Lyle's Coronation

Lyle's POV:

It felt like this night would never come. With Hesper missing and the dragons in mating season.... Silas has been really worried about his son. Most importantly that we can't get Ross away from Toma and their hoard long enough to go find Hesper. They're really in heat... Sera mentioned they had to board up the treasure room and she's making plans for the next season to where the treasure room will be sound proofed. The good thing is Hesper can be a great reason for Silas to show his angry side tonight. He'll be thinking of the kidnaper instead of whatever he plans on thinking about when we go to fight. That's why we're going ahead with the coronation. Otherwise we'll just be putting it off because we're too distracted to give a fuck about our kingdom.

I frowned as I looked over my clothes picked out for tonight. "Fuck," I grumbled. I really didn't want to get in another tight suit for at least another century... for when I marry Milo. I looked at myself in the mirror of my bathroom. Water was still dripping down my body as the fog cleared. I whipped at the mirror again before grabbing a towel to finish off what I started. I patted down my body and scrubbed my hair dry before dropping it into a hamper. I changed into my white, gold, and silver suit before brushing my teeth. I glanced over the little bottles on the counter before grabbing a bottle from Toma. It was from the last time we celebrated my birthday which we got the record thanks for Kingsley. Apparently I'm a November baby.

I rubbed the gold oil over my neck and chest, moaning at the rose scent. Thank you Toma. I brushed my hair up into a belled knot. Flashes of my first coronation came to mind of how I got ready by tying my hair back with a belled ribbon. I let out a small sigh. Silas was so angry at me... It's going to hurt me to see him tonight mad again. "He's going to be so mad," I mumbled. But I need to remember that it's not real. "None of it will be real," I whispered. I stepped into my shoes then, dismissing the socks. I stepped out of my room to meet silence. For the coronation I'll be showing up later than everyone else which means Milo is already gone to the ball room. I'm not supposed to make an appearance until precisely midnight.

I glanced at my clock, seeing there was thirty minutes left to go. Silas is downstairs, supposed to be expressing his anger about the whole night. He'll making a leaving scene and when I come in I suspect he plans to attack me and announce his allegiance with the resistance once more. I wish I was a fly on the wall downstairs.

I heard a soft knock at my door then before Esther poked her head in with a small smile. "Hey, I thought I would escort you down when the time comes. I was able to get away from the party without being noticed too much. The girls are fawning over Milo again, and Everest is keeping everyone else busy by chatting up lots of people."

"I do need my pretty sister to show off when I step inside the room," I laughed out. I gave her a smile as I held out my hand for her. "It'll keep the eyes off me long enough to be distracted until I get crowned." She purred and came in all the way, shutting the door behind her before she walked up to me and grabbed my hand.

"You know I will escort you in. You need one anyways~ You're a soon to be king again," she teased me and then kissed my cheek. "What are sisters for?"

"I thought they were used to get the other brothers in the coronation room. Let me guess... Sylar isn't there as usual."

"Actually, he is in there. For once he came," she purred in delight to me. "He's downstairs in the ball room all dressed up. We have a strange guest as well- the dragon king."

"The Dragon King? Did he bring Hesper with him?" I gave a huge smile, knowing Silas and Rei were probably happy if he did. I hope there isn't any trouble stirring downstairs.

"Yes, he brought Hesper with him. The king has refused to take a human form though and is staying about the size of a kitten on Hesper's shoulder, growling at those who come near him besides Hesper's parents," she told me and giggled. "It's kinda cute."

"I bet it is.... That's something I want to see. Hesper must be having a ball about that." I linked arms with her and started for the door, sure I was ready to make my appearance.

"He is. He got the Dragon King to bring him home for a night and to come with him. That's pretty special," she told me and smiled. "He seems to care about Hesper enough, and Hesper seems to be enjoying the time he is getting with his parents and with his King."

"Well it is mating season... I'm surprised the king let him. Must be a special occasion indeed. When we get inside the room... You might want to distance yourself from me quickly," I warned her.

"Oh?" She asked and raised an eyebrow, looking towards me. "Is it about all those things Silas has been muttering downstairs?"

"Well.... I am stealing the crown away from him," I told her.

