Take Over

Alexis' POV:

"Miss Alexis, we have reason to suspect your sister is dead... or worse. A guy at the theatre said he heard her struggling a few nights ago with a couple of men in one of the movie rooms." Adam told me as he sat down in front of my bar that I was bartending at. "You better not show up at the next council meeting for a bit.... hell.. none of us should if we know what's good for us. She might have tattled. It's probably the vampire council that done it. You better skip town." I frowned then and looked at him.

"One, my sister isn't dead. She's probably just hanging out somewhere torturing the guys.... Two, my sister would never tattle on us and our meetings, not even if they had me," I told him and then shook my head. "She'll come home soon." She couldn't be dead. My twin is too strong to be killed like that.

"We're talking about council members Alexis.... You don't know these guys. They're kings and queens for a reason. There's no way your sister is alive... You better kiss her stuff goodbye and bury it. Can I get an ice tea or lemonade?" I frowned at him then narrowed my eyes before I got him a glass of water and sat it in front of him.

"My sister isn't dead," I told him firmly. "If you think she is, you didn't know her well enough. She's better than me at hunting and fighting." Though... there were multiple guys.... She might be injured.

"Yeah.... well I'm just saying.... the chance of her being alive is slim to none." He looked at the glass of water and frowned. "Can I get a lemon with this?" I sighed and then turned around, grabbing one of the lemon slices I had prepared and then turned to him, slipping it onto his glass.

"Yeah, you can have a lemon with this," I told him then smirked. "Look, I doubt she's dead. We'll wait it out a little longer. I'll try calling her a little more. We're still having that meeting tomorrow though. Nothing bad should happen. My sister might even show up."

"On a silver platter maybe," he said and downed the drink before pulling out his wallet and threw me a ten. "You better prepare for tomorrow's meeting. At least bring a gun. You never know what might go down tomorrow. I'm not showing up though. Fuck that. I'm going straight home to my cozy one bedroom apartment and I'm going to have fun with the destroyer," he chuckled lightly. "Just kidding on that last part." I raised an eyebrow at him.

"You are a very sad, little man," I told him then shook my head. "I will take a gun or two tomorrow though." I smirked then. "Maybe I'll tease some vampires with them."

"Welp..." He finished his glass. "Goodbye, Alexis." Adam nodded his head before leaving my bar.

Silas's POV:

"Be careful," Lyle warned us as he eyed Everest, Sylar, Dmitri, and myself down. He got my car door for me then. I purred at him then.

"I'll be fine," I promised him. "You worry wart," I teased then leaned in and kissed his cheek before I gave a playful growl. "You know, I stuck a tracking device in Milo if you want to track him..." I told him and looked him in the eyes. "I'm not going to track him down for you though. That's your business." I didn't tell him about that device yet... and he hasn't really gone searching for Milo yet.

"Thanks~ I don't need to track him down just yet. He's okay where he is. Hell.... He might even come crawling back to me." He patted the top of my car before heading back inside. "Bye," he called over his shoulder.

"This will be fun," Sylar purred out. "Let's go." I smirked and glanced his way.

"Oh yes it will be," I told him then floored it, speeding off quickly. "So Sylar, are you ready? Because after today, you're going to be at my side as part of the resistance until I achieve what I want- the death of all hunters. Then I will make the world perfect for us all. Your William will always be safe."

"Yeah, sure," Sylar mumbled. "As long as I get a great view of that other twin's death."

"I'll let you kill her since how you didn't kill Lavender," I purred to him. "You can have her at your feet and her life in your hands and send her to Hell if you wish."

"I want her to go straight there. A quick death like Colsin's death." Sylar rubbed his cheek then.

"That sounds fun," Everest hummed out and smirked, exposing his fangs. "Are you going to shoot her? We have a gun with us."

"Yeah!" Sylar said quickly. "Right between her eyes." Everest slipped the pistol back to him then and purred.

"There, hold onto that then. You'll need it," he told him then smirked. "Get her good." Sylar put the pistol up in his pocket and blushed. Dmitri smirked then.

"Little demon," he whispered teasingly towards Sylar then looked out the window. "We should get some blood ice after this. I know a place that makes blood slushies for our kind." I laughed then.

"I bet that's pretty cool," I purred.

"Yeah, it is. They make ice cream too," he purred at us.

"Ice cream?" Sylar asked. "I want some Ice cream."

