Deadman's Crypt

Continuation of Silas' POV Three Days Later:

Travis: So, we have a shopping cart full of things for the Blood House. I'll send you a link now.

My phone vibrated with the link then as it showed up.

Travis: We went ahead and bought all the items and it'll be delivered here by noon. Mind stopping by to help set up the place with us? Hopefully we can get it open at dusk and bring in some business.

I looked it over and then hit the link, checking it out before I purred then sat up in bed with Rei before I looked towards him then sat my phone down, leaning over to kiss him on his lips. Rei kissed me back as he lowered his phone from the game he was playing. I purred against his lips then gave him another kiss, reaching for his phone. Maybe I should get some time in with my mate before I go back.... Who knows when I'll have time to spend with him.... He let out a playful growl. "You work tonight," he reminded me. I pouted as I looked down at him.

"But Rei," I whined softly and wrapped my arms around him. "Who knows when we will be in the same bed again... curled up to each other like this?"

"You had your day with me, your children, and getting Hesper home. Back to work so that we can have multiple days like those in a row." He spanked my butt. "Go on." I yelped then looked him over with a frown.

"So cruel," I teased him then crawled over him to get out of bed.

"I'm not cruel... I'm wanting you to get your work done. Lyle will come after you if you don't."

"He can come after me if he wants. He was talking about taking me off it anyways," I muttered. "He's threatened to a lot already."

"Go on," Rei told me. "The council wants this too." I sighed and stretched.

"Screw the council," I purred out. "They've been taking me away from my kids."

"You had three days," he purred. "You need to get the job done like we planned from the beginning."

"You could come with me~" I told him and looked towards him with a hopeful look.

"I'm watching the trouble maker," he reminded me. I sighed then before I nodded.

"I'll take my sister with me then for company," I hummed out. It'll give Esther something to do.

"That should be fun. You hardly spend time with her." I laughed and nodded.

"Yeah, it should be. She'll be excited. She hasn't really been exactly the same in our family since Lyle kicked her out. This will bring her spirits up," I told him then purred, giving him another kiss before I bounced off. "MAURI~! I need to go back to the Rosario castle!" I shouted. Mauri appeared in front of me before snatching my wrist and took me to the night room of Rosario castle. She disappeared quickly on me. Huh, she was quick. I shrugged it off and then walked out. "ESTHER! GET READY TO GO INTO TOWN! WE'RE GOING TO HAVE LOTS OF FUN TOGETHER FOOLING AROUND WITH THE RESISTANCE!" I shouted and chuckled. I heard a small giggle from upstairs.

"TOGETHER?!" She called down to me.

"YEAH! HURRY UP AND MEET ME IN THE GARAGE!" I smirked and started heading for my car, getting my phone out then texted Travis back.

Me: On my way, bringing my sister. Behave around her.

Travis: What's that suppose to mean? :)

Me: You know what I mean. She can paralyze you if you mess with her.

Travis: Ok. I'll leave her be.

I laughed and got in my car, turning it on and watched as I saw her coming in my rearview mirror. She was wearing a white dress with violets on the skirt and a cute little white clutch in her hand with white wedges on. She smiled as she got in the car and purred at me. "So where are we going?" She asked excitedly.

"We're going to a blood house," I told her then looked her over. I frowned slightly and reached into the backseat, grabbing a black coat then tossed it to her. "Cover up with this. I don't want someone trying to bite you. That dress cut exposes your neck and shoulders too much to be going to a place like this." She pouted but did as she was told, not arguing with me. "Good, now make sure to keep that on. I'm not sure who all will be there," I told her and smirked. "Don't let anyone bite you while we're there."

"Why would I let someone bite me?" She asked and wrinkled up her nose.

"I don't know, just don't," I warned then pulled out of the parking spot, starting to drive out of the garage. She giggled then and turned on the radio, turning it up as Imagine Dragons came on the radio and started to sing along with it as I drove her.


I pulled up into the parking lot of the blood house and looked it over before I got out and went around, getting my sister's door. She smiled at me and took my hand, climbing out gently. "Thanks brother," she purred to me and stepped aside as I shut the door. "So... this is it? You should change the color of the building." I nodded and sighed.

