Arrange Marriage

A'slin's POV:

"I said I think he has been. He hasn't come to me even though I have so many children," Silas said and frowned. "Anyways, I think I will marry you off to a French prince or something. The French throne would be nice for you to marry into. Your children would have the Japanese, Rosario, and French thrones lined up for them." I frowned as I thought it over. French kids? Well at least they'd know how to speak French.... Now I have to learn French..... I'll have to learn a lot of things that includes that culture.

"Okay," I said calmly and shrugged.

"Are you sure you're okay with an arranged marriage?" My mom asked me, looking me over. "You won't be able to hang out with Killian as much because you'll have to attend to your queen. I doubt your queen will want you hanging out with a ghoul, and you'll be mostly in France or Japan."

"What? Pshhhhh... They can't bully me into ignoring Killian. I won't marry them if they do." My mom frowned at me.

"Well... you're going to have your own kids, and Killian is no doubt going to have kids as well. That takes a lot of time out of your free time, and you'll have to make your queen happy as well. Killian doesn't live forever, so he'll probably spend the rest of his life getting married and having kids and growing old." I frowned as I thought it over. Killian won't live forever? That means he's not going to be around in another hundred years.... I'll only have his kids to enjoy.... "I think the longest a ghoul has lived has been about 105 years, but the ghoul was taken very well care of. They normally only live till they're 70 to 90 years old."

"I don't want Killian to die," I mumbled. "He's my best friend."

"Well, he's got a decent while before he starts getting old... and he has a wizard for a father. I'm sure that there is something that could make Killian immortal, but it's probably really risky," my mom hummed out then looked me over. "Are you going to drink from me... or from Killian?"

"Umm..." I trailed off. "When I go home I will drink from Killian," I said innocently.

"You better. I'll be checking in," my mom told me and smirked before he pulled her wrist away from me. "I'll be turning Nico as well.... I would turn Dmeter, but he has those videos he likes doing." I saw Milo sneaking out of the room then, taking his chance to go. Silas watched him and smirked before he grabbed him and pulled a small thing out of his pocket and bit into Milo, making him yelp.

"S-Silas! Let go!" He begged with a look of panic, struggling to get away. Mom growled then pulled his fangs out and took the tiny electronic looking thing and pushed it deep into Milo's wound, watching as it healed up. He smirked at Milo then let him go. "W-what did you do?"

"Nothing, I wanted a taste," my mom said innocently. "Off you go."

"Mom...." I mumbled and trailed off. Did he just put a tracking device inside of Milo? The hell.... I'm glad it's not in me. I'm going to have to go home and warn Kingsley, Sera, and Killian about this. "Oh no Nico!" I took off running for the night room to warn him. I heard my mom laugh in amusement as he watched me run off along with Milo who quickly escaped towards the garage. I ran straight into the filming area and got on the couch beside my brother. I leaned into his ear quickly.

"Nico, mom wants to turn you into a demon!" I whispered. Nico's eyes widened and he looked towards me with wide eyes.

"W-what?" He asked then looked at the cameras nervously before he looked back at me. "Nuh-uh, mom wouldn't do that," he whispered then got to his feet, walking towards the door to escape the cameras with me. I ran to catch up with him and grabbed his arm.

"What if she's waiting for you right there? You're safer on camera!" He looked towards me then and hugged me quickly.

"I don't want this.... Can I come back with you to Uncle Kingsley's?" He whispered to me, sounding frightened.

"She wants me to turn demon too," I whispered and felt my heart race.

"Let's go to Uncle Kingsley's," he begged and held onto me tightly. "Mom can't get us there."

"Okay, take us there right now." I nodded quickly to him. He nodded and moved us off camera first before we teleported, landing right in the night room of Sera's castle. Killian was laying down on a nearby couch, flicking through TV channels with a bored look on his face then glanced towards us then back at the TV.

"Hey boys," he hummed out.

"H-hey Killian... Um.... we're both going to crash here. Our parents and family are turning demonic," I told him softly. "Oh and my parents are trying to arrange me marriage to a prince of France." Killian frowned a little and looked towards me.

