Hookah Bar

Calix's POV:

I stretched in the silk sheets, a small moan escaping my lips before I pulled Emile closer to my body and opened my eyes, looking the grim reaper over. I gently ran my fingers against his cheek before I slowly began to get up. I had plans for today... and no, I wasn't planning on feeding another one of my contracts to Laurence so I could eat them. I stood up and smirked as I opened a portal to Hell and went through it, appearing in my closet.

After I dressed myself in my favorite skin tight leather pants and black stilettos with a sexy white shirt that showed off my physique, I glanced my clothes over and headed to the back where my older clothes were from my younger days. Laurence should enjoy this~ I laughed as I picked up some black thigh high boots with a heel on it then grabbed another pair of my leather pants and a loose white button up shirt. Of course I will have to force him into it... and avoid that little disgusting furball. I don't know why he bothers keeping it around. He has me to protect him... then one day eat him. He even likes it! I shook my head and went to Laurence's room, finding him on his bed with that fuzzy white rat slumbering on his chest with it's tail curled up to it's side as it laid in a small ball. "Laurence," I purred, walking up slowly then sat down on the edge of the bed. "Put the rat aside and let's go. I have plans for you today," I told him then looked towards Toru and wrinkled my nose. "Why do you even let it stay with you? You don't need it here. It belongs with that rice god in Japan."

"What?" Laurence asked softly. His eyes fluttered open before shutting. "It's bedtime still!" I raised an eyebrow then picked up Toru and lightly tossed him to the foot of the bed. He yelped from the shock and quickly rolled over onto his stomach with wide eyes, scrambling to his feet. I smirked at him then pulled Laurence out of his bed before he could protest and used a portal to go to my home in Hell.

"Alright Laurence~ Be a good boy and let me dress you," I purred with amusement and started to take his shirt off him. "It's not everyday that I go out of my way to dress one of my souls~"

"You're not doing this to eat me.... Are you?" He yanked away from me and widened his eyes as he caught sight of the new environment. He placed his hands to his ears and got down to his knees. He started to breath heavy as he caught the noise of the damned. I frowned slightly as I listened to the screams then looked Laurence over. Huh... well this isn't helpful to dress him. I waved my hand to soundproof the room then walked up to him, grabbing him by his arm and pulling him to his feet.

"I'm not eating you today," I purred in his ear, getting close before I got his shirt off quickly. "No... I have plans for you today~ We are going to have some fun- just us." He yelped and backed away from me in utter confusion.

"What do you mean by fun?" He wrapped his arms around his body. I smirked as I looked him over then ran my fingers through my hair.

"I'm going to get you high... and make you dress like me. You could pull it off," I purred in amusement to him. Bet he thought I meant something else. Souls are just so funny sometimes~ I grabbed him and pulled him back to me, starting to force his pants down his legs. "I have Emile If you were thinking of something else," I teased him lightly to get him to blush, deciding to mess with him. He will be so funny high....

"No I knew that! I knew you meant you didn't want me that way." He looked his body over and frowned. "Okay you can dress me to get me high but not in heels or tights." I chuckled and got his pants off then held onto him a little tighter before I dropped the shirt and boots on a nearby couch and began to slid the tights up his legs.

"I will dress you how I please," I purred to him as I got them up his legs and smirked. They fit him perfectly.... He looks so good in them. He should dress like me more often- Hey, I should dress up Emile like this later~ He would look so sexy in my outfits! I chuckled at the thought then pushed him down onto the couch and began to put the boots on him. He groaned before shoving the tights down his legs and started to kick around.

"I'm not wearing something that tight Calix! I'm not dead yet!" He breathed a little faster before rolling off the couch. I narrowed my eyes then snatched him up, growling slightly.

"You're wearing it or I will eat you earlier than I planned," I hissed lightly in his ear then pulled the tights back up. "It won't be the death of you to wear it for me. Besides, I might let you wear it near that little fuzzball of yours if you behave~ You do seem to like it so much after all. I don't think it would be able to keep its eyes off you," I teased him then sat him back on the couch with a smirk. He frowned before looking at the tights.

"How could this make me look good when it feels so terrible? I'm not wearing this Calix. You do have loose clothes right? I could wear those!" I laughed a little as I watched him and finished putting the boots on him.

"No, of course I don't have loose clothes. I'm the kind of demon that likes to show myself off. I'm not going to hide myself with loose clothes. Besides, you get used to them and they're very useful when you want something," I purred to him and smirked. I've had tons of souls sign themselves over to me just because they were attracted to me. "Just be happy I am not forcing you to wear them for eternity. I could if I wanted. It's in our contract that your soul and body belongs to me. I can do as I please with you," I told him and smirked as I looked up at him. He really does rock this look.... If we weren't going to that bar to get him high... I wouldn't put a shirt on him. My eyes lingered over his body before I stood up and grabbed the shirt, unbuttoning it then slipped it on him. I buttoned it up to his chest then kept a few at the top unbuttoned and purred as I leaned in and smelled his neck, getting a whiff of the soul I would get when he dies. He grumbled in irritation and gave me a hard look.

