Lyndi's Desperate Calls

Hesper's POV:

I heard Alfarus growl softly beside me, rousing me from sleep before he started to stir, getting to his feet. I could hear voices outside the nest. "This is it," I heard Ross say quietly. I whined and opened my eyes before reaching out for Alfarus.

"Alfie," I whined. "I was sleeping." Alfarus stopped and looked towards me before he erupted into a loud purr and quickly licked my chest, pleased. He started to lay back down and pulled me up against his warm chest as he moved his wings slightly. I could hear his mates erupting into growls, starting to go after the voices. I giggled and purred to him. He nuzzled his head against my skin, his scales rubbing up against my soft skin before he laid his head down right next to mine. I could hear roars starting up outside before hurried feet rushing through gold.

"HESPER! BABY!" I heard my mother yelling for me, calling for me. I raised my head a little.

"Mommy?" I asked softly and started for my feet. My mommy is visiting me? Alfarus growled at me quickly, going to pull me back to him. My mother quickly ran into the nest and looked towards me with relief then looked at Alfarus before he smirked then looked back at me.

"Come here sweetie," he purred to me. Ross was in the room in seconds in his dragon form, roaring as he tackled Alfarus and started to claw at him. I started to cry as I saw Ross attacking Alfarus.

"Don't hurt him!" I cried out and chased after them, falling down in the gold. Alfarus roared in anger and went to smack Ross across his head with his claws, but Ross dodged and looked towards me before he ran after me and scooped me up into his jaws then raced towards my mother and scooped her up as well, racing out of the nest and took off towards the exit of Alfarus's home. He spread his wings as he reached it and took off flying, flying across the sky as fast as he could as he held onto us tightly. I could hear Alfarus's angered roars after he started to chase after us. I whined and started to bust out into tears. "ALFARUS!" I yelled. My mother gently grabbed my hand, holding onto it.

"It's okay," he purred to me and gently kissed my cheek.

"No it's not! I was happy with him and you took me from him," I cried out to my mommy. "How could you?" Mom looked at me and frowned.

"Hesper, he was going to keep you away from your parents. He doesn't like you seeing us!" Ross let out a low growl as he had to dodge a flame then ducked through the cave to leave the dragon realm, quickly maneuvering to escape before Alfarus could catch up. He dove through the portal and ran out of the cave, flying off a little ways before he landed in the middle of the woods and set us down in front of Aurelio. "Aurelio, he's on our tail," my mom said worriedly. Toma's roars sounded not too far off as he went to take on Alfarus. Aurelio appeared in front of us with Lyle and gave a huge smile.

"Hey Hesper!" Aurelio said. I growled at him.

"He's not happy, but we should act quickly," my mother said worriedly. "He'll thank us in a few years." Ross took off then, leaving us to go join Toma to hold off Alfarus. I frowned and crossed my arms in frustration. Aurelio walked up to me and opened a book in his hand. I pouted, trying to understand what he was doing. "Hesper, he's going to put a charm on you so that way dragons won't want to kidnap you anymore," my mother whispered to me and kissed the top of my head. "Stay still." I frowned and shook my head no before taking off running.

"ALFARUS! I'M HERE!" I yelled.

"Bring him back and hold him down," Aurelio said. My mother ran after me and caught me quickly, pulling me back then knelt down beside me, holding me tight to him.

"Hesper, behave," he hissed slightly then made sure I couldn't escape. I started to cry and struggled at my mother's touch.

"Ah- Here it is," Aurelio said and started to mumbled something to me as he pulled out a wand. I whimpered and held my eyes shut.

"No," I begged. My mother gently kissed my cheek and rubbed my arm comfortingly, purring softly to me. I could hear Alfarus roaring as he tried to near us, but every time he sounded closer, Toma or Ross would roar back at him challengingly. Aurelio finished his spell and cast it at me. I cried quickly as it hit me and stung my whole body. I clung for my mommy then. "Alfarus," I whined out. He held onto me and quickly kissed my cheek then tensed.