"Oh... they are?" He asked me and looked me over with a disappointed frown before he sat up slowly. "I'll um... talk to my dads about your family. You two can crash here. You still have your old room, and your brother can get one next to you," he told me then got to his feet, turning off the TV then started for the door of the room quickly. I followed after him quickly and grabbed his hand.

"Killian, my family might come to turn yours demonic." He frowned and looked at me.

"I've got to tell my parents. They've got to know incase your family does show up here." He pulled his hand back from me then and looked away from me. "They need to know you're here too...."

"I know.. I'm just saying..." I trailed off and rubbed my wrist. He doesn't want me to hold his hand?

"Okay...." He glanced back up at me then frowned before he started to walk away. "Tell a maid that you need a room for your brother near yours. They cleaned yours up a little while you were away earlier tonight." Oh.... He must be jealous about the arrange marriage. I smirked at him.

"Okay~" I purred. "Wanna join me Nico?"

"Sure," my brother told me and smiled, walking over. Killian quickly left us, speed walking a little as he went to go find his dads.

"I think he's jealous," I whispered to Nico. "I teased him about my parents trying to arrange marriage me off."

"Well... he hangs out with you all the time, and most of us around here are gay," Nico told me and frowned. "Besides, when people get married, they sometimes ignore their friends. They grow apart."

"I know... mom was telling me that. That's terrible. I'd never do that to Killian." I shook my head and started to look around with Nico for a servant.

"Yeah, but does he know that? You're probably his only friend. He is a ghoul after all," Nico told me and wrinkled up his nose. "They eat everyone. No one would be friends with that easily.... I mean, I don't have much of a problem with it... but that's because it's Killian. I would if it was some ghoul who wasn't raised with vampires. I imagine he doesn't have many friends because of what he is."

"So I should ask mom and dad to arrange my marriage with him instead?" I asked. "So he's not so bored and lonely?" Nico shrugged.

"Well, if he gets arranged marriage to a vampire, the vampire probably won't be able to understand him too well.... That's not the question you should be asking yourself though. You should be asking if you'd be okay watching Killian walk up an aisle to another vampire to marry and then run off with him or her on a honeymoon then have kids. If you're okay with watching Killian do all that, then I would say that you don't feel strongly about Killian and you probably shouldn't marry him," he told me and looked me over.

"I asked Killian to marry me in ten years if we're still single," I mumbled.

"Well, you'll probably be single still. Mom and dad wouldn't marry you off too quickly on an arranged marriage. You'd watch Killian get married first to some strange person you don't know," he said and smiled. "I think Killian would look cute in a tux though... with little rose petals lining the aisles."

"You know.... Killian is older than me," I whispered. I'm surprised he's not already swept up and married.

"Yeah, so? Anyways, he'll probably get married before you. He is a prince- even if he isn't a vampire. He'll more than likely be married to a vampire who won't be able to understand him and will shut down his personality instead of trying to learn to love it and deal with it. He'll be a piece to exchange a throne line over because he's mortal unless Uncle Kingsley has biological kids." Nico walked up to a maid then. "Hey, I'm going to be staying here with my brother A'slin, and I'd like the room next to his if that's alright," he purred, giving a small smile.

"Maybe we need to run away together," I mumbled. "This place is too obvious. They'll find us here."

"Well let's stay here for a night though.... Mom isn't going to come here immediately, and if she does, there are plenty of powerful people here to protect us and cleanse mom. I mean... there's a wizard here, an old queen here, a king here, and Dmitri." Nico looked towards me then and frowned. "It's safe here for a night or two." Killian walked up then with his hands in his pockets and looked towards us blankly.

"I told dad, and he wants you to stay here," he told us then looked at Nico. "Did you ask?"

"Yeah," Nico purred.

"I'm getting the room set up right away, Master Killian," the maid said and curtseyed before she walked off to go get Nico's room set up.

