
William's POV: 

I yawned as I settled down in a seat, watching a maid walk by as she held a duster in her hand and was cleaning up the living room. I finally managed to catch a break... without having to learn something new from Alfred. It was great... being the chosen butler to succeed his position from him... but it was rough. I felt like my head was being crammed with knowledge, and it's still a little strange to me to call Sera, Sera. "Will, there's a guest here," I heard a butler say as he walked in then scoffed. "Sitting on your butt.... You don't even deserve the position. Some of us have worked hard to get recognition for this position, but here you are, younger than us and sitting on your butt instead of working hard." I frowned. I've been working ALL DAY! It's finally dark, and I finally caught a break! I sighed and got to my feet.

"There's guests here?" I asked him and smiled at him anyways. I'll just ignore that part he said.... He rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, A guest, not guests. Go greet them. Alfred is busy with our mistress." I nodded and widened my smile before I started for the door, squeezing past him to go to the front door to greet the guest like I would have to do when Alfred retires. I wonder who it is? I'll have to take them to the night room and then go announce them to Sera....

Sylar's POV:

Lyle had forced me to come to Kingsley's castle to get away from the family for a bit, saying I needed the break. I had walked into the castle, but it didn't take long for the sound of shoes hitting the floor started coming my way. "I'm sorry for any wait! I was told that you arrived just a few moments ago," I heard a cheerful voice call out to me as a young man came into the room where I was waiting. His blue hair was what struck me first, then his mismatched eyes with one gold and the other hazel. He was rather cute and had a bright, cheerful air around him that made me feel at ease almost immediately. He grinned and walked up to me. "I'm William Ellis, trainee for Alfred the head butler," he told me sweetly. I caught his scent then and was immediately drawn into it, a sweet scent that promised better days and wrapped me up like a warm, comforting blanket while making me a little hungry all at the same time. It tugged at my crystal, pulling me in. I frowned a little in confusion. Why is he doing this to me? He must have rare blood or something... He looks like a rare treat.

"My name is Sylar Rosario," I told him and loosened up on the frown, giving him a calming smile. This is better than hanging around that dusty book shop already. I glanced around curiously. So this is Kingsley's castle.... He's my brother's true family. I walked around the entrance then, trying to figure out what it would have been like to grow up here. I caught the scent of dragons then and smiled. That's Toma and Ross. So they do live here. The butler looked towards my things on the floor then picked them up.

"I take it you are staying," he said happily then laughed. "I'll get you a room set up right away."

"Great! It'll be better than a pillow and warm fire," I said quickly. "Where is Kingsley?"

"In his tea room I believe. I can take you there as soon as your things are in a room," he suggested, giving a kind smile. "Or would you rather me ask a maid to take you?"

"I'd miss your companionship," I told him. He smiled brightly then before he headed towards a door.

"Then follow me," he told me and started to lead me out of the room. "I'll take you to Kingsley then announce your arrival to Alfred and Sera. If there is anything you want, you're welcome to ask me for it."

"I'd like blood," I told him as I eyed him over. "A bottle of it." I started walking his way and purred. "So Alfred picked you? He's like.... important I hear at this estate. Sera is fond of him or something like that. I can see why he picked you." I eyed him over before laughing as I looked his ears over. "Stud." He blushed a little and looked towards me.

"Hey, I wear it so I can wear other things too," he told me and then laughed slightly. "Besides, I like it. It's cool."

"What would you wear with it besides a suit?" I asked. I shook my head in amusement. "There's no way you're a butler."

"What's that supposed to mean?" He asked me curiously. "Of course I'm a butler."

"You're a rare breed," I teased. "Are you fully human?"

"Uhmm... yeah, of course I'm fully human," he told me and smiled at me. "My hair is actually a natural blonde. I dyed it blue. I can't really explain my eyes though. I was born with them after all."

"Yeah.... rare but human." I looked him over in interest. "Okay. To his bird cage." He grinned and nodded before he quickly lead me up to a bedroom and placed my things inside then started to lead me back down the stairs and towards where I could hear birds chirping.

"I will leave you with him if you don't mind- that is if Sera isn't in there," he told me sweetly, giving me a kind look.