"It feels like someone is grabbing my ass," he told me and reached for his ass. "Calix... I haven't died yet so you don't have my soul to boss around. This will be the only time you see me like this. I'm not going out in public like this either." He kicked off the boots quickly before I could stop him. I growled at him then forced them back on his feet before I pulled him to his feet and snapped my fingers, making us appear outside the druggie bar I had found a few souls in before. Hookahs was it's name. I smirked at the sight of the building and massaged Laurence's shoulders.

"I will do with you what I please. You don't want to anger me before your time comes. I will make your afterlife miserable if I want- throw you to the damned you heard." I purred at the thought of seeing Laurence helpless, surrounded by ones who would do anything for a few more seconds from the flames of Hell. "But let's not focus on that for now. I brought you here for fun. Let's go have a good time," I told him and smiled, pulling him towards the door.

"Calix! I don't feel comfortable!" He tripped up as he tried to stop us from going inside. "These shoes hurt! I'll have Toru eat you when we get home." I laughed then.

"That little fox couldn't eat me if he tried. You will get used to it," I purred to him and smirked his way. "Now stop complaining. I let you try on some of my sexy clothes from my young demon days."

"I can't walk in these," he grumbled and held onto my arm. "Heels are for ladies and hookers. Not for me." He pulled himself back up and gave me a look of defeat. "I'm ready to get back in my bed." Priceless... I should make him wear heels more often~ That look is gorgeous! Reminds me of the day he sold his soul away~

"I love it when you look like that," I purred to him and rubbed his cheek. "Let's go get you high~" I laughed and started to lead him over to a couch and sat him down on it, watching him closely before I grinned. This is going to be so sinful for him~ He kicked off his shoes and gave a sigh of relief.

"I'm so not putting these back on," he mumbled and unbuttoned his pants. He let out a sigh and looked around the Hookah bar. There was couches separated by half walls everywhere along with a long bar on one side of the place. The bar had alcoholic drinks lined against the wall along with Hookahs placed on the bar. The place was color coordinated with black, white, and red. We had sat down in a cozy small area where a Hookah was placed on the coffee table in front of us. There was two other couches in front of the coffee table where two other guys were sitting and looking each other in the eyes with a high but satisfied look. The Hookah was hot with something inside... I could catch the small scent of pot off in the distance where one Hookah was using the plant. Laurence groaned and rubbed at his head. "This place is impairing my vision," he mumbled as he waved a cloud of smoke away from his face. Apparently the couple had blown it our way while I was checking the bar out.

"Can I get you anything?" I heard a girl ask as she stepped out our way. She was coordinating with the bar as well, in a strict uniform. A white shirt, black pants, and a red bow tie. Her name tag on her shirt read Neptune. I purred as I looked her over then nodded.

"Yeah, you could get me a drink," I told her and smirked. My next contract~ Working in a miserable joint like this in a uniform like that. "You could get me something else too," I purred and gave her a wink.

"Can I see some I.D.?" She asked. Her eyes landed on Laurence and a frown snuck up her face before she snickered at the couple on the couch who were making out. "No. P.D.A!" She snapped. "And you!" She snapped towards Laurence. "No shoes, no service. No pants, no service. Button up those trousers and try not to get a hard on." Laurence snuck down quickly and buttoned up his pants, muttering a yes ma'am. I heard the couple distancing themselves with a hard grumble. "I asked for an I.D." I glanced from Laurence to her then smirked. Well... demons don't have I.D.s.... How the hell do I get a drink? Umm... maybe I can get a fake one real quick. I've never had to show I.D. before.... I snuck my hand down to my pocket and found a card in it (HAHA! I LOVE BEING A FLIPPING DEMON!) and pulled it out, glancing at it then handed it to her.

"You want my business card too?" I teased her. "I make deals for a living." She looked the I.D. over before giggling and handed it back to me. She looked me over before glancing at Laurence. "Where is yours?"

"Ummm.... I left it in my pants back home..."

"That's fine. Do you have your phone on you? You can show me your facebook and we'll go from there-"

"Nope.... my phone is there too."