"Yeah, they have regular ice cream and blood ice cream," he told us and looked at Sylar. "Which one do you want?"

"I want regular ice cream. Can I get cookie dough ice cream? I want mine in a cone."

"Yeah, they do that," he hummed out thoughtfully. "You could get whatever you want. I'm buying," he purred then ruffled Sylar's hair. I laughed and shook my head, speeding down the road.

"Great! I want double scoops then." Sylar gave a huge smile.

"Uh huh, we'll get ice cream and slushes then come back," he told us and then smirked. "I should bring my sweet little bunny back a tub of their ice cream. She'd love that."

"Yeah! I bet she would," Sylar whispered to him. "Hey! You want to play a game?"

"Sure," Dmitri purred in amusement. I shook my head again and then turned up the radio. Sillies.... We're about to bust up into the resistance, and they're having a good old time in the back like we're going out to dinner.

"I wanna play," Everest said quickly, turning around in his seat to face them in the back.

"It's a two player game Everest." Sylar giggled out. "Okay Dmitri.... I spy something red."

"Silas's eyes?" Dmitri asked. Everest gave a disappointed look then and growled at them.

"Nope. You have two more guesses," Sylar whispered.

"Your eyes?" Dmitri said and frowned, looking around for something red.

"Guess again," Sylar purred and edged closer to Dmitri, unbuckling in the process.

"U-uhmmm, blood?" Dmitri started to get nervous then and shrunk back in his seat, eyeing Sylar.

"Good guess but you weren't specific enough." Sylar exposed his fangs then and leaned in towards Dmitri's neck. I frowned and slammed on the brakes as I approached a red light, coming to a quick stop. Were they just about to bite each other in my car?! I don't want blood on my back seats! Dmitri yelped as the car came to a stop and frowned at me.

"Why do you drive that fast if you're going to have to slam on your brakes?" He hissed at me. Sylar had hit my seat in the process and let out a small groan.

"Dmitri, I think I hurt my head~ Kiss it for me." Sylar reached out for him. Dmitri frowned.

"I have a mate," he told him quickly. "I'm not kissing your head."

"But it hurts," Sylar whined. "I just wanted a kiss.... Tell my brother to be nicer.... Now where was I?" He leaned back into Dmitri's neck and bit him. Dmitri groaned and frowned.

"We're bringing that William with us next time," he muttered. I smirked a little then shook my head.

"You better not get any blood on my seats or you'll be licking it up," I warned them. I heard Sylar let out a small moan and could hear his tongue licking Dmitri's wound.

"We're soooo bringing him next time," Dmitri mumbled and sighed. "I didn't come to be a meal. We'll bring him next time as your Happy Meal." Sylar giggled.

"But you're my happy meal~ I could actually go for a happy meal. SILAS! I WANT A HAPPY MEAL! NUGGETS AND FRENCH FRIES!" He looked towards me then. I laughed then glanced at him in the mirror.

"Alright, we'll get you a happy meal," I purred to my little brother then started to speed off again as the light turned green. Now where is a nearby McDonalds. "You can eat it on the way to the meeting."

"Can you get me tea with it? McDonalds tea is the best. I want a toy too." He grabbed at my shirt. "Don't forget my toy." I laughed.

"Okay, anything else with that?" I asked him then leaned my head back and kissed his cheek. "A Happy Meal, tea, and a toy. Want a cookie?"

"I want one of those apple pies," he told me. "Hmmmmm... yeah that's it. If they don't have what I want then we'll eat all of them."

"Okay," I purred and smirked.

"I want a milkshake," Everest piped up quickly. "Chocolate."

"You're getting ice cream later," Sylar hissed at him.

"But... but I want a milkshake," Everest muttered. "You're getting food! You don't even need to eat that food!"

"Yeah I do, I'm hungry and food brings me comfort. It's my comfort food. Now be quiet. I deserve it anyways. I'm the cute one here."

"What's that supposed to mean?! You're not that cute," Everest hissed then. "You're all the time bullying Silas!" I frowned.

"He doesn't bully me," I told him.

"Yeah he does! Bullies aren't cute!" I frowned then.

"He hasn't done anything to me recently."

"He yanks on your tail!"

"Everyone has been yanking on my tail except for Dmitri."

"YOU HAVE A TAIL?!" Dmitri shouted, wide eyed.