"I know that... but he actually seems really angry. Half the guests are staying away from him and the other half look at him uneasily." She shook her head. "He really knows how to scare people." I frowned, feeling a bit scared for my life. After all... this is Silas we're talking about.

"I don't want you to get hurt if he comes for me," I explained to her. "So it's best you distance yourself incase he tries anything."

"What about Milo?" She asked me quickly. "That's not fair at all."

"He's as far as he can be from me right now which is what's been intended. He's safer away from me."

"You know he'd run to save you," she muttered to me. "He'd come for you if Silas was to attack you. I mean... I could paralyze him... but it would look suspicious."

"To save my lover from a smack down? I don't think it would look suspicious at all if you time it right." She looked at me thoughtfully before she nodded.

"Okay, I can rescue him from Silas's attention.... Would you like me to paralyze Silas as well?" She looked me in the eyes worriedly.

"Don't worry too much," I begged her. She sighed softly before she nodded.

"I'll let him get you, but only until he goes too far. If he tries anything too dangerous, I'll go after him," she told me softly then kissed my cheek.

"Okay dear sister," I purred and patted her arm. She looked ahead of us as we reached the door then took a deep breath and opened it, holding it open for me. I heard the chatter in the room quickly die down as all eyes turned to me, looking in our direction. I could see Milo with Everest and Neal, entertaining our guests as they talked to a group of ladies and gentlemen. Silas was near Rei, holding onto his hand tightly as they were with Hesper and his dragon king. I gave a small purr as I eyed down the guests. This is going to be one hell of a coronation. I stopped dead in my tracks in the doorway. I do love a good entrance pause. I want to savor all their faces. They looked towards me with a sort of mixture of excited and slightly nervous looks. Milo let out a purr as he looked at me from across the crowd, but I suddenly heard a loud growl erupt from Silas as he eyed me down. I felt a little excited by the attention he was giving me.

I haven't gotten this much in so long.... not even the last time I was crowned. I can't even remember if he showed up or not. I directed my eyes at my brother before heading straight for him. He's got to give me his crown after all. "Silas," I purred out softly. He narrowed his eyes at me.

"Don't give me that look with a purr," he snarled at me. "If you really were my true brother, you wouldn't be taking my crown away from me again. I rightfully earned it and it was mine to begin with!"

"You're upset? I've been on the throne the whole time," I hissed out lowly. "I might have gave you the crown but you never sat on the throne.... Not even once. You were busy with your mate and sixteen kids." I chuckled a little as I looked him over. "Really.... It's not going to be much of a drastic change. Just getting my crown back from you. I've already got my warm throne under me." I laughed a little and held out my hand. "Crown." He narrowed his eyes at me then let go of Rei's hand, rage sparking in his eyes.

"What was that?" He hissed then exposed his fangs at me. "Like Hell I'm going to give you the crown! You have no clue what it is like to be married or be a parent while being a king! You don't deserve the throne! You're not even a true Rosario! YOU'RE ADOPTED!" I frowned as I heard the crowd muttering. Rei widened his eyes slightly.

"Baby, I told you not to make a big scene." Rei hissed out through his teeth. I almost laughed as I looked towards Rei.

"I'm older," I hissed out. "Does that not mean anything? I'm more fit to be a king than you are! You're too busy raising kids."

"At least I have heirs to my throne!" He snarled at me then stepped towards me, glaring me down. He stalked towards me and then grabbed me by my tie, yanking me to him. "You're going to have to pry that crown out of my fingers if you think you can get it back from me," he hissed. "I will never... EVER... give the throne to someone like you! The throne is my rightful place, and no council will take that from me!"

"Pry it from you?" I asked and grabbed his hand. "I PLAN TO! I was going to do this kindly.... but since you're open to me prying it from you.... then that's what I will do. I'm sure no one on the council will object to me prying it form you. It's been agreed long before this night." I laughed and rubbed his hand. "So, which finger has to get broken?" I grabbed his index finger to force his hand away from my tie. He narrowed his eyes at me then tightened his grip on my hand before he yanked me to him and bit harshly into my neck, sinking his fangs in deeply.

"LYLE!" I heard Milo yell out worriedly, his footsteps coming our way. I quickly heard Esther's heels clicking in his direction to stop him. I groaned out in pain, hearing a few of our guests gasping out in disagreement with the bite.