"O-kay...." She looked him over. "Thanks for showing me your I.D." She winked at him. "I'll start you boys out with this menu," she handed us a menu for the alcohol. "Then this menu," she handed one where we could pick our poison for the Hookah. "Oh we also have this menu," she pulled out a food menu titled, munchies. "Now if you have any trouble picking off the menu, just let me know. Oh and tip me." Oh I'll tip her... tip her with a contract~

"Why don't you stay for a bit?" I purred to her, giving her a small smirk. "Take a break." I moved a little closer to her and looked her deep in the eyes. "I'll tip you well."

"I don't need a well tip... I need a money tip." She rolled her eyes before walking off to a group that sat down. Laurence watched her leave before unbuttoning his pants. He grabbed the menus from me and skimmed them over. I looked towards him and frowned slightly as I sat down beside him and looked over the alcoholic menu as he held it.

"Let's make a deal. We don't tell Emile or your little fox about getting you high," I purred in his ear.

"Why not?" He asked and gave me a frown. "Once I do, you get in trouble and I get a good laugh."

"Because I don't want Emile kicking me out of bed- especially if I land a contract while we're here," I mumbled to him then tapped the menu lightly. "I'll get that drink~" He frowned and slapped my hand.

"You're paying for this right? I don't have my money- my wallet in general or my phone on me." He looked towards the more expensive section then. "I think I want those." I glanced towards it then at him. Well... I am a demon. I don't really have limits. I smirked.

"If you want it, go ahead," I purred to him then laughed. I'll just make him pay for it when he dies. He looked the menu over before looking for Neptune and waved her over. She gave him a nasty look before looking back at the group. He buttoned up his pants before she started our way and he slipped his feet into his shoes.

"Are you boys done deciding?" She asked.

"Yes, we are Neptune," I told her and gave her a small smirk. "I want a Bloody Mary, and he wants the expensive pot," I purred in amusement and hid my hand, feeling a flame dance in it before money. I smirked slightly then pulled it out and started counting it before I handed the entire thing to her. "Keep the change as your tip."

"How gracious," she sighed out before looking at the couple. "Scram before I get back." She walked away then and yelled at the bartender for a Bloody Mary.

"I'm so not leaving her a tip," I heard one of the guys muttering.

"Don't bae," the other guy whined. "That's not right... she might be a bitch, but we're not. We'll tip her sorry ass because obviously she needs the money if she's working in a place like this."

"I'll give her a good tip," the other one grumbled. "Five bucks."

"Twenty!" The guy whined.

"What?! Nu-uh. She's a hoe."

"Language," I heard him hiss and smack his lover. I glanced over and smirked. Wouldn't it be funny if I caused some havoc? I looked the rude one over and then focused on him, staring him down as I smelled the air slightly to get a whiff of his soul and almost moaned. He'll have so much fun in Hell~! I grinned and focused on his heart, watching as his eyes went wide and he clutched at his chest involuntarily and fell over into the floor. Hopefully his soul won't be in the flames by the time I get down there~

"Nickie!" His lover jumped after him. "Baby what's wrong!? I need a doctor! 911! 911!" He yelled and started to cry. "Nickie!"

"Step away!" I heard a guy rushing up. "I'm a paramedic." He leaned over the heart attack victim. "Shit, looks like a heart attack. Back up and give him some space! Turn this Hookah off." I watched as he backed up the guy's lover. "I need you to get an ambulance down here stat," he shouted towards a stand by- phone ready- hippy. Laurence pinched my arm hard then.

"That was a dick move," Laurence hissed. "I know what you did, you selfish bastard. I'm leaving you." He got up and stumbled in his heels. I snatched him by his arm and pulled him down into the seat.

"Calm down. He was a bad soul anyways," I told him quietly then held onto him to keep him from leaving. "It's not like I killed an innocent. Besides, I didn't like his language...." And I kinda want to see if I can get his soul before it is thrown into the flames... and I might tag his lover for a contract too while I'm here~ He looks pretty distraught~!

"You're terrible," Laurence snarled in my ear.

"NICKIE!" I heard the lover shouting. "Babe don't leave me on this wretched planet! We were having handcuff night! Handcuff night!" I groaned.

"What? You don't think I've killed plenty of people before? I killed those people at the asylum for you...." I narrowed my eyes slightly then looked at the guy I had pretty much killed then rolled my eyes, waving my hands to restore his heartbeat before he could fully die. "There."

"You sure do know how to ruin a night," Laurence grumbled before walking up to the victim's lover. He placed a hand on his shoulder to lean against him for support while he struggled in the heels. "It's going to be okay. The paramedic knows what he's doing. An ambulance is on its way." The lover clung onto him then and busted into tears.

"It's my fault! I slapped him!" I sighed and looked towards the man on the floor, watching as he started to breath a little better and tsked. If it wasn't for Laurence, that man would be dead. I would've collected his soul before the others could get him in Hell.... I got to my feet and started over to the man, picking him up and setting him on the couch then sat down by his head and looked down at him, studying him as he was stabilizing, ignoring the paramedic entirely.