"Yeah, where have you been?" I purred and smirked at him.


"In my shirt," I told him calmly. "I hid it for while I'm driving."

"I wanna touch it," Sylar purred. I frowned.

"I'm driving," I reminded him. He'd yank on it then we'd crash. I tightened my tail around my stomach incase he went for it. "You'll make me crash."

"So? It'll be the highlight of our evening."

"I like my car," I muttered.

"I could drive," Everest suggested. I frowned. If I let Everest drive... Sylar will end up yanking on my tail, and that stuff hurts.

"You're not driving. I don't trust you to drive," Sylar told him.

"What? Why not?" Everest frowned and looked offended. "At least I've never hit anyone with my car and never learned my lesson! He still speeds everywhere!"

"Yeah~ and guess what? His victim is his fledgling. Whatcha wanna bet his next fledgling is from a stand around accident?" Sylar asked and giggled.

"Bet he causes another accident," Everest purred then smirked. "This is why I should drive. You could play with Silas in the back seat and Dmitri could move up front with me."

"What ew! I don't want him back here with me. Silas, you stay up there before I end up dead." He pointed at me before buckling up as he thought it over. I laughed then.

"What? You don't like my tail anymore?" I teased him, smirking. Hah! He won't mess with my tail now! It's safe~

"Where's my food?" He asked impatiently.

"At McDonalds," I said and sighed, glancing for a McDonalds again. Lemme see... I think there is one around the corner. I turned and smirked as I saw one, driving up to it. I heard him let out a small yes in the back seat. Still a kid at heart. I turned into the drive through and ordered his food for him and Everest's milkshake then pulled up to the window, paying for it then handed the food out before I sped out of the parking lot. I heard him start to munch on his fries, giving one to Dmitri.

"Oh, thanks," Dmitri purred and ate it. I laughed and glanced towards Everest as he moaned, drinking his chocolate shake. This is going to be an interesting night....

I walked up to the door to the room where they were meeting and smirked, kicking it in. "HELLO MY LITTLE UNDERLINGS! I'M BAAAACK~!" I stepped into the room and heard the vampires gasping at the sight of me. Sylar stepped past me and sucked down his tea before handing it over to Dmitri behind him. "Did you miss me?" I purred and looked them over. They looked at my horns with wide eyes then shrieked, getting to their feet.

"IT'S FUCKING DEMONS! RUN!" One of them shouted. I noticed Lavender's twin looking us over with curiosity, a gun on the table in front of her.

"So that must be Lavender's twin," Sylar purred out before having one of his minion doubles appear behind her and placed his hands on her shoulders. Another appeared beside her and knocked the gun off the table fast like a cat before he disappeared and appeared by the gun, taking it and pointing it straight at her.

"Don't shoot before me," the original sung out as he took out the pistol on him and aimed it down at her. Her eyes widened and she shrieked, struggling to get away.

"WHAT THE HELL?! LET ME GO!" She bit down into the hand of the clone that was holding her down. I saw the clone's veins flash throughout him as he looked in pain. I heard the gun go off by me as Sylar shot her right in the head like he said he would. She went limp quickly as the blood splattered up onto Sylar's clone, her head rolling to the side. I frowned and looked towards Sylar. He really didn't play with her at all. I slipped my tail out of my shirt then stretched.

"Well, you got your revenge on her," I hummed out and looked towards the vampires that were staring at her wide eyed then looking at Sylar and his gun in fear. They look like scared little children. That isn't at all like how the resistance used to be....

"Alright.... where did I put my apple pie?" Sylar asked and he dropped the gun and started going through his pockets. The two clones disappeared then. I laughed then walked up to him, ruffling his hair then looked at the resistance with a smirk.

"I hope you're ready to stop being little children and join the big boys because I'm taking over," I told them. "If you have a problem with me being the leader again, then you can leave like Lavender's twin did."

"There you are~" Sylar purred and pulled out his apple pie then started to eat it. "Hey can one of you go get me a sweet tea?" He asked them. They stared at us like we were crazy, but they shoved one of their own out of their small group that had banded on the far side of the room together. The boy they shoved out trembled and quickly left the room to go get the sweet tea, muttering under his breath that he was going to kill them later for making him do it. I laughed then looked the others over.

"Now, go tell your little friends that Silas is back in town," I told them and waved them off. "Meeting adjourned! Oh, and you're all invited to a party I'm throwing at my bar- find Travis and ask him about it."