"Aurelio," my mother said quickly in worry. "That's not an anti-dragon charm!" 

"Uh-oh..." Aurelio said softly. I opened my eyes a little and looked around before noticing I was a little too far off the ground. My mother looked at me with wide eyes.

"No... can't we change him back?" My mother asked quickly. "That's no fair to him. He won't have a child-" Alfarus roared loudly right behind us, his roar shaking the earth before I could feel the heat of his breath against the back of my neck. I turned around quickly and wrapped my arms around his head.

"Alfarus," I purred out.

"Ummmm- somewhere in here," Aurelio said as he flipped through the book. Alfarus purred and nuzzled his head against me before he nudged me towards his chest then let out a sharp roar at Aurelio and my mother.

"NO! YOU'RE NOT TAKING HIM AGA-" Alfarus scooped me up in his jaws and quickly took off into the air, flying back towards the mountain as fast as his wings would let him. I giggled and let out a purr to him. He got me back! He purred back to me before he quickly got us through the cave and took off towards the mountain once we were back in the dragon realm. He set me down inside the nest in what felt like a matter of seconds and he fluttered his wings. Lilith rushed towards us and started to lick his head where he was bleeding from one of Ross's attacks.

"Hesper," Alfarus purred towards me as he let Lilith clean him up. "Are you feeling okay? You aged into an adult." He moved away from Lilith and nuzzled his head against me with a low, rumbling purr from his chest. He licked my cheek, his golden eyes staring deep into my soul. I could feel my body craving his attention as my crystal pulsed in joy. I nodded a little but started to feel a bit sick and hungry.

"I'm hungry," I mumbled to him. "I don't feel so good...." I trailed off and gave him a smile. He looked me over consideringly before he scooped me up into his jaws and took me back to his nest, laying me down in it. He transformed into his human form and sat beside me with a purr.

"Feed from me," he told me, exposing his neck slightly. "It'll make you less hungry." I looked his neck over before leaning in and bit down, starting to feast on his blood like before. I let out a small moan at the taste. He groaned a little then rubbed my back soothingly before he kissed my cheek then began to give my neck little kisses. He purred slightly before his lips lingered against my skin and I felt his tongue brush against it before he started to suck on my neck. I moaned a bit and took my fangs out of his flesh, starting to suck on his wound for his blood. He moaned and then started to lay back against the pillows before he ran his hands down along my spine through my kimono. He kissed my cheek quickly and brushed his leg up against mine.

I blushed and bit back down into him harder and let out a soft moan. He gasped a little under me but then moaned, a small, delighted shiver going through me as I heard it come from him. He started to move us to where he was on top of me and ran his hands down to my hips, rubbing them with a small growl. I whined as I bit down harder into his neck. Why is he moving so much? I'm hungry! He kissed my cheek before I felt his hand run over my butt before he squeezed it. I gasped and felt my fangs retract in shock. I felt his blood rush out of my mouth and down his neck. I whined as I wasted it, watching a few fall onto the coins. He looked towards it then at me before he chuckled then leaned in towards my lips, brushing his against mine before he bit down into his and drew blood. He rubbed my butt a little as he pressed his lips up against mine and gave me another squeeze. I whined as I looked him over.

"Alfarus," I whined. He looked down into my eyes with an amused look.

"What?" He asked me then purred. "Are you wanting to just drink my blood?" He laughed and then exposed his neck for me again. "Go ahead."

"Don't move so much," I grumbled and exposed my fangs before biting back down into his tough skin. What's wrong with him? I want blood... doesn't he understand? He purred softly to me and let me drink from him, staying still this time for me. I drunk for a few more minutes before pulling back from  his neck as my tummy settled. "I'm full," I whispered. He smirked as I pulled back before he pressed his lips up against mine then. He licked my bottom lip and ran his hands along my sides. I leaned in and kissed him deeply, letting out a small gasp as my lips tingled. I could feel his purring in his chest as it got louder and he leaned into the kiss, deepening it even more as he slipped his tongue into my mouth and started to explore my mouth. He pulled my tongue into his mouth and then started to suck on it, gripping my hips again. I moaned and pulled back from him, looking him over.

