixteen kids, two fledglings, and a mate holding you back? All I have is Milo! You would think I would be able to get here before you," I purred. I walked up to his car before sitting on the hood. "We're going out tonight.... Just us. I think we deserve some brother time. We haven't had it since we were little and we're about to start another fight soon. This might be our only chance."

"True..." he whispered and put his phone up, looking towards me. "This might be our only chance for a long time.... Besides, about how I escaped so quickly, I just ducked out of the room as soon as I got the text and got dressed. I think Rei might have been getting me some blood to greet me with when I woke up." He grinned at me then opened the car door, getting in. I slipped off the hood and got into his car.

"To ease your worries, I suggested for Milo to go help Rei out tonight." I glanced around his car before laying the seat back a bit and rolled the window down. "Take us to a bar." He laughed then.

"Are we getting drunk then?" He teased me.

"I hope we get so drunk, I mistake myself for a resistance member and bite a human in the middle of the street." I laughed at the silly thought. He smirked at me.

"Oh trust me... if we get drunk, it might happen," he purred at me then started to text Rei. "Let me tell him that we're going to be gone. Then we'll go." I laughed and grabbed his phone, throwing it out my car door and into the garage, preferably under my car. His jaw dropped slightly and then he looked towards me. "THAT WAS MY PHONE! LYLE! No fair! If I don't have my phone, you don't get to have yours." He reached for my pockets quickly to steal it. I smacked his hand hard to warn him away.

"We need an emergency phone," I teased. He growled at me.

"I have one!" He reached under his seat and produced a perfectly new phone, charged and everything. "Don't you keep one in your car Lyle?"

"N-No-" I paused. I snapped then and went to take that one as well. "My phone is the emergency phone." He hissed and held it out of my reach before he exposed his fangs.

"You're not taking my emergency phone! I need it! For emergencies!"

"Texting Rei you're going out tonight with me is not an emergency. Trust me... Milo will tell him." I waited for the phone to get to my hand then. He growled and stuck the phone in the glove box then snatched mine out of my pocket and tossed it into the glove box as well.

"Fair enough," I decided. I reached across him and buckled him into his seat.

"What the hell is this?" He asked, looking to the seat belt. "Why the hell would you put this on me?!" He went to unbuckle it quickly.

"Safety first," I warned and smacked his hand. "If you have an emergency phone then you should remember that safety is always first. Buckle up driver."

"I feel like I just became a friggin geek," he muttered and turned the car on before he reached down and clicked the seat belt, slowly taking it off as he hit the gas to back up. "I love my car~!" He said sweetly as he heard the engine purring at him.

"Well.." I sighed out as I buckled up. "Suit yourself. When you get thrown out of the car if we wreck... don't come crawling to me for blood."

"You know you'd feed me anyways if I got really hurt," he told me happily and gave me a loving smile before he took us out of the garage.

"You're always getting into accidents Silas... I really think you should buckle up," I warned. "Remember Laurence?" He grimaced then and slowly put the seat belt back on. Thank god. Chances of us wrecking has just slimmed.

"ANYWAYS! What's up between you and Milo?" He teased me, changing the subject.

"We're doing fine," I told him. "Why? Are you curious?"

"Oh, you know.... It's just been two decades of you two dating each other and him being a vampire," he hummed out. "I was wondering why he still smells like a virgin... or you know... why there isn't a ring on his finger."

"We're waiting for marriage," I told him. "Besides... I haven't proposed to him because we're always together. I don't usually have time to walk away and get a ring.... if I'm not by him then I'm doing something really important...." I trailed off. I'd love to propose to him though. He raised an eyebrow.

"So you do want to marry him!" He purred in amusement. "Good, I was going to be upset with you if you dated him all this time just to not want to be with him."

"No.... I wouldn't do that. I really love Milo. He might not be my soul mate but I enjoy waking up every night to his scent and breath hitting my neck. I do plan to marry him. I just haven't decided on the right time." He nodded and smiled sweetly.

"You should propose to him soon.... It has been two decades after all. You don't want him to think you're not interested in marrying him. He might leave you," he teased me then smirked. "Tell you what... we could turn this into a two nighter, get a hotel room, and spend the next night finding an engagement ring for you since how you can never get away from him long enough to do it. Besides! I want to help you pick it out~" He laughed happily.

"Alright... we'll pick out rings together. An engagement ring.... I want to get him a solid gold one." He purred then.

"That sounds beautiful.... I'm surprised you didn't say diamond, but I guess you wouldn't because Milo is a guy.... You wouldn't want to make him too feminine."

"He's too special for a regular/traditional old diamond," I mumbled. He nodded.

"You could get the inside of it engraved," he suggested.

"I might... but I don't know what I would put on it." I shook my head. Wow, I'm really going to go through with this tonight? I suppose there won't be a better time. He purred to me then.

"Are you sure about this though?" He asked me softly. "I know you love him very much, but are you sure that if your soul mate shows up, you won't break up with Milo for your soul mate?"