"Silas," Rei hissed out and stepped back, pulling Hesper with him away from us.

"Well now he's gone and done it," I heard Laurence laughing out. "That's my maker. Bite him hard and show these pussies what they're missing out on."

"Oh I love that idea," I heard Pierre purr.

"Oh fuck," Charles said. "That smells good."

"You smell good~" Pierre purred out to Charles and I suddenly smelled their blood as they bit each other. Silas snarled and ripped a chunk out of my skin before he spat it in my face and backhanded me across my cheek, making my head whip to the side sharply.

"You're no brother of mine," he snarled at me then stomped down on my foot and shoved me to the ground.

"L-Lyle!" Milo cried out, being restrained by Esther nearby who was struggling to hold him as she tried to lift his shirt up to get at his spine. I groaned as I sat up from the ground and kicked Silas's feet out from under him.

"Good enough for me," I hissed out. "I don't want to be your brother if you can't give me something I'm meant to be." I started to crawl over his body then and pinned him down. "You're kicked out of my castle." He narrowed his eyes then.

"I was born here," he hissed at me. "I was raised here to be the king of this castle. You were just some simple orphan my father found in the darkness! You weren't meant to be the Rosario King," he snarled then kneed me between the legs. "This is my castle!" He shoved me off him then started to get to his feet but was snatched by Everest.

"Silas, don't do this," she hissed slightly in his ear. "He is our brother. You know this. Look, back down now before you dig a hole for yourself deeper than last time." He narrowed his eyes and yanked away from her before he started towards me with a murderous look in his eyes. I widened my eyes slightly before getting to my feet, aching between my legs.

"Silas," I whined. "Don't be that kind of brother. I don't want to throw you away in a hole." He growled at me and stalked my way but was tackled by Milo, a small yelp coming from Esther.

"Milo! Don't attack him! He's too dang-" Milo exposed his fangs and sunk them down into Silas quickly, pinning him down as Everest's eyes widened a bit.

"Milo," I hissed and went after him. I pulled him off. "Don't bite people," I warned him. "You're going to loose your fangs doing that." I shoved him towards Esther. "This is my fight anyways," I groaned out before looking at Silas. "You're in trouble too," I hissed out at him. "I hope someone is recording whose fangs are getting snatched tonight." I heard Milo's body crumple to the ground as Esther finally managed to get his shirt up high enough and she let out a pleased purr. Silas groaned and rubbed his neck with a pained look.

"Fuck, he bites hard," he hissed under his breath then started to sit up, trying to cover up his unease at the bite as he held a hand over it. I reached down to him and yanked him up by his shirt. I threw him towards Esther, seeing my easy way to winning my bet with Silas I had. He's so my bitch tonight in the dungeon. He yelped as Esther caught him with a smirk and widened his eyes. "Shit! ESTHER, DON'T YOU DAR-" He struggled as she quickly got a grip on the bottom of his shirt and began to tug it up on him. He panicked and exposed his fangs, trying to rip away from her as she smirked at him.

"Wow, what an event. I knew I should have came tonight." I heard Sylar saying as he was walking over. "What a hole my brother has dug.... It's really deep.... and dark." He started to clap then. I glanced towards him and frowned, seeing he had a knife out. "Okay, Esther let our brother go." She paused and glanced towards him with a frown.

"What?" She asked in confusion. "Sylar, I need to restrain him before he can-" Silas slipped out of her arms then and darted for the door quickly, racing for it with a panicked look.

"There he goes," Laurence purred out. "Maybe you should follow," he coughed out towards Charles and Pierre.

"STOP HIM!" I hissed and ran for Silas. Kingsley tripped him as he started to run by.

"Watch your step," Kingsley purred out. Silas yelped as he hit the floor then quickly sat up before he growled and glared at Kingsley, yanking his foot out from under him then got to his feet. He darted out of the room and slammed the doors behind him, his footsteps quickly echoing down the hall as he made his break for it. I heard the crowd murmuring to themselves, watching me worriedly. I frowned as I slowed near the door. Huh... He got away. I turned around slowly and fixed myself in front of them.