"Do you think I can become small again?" I asked softly.

"Do you want to be small again?" He asked me curiously, looking me over. He kissed my neck then and purred. "I won't be able to give you the kind of attention the others get if you're small again."

"You mean... I get extra attention for being big?" I asked curiously.

"Yes," he told me and chuckled. "I can't give you these kisses when you're small."

"I want more kisses," I purred out and leaned in towards his lips. He leaned in and kissed me deeply again, leaning into me as he slipped his tongue back into my mouth and moaned. I could feel my lips tingling as what felt like fireworks were going off in them from the touch of his lips. I moaned and melted at his touch. He got ahold of my tongue again and started to suck on it before he ran one of his hands down to my leg and moved it to where he was between my legs. He pulled back from the kiss once I started to get breathless then purred, kissing my neck and started to plant kisses down my chest and my stomach before he reached my legs and kissed the inside of my thigh. He looked up into my eyes before he licked it and started to suck on my leg near my boxers. I gasped and held my eyes closed tight.

"Alfarus!" I moaned out. What happened to kisses? This feels so good though. He rubbed the outside of my leg gently before he moved up a little and started to do it again as he got a little closer to my boxers. I blushed a bright red and squirmed a bit. I felt my heart race as I got nervous. He licked the inside of my thigh before he looked up towards me with a deep purr and started to move back up to me. He kissed me on the lips passionately, tilting his head as he deepened the kiss. I gasped against the kiss before deepening to keep his attention on my upstairs. He moaned and ran his fingers through my hair before he lifted me up and placed me down on a bigger pile of pillows, staying on top of me.

His lips danced against mine as I started to feel something poking against me downstairs. I blushed and looked downwards curiously. What's that? I saw his manhood pressed up against my boxers, seeing it had stiffened strangely. I had never seen mine do that.... I bit my bottom lip as I looked back up at his face, knowing I interrupted a kiss for that. He purred at me in amusement then kissed me quickly.

"It's normal," he purred in my ear then kissed my neck, starting a small trail of them across my skin. I blushed and nodded. But... mine hasn't ever done that before- I blushed as I realized I was as stiff. "It's a part of mating," he whispered to me and then leaned in and gave my lips a gentle kiss. He purred to me and I felt his hand brush up against my manhood through my boxers. I gasped as I felt tingles run through my body, especially downstairs in my manhood department. I let out a small moan of pleasure. He kissed my neck again before he started to rub his hand up against my boxers before he slipped his hand underneath my boxers and gripped my manhood, giving it a squeeze.

"If you were small, I wouldn't do this with you," he purred in my ear. I blushed a bright red as a rush of pleasure coursed over me. Oh. My. He purred loudly and started to suck on my earlobe before he gave me another squeeze then pulled his hand out from my boxers. I felt him move slightly, pressing his manhood up against my boxers then rocked his hips up between my legs, his manhood rocking into mine sharply. I gasped as I felt myself exploding in my boxers, a pleasurable sensation leaked over my body and I let out a strong moan in his ear. He tensed up a bit and looked down at my boxers quickly in surprise. "Hesper... you didn't last long," he whispered then looked up into my eyes. "You're supposed to do that after mating for a bit." He chuckled then. "Well, it is your first time. I'll just have to work you back into it."

"I'm sorry," I whispered innocently.