"There's going to be sweets right?" Sylar asked me.

"Yeah, I'm putting candy out in dishes along with drugs," I hummed out and looked at him. "You're staying away from the drugs though."

"What's drugs? That sounds cool. Especially when you tell me to stay away from it," he giggled out. "Remember~ You're not my boss." I frowned.

"What's that supposed to mean? Besides, if you eat the drugs," I told him then smirked. I can scare him.... "The drugs will travel to your brain and devour it then you'll be paralyzed for the rest of your life and be drooling all over yourself-"

"That's not what drugs d-"

"That's totally what drugs do," I told Sylar and smirked. "So if you don't want to be a vegetable sitting on the couch for the rest of your life, don't touch them."

"Silas.... If they do that then why are you putting them near candy? I'm not stupid you know." He rolled his eyes and walked up towards the table before throwing off all the papers on it. I laughed.

"Fine, drugs actually just make you high. You do crazy things on it, and you can get addicted. You're getting your own bowl of candy to eat, so you don't get mixed up and eat the drugs," I told him and purred.

"Wait.... so drugs are just like blood?" He asked me. "I mean come on... that's exactly what blood does to a vampire is make them high and addicted."

"It's... somewhat different," I told him and shrugged. "You'll see at the party. Some of them make you want sex too, so I want you to stay away from them. Think about how William would feel if he found out you had drugs and you flirted with a bunch of men."

"Ummmm...." He trailed off. "I think William would be happy because then I wouldn't be sucking his blood as much if I'm busy flirting with other men." I frowned. Dude, that's your mate.

"You shouldn't flirt with other men if your mate is William. He'll get upset. Humans don't like that stuff when they have a boyfriend- you are his boyfriend, aren't you?"

"Well... yeah.... You're right... I won't do drugs and flirt with other men then. He is my boyfriend..." He trailed off. "I guess it wouldn't be nice."

"No, it wouldn't be nice. Stay faithful to your sexy butler or else you won't have a sexy butler," I purred and winked at him. "You could ask him to dust the top shelves for you too~ There are lots of things you can do with a butler that you can't do with others because it'd be harder to get them to do it. Trust me, I'm sure you'll like the fact that he's a butler. You could even try out handcuffs with him too or do some sort of butler game with him where he has to do what you tell him. It'd be fun for you." I'm such a good big brother... giving my younger brother sex ideas.

"S-Silas stop telling me what I should do with William!" He blushed and looked away from me. He curled his hair around his finger then.

"Bet you could get him in a maid uniform too," I teased him and smirked. "And you could have him bathe you all the time- that'd be interesting."

"Silas, shut up!" Sylar hissed and pouted. "It's none of your business what I do with William."

"I think I'll get you two some handcuffs so you can surprise him one night and cuff him to the bed," I hummed out in thought, watching him. Hah, look at him getting flustered.

"Maybe I already have a pair," he hissed at me.

"Real or fuzzy?" I asked and smirked. Real are better.

"That's only for me and my sexy lover boy to know. Which isn't you." He clenched his jaw. "So bud out." I laughed then.

"Alright, I'll stop... but don't let sexy butler William get away from you. He's yours, and he'll always be yours, okay?" I purred to him. "Especially if he's your mate- is he?"

"W-well...." Sylar trailed off and poked the table then. "I'm not telling you that. I told you to stay out of my relationships Silas." He looked up at me. I smiled then. Yeah, William's his mate or else he would've told me no.

"Okay, so he's your mate," I purred then gave a small smirk. "Take really good care of him."

"Shut up Silas. You didn't hear me tell you he was. I told you to bud out." He stuck out his tongue at me. "It's none of your business."

"Well, you are my younger brother.... Oh! I have something to tell you! You might not care though," I told him and frowned as I thought about it. He probably won't care... but I'll tell him anyways~ "I got A'slin a fiancé~! He doesn't know who yet, but I've had Kingsley tell him it's a French princess- but it's actually Killian. We want to tease them a bit because they really like each other and they didn't bother to tell anyone until last night when A'slin asked for Killian's hand from Kingsley."

"You're right, I don't care. I don't care about your children Silas. Why'd you tell me that? That was the lamest news I ever heard." He rolled his eyes. "I'd rather hear my toes getting chopped off." I frowned then.