"Killian," I whispered and ran up to him, wrapping my arms around him and hugged him. "Are you okay?" I purred. "I'm sorry I told you my parents are trying to marry me off." He looked at me with a slight frown then before he sighed and moved away from me.

"No... it's fine. It was a back up plan. That's all, and I knew that," he told me then rubbed his cheek. "I hope they pick someone who will make you happy. You're going to have all kinds of purebloods lining up to get your hand from your parents." I frowned. He's so mad and jealous~ It's kinda cute. I smiled and stepped after him.

"You're open to be married," I whispered.

"No thanks," he told me and laughed nervously. "I don't think someone wants to marry a ghoul. If I got married, I might end up eating that person, so that'd be a bad idea." He shook his head then. Did he not get what I was saying? I frowned.

"Killian, that's not what I meant." He looked at me with a small frown before he looked away.

"Your parents want to marry you off to someone," he whispered back to me. "I don't think they want that someone to be someone like me."

"What? Are you dissing yourself? You think you're not good enough for someone like me? I'll force us to be single for ten years to get you back for that!" He frowned and looked at me.

"You're not going to do that," he told me then crossed his arms. "Besides, I only meant that your father doesn't really like me... and I have a biting problem."

"Oh? You think my parents don't like you?" I asked and jabbed my finger into his chest. "They wanted to know if we were a couple or not." He widened his eyes as I jabbed him then blushed, looking up at me.

"W-well... of course they'd want to know if they're about to marry you off to someone," he whispered.

"They haven't picked one exactly. My mom suggested a French prince though...." I trailed off and gave him a frown. "Okay..." I sighed out. I started past him to go up to my room. I think he missed the point too far. I felt him grab my hand as I passed him, and he gave it a small squeeze then. I looked towards him and smiled sweetly. "Yeah?" I asked. He looked up at me then and hesitated before he pulled me back to him and kissed me on the lips. I heard Nico gasp softly as he watched. I widened my eyes and blushed. Why is he kissing me? I pulled back from the kiss quickly.

"I'm not marrying you yet," I teased. "I've got ten years to wait." He frowned up at me then sighed and let my hand go.

"Yeah, you do," he told me then looked me over. "Ten years for you to wait." I raised an eyebrow. Wait a minute, what does that mean?

"Kiss him dummy," Nico whispered towards me. Killian laughed and stepped away from me.

"No, if he wants to wait ten years, he'll wait ten years. Who knows. I might not be single by then."

"What?" I asked and frowned. "No you won't.... You'll be single." I pointed my finger at him. "Or with me."

"Pfft, no. You've got to wait ten years," he teased me.

"Then you're staying single for ten years," I teased back. "I'll make it a very long ten years."

"You're the one who wanted to wait," he told me and shrugged.

"Ugh," Nico groaned out. "You two are ridiculous."

"Thank you," I purred to Nico. "This is what we do, we tease each other and I make him jealous."

"With your luck, mom is going to marry you off, and you're going to lose Killian in ten years," Nico muttered, looking us over.

"No way...." I looked towards Killian. "Not if I'm not single. So maybe we'll be together as a couple soon?" I smiled at Killian before kissing his cheek. Killian blushed a bright red then and looked up at me before he wrapped his arms around my neck and hid his face against me. I felt him give a slight nod to me as the tips of his ears turned pink. I blushed and giggled. I'm making him embarrassed~! Maybe a little flattered? He feels special now. I do like him though... He doesn't deserve someone that'll treat him like a floor mat.... or worse.... Not show him any love and possibly poison him in his sleep. He's better off with me.

"I'll tell mom you two are a couple. It'll get mom off your case about marriage for a bit, and if you two turn out to actually like each other, you can get married without mom marrying you off to some stranger," Nico told me and pulled out his phone, texting mom. Killian pulled his face back a bit, glancing over at Nico with a blush then looked up at me.

"Eh. Killian will marry me. I don't want him going off and marrying someone who won't treat him as good as I could. Okay Killian?" I asked him. Killian's eyes widened a bit before he looked up at me then blushed again.

"S-so... we're fiancés?" He asked and looked me in the eyes.