"No... I wouldn't leave Milo for a complete stranger... even if it was my soul mate. Milo means much more to me then that. I love him. He's my little fledgling." He smiled sweetly then.

"I'll have to make sure not to hurt him too badly at the coronation then.... I think I'll snap his neck so he doesn't get too hurt and just focus on you," he told me and glanced my way. "You're okay with me snapping his neck so he doesn't end up getting thrown through a wall?"

"Just keep the main fight focused on us," I begged. "If Milo only has to take one hit, then take it. I just want him to get the least amount of damage. Even if you have to knock him out with one punch. Our fight is between us."

"I know, but he has a habit of getting in the way," he told me and then tapped the steering wheel lightly. "I'll snap his neck. It's quick and easy, and it will be less painful than a punch to the face."

"He's just trying to be a good mate," I purred.

"I know... but I can't have him attacking me or getting too emotional at seeing you get hurt," he told me. "I'll get him as soon as he moves to protect you so he doesn't see a thing." He gave me a loving smile and leaned over, kissing my cheek before he returned his attention to the road and started to speed up, hitting 160. I tsked. He's really asking for some car repairs later down the road.

"I thought you loved this car," I teased.

"I do love this car, but this car can go this fast, and I'm a safe driver. I won't get in a car wreck easily," he purred to me.

"You've had more wrecks than the average human," I told him.

"I'm also a vampire and I live a lot longer than the average human that drives," he told me in defense then purred. "Just enjoy it though~ It's fun."

"I know it's fun," I sighed out. I just don't want us to stumble across his next fledgling because he accidentally kills him or her again. He purred happily and got us into town rather quickly, spotting a bar.

"That one looks fun~!" He told me and pulled up at it, parking. He got out and came around, getting the door for me with a huge smirk. "Drinks tonight, a hotel, and tomorrow, we pick out a pretty gold collar for Milo's ring finger," he purred out teasingly, reaching in and grabbing me. I laughed as I stepped out of the car, glancing around. I took in the sensory before looking at the doors.

"Have you been here before?" He glanced at it closely.

"Maybe a long time ago...." He frowned a little as he glanced it over with a strange look. "It might be the same bar I met Stormy at... but it's changed a lot with time." How ironic! He came here without noticing. I grabbed his hand and yanked him towards it.

"Drinks are on me," I told him.

"Oh, they're on you. You threw my phone out into the garage," he purred in amusement. "This can be your way of paying me back~"

"Also because you drove us here," I reminded him. I linked arms with him and glanced around. This should be fun. I'm going to drink until they ban me from the lot. He purred to me and quickly pulled me inside, taking me up to the bar as humans danced behind us with drinks in their hands.

"20 shots of whiskey," Silas told the bartender, watching eagerly as he got shot glasses down and began to fill them up. I sat down at the bar, glancing around with interest. I can't remember the last time I've been in a bar. Silas passed me ten of them and smirked, picking up his first one and downed it easily. "Bet you can't out drink me," he teased me and laughed.

"Now it's a race," I laughed out before downing a shot to catch up to him. He might get ahead of me and then I'd be trying harder to keep up. He grinned and took another shot, laughing slightly as he gave me a challenging look.

"Too bad I'll beat you tonight, Mr. Proper," he purred. "I have been to bars way more than you."

"You might be right about that but we'll drink the same amount... Even if I'm in here through dawn drinking." I downed my next shot in determination. He laughed slightly and kissed my cheek before he drank another one, spiraling us into the drinks as time seemed to fly by us....

By the time we got to a hotel room, Silas was singing loudly and laughing as he stumbled into the room, falling into the floor. "You're gonna hear me roar-ah-ah-ah, roa-" He busted out into a fit of laughter and looked up at me. "Lyle~ Rawr!"

"Growl," I giggled out and fell down with him, reaching out for my brother's touch. I kicked the door closed quickly and hiccupped. Tonight was going by blurry to me. I crawled over his body and rested my head on his chest, giving a small sigh. I could feel the world spinning around me. "I'malittledizzy," I mumbled and looked towards his eyes. He purred to me then kissed the top of my head before he flipped us and giggled, leaning in towards my neck with a hungry growl. I growled back to him before hiding my neck. He kissed my cheek then before he crawled away from me and went towards the bed.

"Lyle... I'm going to blend in like a ninja!" He told me and laughed as he tried to go under the bed, getting down on his stomach. I watched him before closing my eyes, letting out a small purr. This floor is really comfortable. I felt him tackle me on the floor after a few minutes, making us roll into the wall and playfully growled at me. "Gotcha! I gotcha!" I yelped and opened my eyes.

"What're you five?" I asked and gave him a frown. "The floor was so comfortable." He purred at me and looked me in the eyes before he leaned in and kissed my cheek.

"Uh huh... I'm five.... Did you know... that the dark side has cookies?"

"So does the light side," I mumbled. "But you can see them."

