Gold Box

Continuation of Silas' POV:

I purred softly as I felt the sun going down and snuggled up to my bed sheets, reaching for my mate then frowned as my arms encountered empty sheets. I sat up slowly, opening my eyes as I glanced around then frowned as I realized that he was in Japan... with our children. I'm alone here.... I sighed and rubbed my eyes before I got out of bed then stretched. "Well, another day at the bar," I muttered and shook my head. I'd much rather wake up to Rei's entrancing scent and his beautiful, loving face than go to the bar. I grabbed my phone off my nightstand then went to my closet, picking out one of my old black butler shirts and a pair of jeans with my black butler belt and got dressed. Hopefully tonight wouldn't be long.... I walked into my bathroom and brushed my hair and teeth then headed down to the garage, got in my car, and left.

It didn't take me long to get to my bar with my speeding, and I walked in, going to the back as I glanced around to see if Travis was here or not then frowned as I remembered that Dmitri never showed up last night. What happened to him? Travis was cleaning a glass behind the bar, a nice gold box was sitting on the counter with a silver ribbon tied around it.

"Hey boss~ I got you a gift-" He pointed to the box. "Open up." I purred as I looked him over then walked up.

"You didn't have to get me a gift," I told him and sat down at the bar. "Thank you though," I purred happily and then gently picked up the box, looking it over then started to untie the silver ribbon. Travis gave me a huge smile as he started to make a drink. I glanced at him then looked the box over curiously, pulling the ribbon off. Why is the box gold? I opened it up then looked inside, pulling out it's contents. I felt a warm surface on my hand as I glanced down to find a cute four inch egg there. I widened my eyes slightly at the sight then pulled it out. "Is this... a dragon egg?" I asked him.

"Yeah~" He told me. "I think you'll like him. He's only going to get to be about the size of a guinea pig." A guinea pig? That's a small dragon... smaller than Lixue. I looked the egg over before I frowned. My son just recently got kidnapped by a dragon.... I sighed and then smiled softly. I guess it's fine. This one didn't do anything yet. I held the egg a little closer, examining it.

"That's really small," I hummed out, running my finger over it's shell.

"It's supposed to hatch soon." He looked the egg over. I frowned slightly then.

"When?" I asked and held the egg out cautiously. Not right now, right?! I don't have food here for it!

"Maybe tonight or tomorrow," He told me. "You should watch it carefully to make sure you're the first one it sees when it hatches so it bonds with you." Another kid huh? I frowned as I looked the egg over then went to set it back in the box. "So, I had a sign maker make a sign for this place. It's coming in tomorrow and we'll hang it up when you get here." I nodded and purred at him.

"Sounds like a good plan," I told him then kept the lid to the box open, looking in curiously before I looked back towards him. "Thank you for getting the sign done for me."

"Yeah~ I thought you would like me doing stuff for you. We'll open the day after tomorrow. We'll have everything by then." I nodded and purred.

"That's great. We're making good time," I told him and then nudged the egg slightly with my finger, looking it over. So... I'm going to be responsible for a baby dragon soon.... I should tell Rei~ I chuckled as I thought about the look on his face then pulled out my phone and took a picture of the egg, sending it to him.

Rei: I hope you plan on eating that for breakfast before bed.

Me: It's a gift from one of my employees. It's only going to get about the size of a guinea pig.

Rei: Is that a dragon egg?

Me: He says it is... but a guinea pig sized dragon is pretty small for a dragon.

Rei: That's incredible. I'm telling Alfarus.

Me: No! He might eat it! Think about how angry he would be if it got near Hesper. He'd try to swallow the poor thing whole.

Rei: Still telling.

Me: I kinda want to keep it now that I keep looking at it. You don't mind right?

Rei: I don't mind sweetie. We have so many babies already. One more mouth won't matter.

I purred and pulled the egg out of my box, holding it in my hand as I looked it over. I'm going to be a mommy to a dragon huh?

Me: I'll keep it here with me until I'm done with my job.

Rei: Okay. As long as he's not here getting eat by Alfarus. I'm still telling him to let him know so he doesn't eat him on accident when we're not looking.

Me: Okay, I'm sure that this little guy won't be a problem. He's going to be so small that he'll be able to ride on my shoulder constantly.

Rei: That's going to be so cute. You should name him parrot.

I chuckled at that and looked the egg over.

Me: I'll come up with something cute~

I sat my phone down then held the egg close, stroking it with my fingers before I purred to it. It's going to be my baby dragon.... I laughed then gently kissed the egg shell in excitement. Rei doesn't mind either~ "You're already enjoying my gift to you," Travis laughed out.

"Well yeah, it's going to be one of my babies soon enough," I told him and laughed then looked the egg over. I thought they were supposed to be more excitable when they're getting ready to hatch.... Maybe it's not ready to hatch?