"You can't move him!" The paramedic shouted. "What's wrong with you!" He rubbed his head in panic. "His life is in your hands, dip shit. If he dies, you can get sued for touching him!"

"NICKIE DON'T DIE ON ME!" The lover went for Nickie then, shoving Laurence aside. Laurence fell over and groaned as the crowd tightened around us in concern. I heard the ambulance outside then. I looked towards Laurence then quickly moved to his side, making the distance smaller in an instant as I leaned down to help him up.

"Laurence, are you okay?" I asked with slight concern, looking him over. If he got one bruise- ONE SINGLE BRUISE- I'll murder them. This is my soul! IT'S TOO PERFECT FOR THEM TO BRUISE! I got more than I was supposed to out of Laurence because of that airplane wreck! I wish I had planned it, it was that perfect! I pulled him up to his feet and started to inspect him before I pulled him into my arms to protect him. "They better be glad you don't have a bruise," I muttered under my breath, feeling anger rising in me for how he was shoved. His breath caught as he leaned up against my body for support, his hands gripped at my shirt and his knee brushed against my leg. I could hear his crystal rush in a slight beat as fear overtook him and he tensed. I got a small flashback to his weaker self when he was alone in the padded room. I purred a little at the image and then leaned my face into his neck with a slight moan. "I can't wait," I purred to him. His fear smells so lovely~ He squirmed then and hid his neck, drawing his head inwards like a turtle. I could hear the paramedics rushing in to get my victim on the stretcher. I glanced towards them then looked at Laurence before I rubbed his cheek and smirked. "Do you hurt any where?" I asked him and scooped him up.

"My ankle hurts a little," he admitted and blushed. "Can I change clothes?" I looked at him consideringly. He has behaved somewhat... and he did get shoved and he fell.... I watched him then held him a little closer.

"Alright," I whispered to him. "I'll let you change into something you like." I started carrying him to the bathroom through the crowd of people watching the victim get taken away and took him inside, setting him down on the counter and shut the door. I snapped my fingers and made a door to his closet appear on the far wall and purred. "Go change." He looked around before at the door in surprise. He kicked off the boots quickly and ran for the door, going inside and shut me out. "Just hurry it up," I called out to him and tsked, picking up my boots. He shouldn't abuse these works of art like that! I looked them over before I made them return to my closet then leaned up against the bathroom door, watching the closet door. He couldn't really escape, so he'd have to come out here eventually. After half a hour he stepped out slowly in his own set of clothes. A pair of jeans and a Yuri on Ice tank top. He had on a pair of slides along with a pair of socks that matched his shirt. He walked up to me and frowned.

"I want to go home." I smirked at him then.

"We're not going back yet," I purred as the door disappeared like it had never been there. "You're going to get high."

"I don't think that's a good idea.... I've never seen a vampire high before. What if I get the munchies and go on a killing rampage? I might end up on death row....." He trailed off and frowned. "You wouldn't care though because then you could eat me faster." I watched him and then laughed.

"I have my uses for you. I would care a little. You're not going to die for at least a century."

"I have eternity," he said stubbornly.

"A century," I told him and smirked at him, crossing my arms. "I'm going to raise you into one of the best souls I've ever eaten... and you also come in handy when I'm hungry. Having a way to kill my contracts without being their cause of death is amazing~"

"I'm not eating another one of your souls," he told me firmly. "No matter how delicious they are.... It's not allowed for my kind."

"Screw the rules Laurence~ You have a demon contract. Who is going to tell you no? You survived a car crash, didn't you? You're eating my contracts for me," I told him then got off the door and went for his arm. "Come on, let's go get you situated again~"

"No means no," he told me and took a step away from me.

"Laurence," I hissed out in anger, watching him step back. "Get back here."

"I'm not dead yet," he hissed out. I narrowed my eyes then snapped my fingers, making his fangs start to hurt.

"You're not dead yet, but I can still fuck you up." He groaned and reached for his fangs.

"Why do they hurt!? Why'd you pick my fangs!" He dropped to his knees then. I watched him and growled a little.

"I could make them fall out. Would you like that?"

"No!" He cried out. "I don't want to lose my fangs."

"Then you won't disobey me," I hissed at him then knelt down in front of him, going for his hand. He whined before grabbing my hand.

"I won't," he grumbled. I looked him over before I purred slightly and let his fangs go back to normal.

"Good boy," I told him then pulled him to his feet gently. "Now, let's go have a good time."

"I hate you," he mumbled and walked past me, going straight for the couch we ditched. I followed after him and smirked.