"Yeah. Unless you decide on someone better than me and I like him," I told him.

"A-are you sure?" He asked me softly. "I mean... that's a big commitment... and before you were saying after ten years."

"We can do it. Piece of cake." I pulled away from him then. He looked up at me then and I heard a small purr coming from him.

"Okay," he whispered then gave me a cute smile. "I don't think I would want to marry someone else though.... If I had to marry, I'd want to marry my best friend before someone else." I'm his best friend too~ I giggled and looked him over.

"We're the head of two families that are powerful and best friends," I whispered. He smiled hugely then and laughed.

"We'll get married," he told me then purred. "Let's go tell my dad~"

"Oh my lord, I'm telling mom you're engaged," Nico said quickly, texting furiously on his phone.

"Nico!" I yelled. Oh man. "Killian, at least let me ask for your hand in marriage! I didn't get you a ring yet." Killian nodded and gave me a smile.

"Okay, you can do that if you want, but you don't have to," he told me happily. Nico looked up at me and laughed.

"You don't want mom to know yet? I haven't hit send yet," he purred to me.

"Don't you dare," I hissed towards Nico. "She'll come showing up here expecting me to be a demon." Nico frowned but erased the text, listening to me.

"Fine... but you better tell mom as soon as Killian has a ring on his finger," he told me and looked us over then laughed. "You two are so cute together~! I'm so glad I'm the first to know!" Killian blushed and looked up at me then.

"So... does this mean we're dating right now until you get a ring?" He asked me softly.

"Until I ask your hand in marriage from your parents," I teased.

"Should I ask your parents too?" He asked me and tilted his head. "Or are you wanting to do it all by yourself even though you're younger than me?"

"Well if I do it then it shows I'm the dominate one in this relationship- also the king- also the man- and also the cooler guy." I purred. He blushed at me and nodded.

"Okay... I can be your queen if you want. My wizard dad became a queen.... He seems okay with it." He's seriously okay with being older and being the queen? He's so submissive.

"Sub," I teased. He frowned then.

"That doesn't mean I'm the sub all the time," he told me then purred. "Queens can be dominate. My dad acts that way... and I think grandma could be dominate too."

"Bottom," I coughed out. He narrowed his eyes then and lowly growled at me.

"Am not," he told me then frowned.

"Aww, so cute," Nico whispered. Killian frowned before he grabbed my arm and pulled me into another kiss. I pulled back and leaned into his ear.

"Catcher," I purred in it before biting his ear. He yelped then moaned, melting quickly against me. Nico turned around quickly to look away from us, wide eyed. I laughed and pulled back. I win.

"I'm dom," I told him. "OH KINGSLEY!" I yelled and started to go look for him. Killian's eyes widened and he hurried after me, staying by my side as he rubbed his ear with a blush.

"D-dad is in his tea room," he whispered to me.

"You can't be there when I ask," I teased him.

"I can too!" He said and frowned.

"No you can't. That throws me off and makes me look uncool. You can stand outside the door." He frowned at me then shook his head.

"I should be able to go in with you," he told me and grabbed my hand, holding it. "If we're going to be married, we should do things together as a team."

"What? No way. I want to ask alone silly. That'll ruin the surprise if I talk to him about your ring." He bit his bottom lip before he gave a small nod.

"Okay... only because of that. I'll wait outside for you to call me in," he told me softly and gave my hand a squeeze.

"No listening or peeking in," I warned him. I looked him over before stepping into the room and felt my life leaving me. What if Kingsley tells me no? Wait a minute... this is a bad idea. I need to turn back now. Where is Cheshire when you need him? I can't believe he's letting me go through with this. Isn't he supposed to show a little bit of dominance? He is older... He's the one that's supposed to be asking for my hand in marriage. Weirdo. I shut the door in his face quickly. Okay. Here goes nothing. I started for the table in the middle of the tea room where Kingsley and Aurelio was having their tea. A lump was growing in my throat as butterflies swarmed in my stomach. I was so nervous.