"What's the matter?" He asked and laughed. "You look disappointed now."

"Aren't they supposed to be more excitable and active when they're getting ready to hatch?" I asked him and frowned slightly. They're supposed to chirp too.... It's not... dead, is it? Or maybe they lied to him about it's hatching date.

"Oh he's sleeping. It's his napping hour. You just missed his cute chirps." I whined then. I did? No fair!

"That's no fun," I told him and frowned, looking the egg over then held it close. "Oh well, I'll keep it warm with my body heat then." He chuckled as he watched me.

"He might be up in an hour," Travis suggested. I nodded and brightened up at that. I still have a chance to hear my baby dragon? I looked at the egg eagerly and purred loudly.

"Okay~" I got up then took the egg over to the couch and laid down, holding it close against my body as I watched it. "What shall I name you?" I asked the egg and chuckled. I heard a small chirp come from it as the weight shifted around. I widened my eyes then purred to it softly, gently running my fingers against the egg. "Hey cutie," I whispered to it then smiled. I guess I accidentally woke him up... I could feel him shifting a little more before settling down. "There you go," I mumbled to it then kissed the top of the egg again. "Get some rest."

"Baby dragons are so cute," Travis purred out. I laughed and looked towards him.

"I hope so. I haven't really been around one much. Dmitri has a dragon though," I told him and smiled.

"Dmitri does?" Travis asked with interest. "I bet he's pretty."

"Yeah, he has a night dragon that's mated to a sea dragon," I purred out and chuckled. "One of my sons has the dragon king after him too...."

"The Dragon King is after one of your sons?" Travis asked and dropped his jaw slightly.

"Yeaaaaah... he kidnapped my eleven year old, but we got him back, and my mate is currently watching the dragon king and my son and trying to see if he's worthy of our child for when he's older," I told him and sighed. "That's why I was gone for a bit. We've been trying to get our kid back for awhile, but we finally managed to work something out where the dragon king hasn't run off with him again."

"Here's a glass of blood," he told me and poured me a glass. "We should go out."

"Go out?" I asked him and sat up slightly as I watched him pouring me a glass. I got up then, carrying the egg back over to the bar and sat down, reaching for the blood.

"Yes. We should go out and hunt down someone to drain." He licked his lips. "Don't you want some blood?" I purred at the thought and nodded quickly. I would love to have more blood like I did last night! I took a sip of my glass then.

"We could go out," I said and hummed. "What about the egg though?"

"We can have Mia babysit it for us," he suggested. "She's around here somewhere. I think she's down in the freezers."

"But what if it hatches while I'm gone?" I frowned at him. It'd bond with her! I don't want it to bond with her if I'm keeping it. It won't love me.

"We could have you carry it around then in your pocket, safe and warm. We'll go out and I'll pour this down the sink." I growled and downed the glass before he could take it from me then passed him the glass.

"Okay," I told him then stood up and gently slipped the egg into my front pocket where it could be safe if I was extra careful. He laughed and climbed over the counter before starting for the door.

"Let's go hunt!" He yelled and laughed. I purred and went after him quickly, rushing after him in excitement. I chased him outside then grabbed his arm with a smirk, dragging him to my car. He laughed and let me pull him before he got in on the passengers side. I got in the driver's side then purred as I started her up and began to drive down the street quickly, leaning back in my seat.

"So... where do you want to hunt?" I asked him curiously.

"Anywhere. You name it. Humans are everywhere." I nodded in thought then started to head to a movie theatre.

"Let's catch a late night movie and get someone in the alleyway," I told him and shrugged. "That'll be interesting, better than getting a drunk human."

"A movie? What am I your date?" He asked and laughed. "I thought you were married."

"I am married, and no, you're not my date. Two people can go to a movie without being on a date," I purred to him and smirked. "Besides, it'll keep my little hatchling out of a bar incase he hatches. I'd much rather him hatch in a movie theatre than a bar if possible."

"Okay~" He laughed out. "We'll watch a comedy." I nodded and purred.

"That'll be great," I told him then sped up. I turned on the radio and listened to it as we raced down the street then pulled into the movie theatre as we reached it then parked close to the entrance. I got out then gently touched my pocket to check on him. He was nice and warm, still fine in my pocket. Travis got out and walked towards the entrance, looking over his shoulder at me. I purred and went after him quickly, growling playfully at him. "We'll pick out someone from the audience and follow them out." He laughed at the thought and smirked.

"We should get tickets to a scary movie and go after the more afraid person there."

"So they'll shriek?" I asked him and chuckled then nudged him. "No, let's go to the comedy incase the dragon hatches."

"Fine," he sighed out. "Comedy it is."