"And I love your soul~"

"This soul hates you and it's going to figure out a way to escape your jaws," he grumbled as crossed his arms. The place had been settled down by now and Neptune was sitting where we had been, waiting with her legs crossed and my drink in her hand. I purred at the sight of her and completely pulled Laurence back to our spot a little quicker.

"I apologize for making you wait," I purred to her sweetly. She would make an excellent contract~

"Your Hookah is ready," she told us as she pointed to a new Hookah on the table. She sat my drink down. "There's your cocktail." She got to her feet and started to leave. "Hollar for me when you get desperate."

"Do you like it here?" I called after her, going to catch her attention as I sat down and picked up my drink, taking a sip of it. She turned around and raised an eyebrow.

"That's a stupid question. If I didn't then I wouldn't be here." She smirked and stomped away. Laurence sat down and crossed his legs, his eyes looking across the room at a party of five. I glanced towards the party of five then at him before I frowned.

"Are you wanting to join them?" I asked him curiously, turning my attention to him. "I brought you here to have fun. You can go over to them if you'd like." He frowned and sunk a little lower.

"No... I don't want to. I think I know them." I frowned then. I haven't really seen him act like this since he was turned.... I glanced back towards the humans then pulled him close, putting an arm around him.

"You're fine," I mumbled to him then rubbed his shoulder a bit. "If they're a threat to you, they can't hurt you. You're a very strong defiant vampire with a demon at your side," I purred to him then smirked slightly. "You could use me a bit more if you wanted to. After all, we have a contract." I don't mind following orders that I'll like.

"You've done your side of the deal," Laurence whispered and sunk lower on the couch.

"Then make a new contract with me," I purred to him in his ear. "Tell me you want to edit the contract~ You could change it with my approval so that way you could use me for your wishes until the day you die...."

"You mean.... if I make a wish before I die then you'd have to follow it?" Laurence gave me a hopeful look.

"Well of course within certain limits," I told him quickly. "Like for instance, you can't have me rip up our contract... or go try to kill myself...." He gave a disappointed look then.

"No thanks... if I can't do it myself then it's not worth trying and if I make you do stuff I can do then.... well that would be lazy of me. I have an eternity and I don't want to waist it all on making wishes." He looked towards the Hookah. "I'll try it once but then I get to leave, okay?" I frowned. Why the hell would you turn down a deal like that?

"Yeah, that's fine," I mumbled to him. If he made that contract... I'd be obligated to help him in the event someone attacks him if he orders me to. That night on the street when he was dying could easily be avoided in the future again if he had said yes.... Oh well, I don't think he noticed, and I'm not going to point that out to him. That would mean I would never see the death of him.

"It wouldn't be fair to you," he whispered as if he knew what I was thinking. I tensed up and widened my eyes a little before I looked him over.

"W-why would you even care?" I asked him softly, shocked. You'd think he would do anything to live.

"I cheated and I feel bad about it," he grumbled. "I got out of dying and it only caused you a century of waiting on my delicious soul. I cheated death and you got the worse of it. So I think altering my contract with you would just make it even more unfair. After all... I also have a bigger advantage on my side anyways. I can see the future. That's good enough." He reached out for the Hookah. I watched his hand then looked towards him. Most humans I make contracts with... don't even think about how they could cheat me out of their soul. If they get the idea to make a contract for whatever they wish, they don't think twice. I stared him down then looked towards the group of humans then frowned. They bothered him enough to make him want to hide.... Those must be his bullies. I glanced back at him then grabbed his hand.

"Do you want to get out of here?" I asked him quickly. I can't just make him sit here in the presence of those people if it bothers him that much. I can get him high elsewhere.

"You've already paid for it," he grumbled with irritation. He yanked his hand away. "Quit making a scene."

"It was a simple question. They are your bullies, after all," I told him quietly then glanced back at the small group. "Aren't they?" He tensed up before glancing at them.

"I only know four of them," he mumbled. "I don't know the new person."

"I'm not going to force you to stay here with them here," I told him then glanced back at him. "I'm not that much of an ass."

"They haven't noticed me... plus it's been a while since.... since I was human so I don't think they'd come bother me." He rubbed at his cheek before pushing his hair behind his ear. I watched him then nodded, tilting my head a little. He's a bit of a strange one.... It's still weird he thinks about how he cheated me out of his soul that night. I glanced him over then looked towards his chest. At least when he does die... I get something really great out of it. Something I would have never gotten easily- a pureblood's soul. I don't think a pureblood vampire would sell their soul easily. He rubbed at his chest then before looking at me. "Why're you looking at me like I'm food?" He asked. I glanced up into his eyes then and purred.