"It's fine," he purred to me then kissed me quickly. "That is what creates babies though- the male releases it and the females have eggs sometimes," he purred to me sweetly then kissed right next to my ear. He reached down with his hand and touched my wet boxers before he rubbed it against my manhood and licked my earlobe, his hot breath hitting my ear as he stayed right between my legs. I blushed a little. Girls have eggs? I giggled at the thought but stopped at his touch and gasped a bit, coming back quickly from my wet fiasco. I bit my bottom lip as my manhood was stiffening. He purred then started to suck on my earlobe again as he squeezed me through my boxers and pulled his hand away after a few more seconds and moved his manhood up against my boxers again.

He rubbed it up lightly against my boxers this time instead of like before, taking it easier with me. I gasped as I tried to hold back from so much pleasure this time, not wanting to upset him from coming so quickly. He purred and licked under my ear before he started to put more weight into it, moving his hips up sharply between my legs once again and sent a wave of pleasure through me as I was pushed back against the pillows below me.

I gasped and bit my bottom lip hard, making it bleed. He moved away from my neck and went towards my lips, licking it clean and gave me a kiss as he did it again. I heard a small moan escape his lips before he rocked into me again, his manhood rock hard as it pressed up against my boxers eagerly. I started to breath heavy, sweat collecting on my body from the tension of holding myself back.

He leaned down into my neck and licked my skin as he hid his face into my neck. I could hear another small moan come from him as he moved up against my manhood again and then started to slowly rock into me more, his body crashing up against mine. I could feel a purr rumbling through him as he moaned in my ear and gripped my hips, pulling my body closer. I gasped and felt myself climax again, uncontrollably. He didn't stop though and rocked into me harder as he felt me climax, a moan escaping him as he thrust into me sharply as the warm feeling flowed down my body again. He looked down at my boxers and I saw some white liquid on my leg just outside my boxer. I blushed a bright red as I realized he must have done what I did. I leaned into his neck then and kissed it. He was still hard though. It couldn't have been his. He purred and exposed his neck to me as he kissed my cheek and grinded his body up against mine, starting to untie my kimono. I blushed, my body going numb with tingles. How long will he last?

He pulled my kimono off and tossed it aside before he kissed my chest and purred. He rubbed my hips then started to run his hands to my boxers. "Do you want to experience something even better?" He asked me with a playful purr. "I could show you something that'll feel even better~" He looked me in the eyes and then kissed my lips, looking down at me. "Do you want to know?" He purred as he ran his hands across my manhood through my boxers then thrust his up against mine. I nodded curiously, wondering what he was going to do next. He purred and pulled back a little before he started to pull my boxers off, revealing my manhood. He tossed my boxers aside then ran his hand over my manhood. "You'll like this," he purred to me, looking me over with an eager look. He gave me a squeeze and looked up at me. "Are you ready to mate?" I blushed but nodded.

"Uh-huh," I gasped out as his touch was stiffening me. He purred and slowly started to crawl back between my legs then kissed my cheek before he started to show me what mating was, making the next couple of hours heavenly.....


He rolled off me as he panted, sweat glistening on his body as he laid beside me, a warm feeling spreading between my legs from him. My body was sore but it felt so good at the same time, and I felt extremely happy. I curled up to his body quickly and let out a small ow. I hid my face against his chest and panted softly. That's.... what lovers do? He put an arm around me and trailed his fingers against my back then brushed them gently against my butt that was starting to feel sore. "Did you like it?" He asked me as he took deep breaths to steady his breathing and catch his breath back.

"Yeah," I sighed out as I felt like the dead. Needing to sleep now. He pulled me closer to him then pulled a blanket over us, cradling me to him as he kissed my forehead.

"We could get a wizard to help you have eggs later if you'd like... more in the future of course," he mumbled softly to me, sounding tired. "You could have eggs like the others and have my hatchlings unless you don't want my hatchlings and just to be one of my mates...."

"I don't want to have eggs! No thanks... we'll just be together like this." I kissed his lips then. He purred to me then rubbed my back.

"Okay," he whispered to me. "We can be together just like this...." He kissed my forehead then tiredly closed his eyes, purring softly to me as he held me in his arms, getting quiet as we both started to doze off.