"It's a work in progress. We're sprucing up the interior tonight and getting it all set up," I told her then grabbed her hand, tugging her towards the door. "Have you ever been in one of these places?"

"No, of course not," she told me and laughed. "Why would I? These places are gross. I don't like the idea of biting a human where thousands of vampires could've bitten them before." She shivered. "Ew." I chuckled and shook my head. No wonder why she's always been on Lyle's side. I took her inside and glanced around before I purred.

"I'm home!" I called out and smirked. "Travis!"

"Back here," I heard him call towards the bar. I could hear Mia laughing. Oh boy. Esther looked towards the back curiously as I lead her to it, cautiously looking around myself.

"Travis?" I called and then stepped into the back, looking towards the bar for him. He was serving Mia a drink.

"Hey, you're just in time... we were talking about where to put everything. It's arriving in an hour." Travis gave me a huge smile. "I'm getting Mia drunk."

"Oh..." I nodded slowly then walked up and smirked. "So how have things been the past few days?" Esther looked Mia over with interest before she followed me and glanced the place over, judging it.

"Terribly dull," Mia told me. "I recruited a few girls that will start up work when this place looks better," she told me. I nodded.

"Good, sounds like we're doing great so far on our plans," I purred and sat down at the bar. "Guys, meet my sister, Esther. She's going to be hanging out with us today. Esther, this is Travis and Mia." Esther giggled and looked towards them.

"Hi," she purred and gave them both a small smile before she sat down with me. "Nice to meet you two!"

"Pleasure to meet you," Travis said and winked at her. She giggled at him and looked at him in interest then purred slightly.

"What's the best drink you can make Travis?" She asked him and leaned forward slightly. Oh no.... Oh no, no, no, no, no....

"I could make you anything you wanted," he told her and smirked. "Perhaps a martini?"

"Sounds purrrrfect," she purred at him and giggled, messing with him. Why did I bring my sister?! He laughed and started to make her one.

"So what brings a girl like you down here Esther?" He asked.

"My brother," she told him simply. "He wanted me to accompany him." I sighed.

"I figured she could use a day away from everyone... maybe see our side of things," I told him calmly, playing it off as trying to convert my sister. He nodded and laughed.

"Should I get her some blood from downstairs then?" He asked. "I'm keeping a few bottles up here actually.... Fresh from Mia."

"Hmm... no-"

"Sure, I wouldn't mind," she said calmly. I tensed a bit. Did she just... agree? I looked towards her in confusion. Whoa.... Travis gave a huge smile as he pulled out a bottle and poured it into a clean glass before sitting it in front of Esther as he went back to the martini.

"I hope you find it good," Mia giggled out. She looked it over in interest, ignoring my stares before she picked it up.

"I'm sure it will be," she hummed out sweetly and gave Mia a sweet look then took a sip of the blood. She moaned a bit and downed it quickly. Oh no.... I might have to tell Lyle we have a sister with expensive tastes.... Mia giggled as she watched Esther.

"It's not that good is it? Or is it just you don't get something as fresh so often... after all you look sickly." Ouch.

"I am not sickly," Esther whined slightly and looked at the glass longingly. "Besides, Lyle keeps us all on those generic bottled bloods...."

"That's disgusting," Travis spat out.

"Uh huh, I'd much rather be drinking this," she said and frowned then looked towards me. Well shit... I guess she's going to be a handful with Lyle. This is going to be hard to explain to him.

"Want a glass boss?" Travis asked me. "I'd be more than happy to give you one."

"No, I'm good," I told him and waved my hand. "I don't need anything." Esther giggled then as she watched me.

"You should say yes," she purred to me. Since when did my sister start getting on my old side of things?! She used to side with Lyle all the time when I was fighting him! WHAT THE HELL?! Travis gave me a glass anyways and smirked as he slid her the martini.

"You know... I haven't seen Dmitri tonight. I texted him too," Travis told me.

"He has a lover," I told him and shrugged. "I'm sure he'll show up sometime soon." Esther started sipping on the drink and purred slightly. I glanced her way and frowned. Maybe she's being a really good actor.... I looked towards my glass and picked it up and looked it over before I took a sip, doing my best to not look so needy of it as it hit my tongue and made me feel hungry again.

