Travis's Girl

Esther's POV:

I giggled as we hung up on my phone and I watched Travis pass me the strawberry daiquiri. I picked it up then took a sip before I moaned at the taste and purred happily as a warm feeling filled the back of my throat, making me feel bubbly and light. "Travie~ this is sooooooooo good!" I told him and smiled hugely at him before I swayed in my seat to the music playing in the bar as I sipped down on my drink, my phone going off with notifications from Silas.

"If you keep drinking like that, you'll wind up in a grave." I heard Mia tell me as she came up with a tray of empty glasses. "You better slow down Esther."

"Eh," Travis said as he watched my sways.

"I'm fine~ I can handle myself," I purred to Mia then sat my drink down, halfway empty already. "Besides! It's been forever since I've come to hang out with you! I've been through too much to not want a drink made by Travis. I'll tell you a lil secret~ He makes the best drinks I've ever had!" I giggled then and yelped as I almost slipped out of my seat when someone accidently bumped me, coming up to the counter to order a round of shots.

"Shiiiiiit," Travis said. "Watch it, you better tell her sorry," he told the guy. The guy frowned then looked down at me before his eyes widened.

"Whoa, I'm so sorry," he told me quickly and helped me steady myself before he gave me a grin. "I didn't mean to bump into you, cutie. You seem to be falling for me though," he said and laughed, giving me a small wink. I blushed at him then quickly took a sip of my drink. The hell. You can't just bump into me! WHAT WAS UP WITH THAT WINK?! Does he have a twitch? I bet he does. Travis' hand came over the bar quickly as he yanked the guy to him.

"Now you're hitting on my lady?" Travis asked. "I'll give you six shots alright-" I heard a gun click as Travis grinned. "You better go find another bartender." The man's eyes widened and he yanked back quickly.

"Fuck, I didn't know she was your lady," he said quickly and held up his hands.

"Ah, I'm just fucking with you." He put the gun away and let the guy go. "Six shots? Of what?"

"V-vodka," the guy said nervously, looking at Travis in fear. I frowned a bit then looked towards Travis curiously for the gun. Why's he got a gun....

"Now there's a guy that knows how to drink!" Travis said and put the gun in his pocket. He looked at Mia then. "You cool?" He asked her. She was trembling next to me.

"Travisssss you're gonna get in trouble doing stuff like that," she warned him.

"My middle name is trouble." He told her. He looked at the guy as he got to work on the shots. "Nah, she's not my girl. She's Silas's little sister." The man's eyes widened before he looked at me.

"Really now? I didn't think his siblings would be in a bar drinking their head away," he said then he sat down beside me, giving me a curious look. "What's your name sweetie?"

"Esther~" I told him and giggled. He's a blond.... That's cute. I took a sip of my drink and watched him with a huge smile.

"Esther? That's a pretty name. Listen, you should totally come to this party I'm throwing later tonight. You'd love it~" He told me and smirked, leaning in a little. I purred at him then and took another sip of my drink then paused as I watched him push my drink down slightly. "What do you say?" He asked me, extremely close. I frowned a bit then looked him over.

"Why're you so close to me? Do I know you?" I asked him quickly.

"Hey," Travis said with a warning tone. "Get lost. She's too wasted to go prowling parties with you. Plus if her older brother catches you in a minute like this, you're toast. He's on his way."

"My brother's coming?" I asked and looked towards Travis with wide eyes then giggled. "Yay~ He can drink with me!" I smiled and reached for my phone but busted into a fit of laughter as it slipped out of my hand and into the floor. The man got it for me quickly then purred, putting it in my hand with a smirk.

"He might be. You know how your brothers are." Travis handed over the six shots to the guy. "Besides bucko- I never said I wasn't interested in Esther. Now truly get lost."

"Not my fault that if you snooze you lose," the man told him and smirked before he got to his feet. "I'll be seeing you later Esther~" He purred then started to walk off towards a group of his friends. I giggled as I watched him go.

"Bye bye!" I called out after him then looked towards Travis with a small purr as I took another sip of my drink. He watched me and frowned.

"I'm cutting you off," he told me.

"Whaaat? Why?" I asked him and frowned, setting my drink down with a pout.

"Because," he said and took the drink from me. "You're drunk. Mia, I'm taking Esther out of here."

"I don't know if I can trust you," Mia said quickly. "Maybe I should take her."