"After he hatches, we can go to a horror," I whispered to him and smirked before I got the door for him and let him in.

"I rather go now... but fine... we'll wait until he hatches." He sighed as he stepped inside. I purred and followed after him then growled playfully at him.

"We'll go to the more hilarious one... and I'll get us popcorn and drinks," I told him then smirked as I walked up to the counters and got us tickets, popcorn, and drinks. I hope my little dragon doesn't hatch so soon tonight. It would be awkward to have a chirping dragon in my pocket while trying to escape a comedy movie room. Travis smirked as he spotted a girl across the room that was working here, drool starting to run out of his mouth.

"I'm so thirsty," he mumbled. I laughed a little then patted his shoulder.

"Go get her if you're that thirsty. I'm sure you have charms," I purred in his ear, smirking at how he was drooling.

"I rather feast upon you," he teased me and leaned in towards my neck with a growl. "After all... You have royal blood coursing it's way through your veins." He let out a small chuckle before licking my skin.

"What are you two doing here?" I heard a familiar voice... Lyle. SHIT! I tensed up and looked his way then shoved Travis back.

"Catching a movie," I growled his way. "What are you doing here?" I purred slightly at the sight of him but quieted it quickly so Travis wouldn't give me a weird look.

"Taking Milo out on the town. He deserves a date every now and then," Lyle told me as he pointed his index finger towards Milo at the snack bar.

"Well good, at least you got that through your thick head," I told him then walked up to him, trying to look tough in front of Travis. Like hell I'm going to let Travis find out that Lyle and I aren't actually somewhat fighting. He'd tell everyone. I heard Travis let out a small chuckle;.

"What?" Lyle asked in confusion. "Why are you being so mean towards me," he tsked. "You better be getting back to work-"

"Hi boys~!" I heard Lavender yell from across the room.

"Who's that?" Lyle asked as he glanced her way.

"Wow~! She works here?" Travis asked as he was already eyeing her down in her uniform. Fuuuuuck.... I snatched Lyle by the collar and yanked him towards me with a growl, leaning in towards his ear as I kept a look of rage on my face for the two nearby me.

"Lyle, we're surrounded by resistance people. You know why I have to be mean, and watch out, that girl is Lavender. I don't want her to get suspicious of us," I hissed lowly in his ear then leaned in towards his neck to pretend that's what I wanted.

"Get your filthy hands off me- I know what you've been doing, I can smell it!" He shoved me back with a pissed look on his face. "Get out of here, I want Milo to have a good date, not a spoiled one."

"Now now.... I'm sure you two can settle your fighting for one night to watch a movie," Lavender charmed out. "I work here and I don't want to have to call the cops because I've got two young men settling old scores." I glanced her way and frowned but immediately backed away from Lyle.

"Fine," I hissed, looking his way then gently touched my pocket with worry that my dragon egg might have been harmed by his shove. I sighed in relief then saw Milo watching me curiously, glancing towards my pocket.

"What's the matter?" Lyle asked as he observed me.

"I was checking on my dragon," I told him firmly, tilting my chin up a bit at him. "You could've hurt it." Lyle gave a worried look then.

"You should have told me there was an innocent life in your pocket. How could you be so careless? What if I threw you or kicked your ass just then?" He started for my pocket then. "I want to see it." I purred slightly at him then looked him over for a few seconds. I guess showing him wouldn't hurt anything. She saw us fighting a good deal, and showing someone your dragon doesn't mean that you're best buds. I slipped my hand into my pocket and gently pulled out the egg.

"He's supposed to hatch tonight or tomorrow," I purred to him, cradling it in my hands as I looked the egg over. Lyle laughed and gave a small awe at the sight.

"I want one," he purred out softly.

"I'm not buying you one unless you join the resistance," Travis teased.

"Uh huh brother, if you bought one, you'd be in trouble anyways," I teased him and smirked. "Only beasts would sell and buy another creature like this as you would say."

"Huh? Pshhhhh...." Lyle shrugged. "I'm not against the buy and sell of creatures as cute and rare as that." He smirked. "You've underestimated me. I just don't like humans being treated as cattle."

"Really?" Lavender asked.

"Yeah, he gets all high and mighty about that," I told her and snorted. "You should hear him when he gets into his rants about us. He calls us all beasts and monsters." I purred then. "At least even he can understand how cute a baby dragon is though."

"You're a human.... certainly you should understand that humans shouldn't be used as cattle," Lyle told her.

"If I did I wouldn't be in the resistance now would I?" She asked him curiously. He snorted and looked towards Milo.

"Milo~ What time does our movie start? I don't want to miss it." Milo glanced at the watch on his wrist then at the ticket in his hand.