"I thought maybe you'd like to go to the wedding... but I guess not. You don't like formal events," I mumbled. "I'm going to teach my older ones how to fence too...."

"Yeah- well I wouldn't want to go anyways. Can we get off these topics? Hellllller we're busy at the moment. Where's my tea?" He started for the door then. I purred and followed after him, flicking my tail.

"So... if you and William get married, can I come watch?" I asked him sweetly. "I'll sit in the very back where you can't see me if you really don't want me there."

"I'm not going to marry William," he told me quickly. "Marriage is traditional and it involves crowds of people and huge cakes and parties and I don't like any of that.... but if we did.... FUCK NO." He told me and looked directly in my eyes. "You'd be the last person I'd invite- and that includes god and the devil ahead of you." I frowned at him and felt my crystal pulse. Well... that was mean.... I thought we were making progress.... I sighed and looked away from him.

"Yeah, I guess so huh," I muttered then walked past him. "Have fun with that." He really still hates me....

"Yep. I will." He chuckled darkly and walked past me. "Oh, I'm not going home with you either. I'm going to head over to Amelia and crash with her." I frowned.

"So you're ditching William?" I asked then shook my head, tsking. I'll have to send William back to Sera then. He's so inconsiderate to his poor mate. Bet he didn't tell William that he wasn't coming back just yet.

"I have to go see Amelia once a week.... plus she cooks really good home meals that'll make your socks fall off and curl." I sighed.

"I'll send William back to Sera's then," I told him. "Everest will drop him off."

"Noooooooo you're not. Don't you dare touch my sweet William. He's staying in my bed and getting his scent on it. So you better not mess that up. I'll be home sometime during the day." I frowned at him.

"What makes you think William would sleep in your bed without you in it. He'll probably run off to a guest bedroom if he's forced to stay at the castle instead of going home," I told him and put my hands on my hips.

"Because he's not like you so bug off," Sylar hissed. "He enjoys my company and he'll probably fall asleep in my bed, waiting on me to come home. He'll be surprised when I get home during the day and give him a kiss. So. You touch him... I'm chopping Rei's hands off." If you can even catch Rei. I rolled my eyes.

"Who said I didn't enjoy your company. You assumed that," I told him then smirked. "Besides, I wouldn't be touching him. Everest would, but if you're coming home within a day, I guess I won't have him sent back to Sera's. There wouldn't be a point to it."

"Silas.... you send my mate away and I'll send yours away," he said calmly.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I frowned at him. Is that a death threat for Rei?

"You should know." He looked me straight in the eyes then. "I've thought about it for a long time."

"What? So you can see me on my knees? I already am most of the time trying to get you to stop being so mad," I told him and frowned.

"I'm only mean to you," he said innocently. "And that's because I hate you." I frowned at him then. Why do I even bother with him? He's hopeless unless he wants something. I nodded.

"Okay, well, feel that way," I hummed out. I have my mate. I don't need my brother's attention too. If he wants to hate me, I guess he can hate me on the other side of the world. Not everyone gets along with their siblings. "I'll stop trying then."

"It's about time you got the picture," he muttered. "I only act nice for a few reasons.... but you always find a way to make me mad at you." He started to walk away from me. "Do yourself a favor and stop trying." I frowned as I watched him leaving me then rubbed my arm. Even if I said I'd stop trying... it kind of hurts watching him walk away from me like I'm nothing. I looked away from him then and sighed softly. I really should just get away from him.... He wants nothing to do with me.... I just wish he would be like what he used to be like... excited to see me. At least he's grown up somewhat strong and independent.

"Be careful," I whispered to him, looking back to him. I'd hate to hear he got hurt still.

"I'm old enough to take care of myself, Silas." He turned to look at me then flung a knife at me from his pocket. I widened my eyes and dodged it then growled sharply at him. WHAT. THE. HELL! I tackled him then and smacked him across the face after pinning him to the floor.

"WHAT THE HELL IS YOUR PROBLEM?! YOU'RE SUCH A CHILD," I hissed in his face. "I swear! If you're going to not want anything to do with me, don't throw a fucking knife at me!" He let out a small chuckle, watching me with amusement. I felt his hand struggle for his pocket before he quit and I felt a presence over me, grabbing something from his pocket before a knife was stabbed into me.