"No, I will. You stay here." Travis walked around the bar then and reached me, helping me up as he wrapped one of my arms around his neck. "I want to make sure she's okay. Vampire to vampire." Mia watched us and frowned.

"What? You think she'll bite me?" Mia asked. Travis gave her a look then that made her hush up. I frowned a little then leaned up against him as I almost lost my balance then purred loudly, wrapping my other arm around his neck.

"Travis, dance with me~" I purred to him, forgetting about my drink I lost. He picked me up suddenly.

"Maybe later," he told me sweetly as he started to carry me out the back door. I frowned and clung to him, looking down at the ground.

"Travis... my feet aren't touching the ground anymore," I told him in alarm and widened my eyes slightly.

"It's okay. I'm carrying you. I won't drop you," he told me. He started to walk towards a gray sports car. I looked at him then purred before I leaned in, feeling my fangs expose. He got the door open to the back seat and placed me down inside. "Alright~ Now where do you live again?" He asked me. I frowned at him then reached over, grabbing the door and shut it before I laid down in the seats and giggled. Dummy, this is a car. Not a house. He walked over to the driver's side and got in. He looked back at me.

"Esther," he purred as he started to drive us away from the bar. "Where?"

"Where what Travis? Over the rainbow? Ooooh..... Somewhere over the raaaainboooow! Waaay up high~!" I giggled happily then. He looked back at the window, his dark hair entering the shadows and blending in.

"Okay..... This is not telling me much." He pulled out his phone then and I could tell he was going to call Silas. I giggled and then reached up front for his phone.

"Siiiilaaaaaaaas~!" I purred out, wanting to talk to my brother as soon as it picked up. He let me have the phone, watching me.

"Put it on speaker," he told me. I giggled then stuck it on the car speakers in the back seat and purred. He frowned.

"No- that's not what I meant. Give it here." He reached out for it. I smacked his hand lightly then and exposed my fangs at him.

"HEY! IT'S MY SQUISHIE!" I told him quickly.

"Phones are not squishy," he told me. "Let me see my phone."

"Nuh uh," I purred playfully then leaned in towards his hand, giving it a small kiss before I giggled and leaned back in the seat, watching him.

"Esther," he groaned out. "We need to ask your brother where you live."

"Ooooh, you want to know where I live? Why?" I asked him sweetly then handed him my wallet. "There you go."

"So I can take you home," he told me.

"Oh okay~" I purred and then sat back in the seat, singing softly under my breath. He frowned and looked through my wallet then. I watched as he came across my driver's license with my address and purred at him. "There you go young Padawan."

"Wh-" he sighed and typed the address into his GPS. He gave me the wallet back. I sat it in the seat beside me then yawned before I leaned over in the seat and curled up.

"Thanks Travie," I purred softly. "You're a great guy~" I felt the car come to a slow stop as he reached for his phone then. I watched him then went to hand him his phone back to make it easier then yelped as it fell and hit me in the head, making me bleed slightly.

"You okay? I smell blood back there. Try not to get it on the seat." He laughed softly as he grabbed his phone from my face. I whined then rubbed at my head before I looked away from him and curled up, putting my back to him.

"Your stupid phone did it," I muttered.

"The phone isn't stupid," he told me as he started to call someone again.

"It's all a conspiracy theory calling them SMART phones. They're dumb phones," I told him and giggled.

"Hey? Silas? I'm taking your sister home. She had one too many," I heard Travis saying into the phone.


"Well when you put it that way~ I might have a bite or two," he purred out. I heard him shut off the car.

"Travis," he hissed into the phone. "You better be a gentleman and take my sister directly home with no stops! She's only a young lady! She's not the kind you can sleep with!"

"But I like them young and ladies," he purred into the phone. "That's what makes them special."

"It's going to be a real special night when I rip your fangs out, you creep," Silas hissed. "She's a princess! You can't sleep with her- especially when she's drunk! She will be devastated when she wakes up to find that her virginity is gone to some guy who won't even give her a proper dating relationship!"

"She's a virgin?" He asked.

"Y-ye- N- Which one would result in you not messing with my sister?" He asked and growled.

"Gotta go~" Travis said and chuckled.

"NO YOU DON'T! YOU SICK BASTARD! THAT'S MY SISTER! YOU CAN'T MESS WITH HER UNLESS YOU PUT A RING ON HER FINGER!" Travis chuckled as he sat the phone down and crawled into the back to be with me.

"Hey Esther~" He purred. I looked towards him and giggled.