"I believe that is check mate," I heard Aurelio saying in amusement.

"No no no no no, I don't think so.... Not quite yet, you cheated."

"I did not!" Aurelio hissed. "You know I didn't. That's a move."

"Hold on and let me ask the internet."

I laughed softly and raised an eyebrow. I started for their voices, leaving bluie to it. I caught his scent more stronger as I passed him, my jaws aching as I passed him and his scent stood out to me yet again. He laughed softly. "Well, I think you know where you are going. I will go see about Sera," he told me sweetly, going to walk off. I stopped walking and grabbed his wrist, pulling him to me as I moaned slightly. He smells so good. He yelped and blushed, looking up at me innocently as he looked up into my eyes with a surprised look. It was so cute to see him blushing like that and looking at me innocently, making my crystal pulse.

"You smell really good," I told him and leaned in towards his neck. I slowly licked it, savoring the flavor of his skin. He gasped and tensed up a little, a shiver running through him and I could hear his heart racing in his chest as his pulse quickened along his neck. "You make.... me.... so... hungry," I whispered against his skin.

"M-Mr. Rosario," he whispered back quickly, sounding a little frightened. He went to hide his neck from me, his face heating up into a blush. I pulled away and groaned as my fingers went for my knife in my jacket. I'm too hungry for this. I pulled it out and grabbed his wrist, slicing it quickly before I leaned in and started to suck on the wound. He yelped loudly and held back a groan before he shivered and went deadly still. I got a good taste of his blood as it raced through his veins quickly. It was delicious, pure... unlike any other blood I've ever had. It was refreshing and sweet all at the same time, drawing me in and I caught a faint taste under it... something that was calling out to me in his blood... like fate. How could this be? I just lost my soul mate.... This can't be possible. He's too old to be right.

"Sylar?" I heard Kingsley ask. I didn't even hear him approach.

"Well he's not biting him," Aurelio said in amusement. "Way to beat around the rules."

"Sylar." Kingsley walked up and pushed me away from William quickly. "Did you ask? Did he ask, William?" William widened his eyes and quickly held onto his wrist, holding it close to his chest as he looked at me then at Kingsley before he bit his bottom lip. He slowly shook his head no.

"He... didn't ask. I'm sorry I didn't react quickly master Kingsley," he told him and blushed. Kingsley grabbed William's wrist then and brought it up to his mouth before he licked it. He let William go then looked at me.

"Sylar, you really are unhealthy." He reached down for me and pulled me up by my jacket. "Come on, tell him sorry and we're taking you to your room for the rest of night and day." William's eyes widened then.

"It's fine," he said quickly then smiled a little uneasily. "I don't mind at all. He was just hungry. I can go get him a bottle of blood. I was planning to right after telling Sera he was here." He relaxed a little and looked towards me, his smile strengthening. "It doesn't hurt anymore anyways. I'm fine... really," he said sweetly then looked at Kingsley.

"William.... If I don't punish him then he'll never learn his lesson. There's a good reason why his fangs are missing." Kingsley grabbed me by my chin. "Say sorry." I groaned and yanked my head back.

"I don't need an order from you to apologize to him... I was going to anyways." I looked towards William with sad eyes. "Sorry I got caught." I felt my cheek begin to sting before the sound of Kingsley's hand smacking me. He let out a low growl before looking at William.

"Go get him a bottle of blood." William's eyes were wide as he slowly nodded then quickly went to pass us, his scent hitting me again as he ran past me to go do as he was told. "Sylar, I should remind you that you're in my castle and I am a king. You'll show me respect. I'm not your brother. You're lower than me on the chain of importance and I deserve your full respect and attention." He patted my stinging cheek then. "Now... How do you like your whippings?" I frowned as I leaned away from his hand.

"Extra hard with a side of watchful eyes," I told him and looked towards Aurelio. "Might as well make a good show out of it." I heard Kingsley let out a small chuckle, amused by my answer. William was back rather quickly with a glass of blood and walked up quietly, holding it out to me. He gave me a huge smile then.

"There you go Mr. Rosario. I picked the freshest one we had for you."