"Really? You think you can just pin me down?" Sylar asked and looked amused. I saw a reflection of one of his clones in his eyes. He had one standing over me. I hissed through the pain then smacked him again, ignoring the clone behind me. Fuck it. If he's going to act that way, then I'm going to get him good even if he's going to get me with his clones.

"You changed so much," I muttered then glared him down. "I liked you better when you were younger. You're an ass."

"Thank you, thank you very much." He watched as the clone ripped out the knife. My blood dripped down onto the floor next to him. "Now get off of me," he grumbled and looked away from me. "I hate this position."

"Good," I hissed at him then smacked him again before I grabbed him by the hair and started tugging on it, getting him back for my tail. I quickly snuck it up into my shirt, remembering his clone was behind me. "Because I'm going to make you pay," I hissed. "I don't care if you're going to be dirty and use your clones."

"Silas, I'm serious, get off." He warned me and I felt the knife cut into my throat. I exposed my fangs quickly and bit down into his clone, snarling before I ripped a chunk out and spat it at Sylar. His clone disappeared quickly and the knife slid down, almost hitting Sylar in the face if it wasn't for him moving out of the way quickly by sliding down. I yanked on his hair then and hissed before I glared at him.

"I could brainwash you," I muttered to him. He let out a small laugh.

"You don't even know how to," he giggled. "You're boring me. Get off." He kneed me between my legs then. I groaned and winced before I exposed my fangs and bit down into his neck harshly, pinning him down by his shoulders as I stayed on top of him and started to drink his blood greedily. He yelped and squirmed under me. "Silas! Get off me you dick! That's my blood you know." I felt him bite down into my shoulder quickly.

"Why do I smell blo- WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TWO DOING TO EACH OTHER?! You're brothers!" Everest hissed, finding us here. "This has gone far enough. Sylar, I don't know what the hell has been wrong with you, but you're obviously fucking with Silas. You two need to knock it off, and you two need to make up. I'm sick of seeing you two fighting. I'll get Lyle on you both!" Sylar looked up at him and I could just feel the eye roll he was making at Everest. I felt him rip a chunk out of my shoulder before spitting it away from us.

"Go away Everest, this doesn't involve you."

"No, it does. We're a family," Everest hissed at us. "We're supposed to act like one. Father would be disappointed in you both! Mother would be horrified at what you two have become to each other! Now I know it's not Silas doing this shit because he's been trying to reach out to you since you've grown distant from him, and he's been trying to get you to come back to him. I know it's you Sylar," Everest hissed. "You're turning into what Silas used to be- the loner of the entire family."

"I'm not a loner. I love every one of you. I love Lyle, you, and Esther. That's my family. Now get this pork chop off me."

"Sylar, you're just acting childish," Everest muttered. "I'm sure that if whatever is going on between you and Silas stopped, he'd get off you," he told him. "He wouldn't be biting you like that without a reason."

"Go away, you're giving me a headache." He bit back down into me then. I hissed at him then dug my fingernails into his shoulder.

"No, I'm not going away," Everest hissed. "I'm sick and tired of this shit going on between the two of you." He stalked up and yanked Sylar away from me then and smacked Sylar on the butt. "You're going to start behaving. I don't care how old you are. I can have you turned over my knee."

"You're not my mom or dad, Everest. If I don't want to be friends with Silas then I don't have to." Sylar adjusted his clothes before walking away from us. "Don't make me hate you too." Everest glared at Sylar then.

"You're worse than Silas," he hissed lightly then looked at me. "And you, you know better than to bite someone. Get up." I frowned at him then and looked him over. Since when does Everest tell me what to do- "I'm going to tell Lyle about this," he hissed at me. Lyle doesn't tell me what to do either. "He's going to be pissed at you both." No he won't, because I'll tell Lyle exactly what Sylar has been doing. "And trust me, you'll end up with a spanking too if you don't wipe that look off your face," he hissed then grabbed me, teleporting us suddenly. I widened my eyes as we were standing outside Lyle's study.

"What the hell?!"

"Oh, you thought I was kidding?" Everest asked me then walked into Lyle's study, dragging me with him. Lyle looked up from his tablet in his lap. His feet was kicked up on the desk as he lounged in his seat.

"How was it?" Lyle asked calmly as he looked up at us and raised an eyebrow. "Two are missing..." Everest growled then and shoved me forward. I hissed as I stumbled then glared at Everest. He's going too far....