"Margarita?" Travis asked me. I looked him over before I nodded.

"Sure," I hummed out and finished off the glass and passed it back to him. I smirked at him then. "So... are you ready to make this place not look like a dump?" He nodded as he started to make me the drink. I watched him and ran my fingers through my hair before Esther giggled.

"This is really good Travis," she purred to him and gave him a sweet look. "You're going to bring in a lot of people with this kind of drink making."

"Thank you cutie," Travis purred. "Maybe I should make you drinks more often." He winked at her again before sliding me my margarita. She giggled and smiled at him as she took another sip.

"You should. I'll have to come get drinks here every once in awhile," she told him and leaned forward slightly. Oh lord... she's flirting with the bartender.... I sighed and took a sip of my margarita, eyeing her down.

"I do hope so... I enjoy your company," he told her. "I'll give you blood with your drink."

"I'll definitely come back," she purred at him and smirked before she took another sip. "I'll have to follow you out of here if you ever get tired of my brother and leave him for another place...."

"Oh yeah? I love having customers like you." She giggled at him then.

"I bet you do," she told him and gave him a sweet smile. Yay... my sister and my bartender. Thank goodness neither are serious. He laughed and looked towards me.

"What's the matter?" He leaned across the bar and grabbed my chin. "You look sick." Craaaaaaap....

"Do I?" I asked him and went to pull back from his hold. "Must be something I ate earlier." I waved it off and laughed a little. Or maybe because my sister is flirting!

"Maybe you should drink from a healthy source of blood," Travis teased. I smirked at him and exposed my fangs.

"I could always have a bloody bartender," I teased him right back.

"As long as you don't kill me," he purred. "I don't mind giving you a few sips of blood." I widened my eyes slightly then purred at the thought of drinking from Travis. I bet he tastes good.... I looked him over before I grabbed the front of his shirt and yanked him up against the counter, leaning in towards his neck. He let out a small gasp and exposed his neck for me. I looked towards his neck then at him before I smelled his neck and moaned slightly at the promise of sweet tasting blood. I licked his neck before I slowly pierced his flesh with my fangs instinctively, my hunger driving me as I tightened my grip on his shirt. I could taste the blood slipping into me, a promise of health. He definitely had a healthy diet. Fresh human blood coursed it's ways through his veins and into my neck with the mixture of his own taste- reminding me he's a vampire. I moaned and started to pull him over the counter, digging my fangs in deep as I closed my eyes in pleasure. I should make Rei feed with fresh blood~ He could taste so much better~ Travis let out a groan as he scooted the glasses to the side to be closer. I bit in deeper as I heard the sound then instinctively yanked him over the counter and into my lap, holding him down as I feed from him. I heard my sister whine.

"No fair," she mumbled. Travis let out a small laugh as he heard her.

"Jealous?" He asked as he glanced her way.

"Yes, very much so," she told him and frowned. "I should be the one feeding on you." I growled her way and sunk my fangs in deeper as much as I could. No way! I'm drinking from him! He let out a gasp and gripped my shirt.

"Not so deep," he warned. I growled to him and gripped him tightly, not loosening up on his neck. Like hell I'm going to let go! I'm hungry.... "Silas, easy. You can have my blood but be more gentle with me." I loosened up a little then pulled my fangs out before I started to suck on the wound to get more from him. He laughed a little and teasingly moved his neck away from me. I growled and went for it instinctively as my fangs ached and sunk my fangs back into him. He gasped and brought his hand up before rubbing my jaw. "You're really hungry." I moaned and loosened up on the bite as he rubbed my jaw and relaxed, gently removing my fangs as I licked his neck.

"Well he's stuck drinking bottled blood most of the time. He had to start drinking it after he left the resistance," Esther hummed out.

"You poor thing.... I drink human every night.... Three times." Travis let out a purr. "You need to drink more from a human." Travis purred. I groaned and wrapped my arms around him as I leaned into his bite marks I had made on him.

"He has a mate too," Esther said and giggled. "And a slew of kids."