"Thanks," I purred and reached out for the blood but Kingsley smacked my hand.

"You can't have that until you apologize. We deserve it and you'll only deserve that after you apologize." I groaned before looking at William.

"I'm sorry. It runs in my blood to want to bite people. Just look at my older siblings.... Particularly Silas." I reached out for the bottle again.

"Excuses," Kingsley whispered out. I grabbed the glass before downing the entire bit. William gave me a huge smile, a cute look taking over his face.

"It's quite alright. I'm perfectly fine!" He told me and laughed. "You didn't take very much at all from me, and at least my blood was of use... not wasted like it could've been if I got hurt doing something else."

"You're lucky he didn't slice your throat open," Aurelio said in amusement. "Vampires are vicious creatures when they want to be. They are monsters after all. No matter their rank in society." He looked towards Kingsley then. William looked the two of them over before he looked towards me and smiled.

"Well, since how it looks like you can get away, would you like me to take you to your room? We could run you a bath."

"Be careful," Kingsley warned. "I don't want you accidentally getting.... cut again." He looked towards me. "That'll be the only reason I let you two go up to his room alone is if you make sure to stay careful." William laughed happily then.

"I'll be careful," he promised then looked towards me. "Right this way Mr. Rosario," he told me sweetly then gave me a kind look before he turned to start walking down the hall. "We'll get you a nice towel for after your bath too." I handed the empty glass over to Kingsley and followed after William.

"You should be careful because I did take blood from you.... and you might end up dizzy," I told him. He looked at me and smiled sweetly.

"I'll be fine," he told me and grinned. "Besides, I trust you enough. If I was to get dizzy, I don't think you would take advantage of me."

"You think? You underestimate me," I mumbled. He's just a human. A delicious human.

"Well, I know that if you do... Kingsley will not be happy with you," he told me and shrugged. "Besides, you were hungry the first time you sliced me open. You have blood in your system now.... If you get hungry again, you can just ask me," he whispered that last part to me and blushed slightly, rubbing his wrist where I had gotten him.

"I'm not much for asking," I purred. "I rather take and then apologize." He watched me then smiled and nodded.

"Okay... well I guess in that case, I'll have to ask you to only do it to me. You would scare the maids if you did it to them, and they'd scream," he told me sweetly.

"I have a particular taste for you." I eyed him over with interest. Maybe that witch did this to me. He blushed a light red and looked towards me.

"Is my blood that different?" He asked me curiously and rubbed his wrist.

"It's strange.... Strange like Colsin's blood was." I hummed as I took my eyes off of him finally and onto our surroundings.

"Colsin?" He asked softly, looking at me now. I had his complete and full curiosity at this point, his entire attention focused on me.

"I had a soul mate," I whispered. "He died. Recently." He got quiet then and gave me a sad look, and I instinctively felt that the look didn't belong on his face at all.

"I'm sorry," he whispered to me. "He must've been really important to you...."

"He was my soul mate and a good lover... Of course he was important." I tsked and shook my head. "His name was Colsin...." I trailed off. He watched me for a few moments before he reached out and gently touched my shoulder, giving me a small, comforting smile, and in that one moment, I felt completely better and somewhat happier than I've been in a little while. I looked him over and gave a smile. "I'm sorry if you're upset over my little mate trouble."

"No, it's fine," he told me and gave me a kind smile. "I don't mind at all listening to you, Mr. Rosario." He stopped outside my door and opened it for me. "There we go," he mumbled. I stepped past him and looked around before slipping my jacket off and sat it down on the bed. I walked up to my suitcase and opened it, dumping the clothes out onto the floor before grabbing a shirt from Colsin's selection I kept as well as a pair of my sweat pants. He walked in and went into the bathroom, starting a bath for me then dug around in the cupboards for a few seconds. "There! One fluffy towel ready to go," he said happily and laughed. "Okay Mr. Rosario, there are some soaps and shampoos already in here for you," he called out to me then stepped out of my bathroom. He gave me a cute grin and bowed slightly. "Enjoy~" I gave a smile as I watched him.