"No real reason. I was just thinking about how I haven't had a pureblood vampire for a contract before," I told him and smirked slightly. "You're my first pureblood."

"Really? Maybe it's destiny! Maybe you're doomed to follow me around," he teased. "Fate is angry at you."

"Fate doesn't control my kind," I told him quickly then laughed. "Besides, if you live for too long, I can eventually just get someone to push you off a cliff or something."

"I don't think it's that easy," he warned me. "I'm a fast healer now. Plus I will see it coming. You better kill me when I'm at my weakest. You've got a century though to figure out how to kill me... but I will also be getting ready to prevent my death. I'm not letting you take it so easily... even if I know I cheated." I purred then. That's the soul I expect from him.

"Good, I don't want you to let me get you so easily. It's more fun this way~ I get to watch you sink into despair when I finally manage to get you," I told him and chuckled at the thought. He gave a horrified look at the thought of me finally getting him.

"Enough," he told me before snatching the end of the hookah and went for a big breath from the mouth piece. I purred and watched him then looked towards where his bullies were. So they end up in a Hookah bar.... I wonder if Laurence would care if they suddenly went missing. I watched the ring leader throwing some fired shots out at Neptune, complimenting her figure. She gave him a nasty look and stuck her nose up at him. He gave a riled look and made the others laugh. Laurence let out a cough as he took in too much and fell over. I widened my eyes and looked towards him quickly to check on him then relaxed as I watched him. I glanced back towards them before I pulled Laurence close to me and rubbed his back gently, purring a bit to him. He coughed a few more times and groaned before leaning into my body. A cloud of smoke lingered around us. I was quick to lean the names of the five partied bullies. Since they loved to yell their names out at each other. The leader was Quil. Followed by Sammy, Jeremy, Chase, and Alex. Alex seemed to be real close to Chase. I glanced them over before I pulled Laurence into my lap to focus on him and soothingly rubbed his back.

"You alright?" I asked him curiously. He nodded and shivered a bit in my arms.

"It's cold in here," he told me but it was actually warm. "I'm all fuzzy...." He leaned in towards my neck then and scrapped his fangs against me. "I'm soooooooooo hungry." I laughed a bit and then ran my fingers through his hair.

"You don't want my blood. It'll make you go a little crazy.... Go eat your bullies," I suggested, giving a small smirk. He bit down into my neck anyways, purring. I gasped and gripped his hair in surprise then glanced over at him. "L-Laurence," I whispered then went to pull him back from my neck. I don't want my blood corrupting his crystal! He growled in defiance and sunk his teeth down harder, his nails clung to my body. I widened my eyes and then decided to relax. He's already got a taste.... I'll just have to get him cleansed by his own kind. I can't really do anything about his crystal now.... I purred to him then laid down on the couch, letting him on top of me. "Alright, go ahead. I'll have you cleansed later."

"Hey! What are you two doing? Keep your peters to yourself," Neptune hissed out as she walked up. "This isn't a sex club. Back up and I want twelve inches apart or I'll get the fire extinguisher." I heard Laurence let out a demonic growl. I frowned and wrapped my arms around him then looked towards her.

"He's not doing anything sexual," I promised her. "He's got the munchies."

"The hell?" She asked. "I'll go get him some nachos..." She walked off in confusion. "Who the hell let's them bite them when they've got the munchies?" She grumbled. Laurence moaned against my neck then and a few drops ran down my neck and hit the white couch. I purred to him and rubbed his head. I might as well get him out of here before he gets too out of touch with reality. I opened a portal right under me back to the castle, falling through it and landing on my bed so he wouldn't get found out at the Hookah bar. I glanced around before I went to remove him from my neck so I could go see about getting him a bottled blood.

"Want a bottle?" I asked him as I rubbed his head and went to take his fangs out of my flesh. He bit down hard on my hand then and let out a growl before going back to my neck.

"Right here," he told me.

"Right here?" I asked in confusion.

"You are." He licked my neck before moaning again. He yanked back and looked straight at the door before disappearing completely and the door flung off it's hinges. I heard a maid scream a few feet down the hall. Oh.... I got to my feet quickly and went to where I heard it then found him pinning a maid against a wall. I frowned and yanked him off her before I ripped his crystal out rather quickly to avoid him trying to get away.

"This isn't good," I muttered. "Well, I guess I won't be getting another vampire high," I hummed out and started walking off, tossing his crystal between my hands. I heard the maid scream and take off running in the opposite direction. I felt the crystal heating up at my touch and a small screaming sound coming from it. I frowned and stopped tossing it, looking it over. "What the hell?" The crystal was a red like fire color that had black leaking out of it and pouring out of the center. It was pulsing alive with screams. Are they supposed to scream? I frowned and then started for Lyle's bedroom, deciding he was probably my best bet as a pureblood. They're close, right? It's not his maker, but his maker would rip me to shreds- or try to. I walked in without knocking and went straight for the bed where Milo was curled up with Lyle. Lyle glanced my way before pressing pause on his phone and ripping out a pair of headphones.