I felt him stirring beside me as the sun started to go down and he yawned before he started to sit up slowly. I felt him moving away from me slowly, trying not to disturb me as he kept the blanket around me. I stretched out and reached for him. "Alfarus, you traitor," I whined. "Come back here." He purred as he heard me and then came back, getting under the blanket with me again and pulled me into his arms, smelling my neck before he kissed it gently.

"I'm here little mate," he whispered to me with a loving tone in his voice. I purred softly as I curled up in his embrace. He gave me a kiss on the lips then started to wrap me up in the blanket before he picked me up. "Let's get you a bath," he purred to me and started to carry me to the main room. "Lilith! Hesper needs a bath!" He called out. She looked towards us and gave a mating call towards Alfarus. He purred and called back to her before he took me towards my nest. Lilith climbed out of her nest and grabbed a large metal bucket before she flew out of the nest with it. Alfarus set me down inside my nest then glanced towards his other two female mates who were napping still then glanced towards Night. Night was sleeping heavily, a small snore rising in him and falling. I frowned a little. I wasn't ready to leave his nest just yet. IT WAS WARM. Alfarus laid down in the nest with me and started to curl my hair around his fingers before he leaned in and kissed my lips. I looked away from the kiss and pouted.

"My nest is cold," I told him.

"We're going to give you a bath then you can return to my nest. You don't want last night all over you for too long," he purred to me. "You'll stink." He brushed his hand up against my manhood through the blanket teasingly. I blushed.

"You stink," I teased.

"You stink too," he teased me back. "Would you rather take a bath with me though? I could call Lilith back and we could go to the nearby lake to bathe in together." He smirked at me then. "I could show you this nice little rock outcropping we can hide in together and get away from all of my mates if you'd like that. You'd have me all to yourself for as long as you can keep me there."

"Let's go there!" I decided. He looked me over then shifted into his dragon form before he let out a mating call towards the entrance. Lilith called back quickly and came back, moving back to her nest where her hatchling was waiting. Alfarus looked at me and scooped me up in his jaws before he went to the exit then took off, taking me to a nearby lake. He went towards a rock outcropping with a waterfall flowing into the lake before he dove behind the waterfall with me. He sat me down gently before he licked my chest and nuzzled his head against me. I walked up towards the waterfall to get under it since I needed a bath. He watched me then slowly crept out from behind the waterfall, going out into the lake to bathe. I watched him as I slipped up under the falls before heading after him towards the lake. "Alfarus!" I called and giggled.

He surfaced from the lake and looked towards me before he gave a mating call to me that made my crystal pulse in excitement and every fiber in my being wanted to rush to him and be his forever and get him to call to me like that again. I giggled and started for him, swimming out to meet him. He watched me coming towards him then licked me as I got close. He started to lick me clean, pulling me close with one of his claws. He purred to me as he managed to get me clean rather quickly and I felt the ickiness leave my skin. I giggled and swam towards the shore to go relax there and sun bathe. He watched me go before he dove back under the water. I giggled as I made it then laid out on my back, looking up at the sky. I heard a nearby mating call then. Alfarus surfaced quickly as he heard it and tilted his head, looking towards the woods and was by me in seconds. I heard the call again from the same area. I sat up a little and let out a small giggle.

"It's a lonely dragon," Alfarus murmured to me. "We best be careful. It's mating season still...." He settled down beside me and laid down, looking towards where the calls were coming from. I heard it again, sounding like it was going in circles now. I stretched out a little and looked up at the sky. "It's definitely a lonely dragon," he murmured then looked at me before he looked in the direction of it. "All dragons probably have mates by now...." I heard it calling out again, giving a lonely cry. He hesitated as he heard it then pulled me close and slipped me under his wing. He quietly called towards the dragon, keeping me enclosed in his warm wing so I wouldn't be seen. I whined and went to the edge of his wing to peek out. I heard it call back to Alfarus quickly in desperation. He let me peek out a bit as he gave another call, keeping it quiet.