"Hey~ Whatcha doing?" I asked him and sat up slowly. "Why'd the car stop?"

"TRAVIS! IF YOU TOUCH HER! I WILL RIP YOUR FANGS OUT! I WILL DO IT! I SWEAR I WILL! I KNOW YOU AREN'T DEDICATED ENOUGH TO ACTUALLY TREAT HER RIGHT AND DATE HER!" I heard my brother hissing. Travis leaned in towards my neck then, being slow about it before he kissed me there.

"Want to know something?" He asked me. I blushed then and gasped slightly.

"W-what?" I asked him curiously, feeling my body tremble slightly from him being so close to me.

"How good will you taste?" He asked me before biting down into my neck, his fangs piercing my skin. I gasped and squirmed, pushing at his chest.

"That's my blood," I told him quickly, my heart starting to race.

"GET YOUR FANGS OUT OF MY SISTER! REI! I NEED TO GET TO AMERICA TO STOP A CREEP!" Travis moaned against my skin, keeping me under his body. His hands grabbed my sides before I felt a rush go through my body as he sent his venom into me. I moaned and melted under him, my breath catching in my throat.

"Travis~" I purred quickly and blushed.

"YOU BETTER NOT HAVE MARKED HER! YOU ASS! SHE'S DRUNK! SHE'D TELL YOU NO IF SHE WASN'T! SHE CAN'T THINK STRAIGHT! SHE DOESN'T WANT A ONE NIGHT STAND!" Travis ran his fingers down to my shirt, placing his fingers slightly under it and went to lift it, moving me back down to my back. He pulled away from my neck then.

"Say my name," he purred into my ear. I blushed and went to grab his hands.

"T-Travis," I whispered and felt my heart racing. I heard howls go off near the car then, making Travis sit up and hit his head against the ceiling of the car. He groaned out in pain, holding onto his head. I looked up at him then blushed before I started to sit up then wrapped my arms around him, giving his cheek a kiss. "Travie..."

"TRAVIS, YOU BETTER TAKE HER STRAIGHT HOME! I'M COMING ESTHER!" I heard the phone shuffling around then before footsteps running. I blushed then and looked at Travis.

"Travie, I really... really think you're cute... but I don't think this is a good I... idea," I told him, giving a small hiccup. "I don't like the idea of one nighters," I purred in his ear.

"Relax, I'm just playing around. We're not doing any of that. I'm just fucking with your brother." He crawled back into the driver's seat. "I'll take you home." I frowned slightly then rubbed my neck where he had bitten me and looked out the window.

"Fine~ Home," I muttered and brought my knees close to me as I leaned up against the door. "Why'd you mark me you weirdo?"

"Oh~ So guys at the bar will stop hitting on you right in front of me," he explained. "I don't like seeing that stuff when I'm trying to get you to be my girl." I blushed then and looked towards the front.

"Your girl?" I asked him curiously.

"You can be my man, but you'd have to change your gender," he told me.

"Who said I was your girl?" I asked him then giggled. "I don't remember agreeing to that."

"I said so. You don't have to agree. Right Silas? I already marked you."

"Are you messing?" I asked and narrowed my eyes suspiciously as I sunk down into the seat. Lord, I'm in a car with a mad man!

"You. Better. Put. A. Ring. On. That. Finger," I heard Silas muttering into the phone.

"Here," Travis said as he reached into the dash and pulled out a rubber band. "Wrap it around your finger," he told me and smirked. He tossed it to me.

"No waaaay, I'm not putting a rubber band on my finger so you can mess with him," I told him then knocked it down into the floor. "I don't like this anymore.... I'm gonna walk," I told him then unlocked the car door, going to open it. I felt him reach back and yank me inside.

"No you're not. Oh, can I crash at your place?" He asked me as he got the door. "Mine is.... under construction." I glanced at him then frowned.

"F-fine," I told him then crossed my arms, watching him with a small pout. Jerk marks me for a prank on my brother.... That's not cool. I'll have to spill lots of drinks on him throughout the years to get him back for that. He went back to driving us safely to the castle. I watched him then sunk down into my seat. "You shouldn't have marked me," I mumbled and started to play with my hair. "It'll be harder to find a new mate...."

"Pshshhhh you don't need one. You have me." He laughed as he looked back at me and winked. "I'll protect you and give you some kids if you want them." I frowned at him then and tugged lightly on my hair.

"You sleep around though.... My man won't sleep around."