"Calix?" He asked in surprise.

"Do crystals normally scream?" I asked him curiously and showed him Laurence's crystal. "He kinda went demonic." Lyle sat up to have a look and frowned.

"Umm.... Crystals don't ever make a sound except with a pulse..." He trailed off as he looked the crystal over in horror. "What did you do to him?"

"Got him high..." I told him calmly then looked the crystal over. Maybe it's all those souls from that plane or something if this isn't a normal thing. "He did get a crystal from a bunch of souls dying in a plane crash," I hummed out.

"You probably.... shouldn't have taken him out of his body. We never discovered if his soul was directly in that pile of lump. You might have just killed him Calix." Lyle tsked then. "We could have locked him in a tank of holy water instead of doing this." Oh? I might've killed him? I frowned then. I think I would've felt his death.

"No. I don't think he's dead. I don't feel it, or else I would've rushed to Hell to go eat him. I've been waiting for his death," I purred out then looked the crystal over before I stuck it in his hand. "Cleanse it."

"That's right.... You're a demon so you can't do it yourself," he purred in amusement. "You can't go on holy ground... can you?" I tensed at that and looked him over then gave a slight growl.

"Just cleanse him," I hissed.

"Okay. I'll see what I can do. We have a few extra bottles in the dungeon I'm sure of." He slipped out of Milo's arms and looked the crystal over before handing it back to me. "Hold him and don't eat him." He started off for the door then. "I've got to get a few things." I looked towards him then at Milo who frowned as he watched Lyle go then looked towards me before he grabbed Lyle's pillow and curled up with it, not taking his eyes off me.

"Don't you try anything funny," he warned me, looking a little tense. I smirked.

"What? Think I'll eat you?" I teased him. He narrowed his eyes slightly then looked towards Laurence's crystal with worry. Laurence's crystal warmed up at my touch and started to leak the back stuff onto me, making my skin burn instantly and catch fire. "Oh... look at that. I'm on fire," I hummed out, not concerned. I walked into the bathroom and turned the sink on with my other hand and plugged it up before I slowly put his crystal in it and my hand. "It's times like this that I'm glad I'm a demon," I purred. The water boiled around the crystal before settling. The dark color took over the water and suddenly started to climb up my arm. Little hands gripped at me as it tugged to take me under. I widened my eyes and shrieked, yanking back quickly and ran across the bathroom. WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?!

"Calix?" I heard Milo call out worriedly. "What happened?" I could hear him rushing to come to the bathroom. Wait... if he comes in here, will it try to get him, or is it just me it wants? I paused and looked at the door.

"Milo! Don-" He walked in quickly then looked towards me then at the sink. I felt the water drip off my hand and the smell of blood caught my attention from the drops. The sink started to overflow and spill out onto the floor. I frowned and started to walk up to the sink, turning it off then walked up to Milo and picked him up. He yelped and widened his eyes.

"LET ME GO!" He shrieked out in fear then squirmed. I smirked slightly and took him back to the bedroom, setting him down on the bed.

"Calm down," I told him, watching as he looked at me with wide eyes. He started to relax a little as he saw he was back on the bed and then pulled a pillow into his arms, watching me. Lyle walked in with a jar and gloves on before looking around.

"What.... what's going on?" He asked. "Are you trying to do something funny to Milo?" He went to open the jar then. I widened my eyes and looked towards the jar. Is he threatening me with holy water?

"No," I told him simply. "Laurence is in the sink." I took a step back from Milo who looked towards Lyle with a purr, relieved he was back.

"Why is he in the sink?" Lyle asked and went for the bathroom. "He shouldn't be near drains."

"I plugged it," I told him quickly and followed after him. "He caught my hand on fire."

"That's impossible. Crystals can't do that... but they can't scream either so... looks like we've got a monster on our hands." He walked up to the sink and looked down at the murky water. He reached down into the sink water and pulled out the droopy Crystal before sitting it on his counter. He opened the jar up and placed the crystal inside before closing the jar. He shook it before sitting it down and stepped back. The water inside boiled around the crystal quickly. I frowned and watched it curiously before I looked towards Lyle.

"Is that normal?" I asked him curiously. "Or is that strange for a crystal? Should we go get his little fox or something?"

"That's just the cleansing process," Lyle said calmly. "He'll be in there for a while, I have a feeling. He took your blood directly.... You're a demon. It's worse then binging on blood. He might need to sit out in the sun for a few hours as well in that jar." I wrinkled up my nose.