"I guess it's my crown after all," I told them. I walked up to Kingsley and helped him up. Pierre started to pull Charles towards the door, opening it as he got to it and went to walk out with him. Charles didn't put up a fight, letting Pierre guide him away. I watched him and frowned. "You two are leaving as well? Anyone else?" I asked and eyed down Rei. "You might want to follow your lover."

"Well..." Laurence said as he tightened his tie and started for the door with Toru. "I don't mind stepping out."

"Come on kids." Rei grabbed Hesper's shoulder and started for the door. The dragon on Hesper's shoulder growled and darted to Rei's hand on the other shoulder, going to nip at it quickly with a possessive growl. I could see Killian's face falling from where he stood with A'slin, looking up at his friend with a torn look.

"I'm staying," A'slin said quickly. "I don't want to be with the rebel that's getting a head start from my uncle Lyle."

"A'slin. You'll not leave your family. You're coming with me." Rei hissed out. "Even if I have to drag you by your ear." Hesper quickly grabbed the tiny dragon and shoved him into his pocket. The dragon growled and started to crawl back out, puffing some smoke at Hesper as he crawled up Hesper's tux. Hesper tsked and put him back inside the pocket.

"Stay there," Hesper said sternly.

"No thanks. I want to stay here." A'slin waved him off. "I still get your crown here or with you."

"A'slin," Rei said with a hurt voice. Killian bit his bottom lip before he grabbed A'slin's hand and looked up at him.

"You can go with your dad if you want," he told him softly. "You know where to find me if you want to see me again."

"I'm not going," A'slin hissed out. "I don't want to. Just because my father is fighting with my uncle doesn't mean I have to follow him with my tail between my legs. Good bye." He looked directly at Rei.

"Fine," Rei hissed out. "Suit yourself." He looked at his other children crowded around him. "Time to go." He started for the door. I looked at a servant.

"Set a timer for ten minutes. I'll give them a head start before I put a warrant out for their bodies." I reached out and grabbed the wine glass from his tray. I think that went too well. I expected a better fight from Silas. "Cowards," I muttered. "He's a coward too. I knew I would get the crown easily."

"Yes... but now you've got a war with him," Kingsley sighed out. "He'll be back."

"He did leave rather easily...." Esther said as she walked up with a frown, holding a paralyzed Milo in her arms. "Maybe it was because his children were here and could be hurt because of him. He probably will come back alone to get you Lyle. I would watch out," she told me softly. "If I had kids, I wouldn't get into a big fight with them around...."

"So you really think they're the reason he held back and ran?" I asked and laughed. I think he was more scared of what I would do to him. I did threaten him with the asylum.

"Well that and he knew I was trying to paralyze him," she purred. "You could do who knows what to him in that state to forever ensure his loyalty." She grinned then placed Milo in my arms. "He will be able to move in about an hour. I wasn't sure how long Silas would be in here. Enjoy him while you can before he can run off," she teased me lightly and winked. Milo groaned lightly from the exchange of hands and looked a little frightened to not be able to move. "I'm going to go see if they are still hanging around here and guide them to a safe place upstairs if they are still in the castle," she whispered to me then walked out of the room quietly to go see if they were still here or if Silas had really left.

"Be careful," I warned her and gave Milo a serious look then. "Now you.... You know better than to bite someone without permission. Even if they're kicking the shit out of your lover. You will learn to fight not with your bite but with your limbs." I sighed as I carried him over to a bench to place him down on to let him rest. Silas really did look angry at me.... I hope he was just being a really good actor. I should apologize for anything that I said that might have bruised him on the inside. Maybe I will see him later tonight. Milo looked towards me and frowned.

"O-okay," he whispered to me. "I won't bite someone again like that. I just... He really looked like he was going to seriously hurt you, and I don't want my first vampire and my first lover getting hurt. I love you...." He smiled at me then with a purr. "If I could move, I'd hug you but your sister saw to it that I wouldn't be moving for awhile." He giggled a little before he glanced to the door out of the corner of his eyes as it opened and Esther came back in with a frown, a disappointed look on her face. She looked towards us and walked over slowly.

"He actually left," she whispered to me. "I think he took his family back to Japan. Rei's fledgling is missing as well."

Oh that's just terrific. He's supposed to hide away and stay low... not leave me.