"Oh it was great, and then Silas and Sylar got into a fight," he told Lyle and crossed his arms. "They looked like they were getting ready to drain each other, and Sylar is being a brat."

"He is the youngest," Lyle said calmly. "We had to raise him practically when our parents left.... us...." He looked me over before pointing at me with an index finger. "You know better though. Whatever is going on, sort it out." I frowned at him. I turned him into a demon. You'd think I'd be the one telling him what to do.

"It's kind of hard when your brother is screaming that he hates you all the time and he stabs you with knives," I hissed at him.

"Stop provoking him," Lyle laughed out. "He's a hormonal demon.... Who knows what's going on in his mind." I do. I messed around before I met Rei and before he met Colsin as his mate. I frowned at him then. But I can't tell him that.... I regret it.

"He's mad because I told him to go be with Colsin," I told him and frowned. I'll leave it at that. "He didn't want to be with Colsin and he got mad when I married Rei."

"Well if he doesn't want to be with his mate then that's his own problems Silas," Lyle told me. "I'd rather be with Milo. He probably was looking up to me at the time, seeing how I was finding happiness without a mate." Yeaaaah, about that. His so called 'happiness' was me.

"Well he thought he owned me after he brought me back from the dead," I muttered. "I was in debt to him, and you know... that's why he got mad when I married Rei." Part of it anyways. "But there's no way in Hell he's ever going to love me like his brother again. He's proved that many times."

"Well there you have it," Lyle sighed out. "If he can't be in the same room as you without fighting then I'll take that over Everest dragging you in my office every time you go at it with him." I frowned at him then.

"I don't want us to be fighting though. I want him back as my brother," I told him then sat down.

"Little steps at a time... or we could always throw you two in a room downstairs together." I frowned at him.

"So what? I'm supposed to wait centuries? That's not fair," I hissed.

"This is really not my problem. I didn't cause you two to fight. I'd just like it to stop. So go on and go about your business." He waved me off. "Unless you want me to put you two in a cell together." So he can slaughter me? I wrinkled up my nose then before I sighed.

"Fine, I'll let it rest for now. He can go hang out with his witch. I'll leave him be for a year or two." I got to my feet then and looked Lyle over then purred a little. "Besides, I've got a better brother."

"Everest..." Lyle said calmly. "We have equipment that cancels out vampire's powers when we put them on a vampire.... right? We can deweapon a vampire yes? We can put two in jumpsuits.... right? We do have a cell ready for such a situation as this... maybe?" He asked and sat his ipad down. "How about you go get Sylar and we settle this within the next year." Everest nodded and disappeared. I widened my eyes then and shook my head quickly.

"I'm not sitting in a cell," I told him then walked up, sitting in his lap. "Come on, he can calm down elsewhere, and eventually he might come and talk to me on his own," I told him and wrapped my arms around Lyle's neck. I don't want to be in a cell! I have too many kids and a mate and a resistance to watch over!

"Twenty four hours downstairs is all I ask of you. Think of it as you're doing it for Sylar. Now be the big brother I know you are and cooperate. Go down there and talk to him while he's at his most restrained." I frowned and looked at him before I took a deep breath.

"Do you think it would help?" I asked him softly. I do miss Sylar.... I feel sort of bad about biting him like that... but he just....

"Couldn't hurt." He shrugged. "We can always let him go in the end to do it on his own.... sorting out his problems with you." I sighed then before I kissed Lyle's cheek and rested my head against his chest, flicking my tail.

"Maybe we could just... erase his anger somehow," I mumbled. "Erase the anger he feels towards me."

"His little witch is helping him get over Colsin..." Lyle trailed off.

"Yeah... but he's not getting any help with getting over his anger with me," I muttered. "He hates my guts."

"He's held a good grudge against you too," Lyle laughed out. "Over sixteen years of anger."

"Yeah... but I don't want him angry at me. I want my little brother back.... Don't you get it? It's like when I was angry at you and I hated your guts and all you wanted was for things to return to normal with me," I mumbled to him. "Except making him a ghost and then bringing him back wouldn't fix his anger."

"I know... but we can't just make him a ghost and bring him back silly~ We both know that. Maybe you'll get your little brother back. Now just cooperate and head downstairs to get ready for your twenty four hours of hell." I frowned at him then got to my feet. This isn't going to help anything.... I sighed and walked out of the room, going downstairs then sat down in a cell and curled up on the second cot in here, waiting for Everest.