"In about ten minutes," he told Lyle sweetly then bounced up, purring to him. He gently kissed Lyle's cheek then looked towards the egg in my hands. "What are you naming it?" He asked me curiously.

"I'm not sure yet," I told him and tsked lightly. "I'm not sure what kind it is- just that it only gets to be the size of a guinea pig."

"It's a wait it out egg," Travis teased me. "You wait to see what it is."

"Ten minutes?" Lyle asked lightly as he pulled out his phone. "Ok. I can make that work," he muttered.

"Lyle, are you..." I glanced towards Milo then at him with a frown. He did get that ring.... Maybe he's... at a movie? I frowned and gently rubbed my finger to ask him without saying it out loud. No way am I giving it away to Milo if Lyle plans on doing it anytime soon.

"I was going to, but this night got ruined," Lyle sighed out as he saw my fingers. I frowned then looked him over before I slipped the dragon egg back into my pocket.

"You should take him somewhere nice," I whispered to him then frowned towards him. "You could still save it."

"I'll have to do it later. Our plans are changed now." He put his phone up quickly. "Maybe you should go catch your movie." Milo frowned a bit and looked at Lyle then gently took his lover's hand and held it. I chuckled a bit and looked the two of them over. They're perfect for each other....

"Yeah, maybe I should," I growled slightly, giving Lyle a playful look. "Come along Travis. Quit eyeing down Lavender." I walked up to him and snatched his arm.

"How can I not? I wonder what she looks like in a police suit.... Hot damn.... Lavender you need to join the police force for me. You can arrest me all you want," he purred out to her. She gave a small giggle.

"I rather join something else... maybe a maid company."

"Oh. My. Fuck." Travis licked his lips. "I need you in my life."

"I'm gay." Lavender giggled out towards him. I flipping knew it! I KNEW IT! I looked towards her then smirked. IT WAS SO FREAKING OBVIOUS AT THAT BAR! HAH! I WAS RIGHT!

"Too bad Travis, guess you'll have to keep hitting on Esther," I teased him and shrugged, giving him a playful look. "At least she's straight."

"You're hitting on my baby sister?" Lyle asked and started after us. "You keep your hands off her! She deserves way better than a small time resistance geek." I laughed then let Travis go.

"Oops, guess the cat is out of the bag," I teased him. "Lyle heard us."

"I flirt with Mia too," Travis whined. "Why don't you defend her."

"You better stay away from my sister! Silas what are you doing bringing her around him?"

"Oh look, the comedy movie is starting," Lavender said quickly. "I bet it'll be a good one." I widened my eyes. NO! MY MOVIE! I glanced towards Lyle and snatched Travis by his arm.

"It was for one night. Calm down. Besides, I doubt she's coming back," I told him then glanced towards Lavender. "I'm throwing a party soon. You're invited when we have a date put together," I purred her way then started to drag Travis towards the doors to the halls with the theatre rooms.

"You know your lovers movie is starting soon too," Lavender told Lyle. "I'd go catch it before it gets away from you."

"The hell kind of saying is that?" Lyle asked and chuckled.

"The kind of: you shouldn't make me miss the beginning," Milo whined and grabbed his hand. "I've really been wanting to see this one- all of it!"

"Okay~" Lyle chuckled out. "We'll see it, I promise." He started for the hall then. "Right now." Milo giggled and held onto Lyle's hand as they went towards the romance section. Darn... I wish I could take Rei out right now.... Too bad I already had my days off for a bit. I frowned and dragged Travis into the comedy movie, sitting down at the back that way we could see all the humans in the room and take our pick.

"Alright, start looking for yours," I whispered to Travis, gently touching my pocket as I glanced at the screen. I could feel the egg weight shifting around a little at my touch. I purred softly and then slipped the egg out of my pocket and held it in my hands.

"Hey there baby," I whispered to the egg then stroked it with my thumb. Who needs a human when I can take care of this little egg? I can snatch a random one in the alley if I get hungry. I heard the baby start to chirp my way then. I laughed and gently shushed it. "You'll make people look back here~"

"That's so cute," Travis purred out as he examined us. "Don't forget our hunt though," he warned. "I'm thinking about blondie in the middle. He's a catch." I glanced up towards the man he was talking about then purred.

"Oh, he is. You should take that one. I can smell him from here," I told Travis then smirked. "You'll like him."

"Oh yeah~ I bet you're jealous of my claim."

"I bet you're going to be jealous when my royal blood doesn't end up in your mouth later," I teased him and chuckled. "It might end up in another royal's mouth... like my mate's."

"Mmmmm.... I'll just have to take it from you by force," he teased.

"If you can catch me," I told him and smirked then glanced the audience over. I spotted a nice red head in the front then nodded. "I'm taking that red head girl in the front."

"Delicious," he whispered.