"He isn't going to come out of that jar all pure and innocent, right?" I asked him. That would be awful.

"Oh yes," Lyle told me. "He's going to be the reincarnation of Jesus himself. He'll go to church every Sunday and pray.... pray for everyone's sins. He'll pray the sinful make it to hell and the good make it to heaven. He'll pray to his father for good luck in his journey into your mouth. Then he'll sacrifice himself to you on a cross." I frowned at him then.

"You didn't have to go that far," I muttered to him. "I swear.... I think I'll just take this jar and take him to someone else."

"Like his maker? I think I'll call Silas up and tell him what you've been doing to his boy." I frowned then and looked Lyle over.

"I didn't do anything to him besides get him high. He bit me on his own."

"You should have known better. If you truly cared about his soul then you'd make sure he has a good life before he dies. That way he'll taste better." I glanced towards the jar quietly then nodded.

"He won't taste as good if he still has some of the holy water with him," I muttered.

"Well you should have thought about that before," Lyle teased and looked at the jar. "Now, take this off and don't pull him out until he's back to his normal color and the water is calm." I wrinkled up my nose and looked towards him in disgust.

"I can't pull him out," I told him quickly.

"I've got gloves on," Lyle told me and smirked. "So if you want him, you'll have to get him out yourself. Any blood will do to turn him back to his formal form." I frowned at him then looked at the jar. I could stand on a table and drop the jar to make it bust to get him back... or I could spill the contents out through a strainer.... Probably the strainer.

"Fine. I'll dump the jar out through a strainer," I muttered and walked up to the jar cautiously, tensing up as I neared it. My very being didn't want to pick this jar up... and I almost backed up from it but I forced myself to pick it up.

"Hold it with a towel," Lyle suggested and gave me one quickly. "That might help you... Oh and.... I'm positive you do care now." I frowned at him then.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" I asked him then wrapped the towel around the jar, feeling slightly relieved I wasn't holding the jar directly.

"It means whether you realize it or not... You've become apart of his family. Family care for each other. That's something you don't know much about, do you?" I tilted my head. Apart of his family? Pfft.

"No, of course not," I told him then looked the jar over.

"I won't tell him until you're ready," Lyle promised. "It'll be nice having a demon in the family. We'll have uses for you... Maybe even more." Is he turning weird on me? I looked him over and frowned.

"You're strange," I told him then started for the door. Weirdo.... I'm a demon, not some sappy human or vampire or whatever. I made a contract.

"No I'm not. I know what family is. You're slowly becoming apart of his and that's great. If you didn't care about him then you wouldn't be here. You'd either be in hell or eating him already." I tensed and paused. I COULD'VE EATEN HIM! Great... I forgot about that.... I frowned and looked at the jar. I guess it'll have to wait, huh?

"I'm not going to abandon one of my souls if they could fall into the wrong hands," I told him simply then glanced at him over my shoulder.

"Your hands are as safe as Toru's paws for him," Lyle purred in amusement. I frowned at him.

"I could still eat him," I told him.

"You wouldn't. I'm getting to know you. You're starting to like him."

"No, not really," I said and looked at the jar. Though he is the best soul I've ever had~ Definitely the most interesting one too. Besides, I've never had a pureblood soul... or a soul that felt guilty out of managing to cheat me. I relaxed slightly as I remembered he said he felt guilty and purred slightly at the thought. He turned down that contract that might've enslaved me forever if he had wanted it.

"Maybe in another decade then," he suggested. "I'll ask you if you like him then." I glanced his way then smirked.

"Well... If what you mean by like is I don't plan on eating him for awhile, then I guess I could admit to that much," I told him, allowing that at least. I'll let him live for a century... maybe two.

"You like him. Want to know how I know? You're sitting here arguing with me." I frowned then looked him over.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked him. I'm telling him I don't like him the way he thinks I like him. He's my contract. I like the fact I'm going to eat him one day.

"It means when it comes down to it... When something comes along and succeeds in killing Laurence.... I don't think he'll be dead just yet. I think he'll have his second chance." I frowned and then looked back at the jar, feeling torn. Well... it would be a boring world without a strange soul like this one to keep me occupied when Emile isn't around.

"That's kind of cute," Milo mumbled from the bed with a small purr. "A demon liking his soul.... It makes me less scared of him."

"Who wouldn't like Laurence? He's a great vampire. He's useful to have around, he's a very loyal vampire, he's very kind hearted, and he's had one hell of a history. If Calix can't tell what a rare gem he has in his hands then this world is surely doomed."

"Of course he's special," I whispered under my breath, watching his crystal. "He felt guilty...."