Silas's POV:

I purred as I snuck up on Rei and hugged him from behind, kissing his neck. "Hey sweetie," I whispered to him then exposed my fangs, going to bite him.

"Hey! There you are- Oh, it's Rei too," I heard Everest mutter as he saw Rei with me. I frowned and glanced his way then sunk my fangs in anyways.

"Silas," Rei groaned out before shoving me back. "That's my precious blood. Back off." I frowned at him then growled, flicking my tail. What the hell is that supposed to mean?! I narrowed my eyes at him then started for Everest, licking my lips to clean Rei's blood off them.

"What do you want Everest?" I asked her, ignoring Rei now. "Was it important?"

"The resistance is having a council meeting tomorrow night," he purred at me and smirked. "I thought I would tell you and see if you wanted to go."

"Of course I do~" I smirked at him then chuckled darkly. This will be fun! Their faces will be so shocked looking! I felt my tail twitch at the anticipation.

"How did you find out the resistance was having a council meeting?" Rei asked.

"I had a little fun in a little resistance hell hole," Everest purred at us and smirked. "So, I think you should definitely bust up in there and declare you're their leader tomorrow night. I'll take you there myself." I smirked then looked back at Rei.

"That'll be fun.... You'll have to take care of yourself for one night. Think you can manage that?" I teased him then grabbed Everest's hand. He purred at me then pulled me close.

"He can manage. He's a big boy," Everest whispered in my ear then smelled my neck. I looked at my brother and purred before I hugged him.

"Yeah, I guess he is a big boy, huh?" I watched as Everest started leaning in towards my neck and exposed it to him, watching as his fangs exposed hungrily. Poor brother.... I wonder if he gets enough. I don't think he has been... chasing that Milo around like he was earlier.

"Don't you have a mate," Rei asked Everest and walked up, snatching me away from him. Everest frowned and looked towards me then at Rei.

"Yeah," Everest hissed then narrowed his eyes. "I should be able to drink from my brother though." I laughed and looked Everest over. I'll have to give him some blood later from my bar.

"I'll give you some human blood later Everest," I told him sweetly then looked up at Rei with a purr. My mate got jealous. I kissed his cheek then and brushed my tail up against his hand. He grabbed my tail and smirked before tugging on it. I yelped and held onto him quickly. He wasn't supposed to tug on it. I blushed and looked up into his eyes then gave him a kiss on the lips. He must really like that I have a tail....

"You okay?" He asked and smirked before giving it a tug again. "I'm thinking about a game we should play together... my little neko." I shivered and blushed, my crystal pulsing as I twitched my tail in his hand and gripped the front of his kimono.

"W-what kind of game?" I asked him, trembling a little from the tugs.

"It's something we'll play in bed together," he whispered in my ear. I purred then and kissed right by his lips, teasing him then gave his neck a soft kiss.

"In bed together? Are we going to jump up and down on the bed?" I teased him, laughing a little.

"I think you know what I mean," he whispered and ran his free hand down towards my pants. "Don't you?" I purred softly to him then grabbed his hand and pulled it to my lips, giving it a small kiss.

"Is that what you want?" I teased lightly then looked up into his eyes. "We can play~ If you can catch me in bed," I purred at him and laughed, messing with him. Of course I'll go play a game with him in bed~ I'll tease him though. It'll be cute. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket then. I paused then let his hand go, pulling out my phone to look at it in curiosity. He'll have to wait if it's important.... Kingsley was calling me. I frowned. What the hell does he want?! I answered it and leaned up against Rei, twitching my tail in his grip.

"Hey Kingsley," I purred into the phone and smirked. "What do you want? You don't call me often."

"Did you know your son just came up to me and asked for Killian's hand in marriage?" Kingsley asked. I widened my eyes then. A'slin asked for Killian's hand? Didn't he just tell me they weren't a thing.... Well, he did say they had a ten year plan, so I guess he liked him enough to do that.... I didn't think he would go and ask for a marriage.... He seemed okay with Rei and I picking his queen.