"Hey, I've only slept with a handful of girls," he told me. "None of them was keepers."

"Yeah... but I'm not going to let you make me your girl if you're sleeping around," I told him then growled lightly. "I don't do that. Nope, not me."

"Oh yeah? You want to be my one and only? Well... I'll consider your application but I'm going to have to put you near the end of the files." He smirked. "I'm still in the A's."

"Ass," I hissed at him and exposed my fangs his way. "I wouldn't date you anyways. You'd sleep around even if you did promise not to!" I lightly kicked his seat then and frowned before I looked out the window. "You just make good drinks."

"I can't help myself. When I see something, I get it. You're in my view hot shot."

"I'm about to be out of your view," I muttered. "I think I'd rather walk." I started to unlock the car door again, not caring if it was moving.

"Hey, come on. I'm not going to do anything with you Esther. Jeeze. I've never slept with anyone," he told me and chuckled. "Close the door." I widened my eyes slightly at that then slowly shut the door, glancing at him.

"You've never?" I asked him.

"Well.... maybe twice. Three times. But they were all~ Let's just say... Not you." He teased. "It was nothing. Well, something."

"Stop flirting with me," I muttered then unlocked the car door again. "I think I'm done here." I opened the car door and looked out at the pavement before I started to go to jump. I heard him slam on the brakes then.

"Hey. Esther, this isn't funny. Stop suiciding. I need a place to sleep tonight.- Besides six feet under." I rolled my eyes then shut the door before I laid down on the seats.

"Jerk," I mumbled and curled up before I looked at the seats and traced my fingers over them. The hell is wrong with him? Flirting like that, marking me like that, talking to me like that? What am I? Just a tool? Even my mate used me as a tool to get at my brothers and killed me.... I curled up more then looked at the back of the seats, facing away from him as I sniffled then hid. My own mate couldn't love me....

"Hey, don't cry. I'll get rid of the mark. I promise," he told me. "I understand, you don't like me." He started to drive then and brought his wrist up to his mouth before biting into himself and suddenly I felt the mark moving away from me as I smelled his scent more strongly on him. I widened my eyes slightly then glanced towards the driver's seat before I frowned. He really does just look at me as a prank tool, doesn't he? I felt a tear slip down my cheek before I cried softly and looked away. He's such an ass! "Why're you still crying?" He asked and looked back at me. "There are worse things," he told me. "Like getting your ass kicked by the Nero family just because you own a resistance bar."

"You don't know anything about worse," I told him and sniffled. "Worse is when your mate rejects you then rips your crystal out and crushes it. Worse is when your mate didn't even look at you more than eye candy. Worse is when you're sitting in Hell as a crystal and wondering what you did wrong to earn a place down there by your mate!"

"Well, first off... All vampire purebloods end up down there. It's just who you are. You're creatures made by the devil. Haven't you heard about the rumors? Jeeze. Get a break. MAYBE he'll build you a town down there when he's not busy at the arena watching demons fight. So what? Some shit- bad shit happened to you. That doesn't mean you can't get better." He shrugged. "Be lucky he might consider a town."

"I don't care about that," I told him and wiped at my tears. "I could care less about having wound up in Hell.... My mate just put me there, that's all- and besides, like you'd know. You never once decided to slow down and maybe look at a life with someone," I hissed his way. "You used me like a tool to get at my brother just like she did!"

"I did not," he said quickly. "I think I've had a great time with you. Your brother has nothing to do with our little fun we had together. Don't be a downer. I bet you was craving to be marked by someone. Esther. The mateless princess." I looked his way and sniffled.

"Yeah, doomed to be alone," I mumbled then curled up, turning away from him again. "All my siblings are going to be happily married, and I'm going to be watching from the sidelines."

"Well get in the action. Let me be your side hoe," he laughed out softly. "I'll show you something you've never known." I frowned then.

"You don't get it Travis.... I don't want a side hoe. I want a stable relationship with someone who's not going to rip my crystal out or use me for some silly purpose. I got screwed over by fate," I mumbled. "I don't know. Maybe it's better this way that I don't have a relationship.... It means I can't get hurt, right?" I laughed a little then. "No pain when my lover looks at me one morning wondering why in the world they wanted me in the first place."

"Alright~ That's what I'm talking about. Don't be with just one person Esther. I mean~ That'd be nice if you're just with me. I'm not a bad guy. I'm not a virgin either. How about you be one of my late night friends for awhile. We might even get something better out of it. I won't hurt or use you. Not like I just did. If you want a good guy, I'll be him... but I'm not taking you if I'm not getting a good~ Well woman out of it." I blushed then and glanced his way.