"Well are we going to crown a king or stand around all night and wait on dawn to fry us?" Kingsley asked as he started for me. "I think I'd like the honors to crown you. After all! I haven't crowned anyone before and I believe I was the last one crowned. Honor goes to me. Silas after all is officially against you... he might as well be against the council... He made that clear in his fierce vocabulary." He raised a glass of blood then in his hand. "To a new king I say. King Lyle I grant you your crown back with that cozy throne you've been saving for Silas. It's all yours.... Where's that crown we've been waiting on? Some of us have to leave and travel through dawn to get home." He waved his hand and looked around to one of the queens holding a crown on a pillow. She had been waiting for a good moment of time to come to me with it. She gave a sweet smile at us as she walked towards us.

"Lyle, it will be an honor to crown you again. Even if you're an adopted prince of Rosario... You make a damn fine king," she told me. I heard all of the room approving her speech.

"Of course we can't leave a stone rolled over.... You're going to have to punish Milo," I heard a council member telling me. "We'll let you do it on your own time and report to us about it at the next meeting. As for Silas... He's your responsibility to take care of as well as those vampires that are with him. It's against the law to bite anyone of that mater without first.... asking. Even if you're on the verge of war over a crown-" I interrupted to wise old vampire king speaking.

"Yes I know."

"We know you know. You're a damn good king. So we leave it to you to deal with them.... although you just let them walk away like that."

"I figure I could give them a head start and get my crown first before I go looking for their heads.... but my sister just came to me with news. They're all gone from this castle. I'll search for them tomorrow night. Tonight, we celebrate my crowning."

"I'd say," I heard the girl with the crown laugh out as she stopped by Kingsley. The old king walked up to me then with a piece of paper pulled from his pocket along with a pen. He unfolded it and held it out.

"Then you better sign if you're looking to be king by the end of the night," he told me. I nodded and took the pen and paper. A servant ran up and bent over for me to use his back to write on. I sat the paper down and signed my name off then waved the paper into the air.

"There! Rosario has a new king," I told them and looked towards Esther, handing her the paper. "For safe keepings." I gave the pen back to the old man and knelt down in front of Kingsley. Kingsley laughed a little.

"I never thought I would see you this low," he whispered to me. I frowned a little. Is he making jokes with me at this time? I felt the cold gold being placed upon my head and a cheer erupted from the room as I stood up. "King Lyle, may you do good for your kingdom and the council." He leaned in and gave my forehead a kiss. "Let's celebrate a new king!"

Killian's POV:

"I can't believe it... this has got to be the most ridiculous... coronation I've ever been to. Usually it's more.... serious... Well I suppose that's what happens when the kings and queens die and leave immature kids to take their throne... Not fully trained for the crown." I heard an old man muttering under his breath near me. A'slin took a sip of his blood in a wine glass before pointing his finger to Sylar. Who was now standing face forward at a window. The knife was still fiddling in his fingers. As if on cue, a council member cleared his throat.

"We're forgetting someone." The member said as he stalked towards Sylar. "You! What was all that about with Silas and Esther earlier? Let him go? After clearly violating our law? He bit someone. He refused to hand off his crown. He made it clear he was against the council.... and you just wanted Esther to let him go? After he attacked Lyle? What was you going to do with that knife? You better choose your words wisely." Sylar turned slowly to look at him.

"Throw it at a piñata of course," Sylar said calmly. I felt A'slin cling to my arm then.

"I don't see one."

"I do," Sylar said calmly. "Quite a few actually."

"Would you point one out to me?"

"Sylar," Lyle said calmly. "You were just wanting to throw a knife at Silas, wasn't you? You wanted a go at him... Didn't you? That's all you meant by letting him go."

"He's certainly a piñata," Sylar laughed out. "But I had no intention of throwing this knife at him." Lyle let out a small laugh.

"Goodnight baby brother. Esther, can you take Sylar to his room. He's had enough socializing for one night."

"You're going to let him go? He's clearly unstable-"

"He recently lost his soul mate. Anyone would act this way." Lyle told the guy. "He's been unstable for a while now.... Normally he doesn't go to events like this... So of course, he's definitely unstable. A night minded Sylar would have blown this off. Sylar, go to bed and we'll call Amelia to come get you."

"I was getting bored of this anyways," Sylar muttered as he started for Esther. "Let's ditch," he told her. I could feel Alslin slowly loosening his grip on my arm.