"I will. Thanks for this, I think." I shook my head and walked towards the bathroom with my clothes. He nodded and stepped aside for me but stumbled slightly, making his eyes widen as he fell back into me with a yelp. He blushed and looked up at me before he went to stand on his own, trying to get back on balance. I looked him over before helping him with my free hand. "Watch your step, clumsy." He blushed and looked towards me then nodded.

"Y-yeah," he whispered then rubbed his wrist. "Ummm... enjoy your bath?" He asked me and laughed a little. "Sorry I fell into you." He smiled at me then walked past me, his scent hitting me once more again and making my crystal pulse. I moaned a little before reaching out for him.

"Don't go," I begged. I wasn't sure anymore how I could go without him. He paused and glanced towards me in surprise but a smile formed on his face as he saw my look. He laughed a little before he walked up to me.

"Alright, I will stay out here if you are wanting me to. I can always message Alfred for him to tell Sera," he said sweetly as he looked up at me. "I will be right out here if you need something." He smiled brightly at me, making my crystal pulse again at the sight of him. He smelled so good too... just absoletely perfect. Even Colsin didn't smell that good. His eyes were lit up brightly before he turned and went to sit on the couch in the room, leaning his head down on the arm of the couch as he pulled out a phone. I could feel my crystal tugging me after him, desiring to keep him close. Maybe... just maybe I can convince Sera to let me have him.... There is no way he's meant to be a butler... the way his blood calls to me. I watched him before dropping the clothes in my hands and started for him. If only I had fangs...

"I need your blood again," I whispered to him before sitting straight down on his lap. "Give it to me." He blushed and sat up straighter, looking at me then slowly put his phone down on the arm of the couch.

"Need it?" He asked innocently, looking me in the eyes. He bit his bottom lip as he studied me then gave a sweet smile. "Well I don't mind as long as you don't take too much from me, but weren't you going to take a bath Mr. Rosario?" He gave me a cute look as he smiled and laughed happily. "At least let me turn the water off in the bathroom if you plan to drink from me again," he told me then went to slide out from under me with a smile. I reached for him and frowned.

"Don't go... If I take a bath, I want you to wash me." I brought him closer to me then. He blushed and looked towards me.

"I've never washed anyone before besides myself," he told me and stopped moving, looking up into my eyes with a cute look of innocence. I looked him over before leaning in towards his face and kissed his soft human lips. He made a small noise of surprise and tensed, gripping my shirt then pulled back with wide eyes, looking at me before his face started to redden into a blush. "M-Mr. Rosario... you shouldn't kiss a butler."

"Why not?" I asked and leaned in for another kiss. He yelped a bit then hid his face into my chest, his ears turning pink. I looked down at him in admiration before kissing the top of his head. "It's not wrong." He glanced up at me and then blushed as he gripped my shirt in his hands. I could hear his heart racing against his chest as he looked into my eyes.

"I-it's not?" He asked me and looked shy. "We barely know each other, and you're a vampire prince."

"I know your blood tastes delicious and calls out to me." I grabbed his chin and started to rub it. He blushed and tightened his grip on my shirt as he tilted his head up instinctively in my hold.

"Is it really that delicious that you kissed me?" He asked in confusion.

"I want more from you too," I whispered to him.

"More?" His eyes held an innocent, confused light in them as he looked at me and then slowly loosened up on my shirt. He blushed and ran his hand up to mine that was holding onto his chin, his soft fingers wrapping around my wrist.

"You're quite innocent," I whispered. He laughed a little and smiled sweetly at me.

"I am?" He asked and then gently removed my hand from his chin, holding onto my hand with his as he didn't take his eyes off me.

"You are...." I slipped off the couch and pulled him with me. "I'd like my bath now." He smiled at me.

"Okay," he said happily then walked over to where I had dropped my clothes and knelt down, gathering them up into his arms for me. He looked towards me with a smile before he bounced off into the bathroom, putting them inside. I stepped into the bathroom and started to take off my shirt, watching his body as I done so. He turned towards the bath and looked it over before he leaned over the tub and plugged it up. He straightened up and looked towards me with a huge smile. "Do you still want me to bathe you Mr. Rosario?" He asked me, looking me in the eyes.