"Y-you won't sleep around?" I asked him softly.

"If you don't want me to. I'll only sleep with you.... but I want it all the time, got it?" I blushed then before I considered it, watching him.

"O-okay," I whispered. "We can give it a try... if you want to."

"Great! How's about tomorrow night? We'll go out on some fancy date if you want. I don't know. Whatcha want? A sexy late night under the moon and stars boat ride?" He asked. "I could get you that." He slowed down as we neared the castle gates finally. I giggled a little.

"How about we have dinner and watch a movie together on the couch?" I suggested to him. "I don't mind little things like that."

"Hey? You purebloods get pregnant right? I'll need to go look at cond- Oh wait..... Do you want me to wear condoms?"

"You can't get me pregnant anyways Travis," I told him and laughed. "You can't because you're not a pureblood vampire. You could if you were though."

"Hey! I could if I wanted to. My buddy down there shoots just fine. Thank you very much."

"It probably shoots blanks," I told him and blushed. "Ex humans can't give babies. They're infertile."

"Bullshit." He said and drove past the gates. "I could get you pregnant. I just got to warm up." He pulled out his gun to expose the bullets but there wasn't any inside. "Ops, I forgot to load it." I giggled at him then shook my head.

"Weirdo," I purred softly. "We'll watch a movie tomorrow. Your pick," I whispered then leaned forward, giving his cheek a small kiss. "We'll try a relationship~" I giggled at the thought of dating Travis. My brothers would flip! He parked near the garage and got out, getting the door for me.

"Here," he told me. "I know I could get you pregnant," he said confidently. "We'll wear a condom anyways to be safe." I nodded and blushed before I reached out for his hand and got out. I paused by him before I wrapped my arms around him then leaned in, biting down into his skin and marked him. This will remind him he's mine and he can't sleep around or else girls are going to ask him and if he ever comes back to me without the mark... I will make him pay for it! He gasped and tensed up against me. "I thought we were in agreement to not do this," he said and grabbed at my arms. "This is going to kill my A game at the bar." I frowned then pulled back quickly looking him in the eyes. His "A game"? So he was still planning on going behind my back. I yanked away from him then.

"Forget about it then. If you are still going to sneak behind my back, I will find someone else!" I smacked his chest then before I started walking away from him quickly, going towards the doors. "Tell the servants you want a room, and mark yourself jerk. I'm not wasting time with someone who is going to put their sights on others." Freaking bastard! He played me in the car! "You'll use me, and I'm not taking that. You can have a date with your hand for all I care! At least there is someone else out there who would respect me enough to keep their hands to themselves and would flirt with me only! You're such an asshole Travis! Go bark up another tree! You can't have this one!" I shook my head and frowned, refusing to look back at him. He really did just want to use me as a booty call.... He lied to me.... I clenched my jaw to keep from crying again and tilted my chin up as I reached the door and opened it. "Lying two timing jerk." I went inside then slammed the door before I broke out into tears and put a hand over my mouth as I trembled. Why can't he just love me and me alone if he's going to flirt with me like that?!

"Esther?" Everest appeared in front of me then, a robe tied shut on him. His eyes widened and he quickly pulled me into his arms kissing my head. "Shhhh, it's okay. It's going to be okay. Did something happen?" I nodded and buried my face into his chest, quickly wrapping my arms around him.

"H-he said he wouldn't sleep around as long as I made him happy b-but he was going to anyways! He's such a jerk!" I cried out. I felt him tense before he slowly ran his fingers through my hair.

"Hey~ you don't want a man like him anyways. You'll find someone else. I promise~ Look, why don't we go out and make you a fledgling? They are very comforting to have around... and who knows? You might fall in love with him or her after raising them for five years but don't expect a relationship from it. Just know that raising a fledgling is special. You won't be alone for five years at least. You will have a best friend too! I loved raising fledglings. You will love it too. It's exactly what you need- a best friend to hang out with and get over all this... whatever this was supposed to be." He waved his hand then laughed. "Come on, let's go look for your future fledgling."