"Goodnight Sylar," Kingsley purred out to him. "Sleep well." Everyone watched as Esther left with Sylar linked to her elbow. The music started back up as they left.

"I want to speak to you in private," Alslin whispered to me. "It won't take long, I promise. We'll say we're going to the restroom if anyone asks." I looked towards him and frowned slightly. In private? After all that?

"Okay," I whispered to him then glanced for my parents to make sure that they weren't nearby. "We can go." I wonder what it is about? He yanked me off, leaving the room before heading to a supply closet and brushed us inside, cutting on the light.

"So.... ummm...." He trailed a little. I frowned a bit and glanced towards the door then at him.

"Why are we in a supply closet?" I asked him curiously. Is it that private that he doesn't want to risk anyone seeing us?

"Well..." He glanced at the paper and pens inside. "I thought we might need that if you agree."

"To what?" What in the world does he want? I rubbed my neck a little then blushed as I noticed how close we were in the closet together. This has nothing to do with biting, does it? I know he doesn't want me biting him... and I highly doubt he'd try to bite me at a coronation... and I doubt he'd need paper for that....

"I'd say we're friends.. good friends, right?" He asked me.

"Yeah," I whispered and relaxed a little, looking up into his eyes. "Of course we're good friends. We hunted together, and I came with you here, didn't I?"

"So... I was wondering.... we're best friends aren't we?" He asked.

"Yeah, we are," I told him sweetly and leaned up against the wall. "You're my best friend at least. I'd trust you with pretty much anything, and I love spending time with you." I wonder what this is about....

"I was wondering.... If in ten years.... we're still single..." He looked me over with a small blush. "We could be more than best friends." More? I blushed then and felt my heart speed up.

"More than best friends?" I asked, my voice breaking slightly. I could hear my heart thudding in my ears, making me flustered. He can probably hear my heart racing!

"What do you think? I mean... After all it gives us ten years in advance... to umm.... anything." I blushed and hid my face into his neck, leaning in against him to hide. Do I want to be with him?! Well, it would be nice.... I do like him a lot... and... I would much rather share something like a relationship with him than a stranger. In ten years if I find someone else I like, I can always not be single.... I blushed and gripped his shirt before I nodded slightly.

"O-okay," I whispered to him. "If in ten years we're both single... I'll be more than friends with you."

"Really? Okay... let me write it down and we'll sign each other's names on it as well as date it," he said sweetly before grabbing a pen and leaned into the paper to write up our ten year contract. When he finished he handed it over to me to sign. I blushed and looked it over, thinking it through before I glanced at A'slin then smiled softly and signed it. I folded the piece of paper up then stuck it into the pocket of his suit and leaned in, giving his cheek a small kiss to test it out. He giggled and rubbed my cheek before grabbing the handle on the door and stepped out of the closet. I purred as my heart thudded in my chest and I walked out to him, leaving the closet.

"So... you owe me a dance then," I told him and smiled at him. "After all, in ten years, we might be dating."

"One dance," he told me teasingly.

Lyle's POV:

I watched the butlers closing the doors as the last of the guests left that wasn't staying the night. I gave an approving smile before heading off to my study to get some late night king work done. I just became an official king so that means I need to be getting back to that hard files. I stepped inside and shut the door, going over to my desk. Silas looked up at me from my desk chair, frowning at me as he crossed his legs. "Lyle," he said simply. I paused as I looked him over, not expecting him here.

"Silas," I purred out sweetly. "Did I hurt you too hard earlier?" I asked with concern. He tsked slightly.

"You could've toned down on what you said," he told me then sat up a little. "Milo's bite was really hard too. My neck is still sore."

"I know... I'm going to punish him tonight for it," I sighed out and started for him, kneeling down in front of him. I slipped off the heavy crown from my head and sat it down on the desk. He watched me for a few minutes before he sighed and relaxed.

"You don't have to punish him. Just scold him lightly. He is your lover after all, and he did it because I was about to hurt you really bad," he told me softly. "It's probably better that he did bite me. I was angry for real when I went for you that last time." I frowned and grabbed his hand.