"Yes," I purred with delight. I unbuckled my seat belt belt and pulled it off before unbuttoning my pants. I slipped them down to my ankles and stepped out of them. He nodded and then turned towards the counter, starting to unbutton his suit and took it off, setting it down before he unbuttoned the cuffs on his white dress shirt and rolled the sleeves up to his elbows. I slipped out of my boxers then glided over to the tub and stepped in. I sunk down slowly and leaned my head back against the tub. He turned towards me and smiled hugely before he walked over and grabbed some bubble bath soap and poured some in, watching as the water pouring in created bubbles all around me and knelt down by the side of the tub next to me.

"I hope you don't mind, but it's all rose scented," he told me sweetly and sat the bubble bath solution aside. He laughed a little before he grabbed some rose scented shampoo and looked towards my hair before he sat the bottle down beside him and reached out to me, touching my hair lightly and making me catch his delicious scent once more before he sort of giggled- a really cute bell like laugh coming from him. He dipped his hand into the water and started to gently get my hair wet, being careful. I watched him curiously, trying to figure out what he found funny... the fact that he was making me smell girlish perhaps? How could he laugh at a time like this. This should be serious. He looked towards me and smiled at me sweetly as he got my hair wet then started to shampoo it. "What's the matter, Mr. Rosario?" He asked me.

"You're laughing at me." I looked him in the eyes calmly. "This isn't funny."

"It kinda is," he said happily and gave me a cute look. "I've never bathed anyone before, much less messed with someone else's hair~"

"You're a butler. You should have already been doing this," I teased him. He blushed then.

"I've never been that kind of butler. I've always cleaned things around the castle with the maids. I kept things pretty and I did some really good floral arrangements too," he told me softly. "I was really good with flowers and design...."

"I bet Aurelio appreciated that along with Kingsley." I heard from the gossip of the maids, they were big in their inside garden.

"I never heard from them myself about it," he told me and laughed. "Alfred found me scrubbing the floors in the entry room and commented on my hair. He started watching me a little more after that before he made me his trainee. I guess he saw something he liked...."

"I found something I like about you too," I purred out lowly. He blushed and looked me in the eyes before he smiled sweetly at me.

"You're only saying that because you drank my blood," he told me and laughed. "I really should keep an eye on you," he teased me lightly.

"I've got my eyes on you," I whispered. He smiled at me sweetly before he started to rinse my hair.

"I really am going to have to tell Sera you're here soon," he said softly with a smile. "She'll get upset, and you haven't let me go or text her yet."

"You should have texted her while you were on your phone," I teased.

"You sat down on me though before I could press send." He laughed and then put conditioner in my hair before he started to take his hands back and went to get to his feet. "I'll go message her while that sits in your hair."

"Go ahead," I told him and waved him off to do it. He smiled at me sweetly and then went over to the sink, washing his hands then dried them off before he left me in the bathroom to go back to the bedroom. I could hear him humming softly under his breath to Mercy. I sunk down quickly and went under the water before coming back up and smiled. He came in after a few seconds with a huge smile.

"She says hi," he said happily and bounced over, kneeling down beside me. I caught another sudden whiff of his gorgeous scent that made my crystal pulse again in my chest. He laughed and looked at me before he leaned in and touched my hair. "You got it out already?"

"Not fully," I whined. "Scrub it out." I winked at him. He smiled and then nodded before he started to run his fingers through my hair and used the water to get the conditioner out of my hair.

"She'll want to see you soon as well," he told me and looked me in the eyes, his mismatched ones locking onto mine.

"I know. I'll see her eventually." I frowned a little then. "Is A'slin here too?"

"A'slin? Yes, he's here with Master Killian. They're practically joined at the hip nowadays," he told me and laughed. "I can show you to his room later if you'd like."

"No..." I shook my head. "That's the last thing I want." His eyes softened and he nodded.

"Okay, I won't tell him you are here then," he whispered to me then grabbed a washcloth before he started to put body soap on it and leaned in, washing my shoulders and neck first. I smirked a little at his touch and let out a pleased purr. He blushed a little and paused before he continued and gently took my arm, starting to clean it up.