"He did?" I asked and then looked up at Rei. "Well... what did you tell him?" I asked quickly, starting to feel a rush of excitement. Did my baby find love on his own?

"I told him to wait for my answer in my study," Kingsley purred into the phone. "What else was there to say?"

"Well, you could've told him yes or no," I hummed out thoughtfully. "His father and I were planning on finding him someone to marry soon... but he did tell me recently that he had a ten year plan with your son. I was thinking about asking you if you were looking to marry your son or not if A'slin really liked Killian that much. I wasn't sure if he did or not, but apparently he does," I purred and laughed, leaning my head against Rei's chest.

"So... how about we mess with them a little?" Kingsley asked and chuckled. "We'll tell them we've already arranged them to marry someone. But they won't know it's with each other. They won't know until their wedding day." I laughed then. It'll teach A'slin to not tell me he loves someone enough to marry them right away.

"Alright," I purred into the phone. "How do we keep them from getting suspicious about it being on the same day? Should we separate the two of them so they can't talk to each other about them getting married once we have a date for the wedding?"

"Yeah.... We'll separate them. Two best friends need to be separated anyways.... otherwise they'll be friends forever instead of lovers. We'll separate them when it's closer to their wedding day. That way they'll also get to missing each other." I laughed then.

"Tell A'slin then that you called me and I told you that he's engaged to a French princess- make sure you say princess too," I purred to him. "He'll be devastated. Then you can tell him that you're planning to marry Killian off as soon as possible as well and that you have someone asking for his hand."

"Okay," I heard him chuckle. "I'll go inform him." He hung up on me then. I purred then looked up at Rei.

"Our son is going to marry Killian," I told him as I put my phone up. "Kingsley and I have started arrangements, but A'slin doesn't know that he's getting married to Killian. He won't know till he's waiting at the alter and Killian is walking up the aisle. It'll be so romantic~ He'll love Killian forever and realize just how much he can't live without him after thinking he lost Killian forever."

"Awwwww..... I'm already marrying off my oldest son~" Rei whispered and started to tear up. "This is so cute!"

"Yeah~ We'll have to tell him he's marrying a French princess though," I told him and smirked. "We'll set up the arrangements for them to marry in a place where they haven't been before so they don't associate it with each other. I'll have to start calling Kingsley and ask him where he wants his son to be married and then we'll have to get together and start getting it set up. It'll be a beautiful wedding~ We're marrying the families together too!"

"You mean you've got to have us and them get together," Rei corrected. "I want in on this too and I'm sure Aurelio will want to join." I purred at him and nodded.

"Okay, we'll both go to Kingsley's to start the planning," I told him then gave him a kiss on the lips. "Our first born is going to have a sweet little ghoul queen~"

"Nico needs an arranged marriage too," Rei mumbled.

"Yeah, we'll have to start looking to marry our little Nico off," I told Rei. "He'll be wanting a male."

"Yeah.... we'll find him someone...." Rei purred.

"I'll start listening around for Nico.... Maybe we should host a ball for Nico to look around on his own, and if we see Nico take a liking to a vampire, we'll get Nico an arranged marriage with him," I suggested and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"So we should have Nico host a huge ball where there is nothing but gay guys at it?" Rei asked and smirked.

"Yeah, we'll send an invitation out to all the royal families out there incase they have eligible gay children that we don't know about," I told him then smirked. "We'll get invitations in a couple of nights and send them out."

"Great idea~ We'll start tonight." He grabbed my hand and tugged me towards his study. "I don't want Nico to miss out." I frowned and looked at him. Can't it wait a few more nights....

"I thought we were going to play a game?" I asked him. I guess his parenting has kicked in. He wants grandkids.

"We can do that before we go to sleep," he purred sweetly and let out a small chuckle. I purred then.

"I guess me and my tail will have to wait," I teased him then gave his hand a squeeze. "Alright, let's get the invitations sent out before Nico can catch on."