"Silas. I never meant any of what I said," I whispered and brought his hand up to my cheek before I kissed it. "It was just.... You didn't mean what you said too... right?" I asked. "You should know I didn't mean it." He started to purr a little and rubbed my cheek.

"I know that now after I got away for a bit. I took my family back to Japan so they would be safe. Rei will be rejoining me shortly here after he gets them all settled in," he told me and leaned in, kissing my cheek. "I love you brother."

"I love you too," I purred as I leaned in and gave him a hug. "I was scared a little when you left the ball room and Esther told me you took them away."

"I was angry, but I've calmed down," he told me softly then pulled me into his lap and hugged me. "I'm not upset. I know it was all an act. If it wasn't, we would be fighting right now still."

"Good," I whispered and leaned into his neck, kissing where Milo had bit him. "I can't stand the thought of you being mad at me.... but it was a little fun getting that much attention from you, I will admit. Oh and apparently you're a piñata." I laughed as I thought back to what Sylar said.

"A piñata? No, nevermind, I don't want to know whatever that means," Silas said and shook his head then looked at me. "Don't tell me you're going to actually punish your lover for biting me though. I've already forgiven him. If it was Rei being attacked, I'd do the exact same thing he did but much worse."

"I wouldn't have. I'm not a monster that fights with jaws." I frowned at Silas. "He needs to learn that biting an enemy is not the answer. Don't be as equal as the savage attacking, surpass it."

"I remember you biting your enemy once," he told me then tapped my nose. "You bit and drained that girl who was with the man that kidnapped you," he reminded me. "You can't punish Milo for what he did." I sighed.

"That..." I sighed out. Was definitely a mistake biting her. "If you tell anyone," I hissed through my teeth. "I don't want Milo to ever act that low."

"I won't tell," he purred to me. "Look, just tell Milo what he did was wrong and that you never want to see him do it again and he better not or you will punish him for real next time. Give him that warning instead of a punishment then tell the council that you whipped him or something," he told me. "It's not like he did something without cause."

"I know... I think I might punish him differently from the law.... maybe make him wear a dress or something." I shrugged. "He still bit you." He smirked.

"Well, if it is something like that, then go right ahead and punish him," he teased me and chuckled. "Didn't know you were like that Lyle."

"I might make you wear a dress too!" I hissed at him. "You weren't so above either. Charles and Pierre bit each other! You should warn them that it's not a decent thing to do in a room full of vampires."

"They're mates. It's different," he told me and shrugged. "That was love bites with consent. I could tell even while I was angry."

"I know- You on the other hand bit me! I am not your lover nor did I give consent. You're lucky right now because I'm taking it into consideration that you were acting as what we wanted to see from you."

"I could give you worse," he teased me and smirked devilishly at me.

"No you won't," I hissed sternly. "As your older brother," I warned him. He laughed then looked towards the desk.

"I organized the papers for you," he told me then pointed to a few stacks. "Those you need to go through. I left you a notebook with all my notes on all my projects and the next courses of action for each of them that I want done. You won't be thrown into the frying pan immediately. You can study what exactly what I've been doing with my crown and go from there. All of the plans are good plans," he purred to me. I nodded at the thought before leaning over the desk to have a peak at the top files. It was a file with requests for blood taverns to make them legal. He rubbed my back then kissed my cheek. "Did you put Milo to bed?" He asked softly.

"I did," I whispered. "He's sleeping off an Esther spell." I looked back at Silas and smiled. "You should get going, Dmitri is waiting for you not too far from here."

"Yeah, he probably is," Silas whispered then slipped out from under me. "Call me if you need anything at all... and here is the journal," he told me and slipped a small notebook from out of his jacket and placed it down in front of me. "I tried to make it as simple as possible."

"I think I can handle it. We're not too far away from similar minds." I placed it down on the desk. He nodded then leaned in and kissed my cheek once more.

"I will visit again soon," he whispered in my ear then pulled away and started for the door to leave. "Be careful."

"Don't forget we're not seriously mad at each other," I begged him. He glanced back at me then smiled.

"I will do my best," he purred to me. "Write me often then if you want to make sure that I won't be angry at you."

"I will.... I'll start a letter right now," I teased.

"You better," he teased me right back then walked out, shutting the door right behind him with a click. I watched the door and whined, wondering when I'd see him again. There goes my brother. Again.