"You look good doing this," I teased. "Maybe you are fit to be a butler." He glanced at me and then smiled.

"Of course I'm fit to be a butler. I've been one for most of my adult life- though I haven't been one long," he told me and laughed. "I had to go through some extensive training to be a butler here, and I'm having to learn again."

"Maybe I can steal you from Sera," I purred. "I need a personal servant." His eyes widened slightly then.

"Mr. Rosario, you do know I'm going to be her personal servant if she likes me, right? That's why I'm being trained to take Alfred's place."

"I know... but I want you." I looked him over in interest. He blushed at me and looked towards my arm before he let it go and reached for the next one.

"I doubt she will let you take me even if I wanted to go. Alfred personally picked me, and that's a really high honor. There are hundreds of servants here," he whispered.

"What will I do though if I can't have you all to myself?" I looked him over and frowned. "I like you." He smiled at me then.

"You could always visit Sera more. I'll always be here," he told me sweetly. I frowned as I looked him over.

"I guess," I mumbled. He looked at me then bit his bottom lip.

"Do you really want me as your servant that badly?" He asked me quietly, giving me a concerned look. "I mean... there are lots of others that she could have as her personal servant...."

"No... I want you as more than just my servant." I smirked. "I want your blood." He blushed then before he let my arm go.

"If all you want is my blood then I guess I could bottle some for you," he told me and started to wash my chest. "After all, taking me from here for just my blood is a bit extreme."

"You'd bottle it?" I asked. That would be a great idea. "I'd like that." He gave me a sweet smile then and laughed.

"We'll see," he told me with a cute look before he started to wash my back. "I can try to do it, but I'm not going to bottle so much that I get sick, okay?" I licked my lips at the thought of having his blood bottled. It probably wouldn't last me long. He hummed under his breath as he washed me up and then pulled away when he had finished cleaning me, rinsing the cloth out before he got to his feet and walked over to my towel and grabbed it, turning towards me with a sweet look. I stood up quickly and let the water run off me before I stepped out onto the cold tile. He looked me in the eyes before he stepped up to me and started to dry me off with the towel with a smile. "Are you still hungry? I can go get you some bottled blood and heat it up for you," he suggested. I smirked.

"I'm only hungry because you smell so delicious. I wouldn't bare to part with you." I looked him over before taking the towel from him and wrapped it around my waist.

"Knock knock!" I heard Alfred call by the door. "I've come to tell you, Sera wants to have dinner with you. Kingsley and Aurelio will be there as well as the rest living here." William's eyes brightened up in excitement and he looked towards Alfred with a happy look, a huge smile on his face.

"Thank you sir," he said sweetly and nodded respectfully. "He'll be down for dinner."

"I want to see you just before," Alfred told him. "We're going to go over the dinner plans." He looked us over and smiled in amusement. "Don't take too long up here."

"I can be right down actually," he told Alfred and smiled, looking towards me. "Duty calls," he told me and started to walk towards Alfred with a bounce in his step. Alfred laughed and started to walk away.

"Don't miss dinner Sylar! I know how you are. We will come looking for you." I heard him yelling as the door shut. I frowned. Wait a minute.... everyone that lives here!? I frowned and dropped the towel.

"I'm not going!" I yelled. I heard footsteps pause then.

"Should I stay with him sir? To make sure he goes?" William asked Alfred softly on the other side of the door. "I would hate to see Sera be disappointed."

"He's distracting you from your training... we'll send a maid up to fetch him." I heard Alfred chuckle.

"Okay," he said sweetly. "He likes to slit wrists though, so we should warn her."

"At least he doesn't bite," Alfred laughed out. I groaned as I heard them gossiping about me. I walked over to my clothes and yanked them on me.

"I don't think he has his fangs," William mumbled, sounding a little sad. "He tried to drink from me with a knife.... It must be awful to not have fangs as a vampire...."

"Come on," Alfred called. "We're busy tonight." I heard his footsteps echoing into the hall.

"Yes sir!" William said quickly, following after him and leaving my bedroom as he took his delicious scent with him. I frowned as I heard them leave then went back to bed and laid down on it.