Killian's POV:

"Killian, go in there and sit down with Aurelio, he has something to tell you." Kingsley walked past me and started down the hall- towards his study. He sent A'slin that way... I frowned and looked at my dad then looked towards the door. What's going on? Why does my other dad have to talk to me? I bit my bottom lip nervously then walked in slowly, shutting the door behind me.

"Hey dad... you have something you want to talk to me about?" I whispered then looked at my father. I walked up and sat down in front of him, fidgeting nervously. Maybe they wanted to see if we liked each other separately. Yeah, that's probably all this is.... My dads wouldn't tell us no.

"Kingsley and I decided we needed to tell you something and it's come down to telling you this way. You're engaged," he said calmly. "He's going to tell A'slin right now the same thing.... He's marrying a French princess and you're going to be marrying... well not a French princess." I widened my eyes and felt my heart sink, the world fading away. He's... not marrying me? I gripped my seat and felt a lump form in my throat as it became hard to breathe.

"I-I'm not marrying... A'slin?" I whispered, my voice coming out pitifully heartbroken sounding as a tear slipped down my cheek. He gave me a sad look then.

"I'm sorry kiddo but we gave Silas a call and he said he's already arranged something for A'slin.... and well your father and I have both been looking for you. I think we found a great suitor for you. He's Russian." He gave me a smile. "But you won't get to see him until your wedding day." I shook my head quickly then.

"I don't want to get married," I told him quickly and stood up, starting to cry. I'm not getting married if I can't get married to A'slin!

"You're going to marry and that's final. If you have anything to say further about it then talk to Kingsley. You're marrying. So do you have any request for the cake's flavors? I was thinking it could be nine layers. Chocolate?" I sniffled and looked Aurelio over then rubbed at my eyes. How could this have happened? I was supposed to marry A'slin.... He'll get married and move on and forget about me.... He'll have kids, and I'll be stuck with some stranger I don't know who won't care about me as much because I'm a ghoul....

"If you're just going to plan out my life, then you might as well pick out my cake," I told him and looked away from him, my heart pounding in my chest as I trembled.

"Aw~ Okay sweetie have it that way. I need your measurements again so make a maid get them for me." Aurelio purred. "You're going to love this Russian.... if it really upsets you then you two could meet." I looked towards him and gave a defeated nod.

"A-alright," I whispered and wiped at my tears. "I'm not giving you grandkids though. I won't do it." Like I even could. I'm marrying a male Russian, and I doubt he'll switch genders to try to have kids with a ghoul like me. He'll probably wait out my death and then get remarried. I feel like I'm being sold....

"Oh.... by the way.... I'm going to turn you immortal... I should do that now since we have alone time together," he purred. I widened my eyes then. I-immortal?! So I can live an eternity of misery?! I shook my head quickly then.

"Nuh uh, I'm not going to be immortal for some Russian," I told him and then gave a small growl.

"Honey.... You'll love your Russian lover~ Now calm down. Your parents know what's best for you and that's why we picked the Russian. Wait until he starts to talk to you in his native language.... That'll be really hot." He purred. I frowned at him then sat back down, glaring at him.

"Fine," I muttered. I don't want to marry him... and maybe he won't marry me if I'm immortal. He won't be able to be free because I won't die on him... and then he'll tell my parents that he doesn't want to marry me- even if it means he gets to be on my throne.

"You're so cute.... Would you like to be immortal tonight?" He asked.

"I thought you were going to do it tonight since how we were alone," I mumbled and brought my knees up to my chest, watching my dad. I wonder how A'slin is taking this.... I felt my heart sink again and I looked at my feet. He'll probably be happy later after he marries her.... She's his own kind and can offer him so much more than I can. I can't mark him... and I can't change genders for him.... He got to his feet then.

"Alright. We'll do this tonight. When you wake up, you'll be immortal... but you'll be an immortal pureblood vampire." Wait... WHAT?!

"No! I changed my mind," I said quickly and jumped to my feet quickly. I don't want to be a pureblood vampire! THAT RUSSIAN WILL CHANGE MY GENDER! I screamed and ran for the door.