"But did you know... that the trees speak?" He laughed then. "And you can paint with all the colors of the wind~"

"Huh?" I asked. "That's in a song," I grumbled. I let a yawn escape my lips and crawled towards the bed. He tackled me again and laid on top of me.

"Grrrrrrr.... you're not going anywhere~ No where and anywheres~"

"Okay," I slurred out and wrapped my arms around his neck. He purred to me and then closed his eyes, laying his head down on my chest. I felt his breathing slowing as he mumbled little things under his breath before he went silent on me, peaceful. I looked him over before I pushed him off gently. I stumbled to my feet then picked his body up and started to carry it over to the bed, falling onto it when I reached it. I'll have to get Milo's ring when I wake up. I curled up to one of the pillows, crawling onto the bed completely and shut my eyes, falling asleep almost immediately. ~~~

My head was pounding when I woke up. My eyes shot open and I glanced around, finding my plaid shirt, Yuri on Ice shirt, and pants scattered on the floor. I woke up a few times last night yanking them off from it being so hot because of the day. "Silas?" I called out, looking for him. I think I woke up to him stumbling to the bathroom at some point last night. He was passed out by the bathroom door, his shirt near his hand in his sprawled out form. "Silas!" I picked up a pillow and threw it at him. "Wake up. I need to go get a ring before every jewelry store closes." He groaned as he got hit then grabbed the pillow, sinking his fangs into it hungrily. "Silas, come on." I stood up and went for my pants, yanking them on. "Let's get going. Get up." He growled and then spat the pillow out, looking disgusted as he realized it had no blood in it then looked towards me, eyeing me over before he sat up and slipped his shirt on. He got to his feet and stumbled towards the door.

"Why was I on the floor?" He mumbled, looking out of it.

"Maybe you had to pee," I teased and grabbed my shirts, putting them on. "Does it matter?"

"I guess not," he muttered then looked towards me, rubbing his eye. "We've... got something to do tonight... don't we? Oh, your ring... for that Milo boy you like so much," he said then laughed. "You're going to propose~ Love birds...."

"That Milo boy is my boyfriend so watch it," I warned him. "Wake up some more and let's go. I'll drive. You sound like you had one too many last night." He purred at me and stumbled towards me, kissing my cheek.

"Mhmmm~ Love birds," he mumbled then wrapped his arms around me. "My head hurts."

"You want some blood?" I asked and purred. He nodded and leaned in towards my neck with a hungry growl.

"Uh huh... yours," he purred to me and bit down quickly before he pulled his fangs out and started to lick the blood up. I moaned and leaned against him, running my hand through his hair. He sucked on the wound lightly, drinking down my blood greedily as he held onto me. I waited a few minutes before tugging on his hair.

"That's enough," I mumbled. He growled a little but backed off, licking his lips. I smiled and yanked him out of the hotel and started for his car. "Let's go." He looked at the car then went for the driver's side, digging in his pockets for his keys.

"Better be a pretty ring," he mumbled under his breath.

"It will," I promised him. It's a ring going to Milo. I'm even going to have something carved into the inside of it. He looked at me and smiled.

"He'll love you forever," he told me and then got into the driver's seat, starting the car up. I got into the car as well, buckling up.

"I even thought of something to carve into it," I purred.

"Oh... There's no way he's going to tell you no now," he purred and smirked. "He's going to cry. I bet it'll be funny."

"Yeah... I just hope the date goes well that night when I do propose to him," I whispered. I want the night to be completely perfect. I don't know what I will do if I can't find a perfect date to do it on.

"Well, just make sure that it's you two only... that there are no outside distractions from the family, and that it's romantic- something he'd like," he told me calmly as he got us onto the street. "Lakes are nice.... You could propose to him at a lake house or something."

"I don't need suggestions," I grumbled. "Back off Silas. I'm not taking ideas from people. I know how to plan a proposal." He nodded and smiled.

"Yeah... you're right. You need to do this on your own," he told me and purred. "Just make sure to tell me about it once you propose."

"Milo can. You can have girl talk with him," I teased and jabbed at his side. He laughed and gave me a playful growl.

"When Milo has a kid, that's when Milo and I can have girl talk," he told me and smirked my way.

"We may never have kids," I warned. After all... Milo isn't a pureblood.

"You could get him turned into a pureblood," he hummed out in thought. "It's a little risky, but Aurelio is a wizard. He could help you... and then he'd have a crystal, and he'd be harder to kill too."

"I'll think about it..." I trailed off. I don't even know if Milo wants kids. "We can always adopt," I decided.

"That's true. You could always do that... but it'd be nice to have him as a pureblood- even if you don't have kids with him," he told me and tapped the steering wheel. "Having a crystal to call to is beautiful...." He zoned out then and I could see a loving look in his eyes as he looked at the road. I might talk to Milo about it later then.... See what he wants and thinks.

"I'll ask Milo," I whispered. He glanced my way and nodded.

"That's the best thing to do," he told me softly then looked back at the road with a small purr. "I'm happy for you though...."

"I haven't done anything yet," I reminded him. I've got to ask Milo to marry me first before anything else.