I heard the calls getting closer now as it called back to Alfarus. Alfarus hesitated again, staying quiet for a few moments before he gave another quiet call to the dragon. I heard a rustle in the bushes before a dragon came rushing out of the bushes. A medium sized sun dragon. Silver sun markings were designed on it's sunny yellow-orange scales. It gave another mating call as it ran up towards Alfarus. Alfarus looked at the dragon curiously before he purred a little, watching it with amusement as he held his head up high. The dragon ran up to Alfarus and let out another call before nuzzling her head up against him. He purred at her slightly then called in her ear. "Hello," he purred to her. "You were lonely, weren't you?"

"Very," she whined as she laid down next to him quickly. "My name is Lyndi."

"Lyndi," he tried out then purred before he licked her head. She licked his neck before sniffing around him and purred. He let her before he leaned in towards her shoulder and scrapped his teeth against her. "You want this?" He asked her teasingly. "If you don't, you better speak up now. There's no going back from becoming one of my mates unless you betray me." She exposed her neck desperately.

"Please," she begged. He looked her neck over before he got to his feet and let me out from under his wing. He started to lean in towards her neck, moving one of his front claws onto her wings to hold her down as he gave a small growl. She laid down against the ground submissively. I frowned as I watched them. What? Another mate? This is too much competition. He bit down into her deeply with a sharp growl, moving on top of her as he held her down. Her blood started to drip down her neck and hit the ground as he held onto her neck with his teeth. She let out a moan and rubbed her cheek against the ground. He loosened up before he let go of her neck and licked it, cleaning up the blood before he got off her and looked towards me, nuzzling me with a purr. I whined at him before reaching up to get on his head. He laughed and let me get on top his head then looked at Lyndi.

"My hoard is in that mountain," he told her then licked her neck once more. "Go get your things... and move in." She looked towards the mountain before licking his cheek.

"Thank you," she whispered. She flew off then to get her things. He watched her go then purred towards me.

"Hesper, you're sleeping in my nest tonight," he told me sweetly.

"I better be," I whined.

"Of course you are," he purred to me. "If there isn't a mate already picked for my nest, you can sleep in there."

"I'll sleep in there anyways..,. I'll run them out." I tsked. I sleep with him. He chuckled at that.

"Are you going to fight my other mates to become my absolute favorite and try to chase them out of the hoard? Such a dragon spirit for a little vampire," he purred to me in amusement.

"I'm going to make sure you never want anyone to sleep with you but me."

"You're already near the top of my list little mate," he told me and laughed. "Right up there with Lilith and Night."

"What? You mean I haven't been at the very top?" I asked.

"You're at the top," he admitted softly to me. I giggled and kissed the top of his head. Yes! I won. He purred to me as I kissed the top of his head then unfurled his wings, taking me back to the nest. He went straight for his nest and turned his head, making me fall into the pillows. He purred to me and rubbed his head up against my chest. "You know I love you and I like you being in my nest. I'd make you sleep in yours if I didn't like you being in here and I'd sleep alone." I giggled at the thought before I curled up and reached for my robe, slipping it on me. He pulled back and let me before he licked my cheek. He nuzzled his head against my legs then as he laid down beside me. I purred towards him and looked him over.

"What're you doing down there?" I asked curiously. "Turn normal." He looked at me before he turned into his human form for me and crawled closer to me, giving me a playful look. I giggled and wrapped my arms around his neck. I leaned in and gave his lips a soft kiss. He kissed me back and licked my bottom lip as a purr rumbled deeply in his chest. I blushed before looking towards the gold and grabbed a few coins. He watched me then kissed my cheek and pulled me close to his body as he laid beside me. I placed the coins on his chest and giggled, watching them fall down. He chuckled as he watched the coins fall then looked to me. He leaned in and kissed me again before he rubbed my cheek.

"How are you feeling?" He asked me curiously. As if he had to ask... I'm with him!