"Esther," I heard Travis call out as he ran up to me and grabbed my arm. "I wasn't going to cheat on you, I swear. I was playing around. I don't mind if you mark me. I was just joking about how it would mess up my nice flowing flirtatious bar tender streak. That's all. I can't flirt too much if I'm marked by you... but that's okay. I'll figure something else out. Stop jumping to conclusions that I'm going to hurt you. If I wanted to, I would have done you already and kicked you out of my car." He smirked. "You're too jumpy." I looked towards him then blushed. Everest tensed slightly and looked at me then at Travis.

"You've got to be kidding me Esther," he whispered to me and tightened his grip on me. "Come on. Let's go get you to your roo-"

"No... I'm fine," I told him and reached out for Travis. "I overreacted about it. I know he's playful. That's all he was doing," I mumbled and blushed as I held my hand out for him.

"Yeah~" Travis said and brought me close to him. "Come on babes~ Where's my room?" He asked. I giggled and kissed his cheek then.

"Next to mine~" I told him sweetly and wrapped my arms around his waist before I nuzzled my face against him then tugged him in the direction of my room.

"What's he doing here?" I heard Lyle ask as he walked up with Milo. I widened my eyes then and looked towards them.

"Uhhhmmm... He's... staying here? He brought me home... and the sun will come up eventually, and his place is undergoing some things," I told them then paused, biting my lower lip.

"I don't know if we should be letting him stay here, Esther." Lyle gave me a serious look. Neal walked up in some boxers and a t-shirt.

"Everest," Neal groaned out. "This is suppose to be our night." Everest blushed and went over to him quickly, tackling him into a hug then purred as he jumped up and wrapped his legs around Neal's waist.

"Okay~ Let's go then," he purred to Neal. Neal laughed and carried him off.

"Fine... Just because it's going to be day soon and your place- is under some things?" Lyle looked us over. "He better be gone before I leave for Mexico." I blushed then.

"O-okay... but he might be around more.... I'm trying a relationship with him," I whispered to him.

"I'm not sure that's a good idea, Esther."

"Nonsense. I'll be good to her." Travis said and smirked. "It'll be easy."

"Besides, the first time I catch him cheating, I'm going to throw him out," I said quickly and blushed. "He'll be out on his ass."

"Sounds good," Travis said. "I told you I would behave. We're going to be great together Esther. Hey Lyle~ Do you know a good place to get condoms?"

"Not now," I told him and elbowed him lightly. "Don't ask him that! He'll kick you out," I whispered then gave Lyle a nervous smile. "It's just a try Lyle." I started to drag Travis away quickly, my heart pounding in my ears from the looks Lyle and Milo had given me.

"What? You promised me Esther," he whined. "I want to get laid."

"Not in front of my brother," I mumbled to him and blushed. "We can talk about it up in my room."

"Okay. Fine," he told me and started to follow me. "What kind of stuff do you like? Roses? Chocolates?" I giggled and nodded.

"Uh huh, I like roses and chocolates. I also like sweet blood and tea... and I like small lovely gestures. Ooh! I plan all the parties that happen here for the most part," I told him and smiled at him sweetly. "I love the color red."

"Sure..... I'll buy you red stuff then." He patted my head. "Maybe I'll give you a free drink every once in awhile." I giggled and nodded before I leaned up and kissed his cheek.

"If you're really sweet, I'll make you breakfast in bed," I purred in a teasing tone and smiled up at him.

"That's fine. I don't like breakfast foods. You can get me some rare tasting blood though~"

"Of course I'd bring you some blood," I told him and kissed his neck softly as we reached my room. I walked past it to the next door then opened it. "You can stay in here," I purred. He looked towards the room curiously before walking inside and looked around. He walked up to the bed and ran his fingers across the covers before grabbing the pillow and brought it to his chest. He fell down on the bed and let out a small laugh. I giggled as I watched him then leaned against the doorframe.

"You like it that much?" I asked him then purred. "Well... good morning," I whispered then went to turn off the lights for him.

"Good morning," he told me and curled up into a ball. I giggled at him then paused before I walked over to him and leaned down, kissing his cheek then tucked him in.

"I'll bring you some blood at dusk~" I told him sweetly then rubbed his cheek. He nodded and buried his face against the pillow. I blushed as I watched him then purred. "You're so much more innocent like that," I whispered to him before I pulled my hand away and smiled. Maybe this could really work after all.... He turned away from me then with the pillow.

"Good day," he told me. I shook my head and smiled softly before I went towards the door and turned off the light. He must be tired... having to deal with all that~ I walked out then leaned against the door as I shut it before I went to my bedroom to retire for the night.