"I heard about that," Travis said in amusement. "Don't tell me they share the same diet... You guys are depriving yourselves of your rights. We're meant to hunt and drink fresh blood every night." I growled a little then pulled back, licking my lips as I looked Travis in the eyes.

"I might hunt you," I teased him then showed him my fangs. "You better watch out~"

"Maybe I should go back onto the other side of the bar," Travis teased. I growled playfully at him.

"No way, I'm not finished," I told him and went for his neck again. He laughed and exposed his neck.

"You can have more," he purred. I purred as he offered himself to me then leaned in, starting to drink from him again as I held him close. I could get used to this~ Esther giggled at us.

"I'd offer but he'd get mad," Travis teased Esther. I growled in his ear then.

"I would," I told him then went back to his neck with a pleased purr. Lyle would be angry if he saw me drinking this much blood, but it tastes so good, and the aching in my fangs is going away. I laughed happily and drank greedily, wanting to get as much as I could.

"Take as much as you want," Travis whispered. "I have plenty to spare." I moaned and licked his blood up before I started to drink him to the point where he would tell me to stop. He let it go on before he pressed up against my chest a little. "Silas," he whispered. A warning tone in his voice. I growled a bit but pulled back slightly, letting him have his way. I wanted to drink from him again soon... so I wouldn't kill him. I leaned in quickly though and licked his neck with a small moan. He laughed and rubbed my jaw. "You want more?" He asked. I nodded and leaned into his hand with a purr, closing my eyes.

"Yes," I mumbled to him.

"I'll make you another drink," he whispered and slipped out of my lap, going back around the bar and started to pour me another glass of blood. I watched him eagerly, earning a giggle from Esther before she got up and walked over to Mia.

"How about we turn on some music and dance till the stuff gets here?" She suggested, reaching for Mia's hand. Mia giggled and took her hand.

"Okay. I'll put on some music," Mia suggested and took Esther over to a stereo. Travis gave me my glass then and smiled happily. I looked at it then started to sip on it, wanting to make it last.

"Thanks Travis," I purred to him. They're missing out~ This is great~ He laughed and made himself a glass before chugging it down. I chuckled then turned to look towards the girls, watching as Esther was dancing with Mia to the music. She seems to be enjoying this.... Maybe it was a good idea to bring her out here.

"Blood for all," Travis mumbled. "Everyone should live like kings... especially vampires." I purred and looked at him.

"Sounds like a great world," I told him and took another sip of my blood.

"Yeah.... that's what everyone wants, right?" He asked.

"I would think so," I purred to him. "I fought to be a king for a very long time~" I chuckled and then took another sip of my blood. "So, have you heard anything from the head of the resistance?" I asked him curiously.

"Nah.... not really. She's mute now with us. Maybe she'll pop in one night out of nowhere and see how this place is doing. I give it a week." He shrugged. "You might find her in that club from before..." He trailed off. I nodded and shrugged.

"Well, at least we might have a week to get this place going. We'll have lots of blood bunnies by then, and the place will look loads better," I told him and glanced around. We'll definitely change everything about this place. The person who owned it last didn't have a sense of taste.

"She'll appreciate what we do," he purred out. I nodded.

"Of course she will. Part of what we make goes into her funds," I told him and sighed. I'll have to start doing shit to make resistance news if I want to make it back to top leadership. "Hey, if you wanted to do a real quick 'Hey bitches I'm back' thing, how would you go about doing it?" I asked him and smirked. "You think after this place is fixed up, we should hold a party with all those nice things that the others love? Or should I do something else?"

"Throw a master party here... but you need to make it a more fiasco.... more blood... more resistance. Make it amusing." I nodded.

"Okay, we'll get some rare blood for the party then. I can get some fresh bottles of it easily," I told him calmly. "We'll have some drugs out for the druggies too and have free alcoholic drinks going for a few hours, so they'll buy the blood when they get the munchies. We'll have humans for biting too, but they'll have to pay extra for that and tip the human," I suggested. "We'll update the sound system in here too and wire the entire building. We could get some red lava lamps as well to try to make them hungrier... and if they're hungrier, that means more business. You, Dmitri, and I will dress up in tuxes, and we'll have the girls dress up in cocktail dresses for this. It'll be great. We'll also have to get some wall plug ins for if it starts to stink in here pretty badly when they start feeding...."