"Where are you going silly?" Aurelio asked. "We already got started." I felt something grab my feet before I fell over and was dragged back to my father. I shrieked and struggled to get away, kicking my feet.


"You don't have much of a choice," I heard him purring with amusement. "I want to make sure my son lives forever." I screamed and tried to get up.

"A'SLIN!" I cried out, struggling to get away from my dad's magic. I don't want this! I don't want this at all!

"Calling out for your best friend?" My father asked and laughed. "He can't hear you." I heard the birds flutter away.

"DAD! PLEASE! I DON'T WANT TO BE A PUREBLOOD!" I yelled at him and looked towards my dad. This isn't funny!

"Are you scared because you think your mate will make you a girl?" He asked and chuckled. "Why don't you make your mate the girl instead."

"He's Russian! What if he's stronger than me?!" I panicked then. Oh no... I can't get married to him. How much trouble would I be in if I ran away?

"You could start lifting weights in our gym room," he suggested. "I'll even ask Kingsley to start training you with weapons... Oh wait... here's a thought! You could have Silas teach you to fence with A'slin and Nico." He smirked. "That would be fun to do.... All four of you." I frowned then and looked away from my father. That's just cruel... but I guess spending time with A'slin before he's married off would be smart. I'll probably end up living in Russia... and he'll be far away from me.... We'll grow apart then, and I'll be stuck with some Russian.... I pouted then and curled up on the floor as my chest hurt.

"Okay sweetie, close your eyes and count back from ten." He bent over me. I shivered and looked up at my dad, feeling broken.

"Is it going to hurt?" I asked him softly.

"Not at all," he purred. "You won't feel a thing if you do as I ask." I widened my eyes then quickly shut them, starting to tremble.

"Ten... nine... eight... seven..." I heard him fiddling around in his pockets before pulling a few things out. I felt my shirt getting cut away quickly to expose my chest as I got to seven. I froze up and opened my eyes, looking towards my dad in fear. "Don't look," he told me. I catch him placing the scissors down. He had something in his hand along with a book. I bit my bottom lip and quickly shut my eyes, not wanting to see if he ripped my heart out or something.... He wouldn't... right? "S-six... five... four..." I heard him flip through the pages of the book then. "Three... two... one." I tensed a little once I got to one and squeezed my eyes shut. What happens if I'm out of numbers? I felt something cold on my chest as my dad mumbled something. I felt drawn into the cold texture on my chest. After a few seconds I heard the book close and something hit my chest hard, sending a pain throughout me as I felt it sink into my very being until it stopped next to my heart. I screamed and gripped at my dad's arm. WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?! As the pain settled in that one spot it started to spread like roots to a tree, expanding through my body. I opened my eyes wide and looked towards my dad quickly. "D-dad," I whispered quickly, panicking.

"It's okay. You did well," he purred and rubbed my head, taking a stone from my chest before it could fall. "You're a pureblood now..." He kissed the top of my head. I frowned then. Does that mean...

"Does that mean I don't eat human meat now?" I asked him and rubbed my lips as the pain faded from my chest rather quickly.

"I don't know.... you're still you just your crystal is forming in you. If someone takes it then you will loose this form and when you come back you'll never have this body again." He rubbed my cheek. "So try it out and see if you still need human meat before drinking blood." I looked at him then gave a slight nod.

"O-okay," I whispered to him. So... I guess I'm going to be immortal now... in a miserable existence without my best friend. I started to sit up before I got to my feet then stumbled a little.

"I'm very proud of you," he purred. "Go off and get some rest." I looked towards him and nodded before I went towards the door, rubbing my chest. So it's official... I'm a pureblood that's going to live forever till I die a bloody death... and I'm going to watch my best friend get married and leave me behind... for a Russian to pick up the pieces. I sighed and walked out, shutting the door behind me then started down the hall. At least A'slin should be somewhat happy in a few years or so.... I rubbed my eye as I felt a tear try to escape it then headed up to my room, crawling into my bed as I reached it and then hid my face in my pillow. I can't believe it.... I won't be marrying A'slin... and he's marrying someone else.