"Sounds like a party," he purred out. "I might never want it to end... We should play capture your brother and drag him to it." I smirked.

"Sure, I'll tell him to come," I told him and chuckled darkly. "I'll get him, Esther, Everest, and Rei to come. They'll all enjoy it."

"Everest too? That's going to be fun to see... I'll much rather enjoy Lyle's eyes widening at the sight and smell." I laughed and shook my head. He's going to be furious that I'm throwing this party with this kind of stuff. I'll have to tell him that it's to get back on top though....

"It will be rather interesting to see," I purred to him then felt arms wrap around my neck.

"Come dance with us silly," Esther purred in my ear then looked towards Travis. "You too~" She winked at him then yanked me out of the seat before I could protest. Travis laughed and came around the bar.

"Only if I get to drink your blood," he teased her.

"Oh, you won't like mine that much, but okay," she told him and smirked before she sent me to Mia and walked up to Travis, purring as she grabbed his hands and put them on her hips then wrapped her arms around his neck. She purred to him and exposed her neck to him, giving him a playful look. He looked towards me.

"Hey Silas, have you thought of a name?" He asked and ran his fingers up my sister's neck to tease her. "For the blood house?"

"Hmm?" I glanced his way as I grabbed Mia's hand and twirled her- every girl likes that, right? My sister blushed and looked Travis over as he touched her neck. "I haven't really.... I can come up with something real quick though," I hummed out, starting to think as I looked at Mia as I brought her back into my arms. Mia giggled as she stumbled into my arms.

"You'll need a catchy name," Travis reminded me before he leaned into Esther's neck and bit down. I nodded and frowned as Esther squirmed a bit but relaxed after a few seconds, closing her eyes. I swear... she better not turn out to be a handful. Lyle would be angry. He yanked back from her neck as we heard someone coming in.

"Hello? Special delivery out front! We have a whole truck full of items purchased by a Mr. Silas Rosario? He'll need to sign here," a guy said as he held out a clip board. "We'll help unload it and bring it in here." I glanced towards the guy then pulled away from Mia, walking up to him.

"Yeah, that's me," I told him and took the clipboard, examining it before I signed and handed it back to him. I smirked as I looked him over. "Now let's go see what exactly I bought, hmm?" I looked towards Travis then purred. "How about Deadman's Crypt?" I asked him and chuckled darkly. "Or perhaps Bloody Lotus?"

"Sure~ I'll make it a virgin." Travis started back for the bar. The delivery guy gave me a smile and started out for his truck. "A virgin bar until it's dirtied by all the sweat that'll lay on it," he mumbled.

"I'll hire a janitor or two to come in every morning and clean," I told him and shrugged. "So which one did you like better? Deadman's Crypt or Bloody Lotus? We have to have a name before we throw that party."

"Eh," he told me. "It doesn't matter." He shrugged. I sighed then looked him over.

"If I put it on a t-shirt, which one would you be able to wear without puking?" I asked him and put my hands on my hips. I was hoping his input would be better than 'I don't care'.

"Deadman's Crypt. It sounds better," he told me. "So you want a Bloody Lotus or what?" I shook my head.

"No, let's get our furniture in and fix this place up," I told him and went to start the long journey of placing furniture and throwing out the old.

~Time Skip~

I plopped down on the new couch I had just placed down and sighed as I heard the truck pulling out of the drive, leaving our bar. Thank the lord that's over. I felt Esther sit beside me and purr softly. "It's getting almost dawn. Are we staying here or going home?" She asked me then grabbed my hand.

"Home... no way am I staying here," I told her then groaned, getting up. I wanted a few minutes to sit in my newly decorated bar. I glanced towards Travis and waved at him. "I'll be back tomorrow," I purred to him then took Esther towards the door then went out to the car, getting the door for her. "Alright, in we go." I smirked at her and watched as she giggled and got in the car, buckling up as she sat down. I closed the door on her and got in the driver seat then started up my car before I drove us home, getting us there and then retired to my room for the day rather quickly instead of reporting to Lyle.